path: root/src/main/lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/lua')
19 files changed, 3113 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/brgmt-logs/DigBrgmtLogs.lua b/src/main/lua/brgmt-logs/DigBrgmtLogs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1f036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/brgmt-logs/DigBrgmtLogs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-- See "brgmt-beef/scripts/". Instead.
diff --git a/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua b/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b44ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+local log = io.stderr
+local main
+function printHelp()
+ io.stdout:write(" \n"
+ .." Helper to extract essential data from a gitflow log which potentially\n"
+ .." is useful to write a CHANGELOG from.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --since <date>\n"
+ .." Ignore commits with this ISO date and older.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --remote <str>\n"
+ .." Name of the git remote to use. Defaults to 'upstream'.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --no-fetch\n"
+ .." Do NOT update refs from remote. Just use what we have local.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ )
+function parseArgs( app )
+ local iA = 0
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--since" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --since needs value\n")return end
+ app.since = arg
+ elseif arg == "--remote" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --remote needs value\n")return end
+ app.remoteName = arg
+ elseif arg == "--no-fetch" then
+ app.isFetch = false
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n")return
+ end
+ end
+ if not app.since then log:write("EINVAL: --since missing\n")return end
+ if not app.remoteName then app.remoteName = "upstream" end
+ return 0
+function readCommitHdr( app )
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] parse hdr from '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+256) .."...'\n")
+ local f, t = app.fullHistory:find("^"
+ .."commit ........................................[^\n]*\n"
+ .."Merge: [0-9a-z]+ [0-9a-z]+\n"
+ .."Author: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."Date: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."\n"
+ , app.fullHistoryRdBeg)
+ if not f then f, t = app.fullHistory:find("^"
+ .."commit ........................................[^\n]*\n"
+ .."Author: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."Date: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."\n"
+ , app.fullHistoryRdBeg) end
+ if not f then
+ assert(app.fullHistory:len() == app.fullHistoryRdBeg-1, app.fullHistory:len()..", "
+ app.parseFn = false
+ return
+ end
+ app.commitHdr = assert(app.fullHistory:sub(f, t-1))
+ --log:write("hdrBeginsWith '"..(app.commitHdr:sub(1, 32)).."...'\n")
+ app.fullHistoryRdBeg = t + 1
+ --log:write("hdr parsed. rdCursr now points to '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+16) .."...'\n")
+ app.parseFn = assert(readCommitMsg)
+function readCommitMsg( app )
+ local idxOfC = app.fullHistoryRdBeg
+ local chrPrev = false
+ while true do idxOfC = idxOfC + 1
+ local chr = app.fullHistory:byte(idxOfC)
+ --log:write("CHR '"..tostring(app.fullHistory:sub(idxOfC, idxOfC)).."'\n")
+ if (chr == 0x63) and chrPrev == 0x0A then
+ idxOfC = idxOfC - 1
+ break -- LF followed by 'c' (aka 'commit') found
+ elseif not chr then
+ idxOfC = idxOfC - 1
+ break
+ else
+ chrPrev = assert(chr)
+ end
+ end
+ local mtch = app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, idxOfC - 1)
+ assert(mtch)
+ while mtch:byte(mtch:len()) == 0x0A do mtch = mtch:sub(1, -2) end
+ mtch = mtch:gsub("\n ", "\n"):gsub("^ ", "")
+ app.commitMsg = mtch
+ app.fullHistoryRdBeg = idxOfC + 1
+ app.parseFn = readCommitHdr
+ --log:write("msg parsed. rdCursr now points to '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+16) .."...'\n")
+ table.insert(app.commits, {
+ hdr = assert(app.commitHdr),
+ msg = assert(app.commitMsg),
+ })
+function run( app )
+ local snk = io.stdout
+ if app.isFetch then
+ -- Make sure refs are up-to-date
+ local gitFetch = "git fetch \"".. app.remoteName .."\""
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. gitFetch .."\n")
+ local gitFetch = io.popen(gitFetch)
+ while true do
+ local buf = gitFetch:read(1<<16)
+ if not buf then break end
+ log:write(buf)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Collect input
+ local git = "git log --date-order --first-parent --decorate --since \"".. app.since.."\""
+ .." \"".. app.remoteName .."/master\""
+ .." \"".. app.remoteName .."/develop\""
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. git .."\n")
+ local git = io.popen(git)
+ while true do
+ local buf = git:read(1<<16)
+ if not buf then break end
+ --io.stdout:write(buf)
+ table.insert(app.fullHistory, buf)
+ end
+ -- Parse raw commits
+ app.fullHistory = table.concat(app.fullHistory)
+ app.parseFn = assert(readCommitHdr)
+ while app.parseFn do app.parseFn(app) end
+ -- Prepare output
+ local prevDate = "0000-00-00"
+ local version, prevVersion = "v_._._", false
+ local dateEntry = false
+ local entries = {}
+ for k, v in ipairs(app.commits) do
+ local date = assert(v.hdr:match("\nDate: +([0-9-]+) "))
+ local author = assert(v.hdr:match("\nAuthor: +([^\n]+)\n"))
+ local prNr, short = v.msg:match("Pull request #(%d+): ([^\n]+)\n")
+ prevVersion = version
+ _, version = v.hdr:match("^([^\n]+)\n"):match("tag: ([a-z]+)-([^,]+)[,)]")
+ if not version then version = prevVersion end
+ if version ~= prevVersion or not dateEntry then
+ if dateEntry then table.insert(entries, dateEntry) end
+ dateEntry = {
+ txt = date .." - ".. version .."\n\nResolved issues:\n\n"
+ }
+ prevDate = date
+ end
+ if prNr then
+ dateEntry.txt = dateEntry.txt .. short .." (PR ".. prNr ..")\n"
+ else
+ dateEntry.txt = dateEntry.txt .. v.msg .."\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if dateEntry then table.insert(entries, dateEntry) end
+ -- output
+ for k, v in ipairs(entries) do
+ snk:write("\n\n")
+ snk:write(v.txt)
+ snk:write("\n")
+ end
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ since = false,
+ remoteName = false,
+ isFetch = true,
+ fullHistory = {},
+ fullHistoryRdBeg = 1,
+ commits = {},
+ parseFn = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua b/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua
index 5322bc0..7f71afa 100644
--- a/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua
+++ b/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua
@@ -941,9 +941,6 @@ function mod.exportParentsLatest(app)
local stmt = app.stmtCache[stmtStr]
if not stmt then stmt = db:prepare(stmtStr) app.stmtCache[stmtStr] = stmt end
local rs = stmt:execute()
- out:write("h;Title;Parent relations (latest only)\n")
- out:write("h;ExportedAt;".."!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ") .."\n")
- out:write("c;GroupId;ArtifactId;Version;ParentGid;ParentAid;ParentVersion\n")
-- Need to filter out the older artifacts.
local all = {}
while rs:next() do
@@ -954,18 +951,14 @@ function mod.exportParentsLatest(app)
if diff > 0 then -- existing is newer. Keep it and ignore newer one.
goto nextRecord
else -- Either no entry yet or found a newer one.
- local entry = { gid=false, aid=false, ver=false, pgid=false, paid=false, pver=false }
- entry.gid = gid
- entry.aid = aid
- entry.ver = ver
- entry.pgid = rs:value(4)
- entry.paid = rs:value(5)
- entry.pver = rs:value(6)
- all[key] = entry
+ all[key] = { gid=gid, aid=aid, ver=ver, pgid=rs:value(4), paid=rs:value(5), pver=rs:value(6) }
-- Print
+ out:write("h;Title;Parent relations (latest only)\n")
+ out:write("h;ExportedAt;".."!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ") .."\n")
+ out:write("c;GroupId;ArtifactId;Version;ParentGid;ParentAid;ParentVersion\n")
for _, entry in pairs(all) do
out:write("r;".. entry.gid ..";".. entry.aid ..";".. entry.ver
..";".. entry.pgid ..";".. entry.paid ..";".. entry.pver .."\n")
@@ -1031,9 +1024,6 @@ function mod.exportDepsLatest(app)
local stmt = app.stmtCache[stmtStr]
if not stmt then stmt = db:prepare(stmtStr) app.stmtCache[stmtStr] = stmt end
local rs = stmt:execute()
- out:write("h;Title;Dependencies (of latest only)\n")
- out:write("h;ExportedAt;".."!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ") .."\n")
- out:write("c;GroupId;ArtifactId;Version;Dependency GID;Dependency AID;Dependency Version\n")
-- Need to filter out the older artifacts.
local all = {}
local entry, key, gid, aid, ver, diff
@@ -1046,18 +1036,14 @@ function mod.exportDepsLatest(app)
if diff > 0 then -- existing is newer. Keep it and ignore newer one.
goto nextRecord
else -- Either no entry yet or found a newer one.
- local entry = { gid=false, aid=false, ver=false, dgid=false, daid=false, dver=false }
- entry.gid = gid
- entry.aid = aid
- entry.ver = ver
- entry.dgid = rs:value(4)
- entry.daid = rs:value(5)
- entry.dver = rs:value(6)
- all[key] = entry
+ all[key] = { gid=gid, aid=aid, ver=ver, dgid=rs:value(4), daid=rs:value(5), dver=rs:value(6) }
goto nextRecord
-- Print
+ out:write("h;Title;Dependencies (of latest only)\n")
+ out:write("h;ExportedAt;".."!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ") .."\n")
+ out:write("c;GroupId;ArtifactId;Version;Dependency GID;Dependency AID;Dependency Version\n")
for _, entry in pairs(all) do
out:write("r;".. entry.gid ..";".. entry.aid ..";".. entry.ver
..";".. entry.dgid ..";".. entry.daid ..";".. entry.dver .."\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua b/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0bd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newJavaClassParser = SL.newJavaClassParser
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+SL = nil
+local snk = io.stdout
+local main
+function initParser( app )
+ app.parser = newJavaClassParser{
+ cls = app,
+ onMagic = function(m, app) assert(m == "\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE") end,
+ onClassfileVersion = function(maj, min, app) assert(maj == 55 and min == 0) end,
+ onConstPoolClassRef = function(i, idx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "CLASS_REF", classNameIdx = idx, className = false, }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolIfaceMethodRef = function(i, nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "IFACE_METHOD_REF", nameIdx = nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, methodType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolMethodRef = function(i, classIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "METHOD_REF", classIdx = classIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, signature = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolMethodType = function(i, descrIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "METHOD_TYPE", descrIdx = descrIdx, descrStr = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolNameAndType = function(i, nameIdx, typeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "NAME_AND_TYPE", nameIdx = nameIdx, typeIdx = typeIdx, nameStr = false, typeStr = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolUtf8 = function(i, str, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "UTF8", str = str, }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolInvokeDynamic = function(i, bootstrapMethodAttrIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "INVOKE_DYNAMIC", bootstrapMethodAttrIdx = bootstrapMethodAttrIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ methodName = false, methodType = false, factoryClass = false, factoryMethod = false, factoryType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolFieldRef = function(i, nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, that)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "FIELD_REF", nameIdx = nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, methodType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ --onConstPoolMethodHandle = function(i, refKind, refIdx, app)
+ -- app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "METHOD_HANDLE", refKind = refKind, refIdx = refIdx, }
+ --end,
+ --onConstPoolStrRef = function(i, dstIdx, app)
+ -- print("ConstPool["..i.."] <StrRef> #"..dstIdx)
+ --end,
+ --onThisClass = function(nameIdx, app)
+ -- -- TODO print("onThisClass(#"..nameIdx..")")
+ --end,
+ --onField = function(iField, accessFlags, nameIdx, descrIdx, numAttrs, app)
+ -- print(string.format("onField(0x%04X, #%d, #%d, %d)",accessFlags,nameIdx,descrIdx,numAttrs))
+ --end,
+ --onMethod = function(accessFlags, nameIdx, descrIdx, app)
+ -- print(string.format("onMethod(0x%04X, #%d, #%d)",accessFlags,nameIdx,descrIdx))
+ --end,
+ onConstPoolEnd = function( app )
+ -- 1st run
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ elseif cpe.type == "CLASS_REF" then
+ local tmp
+ tmp = assert(cpe.classNameIdx)
+ tmp = assert(app.constPool[cpe.classNameIdx], cpe.classNameIdx)
+ tmp = assert(tmp.str, tmp)
+ cpe.className = assert(tmp)
+ elseif cpe.type == "METHOD_TYPE" then
+ cpe.descrStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.descrIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "NAME_AND_TYPE" then
+ cpe.nameStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx].str);
+ cpe.typeStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.typeIdx].str);
+ end
+ end
+ -- 2nd run
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ elseif cpe.type == "FIELD_REF" then
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ cpe.className = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx].className);
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str);
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str);
+ elseif cpe.type == "METHOD_REF" then
+ local nameAndType = app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx]
+ cpe.className = assert(app.constPool[cpe.classIdx].className)
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.signature = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "IFACE_METHOD_REF" then
+ local classRef = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx])
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ cpe.className = assert(classRef.className)
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "INVOKE_DYNAMIC" then
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ local bootstrapMethod = assert(app.constPool[cpe.bootstrapMethodAttrIdx], cpe.bootstrapMethodAttrIdx);
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ --cpe.factoryClass = ;
+ --cpe.factoryMethod = ;
+ --cpe.factoryType = ;
+ end
+ end
+ -- debug-print
+ snk:write("\n")
+ for _,cpIdx in pairs{ 13, 14, 15, 227, 230, 236, 704, 709, 717 }do
+ snk:write("CONST_POOL @ ".. cpIdx .."\n")
+ for k,v in pairs(app.constPool[cpIdx])do print("X",k,v)end
+ end
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ --elseif cpe.type == "CLASSREF" then
+ -- snk:write("CLASS \"".. cpe.className .."\"\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+function main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ parser = false,
+ constPool = {},
+ }
+ initParser(app)
+ -- Read 1st arg as a classfile and pump it into the parser.
+ local src = arg[1] and arg[1], "rb" ) or nil
+ if not src then
+ print("ERROR: Failed to open file from 1st arg: "..(arg[1]or"nil")) return
+ end
+ while true do
+ local buf = src:read(8192)
+ if not buf then break end
+ app.parser:write(buf)
+ end
+ app.parser:closeSnk()
diff --git a/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b42aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+-- Sources:
+-- - [Authorize](
+-- - [Auth witout app register](
+-- TODO: scriptlee 0.0.5-83-gdffa272 seems to SEGFAULT constantly here. No
+-- matter if we use socket or newHttpClient.
+-- TODO: scriptlee 0.0.5-87-g946ebdc crashes through assertion:
+-- Assertion failed: cls->msg.connect.sck->vt->unwrap != NULL, file src/windoof/c/io/AsyncIO.c, line 421
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+--local AF_INET = SL.posix.AF_INET
+--local getaddrinfo = SL.posix.getaddrinfo
+--local INADDR_ANY = SL.posix.INADDR_ANY
+--local inaddrOfHostname = SL.posix.inaddrOfHostname
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+--local socket = SL.posix.socket
+local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+--for k,v in pairs(SL)do print("SL",k,v)end os.exit(1)
+SL = nil
+local authorizeToMsGraphApi, getAccessToken, getAuthHdr, httpUrlEncode, main, parseArgs, printHelp,
+ run, getMyProfileForDebugging
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+function printHelp()
+ out:write(" \n"
+ .." Experiments for M$ graph API.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." WARN: This tool is experimental! Do NOT use it!\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --user <str>\n"
+ .." M$ user.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --pass <str>\n"
+ .." M$ password. TODO get rid of this insecure idea.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --appId <str>\n"
+ .." AppId (aka client_id). See M$ doc about it.\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ if #_ENV.arg == 0 then log:write("EINVAL: Args missing\n")return-1 end
+ local iA = 0
+ --local isYolo = false
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ elseif arg == "--user" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --user needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msUser = arg
+ elseif arg == "--pass" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --pass needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msPass = arg
+ elseif arg == "--appId" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --appId needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msAppId = arg
+ --elseif arg == "--yolo" then
+ -- isYolo = true
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n") return-1
+ end
+ end
+ if not app.msUser then log:write("EINVAL: --user missing\n") return-1 end
+ if not app.msPass then log:write("EINVAL: --pass missing\n") return-1 end
+ if not app.msAppId then log:write("EINVAL: --appId missing\n")return-1 end
+ --if not isYolo then log:write("EINVAL: --yolo missing\n")return-1 end
+ return 0
+function getMyProfileForDebugging( app )
+ local http = app.http
+ local authKey, authVal = getAuthHdr(app)
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ uri = "/v1.0/me",
+ rspCode = false,
+ rspBody = {},
+ }
+ req.base = http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ host = app.msGraphHost,
+ port = app.msGraphPort,
+ connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ method = req.method,
+ url = req.uri,
+ hdrs = {
+ { authKey, authVal },
+ },
+ --useHostHdr = ,
+ --useTLS = true,
+ onRspHdr = function( rsp, cls )
+ cls.rspCode = rsp.status
+ if rsp.status ~= 200 then
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n> \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rsp.proto .." ".. rsp.status .." ".. rsp.phrase .."\n")
+ for _,h in ipairs(rsp.headers)do log:write("< "..h[1]..": "..h[2].."\n")end
+ log:write("\n")
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function(buf, cls)
+ if cls.rspCode ~= 200 then
+ log:write("< ")
+ log:write((buf:gsub("\n", "\n< ")))
+ log:write("\n")
+ else
+ assert(type(buf) == "string")
+ table.insert(cls.rspBody, buf)
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function(cls)
+ if cls.rspCode ~= 200 then error("Request failed.") end
+ cls.rspBody = table.concat(cls.rspBody)
+ log:write("Response was:\n\n")
+ log:write(cls.rspBody)
+ log:write("\n\n")
+ end,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+function authorizeToMsGraphApi( app )
+ local http = app.http
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ host = (app.proxyHost or app.msLoginHost),
+ port = (app.proxyPort or app.msLoginPort),
+ uri = false,
+ hdrs = {
+ { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
+ },
+ reqBody = ""
+ .. "grant_type=password"
+ .."&resource="
+ .."&username=".. httpUrlEncode(app, app.msUser) ..""
+ .."&password=".. httpUrlEncode(app, app.msPass) .."",
+ rspProto = false, rspCode = false, rspPhrase = false,
+ rspHdrs = false,
+ rspBody = {},
+ }
+ if app.proxyHost then
+ req.uri = "https://".. app.msLoginHost ..":".. app.msLoginPort
+ .."/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ else
+ req.uri = "/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ end
+ local ok, ex = xpcall(function()
+ req.base = http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ connectTimeoutMs = app.connectTimeoutMs,
+ host =,
+ port = req.port,
+ method = req.method,
+ url = req.uri,
+ hdrs = req.hdrs,
+ onRspHdr = function( rsp, req )
+ req.rspProto = rsp.proto
+ req.rspCode = rsp.status
+ req.rspPhrase = rsp.phrase
+ req.rspHdrs = rsp.headers
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req ) table.insert(req.rspBody, buf) end,
+ onRspEnd = function( req )
+ local rspBody = table.concat(req.rspBody) req.rspBody = false
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then
+ log:write("[ERROR] Request failed\n")
+ log:write("peer ".. ..":".. req.port .."\n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.hdrs) do log:write("> ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n") end
+ log:write("> \n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.reqBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n> ") .."\n")
+ log:write("< ".. req.rspProto .." ".. req.rspCode .." ".. req.rspPhrase .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.rspHdrs) do log:write("< ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")end
+ log:write("< \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rspBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n< ") .."\n")
+ error("TODO_10aa11de804e733337e7c244298791c6")
+ end
+ log:write("< ".. req.rspProto .." ".. req.rspCode .." ".. req.rspPhrase .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.rspHdrs) do log:write("< ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")end
+ log:write("< \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rspBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n< ") .."\n")
+ -- How to continue:
+ --local token = rsp.bodyJson.access_token
+ --local authHdr = { "Authorization", "Bearer ".. token, }
+ end,
+ }
+ end, debug.traceback)
+ if not ok then
+ log:write("[ERROR] Request failed 2\n")
+ log:write("peer ".. ..":".. req.port .."\n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.hdrs) do log:write("> ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n") end
+ log:write("> \n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.reqBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n> ") .."\n")
+ error(ex)
+ end
+ --req.base:write(req.reqBody)
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+function httpUrlEncode( app, str )
+ local hexDigits, ret, beg, iRd = "0123456789ABCDEF", {}, 1, 0
+ ::nextInputChar::
+ iRd = iRd + 1
+ local byt = str:byte(iRd)
+ if not byt then
+ elseif byt == 0x2D -- dash
+ or byt == 0x2E -- dot
+ or byt >= 0x30 and byt <= 0x39 -- 0-9
+ or byt >= 0x40 and byt <= 0x5A -- A-Z
+ or byt >= 0x60 and byt <= 0x7A -- a-z
+ then
+ goto nextInputChar
+ end
+ if beg < iRd then table.insert(ret, str:sub(beg, iRd-1)) end
+ if not byt then return table.concat(ret) end
+ table.insert(ret, "%")
+ local hi = (byt & 0xF0) >> 4 +1
+ local lo = (byt & 0x0F) +1
+ table.insert(ret, hexDigits:sub(hi, hi) .. hexDigits:sub(lo, lo))
+ beg = iRd + 1
+ goto nextInputChar
+function getAccessToken( app )
+ -- See ""
+ local method = "POST"
+ local uri = "/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ local hdrs = {
+ { "Host", "" },
+ { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
+ }
+ local body = ""
+ .."client_id=".. assert(app.appId)
+ .."&scope=".. scope
+ .."&code=".. code
+ .."&redirect_uri=".. redirUri
+ .."&grant_type=authorization_code"
+-- @return 1 - HTTP header key
+-- @return 2 - HTTP header value
+function getAuthHdr( app )
+ assert(app.msToken)
+ return "Authorization", ("Bearer ".. app.msToken)
+function run( app )
+ app.http = newHttpClient{}
+ authorizeToMsGraphApi(app)
+ --getMyProfileForDebugging(app)
+function main()
+ local loginHost, loginPort, graphHost, graphPort, proxyHost, proxyPort
+ local choice = 3
+ if choice == 1 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 443
+ proxyHost = ""; proxyPort = 3128
+ elseif choice == 2 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 8081
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 8081
+ proxyHost = false; proxyPort = false
+ elseif choice == 3 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 8081
+ proxyHost = ""; proxyPort = 3128
+ elseif choice == 4 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 443
+ proxyHost = false; proxyPort = false
+ else error("TODO_1700683244") end
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ msLoginHost = loginHost, msLoginPort = loginPort,
+ msGraphHost = graphHost, msGraphPort = graphPort,
+ proxyHost = proxyHost, proxyPort = proxyPort,
+ -- TODO take this from a failed api call, which has this in the rsp headers.
+ msTenant = "common", -- TODO configurable
+ -- TODO take this from a failed api call, which has this in the rsp headers.
+ msAppId = false,
+ msPerms = "offline_access",
+ msToken = false,
+ msUser = false,
+ msPass = false,
+ http = false,
+ connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ --sck = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2940e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+--local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+--local newShellcmd = SL.newShellcmd
+--local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+--local parseJSON = SL.parseJSON
+--local sleep = SL.posix.sleep
+--local newCond = SL.posix.newCond
+--local async = SL.reactor.async
+--local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+--for k,v in pairs(SL)do print("SL",k,v)end os.exit(1)
+SL = nil
+local mod = {}
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+function mod.printHelp()
+ out:write(" \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .."\n\n")
+function mod.parseArgs( app )
+ local isStdinn = false
+ local iA = 0
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ else
+ log:write("Unknown arg: ".. arg .."\n") return-1
+ end
+ end
+ if not isStdinn then log:write("Bad args\n")return-1 end
+ return 0
+function app )
+ error("TODO_20230608125925")
+function mod.main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ }
+ if mod.parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then mod.printHelp() return end
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9963838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+local newShellcmd = SL.newShellcmd
+local newSqlite = SL.newSqlite
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+local parseJSON = SL.parseJSON
+local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+SL = nil
+local log = io.stdout
+function printHelp()
+ io.write("\n"
+ .." WARN: This is experimental.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." --backendHost <inaddr> (eg \"localhost\")\n"
+ .." --backendPort <int> (eg 80)\n"
+ .." --sshPort <int> (eg 22)\n"
+ .." --sshUser <str> (eg \"eddieuser\")\n"
+ .." --state <path> (eg \"path/to/state\")\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ app.backendPort = 80
+ app.sshPort = 22
+ app.sshUser = os.getenv("USERNAME") or false
+ app.statePath = ":memory:"
+ local iA = 0
+ ::nextArg::
+ iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ goto verifyResult
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true return 0
+ elseif arg == "--backendHost" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--backendPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshPort = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshUser" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshUser needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshUser = arg
+ elseif arg == "--state" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --state needs value\n")return end
+ app.statePath = arg
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n")return
+ end
+ goto nextArg
+ ::verifyResult::
+ if not app.backendHost then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost missing\n")return end
+ if not app.sshUser then log:write("EINVAL: --sshUser missing")return end
+ return 0
+function getStateDb(app)
+ if not app.stateDb then
+ local db = newSqlite{ database = assert(app.statePath) }
+ -- TODO normalize scheme
+ db:prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DeviceDfLog(\n"
+ .." \"when\" TEXT NOT NULL,\n" -- ""
+ .." hostname TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." eddieName TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." rootPartitionUsedPercent INT,\n"
+ .." varLibDockerUsedPercent INT,\n"
+ .." varLogUsedPercent INT,\n"
+ .." dataUsedPercent INT,\n"
+ .." stderr TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." stdout TEXT NOT NULL)\n"
+ ..";"):execute()
+ app.stateDb = db
+ end
+ return app.stateDb
+function storeDiskFullResult( app, hostname, eddieName, stderrBuf, stdoutBuf )
+ assert(app and hostname and eddieName and stderrBuf and stdoutBuf);
+ local rootPartitionUsedPercent = stdoutBuf:match("\n/[^ ]+ +%d+ +%d+ +%d+ +(%d+)%% /\n")
+ local varLibDockerUsedPercent = stdoutBuf:match("\n[^ ]+ +%d+ +%d+ +%d+ +(%d+)%% /var/lib/docker\n")
+ local dataUsedPercent = stdoutBuf:match("\n[^ ]+ +%d+ +%d+ +%d+ +(%d+)%% /data\n")
+ local varLogUsedPercent = stdoutBuf:match("\n[^ ]+ +%d+ +%d+ +%d+ +(%d+)%% /var/log\n")
+ local stmt = getStateDb(app):prepare("INSERT INTO DeviceDfLog("
+ .." \"when\", hostname, eddieName, stderr, stdout,"
+ .." rootPartitionUsedPercent, dataUsedPercent, varLibDockerUsedPercent, varLogUsedPercent, dataUsedPercent"
+ ..")VALUES("
+ .." $when, $hostname, $eddieName, $stderr, $stdout,"
+ .." $rootPartitionUsedPercent, $dataUsedPercent, $varLibDockerUsedPercent, $varLogUsedPercent, $dataUsedPercent);")
+ stmt:bind("$when","!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+ stmt:bind("$hostname", hostname)
+ stmt:bind("$eddieName", eddieName)
+ stmt:bind("$stderr", stderrBuf)
+ stmt:bind("$stdout", stdoutBuf)
+ stmt:bind("$rootPartitionUsedPercent", rootPartitionUsedPercent)
+ stmt:bind("$varLibDockerUsedPercent", varLibDockerUsedPercent)
+ stmt:bind("$varLogUsedPercent", varLogUsedPercent)
+ stmt:bind("$dataUsedPercent", dataUsedPercent)
+ stmt:execute()
+function doWhateverWithDevices( app )
+ for k, dev in pairs(app.devices) do
+ log:write("[INFO ] Inspecting '".. dev.hostname .."' (@ ".. dev.eddieName ..") ...\n")
+ local fookCmd = "true"
+ .." && HOSTNAME=$(hostname|sed 's_.isa.localdomain__')"
+ .." && STAGE=$PAISA_ENV"
+ .." && printf \"remoteHostname=$HOSTNAME, remoteStage=$STAGE\\n\""
+ -- on some machine, df failed with "Stale file handle" But I want to continue
+ -- with next device regardless of such errors.
+ .." && df || true"
+ local eddieCmd = "true"
+ .." && HOSTNAME=$(hostname|sed 's_.pnet.ch__')"
+ .." && STAGE=$PAISA_ENV"
+ .." && printf \"remoteEddieName=$HOSTNAME, remoteStage=$STAGE\\n\""
+ .." && if test \"${HOSTNAME}\" != \"".. dev.eddieName .."\"; then true"
+ .." && echo wrong host. Want ".. dev.eddieName .." found $HOSTNAME && false"
+ .." ;fi"
+ .." && ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
+ .." -p".. app.sshPort .." ".. app.sshUser .."@".. ((dev.type == "FOOK")and"fook"or dev.hostname)
+ .." \\\n --"
+ .." sh -c 'true && ".. fookCmd:gsub("'", "'\"'\"'") .."'"
+ local localCmd = assert(os.getenv("SSH_EXE"), "environ.SSH_EXE missing")
+ .." -oRemoteCommand=none -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
+ .." -p".. app.sshPort .." ".. app.sshUser .."@".. dev.eddieName ..""
+ .." \\\n --"
+ .." sh -c 'true && ".. eddieCmd:gsub("'", "'\"'\"'") .."'"
+ -- TODO get rid of this ugly use-tmp-file-as-script workaround
+ local tmpPath = assert(os.getenv("TMP"), "environ.TMP missing"):gsub("\\", "/") .."/"
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] tmpPath '".. tmpPath .."'\n")
+ local tmpFile = assert(, "wb"), "Failed to open '".. tmpPath .."'")
+ tmpFile:write("#!/bin/sh\n".. localCmd .."\n")
+ tmpFile:close()
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] tmpPath ".. tmpPath .."\n")
+ -- EndOf kludge
+ local cmd = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ stdoutBuf = {},
+ stderrBuf = {},
+ }
+ cmd.base = newShellcmd{
+ cls = cmd,
+ cmdLine = "sh \"".. tmpPath .."\"",
+ onStdout = function( buf, cmd ) table.insert(cmd.stdoutBuf, buf or"") end,
+ onStderr = function( buf, cmd ) table.insert(cmd.stderrBuf, buf or"") end,
+ }
+ cmd.base:start()
+ cmd.base:closeSnk()
+ local exit, signal = cmd.base:join(17)
+ cmd.stderrBuf = table.concat(cmd.stderrBuf)
+ cmd.stdoutBuf = table.concat(cmd.stdoutBuf)
+ if exit == 255 and signal == nil then
+ log:write("[DEBUG] fd2: ".. cmd.stderrBuf:gsub("\n", "\n[DEBUG] fd2: "):gsub("\n%[DEBUG%] fd2: $", "") .."\n")
+ goto nextDevice
+ end
+ log:write("[DEBUG] fd1: ".. cmd.stdoutBuf:gsub("\n", "\n[DEBUG] fd1: "):gsub("\n%[DEBUG%] fd1: $", "") .."\n")
+ storeDiskFullResult(app, dev.hostname, dev.eddieName, cmd.stderrBuf, cmd.stdoutBuf)
+ if exit ~= 0 or signal ~= nil then
+ error("exit=".. tostring(exit)..", signal="..tostring(signal))
+ end
+ ::nextDevice::
+ end
+function sortDevicesMostRecentlySeenFirst( app )
+ table.sort(app.devices, function(a, b) return a.lastSeen > b.lastSeen end)
+-- Don't want to visit just seen devices over and over again. So drop devices
+-- we've recently seen from our devices-to-visit list.
+function dropDevicesRecentlySeen( app )
+ -- Collect recently seen devices.
+ local devicesToRemove = {}
+ local st = getStateDb(app):prepare("SELECT hostname FROM DeviceDfLog WHERE \"when\" > $tresholdDate")
+ st:bind("$tresholdDate","!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", os.time()-42*3600))
+ local rs = st:execute()
+ while rs:next() do
+ local hostname = rs:value(1)
+ devicesToRemove[hostname] = true
+ end
+ -- Remove selected devices
+ local numKeep, numDrop = 0, 0
+ local iD = 0 while true do iD = iD + 1
+ local device = app.devices[iD]
+ if not device then break end
+ if devicesToRemove[device.hostname] then
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] Drop '".. device.hostname .."' (".. device.eddieName ..")\n")
+ numDrop = numDrop + 1
+ app.devices[iD] = app.devices[#app.devices]
+ app.devices[#app.devices] = nil
+ iD = iD - 1
+ else
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] Keep '".. device.hostname .."' (".. device.eddieName ..")\n")
+ numKeep = numKeep + 1
+ end
+ end
+ log:write("[INFO ] Of "..(numKeep+numDrop).." devices from state visit ".. numKeep
+ .." and skip ".. numDrop .." (bcause seen recently)\n")
+function fetchDevices( app )
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ uri = "/houston/vehicle/inventory/v1/info/devices",
+ rspCode = false,
+ rspBody = false,
+ isDone = false,
+ }
+ req.base = app.http:request{
+ cls = req, connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ host = app.backendHost, port = app.backendPort,
+ method = req.method, url = req.uri,
+ onRspHdr = function( rspHdr, req )
+ req.rspCode = rspHdr.status
+ if rspHdr.status ~= 200 then
+ log:write(".-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ log:write("| Host: ".. app.backendHost ..":".. app.backendPort .."\n")
+ log:write("+-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. rspHdr.proto .." ".. rspHdr.status .." ".. rspHdr.phrase .."\n")
+ for i,h in ipairs(rspHdr.headers) do log:write("| ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n") end
+ log:write("| \n")
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("| ".. buf:gsub("\n", "\n| ")) return end
+ if buf then
+ if not req.rspBody then req.rspBody = buf
+ else req.rspBody = req.rspBody .. buf end
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function( req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("\n'-----------------------------------------\n") end
+ req.isDone = true
+ end,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+ assert(req.isDone)
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("ERROR: Couldn't fetch devices\n")return end
+ assert(not app.devices)
+ app.devices = {}
+ log:write("[DEBUG] rspBody.len is ".. req.rspBody:len() .."\n")
+ --io.write(req.rspBody)io.write("\n")
+ for iD, device in pairs(parseJSON(req.rspBody).devices) do
+ --print("Wa", iD, device)
+ --for k,v in pairs(device)do print("W",k,v)end
+ -- TODO how to access 'device.type'?
+ local hostname , eddieName , lastSeen
+ = device.hostname:value(), device.eddieName:value(), device.lastSeen:value()
+ local typ
+ if false then
+ elseif hostname:find("^eddie%d%d%d%d%d$") then
+ typ = "EDDIE"
+ elseif hostname:find("^fook%-[a-z0-9]+$") then
+ typ = "FOOK"
+ elseif hostname:find("^lunkwill%-[a-z0-9]+$") then
+ typ = "LUNKWILL"
+ elseif hostname:find("^fook$") then
+ log:write("[WARN ] WTF?!? '"..hostname.."'\n")
+ typ = false
+ else error("TODO_359zh8i3wjho "..hostname) end
+ table.insert(app.devices, objectSeal{
+ hostname = hostname,
+ eddieName = eddieName,
+ type = typ,
+ lastSeen = lastSeen,
+ })
+ end
+ log:write("[INFO ] Fetched ".. #app.devices .." devices.\n")
+function run( app )
+ fetchDevices(app)
+ dropDevicesRecentlySeen(app)
+ --sortDevicesMostRecentlySeenFirst(app)
+ doWhateverWithDevices(app)
+function main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ backendHost = false,
+ backendPort = false,
+ sshPort = false,
+ sshUser = false,
+ statePath = false,
+ stateDb = false,
+ http = newHttpClient{},
+ devices = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/RmArtifactBaseDir.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/RmArtifactBaseDir.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..949d1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/RmArtifactBaseDir.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+local newShellcmd = SL.newShellcmd
+local newSqlite = SL.newSqlite
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+local parseJSON = SL.parseJSON
+local sleep = SL.posix.sleep
+local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+SL = nil
+local log = io.stdout
+function printHelp()
+ io.write("\n"
+ .." WARN: This is experimental.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." --backendHost <inaddr> (eg \"localhost\")\n"
+ .." --backendPort <int> (eg 80)\n"
+ .." --backendPath <str> (eg \"/houston\")\n"
+ .." --sshPort <int> (eg 22)\n"
+ .." --sshUser <str> (eg \"eddieuser\")\n"
+ .." --state <path> (eg \"path/to/state\")\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --exportLatestStatus\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ app.backendPort = 80
+ app.statePath = ":memory:"
+ local iA = 0
+ ::nextArg::
+ iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ goto verifyResult
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true return 0
+ elseif arg == "--backendHost" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--backendPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--backendPath" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendPath needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendPath = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshPort = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshUser" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshUser needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshUser = arg
+ elseif arg == "--state" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --state needs value\n")return end
+ app.statePath = arg
+ elseif arg == "--exportLatestStatus" then
+ app.exportLatestStatus = true
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n")return
+ end
+ goto nextArg
+ ::verifyResult::
+ if app.exportLatestStatus then
+ if not app.statePath then log:write("EINVAL: --state missing\n")return end
+ else
+ if not app.backendHost then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost missing\n")return end
+ if not app.backendPath then log:write("EINVAL: --backendPath missing\n")return end
+ if app.backendPath:find("^C:.") then log:write("[WARN ] MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 likely missing? ".. app.backendPath.."\n") end
+ end
+ return 0
+function removeCompletedEddies( app )
+ local db = getStateDb(app)
+ local rs = db:prepare("SELECT eddieName FROM Eddie"
+ .." JOIN EddieLog ON = eddieId"
+ .." WHERE status = \"OK\";"):execute()
+ local eddieNamesToRemoveSet = {}
+ while rs:next() do
+ assert(rs:type(1) == "TEXT", rs:type(1))
+ assert(rs:name(1) == "eddieName", rs:name(1))
+ local eddieName = rs:value(1)
+ eddieNamesToRemoveSet[eddieName] = true
+ end
+ local oldEddies = app.eddies
+ app.eddies = {}
+ local numKeep, numDrop = 0, 0
+ for _, eddie in pairs(oldEddies) do
+ if not eddieNamesToRemoveSet[eddie.eddieName] then
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] Keep '".. eddie.eddieName .."'\n")
+ numKeep = numKeep + 1
+ table.insert(app.eddies, eddie)
+ else
+ numDrop = numDrop + 1
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] Drop '".. eddie.eddieName .."': Already done\n")
+ end
+ end
+ log:write("[DEBUG] todo: ".. numKeep ..", done: ".. numDrop .."\n")
+function setEddieStatus( app, statusStr, eddieName, stderrStr, stdoutStr )
+ assert(type(app) == "table")
+ assert(type(eddieName) == "string")
+ assert(statusStr == "OK" or statusStr == "ERROR")
+ log:write("[DEBUG] setEddieStatus(".. eddieName ..", ".. statusStr ..")\n")
+ local db = getStateDb(app)
+ local stmt = db:prepare("INSERT INTO Eddie(eddieName)VALUES($eddieName);")
+ stmt:bind("$eddieName", eddieName)
+ local ok, emsg = xpcall(function()
+ stmt:execute()
+ end, debug.traceback)
+ if not ok and not emsg:find("UNIQUE constraint failed: Eddie.eddieName") then
+ error(emsg)
+ end
+ local stmt = db:prepare("INSERT INTO EddieLog('when',eddieId,status,stderr,stdout)"
+ .."VALUES($when, (SELECT rowid FROM Eddie WHERE eddieName = $eddieName), $status, $stderr, $stdout)")
+ stmt:reset()
+ stmt:bind("$when","!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00"))
+ stmt:bind("$eddieName", eddieName)
+ stmt:bind("$status", statusStr)
+ stmt:bind("$stderr", stderrStr)
+ stmt:bind("$stdout", stdoutStr)
+ stmt:execute()
+function getStateDb( app )
+ if not app.stateDb then
+ app.stateDb = newSqlite{ database = app.statePath }
+ app.stateDb:prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Eddie(\n"
+ .." eddieName TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL)\n"
+ ..";"):execute()
+ app.stateDb:prepare("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS EddieLog(\n"
+ .." 'when' TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." eddieId INT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." status TEXT, -- OneOf OK, ERROR\n"
+ .." stderr TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
+ .." stdout TEXT NOT NULL)\n"
+ ..";\n"):execute()
+ end
+ return app.stateDb
+function loadEddies( app )
+ local httpClient = newHttpClient{}
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ path = app.backendPath .."/data/preflux/inventory",
+ rspCode = false,
+ rspBody = false,
+ isDone = false,
+ }
+ req.base = httpClient:request{
+ cls = req,
+ host = app.backendHost, port = app.backendPort,
+ method = req.method, url = req.path,
+ onRspHdr = function( rspHdr, req )
+ req.rspCode = rspHdr.status
+ if rspHdr.status ~= 200 then
+ log:write(".-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. req.method .." ".. req.path .."\n")
+ log:write("| Host: ".. app.backendHost ..":".. app.backendPort .."\n")
+ log:write("+-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. rspHdr.proto .." ".. rspHdr.status .." ".. rspHdr.phrase .."\n")
+ for i,h in ipairs(rspHdr.headers) do
+ log:write("| ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")
+ end
+ log:write("| \n")
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("| ".. buf:gsub("\n", "\n| ")) return end
+ if buf then
+ if not req.rspBody then req.rspBody = buf
+ else req.rspBody = req.rspBody .. buf end
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function( req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("\n'-----------------------------------------\n") end
+ req.isDone = true
+ end,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+ assert(req.isDone)
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("ERROR: Couldn't load eddies\n")return end
+ local prefluxInventory = parseJSON(req.rspBody)
+ local eddies = {}
+ for eddieName, detail in pairs(prefluxInventory.hosts) do
+ table.insert(eddies, objectSeal{
+ eddieName = eddieName,
+ lastSeen = detail.lastSeen:value(),
+ })
+ end
+ app.eddies = eddies
+function makeWhateverWithEddies( app )
+ local ssh = "C:/Users/fankhauseand/.opt/gitPortable-2.27.0-x64/usr/bin/ssh.exe"
+ local cmdLinePre = ssh .." -oConnectTimeout=3 -oRemoteCommand=none"
+ if app.sshPort then cmdLinePre = cmdLinePre .." -p".. app.sshPort end
+ if app.sshUser then cmdLinePre = cmdLinePre .." \"-oUser=".. app.sshUser .."\"" end
+ for k,eddie in pairs(app.eddies) do
+ local eddieName = eddie.eddieName
+ local isEddie = eddieName:find("^eddie%d%d%d%d%d$")
+ local isTeddie = eddieName:find("^teddie%d%d$")
+ local isVted = eddieName:find("^vted%d%d$")
+ local isAws = eddieName:find("^10.117.%d+.%d+$")
+ local isDevMachine = eddieName:find("^w00[a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]$")
+ if isAws or isDevMachine or isVted then
+ log:write("[DEBUG] Skip \"".. eddieName .."\"\n")
+ goto nextEddie
+ end
+ assert(isEddie or isTeddie, eddieName or"nil")
+ local okMarker = "OK_".. math.random(10000000, 99999999) .."wCAkgQQA2AJAzAIA"
+ local cmdLine = cmdLinePre .." ".. eddieName
+ .." -- \"true"
+ .. " && if test \"".. eddieName .."\" != \"$(hostname|sed 's,$,,'); then true\""
+ .. " && echo WrongHost expected=".. eddieName .." actual=$(hostname|sed 's,$,,') && false"
+ .. " ;fi"
+ .. " && echo hostname=$(hostname|sed 's,,,')"
+ .. " && echo stage=${PAISA_ENV:?}"
+ .. " && echo Scan /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR?"
+ --[[report only]]
+ --.. " && test -e /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR? && ls -Ahl /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR?"
+ --[[Find un-/affected eddies]]
+ .. " && if test -e /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR?; then true"
+ .. " ;else true"
+ .. " && echo ".. okMarker
+ .. " ;fi"
+ --[[DELETE them]]
+ --.. " && if test -e /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR?; then true"
+ --.. " && find /data/instances/default/??ARTIFACT_BASE_DIR? -type d -mtime +420 -print -delete"
+ --.. " ;fi"
+ --.. " && echo ".. okMarker ..""
+ --[[]]
+ .. " \""
+ log:write("\n")
+ log:write("[INFO ] Try ".. eddieName .." ...\n")
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. cmdLine.."\n")
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] sleep ...\n")sleep(3)
+ local isStdioDone, isSuccess, stderrStr, stdoutStr = false, false, "", ""
+ local cmd = newShellcmd{
+ cmdLine = cmdLine,
+ onStdout = function( buf )
+ if buf then
+ if buf:find("\n"..okMarker.."\n",0,true) then isSuccess = true end
+ stdoutStr = stdoutStr .. buf
+ io.stdout:write(buf)
+ else isStdioDone = true end
+ end,
+ onStderr = function( buf )
+ stderrStr = buf and stderrStr .. buf or stderrStr
+ io.stderr:write(buf or"")
+ end,
+ }
+ cmd:start()
+ cmd:closeSnk()
+ local exitCode, signal = cmd:join(42)
+ if exitCode ~= 0 and signal ~= nil then
+ log:write("[WARN ] code="..tostring(exitCode)..", signal="..tostring(signal).."\n")
+ end
+ while not isStdioDone do sleep(0.042) end
+ -- Analyze outcome
+ if not isSuccess then
+ setEddieStatus(app, "ERROR", eddieName, stderrStr, stdoutStr)
+ goto nextEddie
+ end
+ setEddieStatus(app, "OK", eddieName, stderrStr, stdoutStr)
+ ::nextEddie::
+ end
+function sortEddiesMostRecentlySeenFirst( app )
+ table.sort(app.eddies, function(a, b) return a.lastSeen > b.lastSeen end)
+function quoteCsvVal( v )
+ local typ = type(v)
+ if false then
+ elseif typ == "string" then
+ if v:find("[\"\r\n]",0,false) then
+ v = '"'.. v:gsub('"', '""') ..'"'
+ end
+ else error("TODO_a928rzuga98oirh "..typ)end
+ return v
+function exportLatestStatus( app )
+ local snk = io.stdout
+ local db = getStateDb(app)
+ local stmt = db:prepare("SELECT \"when\",eddieName,status,stderr,stdout FROM EddieLog"
+ .." JOIN Eddie ON = eddieId"
+ .." ORDER BY eddieId,[when]"
+ .." ;")
+ rs = stmt:execute()
+ snk:write("c;when;eddieName;status;stderr;stdout\n")
+ local prevWhen, prevEddieName, prevStatus, prevStderr, prevStdout
+ local qt = quoteCsvVal
+ while rs:next() do
+ local when , eddieName , status , stderr , stdout
+ = rs:value(1), rs:value(2), rs:value(3), rs:value(4), rs:value(5)
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] "..tostring(when).." "..tostring(eddieName).." "..tostring(status).."\n")
+ assert(when and eddieName and status and stderr and stdout)
+ if eddieName == prevEddieName then
+ if not prevWhen or when > prevWhen then
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] ".. when .." ".. eddieName .." take\n")
+ goto assignPrevThenNextEntry
+ else
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] ".. when .." ".. eddieName .." obsolete\n")
+ goto nextEntry
+ end
+ elseif prevEddieName then
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] ".. when .." ".. eddieName .." Eddie complete\n")
+ snk:write("r;".. qt(when) ..";".. qt(eddieName) ..";".. qt(status) ..";".. qt(stderr) ..";".. qt(stdout) .."\n")
+ else
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] ".. when .." ".. eddieName .." Another eddie\n")
+ goto assignPrevThenNextEntry
+ end
+ ::assignPrevThenNextEntry::
+ --[[]] prevWhen, prevEddieName, prevStatus, prevStderr, prevStdout
+ = when , eddieName , status , stderr , stdout
+ ::nextEntry::
+ end
+ snk:write("t;status;OK\n")
+function run( app )
+ if app.exportLatestStatus then
+ exportLatestStatus(app)
+ return
+ end
+ loadEddies(app)
+ assert(app.eddies)
+ removeCompletedEddies(app)
+ sortEddiesMostRecentlySeenFirst(app)
+ makeWhateverWithEddies(app)
+function main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ backendHost = false,
+ backendPort = false,
+ backendPath = false,
+ sshPort = false,
+ sshUser = false,
+ statePath = false,
+ stateDb = false,
+ exportLatestStatus = false,
+ eddies = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/LogStatistics.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/LogStatistics.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd84b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/LogStatistics.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+local newLogParser = require("PaisaLogParser").newLogParser
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, printHelp, parseArgs, run, onLogEntry, printStats
+function printHelp( app )
+ io.stdout:write(" \n"
+ .." TODO write help page\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[1]
+ if arg == "--help" then app.isHelp = true return 0 end
+ if arg ~= "--yolo" then log:write("EINVAL\n")return end
+ return 0
+function onLogEntry( entry, app )
+ local isTheEntryWeReSearching = false
+ -- HOT!
+ --or (entry.file == "ContextImpl" and entry.msg:find("IllegalStateException: null"))
+ -- HOT!
+ or (entry.file == "HttpHeaderUtil" and entry.msg:find("Keep.Alive. values do not match timeout.42 .. timeout.120 for request "))
+ -- HOT!
+ --or (entry.msg:find("timetable"))
+ -- nope
+ --or (entry.file == "ContextImpl" and entry.msg:find("IllegalStateException: You must set the Content%-Length header"))
+ -- nope
+ --or (entry.file == "LocalHttpServerResponse" and entry.msg:find("non-proper HttpServerResponse occured", 0, true))
+ -- TODO
+ local instantKey =
+ local instant = app.instants[instantKey]
+ if not instant then
+ instant = {
+ date =,
+ count = 0,
+ }
+ app.instants[instantKey] = instant
+ end
+ if isTheEntryWeReSearching then
+ instant.count = instant.count + 1
+ end
+function printStats( app )
+ -- Arrange data
+ local numGroups = 0
+ local groupSet = {}
+ local countMax = 1
+ for date, instant in pairs(app.instants) do
+ assert(date ==
+ local key = date:sub(1, 15)
+ local group = groupSet[key]
+ if not group then
+ numGroups = numGroups + 1
+ group = { key = key, date = date, count = 0, }
+ groupSet[key] = group
+ end
+ group.count = group.count + instant.count
+ if countMax < group.count then countMax = group.count end
+ end
+ local groupArr = {}
+ for _, group in pairs(groupSet) do
+ table.insert(groupArr, group)
+ end
+ table.sort(groupArr, function( a, b )return a.key < b.key end)
+ -- Plot
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format(" Splitted into %9d groups\n", numGroups))
+ out:write(string.format(" Peak value %9d num log entries\n", countMax))
+ out:write("\n")
+ local fullBar = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+ for _, group in pairs(groupArr) do
+ out:write(string.format("%s... |", group.key))
+ local len = math.floor(group.count / countMax * fullBar:len())
+ out:write(fullBar:sub(1, len))
+ out:write("\n")
+ end
+function run( app )
+ app.logParser = newLogParser{
+ cls = app,
+ onLogEntry = onLogEntry,
+ }
+ app.logParser:tryParseLogs()
+ printStats(app)
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ isHelp = false,
+ logParser = false,
+ instants = {},
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/MemLeakTry1.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/MemLeakTry1.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17c00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-jvm-memLeak/MemLeakTry1.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, parseArgs, printHelp, run, runAsPipe, runWithStdinFilelist
+function printHelp()
+ io.stdout:write(" \n"
+ .." Try to get some useful data out of a 'smap' dump.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --yolo\n"
+ .." WARN: Only use if you know what you do.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --stdin-filelist\n"
+ .." Read LF separated file list form stdin.\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ if #_ENV.arg == 0 then log:write("EINVAL: Try --help\n") return end
+ app.isHelp = false
+ local isYolo = false
+ local iA = 0
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ elseif arg == "--yolo" then
+ isYolo = true
+ elseif arg == "--date" then
+ iA = iA + 1
+ app.dateStr = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not app.dateStr then log:write("EINVAL: --date needs value\n") return end
+ elseif arg == "--stdin-filelist" then
+ app.isStdinFilelist = true
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n") return
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+function runAsPipe( app )
+ local iLine = 0
+ if #app.whitelist > 0 then
+ log:write("[INFO ] Filtering enabled\n")
+ end
+ local isHdrWritten = false
+ while true do
+ iLine = iLine + 1
+ local buf = inn:read("l")
+ if iLine == 1 then goto nextLine end
+ --log:write("BUF: ".. buf .."\n")
+ local addr, sz, perm, note = buf:match("^([%w]+) +(%d+[A-Za-z]?) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$")
+ if not sz and buf:find("^ +total +%d+[KMGTPE]$") then break end
+ if not sz then log:write("BUF: '"..tostring(buf).."'\n")error("TODO_20231103111415") end
+ if sz:find("K$") then sz = sz:gsub("K$", "") * 1024 end
+ if #app.whitelist > 0 then
+ if not whitelist[addr] then goto nextLine end
+ end
+ if not isHdrWritten then
+ isHdrWritten = true
+ out:write("c; Addr ; Size ; Perm ; Note ;\n")
+ end
+ out:write(string.format("r; %s ; %12d ; %s ; %-12s ; %s\n", addr, sz, perm, note, (app.dateStr or"")))
+ ::nextLine::
+ end
+function debugPrintRecursive( out, obj, prefix, isSubCall )
+ local typ = type(obj)
+ if false then
+ elseif typ == "string" then
+ out:write("\"") out:write((obj:gsub("\n", "\\n"):gsub("\r", "\\r"))) out:write("\"")
+ elseif typ == "number" then
+ out:write(obj)
+ elseif typ == "nil" then
+ out:write("nil")
+ elseif typ == "table" then
+ local subPrefix = (prefix)and(prefix.." ")or(" ")
+ for k, v in pairs(obj) do
+ out:write("\n") out:write(prefix or "")
+ debugPrintRecursive(out, k, prefix, true) out:write(": ")
+ debugPrintRecursive(out, v, subPrefix, true)
+ end
+ else
+ error(tostring(typ))
+ end
+ if not isSubCall then out:write("\n")end
+function runWithStdinFilelist( app )
+ while true do
+ local srcFilePath = inn:read("l")
+ if not srcFilePath then break end
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] src file \"".. srcFilePath .."\"\n")
+ local srcFile =, "rb")
+ if not srcFile then error("fopen(\""..tostring(srcFilePath).."\")") end
+ collectData(app, srcFile, srcFilePath)
+ end
+ removeUnchanged(app)
+ printResult(app)
+function collectData( app, src, timestamp )
+ assert(src)
+ assert(timestamp)
+ local iLine = 0
+ while true do
+ iLine = iLine + 1
+ local buf = src:read("l")
+ if iLine == 1 then goto nextLine end
+ local addr, sz, perm, note = buf:match("^([%w]+) +(%d+[A-Za-z]?) ([^ ]+) +(.*)$")
+ if not sz and buf:find("^ +total +%d+[A-Za-z]?\r?$") then break end
+ if not sz then log:write("[ERROR] BUF: '"..tostring(buf).."'\n")error("TODO_20231103111415") end
+ if sz:find("K$") then sz = sz:gsub("K$", "") * 1024 end
+ local addrObj = app.addrs[addr]
+ if not addrObj then
+ addrObj = { measures = {} }
+ app.addrs[addr] = addrObj
+ end
+ local measure = { ts = timestamp, sz = sz, }
+ assert(not addrObj.measures[timestamp])
+ addrObj.measures[timestamp] = measure
+ ::nextLine::
+ end
+function removeUnchanged( app )
+ local addrsWhichHaveChanged = {}
+ local knownSizes = {}
+ for addr, addrObj in pairs(app.addrs) do
+ for ts, measure in pairs(addrObj.measures) do
+ local knownSizeKey = assert(addr)
+ local knownSize = knownSizes[knownSizeKey]
+ if not knownSize then
+ knownSize =;
+ knownSizes[knownSizeKey] = knownSize
+ elseif knownSize ~= then
+ addrsWhichHaveChanged[addr] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local newAddrs = {}
+ for addr, addrObj in pairs(app.addrs) do
+ if addrsWhichHaveChanged[addr] then
+ newAddrs[addr] = addrObj
+ end
+ end
+ app.addrs = newAddrs
+function printResult( app )
+ -- arrange data
+ local addrSet, tsSet, szByAddrAndTs = {}, {}, {}
+ for addr, addrObj in pairs(app.addrs) do
+ local measures = assert(addrObj.measures)
+ addrSet[addr] = true
+ for ts, measure in pairs(measures) do
+ assert(ts == measure.ts)
+ local sz =
+ tsSet[ts] = true
+ szByAddrAndTs[addr.."\0"..ts] = sz
+ end
+ end
+ local addrArr, tsArr = {}, {}
+ for k,v in pairs(addrSet)do table.insert(addrArr, k) end
+ for k,v in pairs(tsSet)do table.insert(tsArr, k) end
+ table.sort(addrArr, function( a, b )return a < b end)
+ table.sort(tsArr, function( a, b )return a < b end)
+ --
+ out:write("c;file")
+ for _, addr in ipairs(addrArr) do out:write(";".. addr) end
+ out:write("\n")
+ for iTs, ts in ipairs(tsArr) do
+ out:write("r;".. filterTsForOutput(app, ts))
+ for iAddr, addr in ipairs(addrArr) do
+ local sz = szByAddrAndTs[assert(addr).."\0"..assert(ts)]
+ out:write(";".. sz)
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+ end
+function filterTsForOutput( app, ts )
+ local y, mnth, d, h, min, sec = ts:match("^houston%-prod%-pmap%-(%d%d%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)%-(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d).txt$")
+ return "".. os.time{ year=y, month=mnth, day=d, hour=h, min=min, sec=sec, }
+function sortedFromMap( map, smallerPredicate )
+ if not smallerPredicate then smallerPredicate = function(a,b)return a.key < b.key end end
+ local arr = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(map) do table.insert(arr, {key=k, val=v}) end
+ table.sort(arr, smallerPredicate)
+ return arr
+function run( app )
+ if app.isStdinFilelist then
+ runWithStdinFilelist(app)
+ else
+ runAsPipe(app)
+ end
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ isHelp = false,
+ isStdinFilelist = false,
+ addrs = {},
+ whitelist = {
+ --["00000000DEADBEAF"] = true,
+ }
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/DigHoustonLogs.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/DigHoustonLogs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ef035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/DigHoustonLogs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+ projDir='/c/path/to/proj/root'
+ export LUA_PATH="${projDir:?}/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/?.lua"
+ lua -W "${projDir:?}/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/DigHoustonLogs.lua"
+ ]====================================================================]
+local PaisaLogParser = require("PaisaLogParser")
+local normalizeIsoDateTime = require("PaisaLogParser").normalizeIsoDateTime
+local LOGDBG = function(msg)io.stderr:write(msg)end
+local main, onLogEntry, isWorthToPrint, loadFilters, initFilters
+function main()
+ local that = {
+ logPattern = "DATE STAGE SERVICE LEVEL FILE - MSG", -- Since 2021-09-24 on prod
+ printRaw = true,
+ filters = false,
+ }
+ loadFilters(that)
+ initFilters(that)
+ local parser = PaisaLogParser.newLogParser({
+ cls = that,
+ patternV1 = that.logPattern,
+ onLogEntry = onLogEntry,
+ })
+ parser:tryParseLogs();
+function loadFilters( that )
+ assert(not that.filters)
+ that.filters = {
+ -- General: Append new rules AT END if not closely related to another one.
+-- { action = "drop", beforeDate = "2024-10-18 03:00:00.000", },
+-- { action = "drop", afterDate = "2024-01-31 23:59:59.999", },
+ { action = "drop", level = "TRACE" },
+ { action = "drop", level = "DEBUG" },
+ { action = "drop", level = "INFO" },
+ --{ action = "drop", level = "WARN" },
+ -- FUCK those damn nonsense spam logs!!!
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder" },
+ { action = "drop", level = "ERROR", file = "HttpClientRequestImpl" },
+ { action = "drop", level = "ERROR", file = "BisectClient" },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod.
+ -- Reported 20240410 via ""
+ { action = "drop", file = "RedisQues", level = "WARN",
+ msgPattern = "^Registration for queue .- has changed to .-$", },
+ -- Reported: SDCISA-13717
+ -- Seen: 2024-01-05 prod, 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "LocalHttpServerResponse", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "^non%-proper HttpServerResponse occured\r?\n"
+ .."java.lang.IllegalStateException:"
+ .." You must set the Content%-Length header to be the total size of the message body BEFORE sending any data if you are not using"
+ .." HTTP chunked encoding.", },
+ -- Reported: <none>
+ -- Seen: 2024-01-05 prod, 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "ContextImpl", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "Unhandled exception\n"
+ .."java.lang.IllegalStateException: You must set the Content%-Length header to be the total size of the message body BEFORE sending"
+ .." any data if you are not using HTTP chunked encoding.", },
+ -- Seen: 2023-10-18
+ -- Happens all the time as gateleens error reporting is broken-by-desing.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "WARN",
+ msgPattern = "^..... ................................ Problem to request /from%-houston/[0-9]+/eagle/nsync/v1/push/trillian%-phonebooks"
+ .."%-affiliated%-planning%-area%-[0-9]+%-vehicles: connection timed out:"
+ .." eddie[0-9][0-9]+:7012", },
+ -- Seen: 2023-10-18
+ -- Nearly same as above but on ERROR level instead.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+ http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/push/trillian.phonebooks.affiliated.planning.area.%d+.vehicles"
+ .." The timeout period of 30000ms has been exceeded while executing POST /from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/push/"
+ .."trillian.phonebooks.affiliated.planning.area.%d+.vehicles for server eddie%d+:7012", },
+ -- Seen: 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://localhost:9089/houston/vehicles/%d+/vehicle/backup/v1/executions/%d+/ The timeout period of 30000ms has been exceeded"
+ .." while executing PUT /houston/vehicles/%d+/vehicle/backup/v1/executions/%d+/ for server localhost:9089", },
+ -- Seen: 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://localhost:9089/houston/vehicles/%d+/vehicle/backup/v1/executions/%d+/ Timeout$" },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod, 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "ConnectionBase", level = "ERROR", msgEquals = "Connection reset by peer", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod, 2023-10-18 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "EventBusBridgeImpl", level = "ERROR", msgEquals = "SockJSSocket exception\nio.vertx.core.VertxException: Connection was closed", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod, 2024-01-05 prod, 2023-10-18 prod
+ -- Reported: TODO link existing issue here
+ { action = "drop", file = "HttpHeaderUtil", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "Keep%-Alive%} values do not match timeout=42 != timeout=120 for request /googleplex/.*", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-01-05 prod
+ -- Reported: <unknown>
+ { action = "drop", file = "Utils", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "^Exception occurred\njava.lang.Exception: %(TIMEOUT,%-1%) Timed out after waiting 30000%(ms%) for a reply. address: __vertx.reply.%d+, repliedAddress: nsync%-[re]+gister%-sync",
+ stackPattern = "^"
+ .."%s-at org.swisspush.nsync.NSyncHandler.lambda.onPutClientSyncBody.%d+"
+ .."%( ..nsync.-at io.vertx.core.impl.future.FutureImpl.%d+.onFailure%("
+ ..".-"
+ .."Caused by: io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException: Timed out after waiting 30000%(ms%) for a reply."
+ .." address: __vertx.reply.%d+, repliedAddress: nsync%-[re]+gister%-sync"
+ },
+ -- WELL_KNOWN: I guess happens when vehicle looses connection. Seen 2023-10-18 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/vending/accounting/v1/users/%d+/years/%d+/months/%d%d/account Connection was closed$", },
+ -- WELL_KNOWN: I guess happens when vehicle looses connection. Seen 2023-10-18 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/push/trillian.phonebooks.affiliated.planning.area.%d+.vehicles Connection was closed$", },
+ -- Seen 2024-01-10 prod
+ -- WELL_KNOWN: I guess happens when vehicle looses connection. Seen 2023-10-18 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/query.index The timeout period of 30000ms has been exceeded while executing"
+ .." POST /from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/query-index for server eddie%d+:7012$", },
+ -- WELL_KNOWN: I guess happens when vehicle looses connection. Seen 2023-10-18 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+"
+ .." http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/timetable/notification/v1/planningareas/%d+/notifications/%x+ Connection was closed$", },
+ -- WELL_KNOWN: I guess happens when vehicle looses connection. Seen 2023-10-18 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "Forwarder", level = "ERROR", msgPattern = "^%%%w+ %x+ http://eddie%d+:7012/from.houston/%d+/eagle/nsync/v1/push/trillian.phonebooks.affiliated.planning.area.%d+.vehicles Connection reset by peer$", },
+ -- Reported: SDCISA-9574
+ -- TODO rm when resolved
+ -- Seen: 2021-09-17 2022-06-20, 2022-08-30 prod,
+ { action = "drop", file = "Utils", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "%(RECIPIENT_FAILURE,500%) Sync failed.\n{.+}", },
+ -- TODO analyze
+ -- Seen 2024-03-20 prod
+ { action = "drop", file = "ContextImpl", level = "ERROR",
+ msgPattern = "^Unhandled exception\njava.lang.IllegalStateException: Response head already sent", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod.
+ { action = "drop", level = "ERROR", file = "HttpClientRequestImpl",
+ msgEquals = "Connection reset by peer\ Connection reset by peer",
+ stackPattern = "^"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBuf.setBytes%(.-\n"
+ .."%s-at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes%(.-\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at\n"
+ .."%s-at", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod.
+ { action = "drop", file = "ContextImpl", level = "ERROR",
+ msgEquals = "Unhandled exception\njava.lang.IllegalStateException: null",
+ stackPattern = "^"
+ ..".-io.vertx.-%.HttpClientResponseImpl.checkEnded%(.-\n"
+ ..".-io.vertx.-%.HttpClientResponseImpl.endHandler%(.-\n"
+ ..".-gateleen.routing.Forwarder.-\n", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod.
+ -- TODO get rid of this silly base class.
+ { action = "drop", file = "ContextImpl", level = "ERROR",
+ msgEquals = "Unhandled exception\njava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Do override this method to mock expected behaviour.", },
+ -- Seen: 2024-04-10 prod.
+ -- TODO get rid of this silly base class.
+ { action = "drop", file = "ContextImpl", level = "ERROR",
+ msgEquals = "Unhandled exception\njava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: null", },
+ }
+function initFilters( that )
+ for iF = 1, #(that.filters) do
+ local descr = that.filters[iF]
+ local beforeDate = descr.beforeDate and normalizeIsoDateTime(descr.beforeDate)
+ local afterDate = descr.afterDate and normalizeIsoDateTime(descr.afterDate)
+ local file, level, msgPattern, msgEquals = descr.file, descr.level, descr.msgPattern, descr.msgEquals
+ local rawPattern, stackPattern = descr.rawPattern, descr.stackPattern
+ local stackStartsWith = descr.stackStartsWith
+ local filter = { action = descr.action, matches = false, }
+ local hasAnyCondition = (beforeDate or afterDate or file or level or msgPattern or rawPattern or stackPattern or stackStartsWith);
+ if not hasAnyCondition then
+ filter.matches = function( that, log ) --[[LOGDBG("match unconditionally\n")]] return true end
+ else
+ filter.matches = function( that, log )
+ local match, mismatch = true, false
+ if not then log:debugPrint() end
+ if level and level ~= log.level then --[[LOGDBG("level mismatch: \"".. level .."\" != \"".. log.level .."\"\n")]] return mismatch end
+ if file and file ~= log.file then --[[LOGDBG("file mismatch: \"".. file .."\" != \"".. log.file .."\"\n")]] return mismatch end
+ local logDate = normalizeIsoDateTime(
+ local isBeforeDate = (not beforeDate or logDate < beforeDate);
+ local isAfterDate = (not afterDate or logDate >= afterDate);
+ if not isBeforeDate then --[[LOGDBG("not before: \"".. tostring(beforeDate) .."\", \"".. logDate .."\"\n")]] return mismatch end
+ if not isAfterDate then --[[LOGDBG("not after: \"".. tostring(afterDate) .."\", \"".. logDate .."\"\n")]] return mismatch end
+ if msgEquals and log.msg ~= msgEquals then return mismatch end
+ if stackStartsWith and log.stack and log.stack:sub(1, #stackStartsWith) ~= stackStartsWith then return mismatch end
+ if msgPattern and not log.msg:find(msgPattern) then --[[LOGDBG("match: msgPattern\n")]] return mismatch end
+ if stackPattern and log.stack and not log.stack:find(stackPattern) then return mismatch end
+ if rawPattern and not log.raw:find(rawPattern) then return mismatch end
+ --LOGDBG("DEFAULT match\n")
+ return match
+ end
+ end
+ that.filters[iF] = filter
+ end
+function onLogEntry( log, that )
+ local isWorthIt = isWorthToPrint(that, log)
+ if isWorthIt then
+ if that.printRaw then
+ print(log.raw)
+ else
+ log:debugPrint()
+ end
+ end
+function isWorthToPrint( that, log )
+ local pass, drop = true, false
+ for iF = 1, #(that.filters) do
+ local filter = that.filters[iF]
+ if filter.matches(that, log) then
+ if filter.action == "drop" then return drop end
+ if filter.action == "keep" then return pass end
+ error("Unknown filter.action: \"".. filter.action .."\"");
+ end
+ end
+ return pass
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/PaisaLogParser.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/PaisaLogParser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ac0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-logs/PaisaLogParser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+local exports = {}
+local mod = {}
+local stderr = io.stderr
+local LogParse = { -- class
+ line = nil,
+ log = nil,
+function exports.newLogParser( config )
+ return LogParse:new(nil, config )
+function LogParse:new(o, config)
+ if not config or type(config.onLogEntry) ~= "function" then
+ error( "Arg 'config.onLogEntry' must be a function" )
+ end
+ o = o or {};
+ setmetatable(o, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ -- Register callbacks
+ self.cb_cls = config.cls
+ self.cb_onLogEntry = config.onLogEntry
+ self.cb_onEnd = config.onEnd
+ self.cb_onError = config.onError or function(s)
+ error(s or "nil")
+ end
+ self.cb_onWarn = config.onWarn or function(s)
+ io.stdout:flush()
+ warn(s)
+ end
+ -- END callbacks
+ mod.setupParserPattern( o, config )
+ return o;
+function mod.setupParserPattern( this, c )
+ local inputPat
+ if c.patternV1 then
+ inputPat = c.patternV1; -- Use the one from parameter.
+ else
+ this.cb_onWarn( "No 'c.patternV1' specified. Fallback to internal obsolete one." )
+ end
+ local parts = {}
+ for part in string.gmatch(inputPat,"[^ ]+") do
+ table.insert( parts, part )
+ end
+ = parts
+local function writeStderr(...)
+ local args = table.pack(...)
+ for i=1,args.n do
+ io.stderr:write( args[i] or "nil" )
+ end
+function LogParse:tryParseLogs()
+ while true do
+ self.line ="l");
+ if self.line==nil then -- EOF
+ self:publishLogEntry();
+ break;
+ end
+ --io.write( "\nBUF: ", self.line, "\n\n" );
+ --io.flush()
+ if self.line:match("%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d[ T]%d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d ") then
+ -- Looks like the beginning of a new log entry.
+ self:initLogEntryFromLine();
+ elseif self.line:match("^%s+at [^ ]") then
+ -- Looks like a line from exception stack
+ self:appendStacktraceLine();
+ elseif self.line:match("^%s*Caused by: ") then
+ -- Looks like a stacktrace 'Caused by' line
+ self:appendStacktraceLine();
+ elseif self.line:match("^%s+Suppressed: ") then
+ -- Looks like a stacktrace 'Suppressed: ' line
+ self:appendStacktraceLine();
+ elseif self.line:match("^%\t... (%d+) more$") then
+ -- Looks like folded stacktrace elements
+ self:appendStacktraceLine();
+ else
+ -- Probably msg containing newlines.
+ self:appendLogMsg();
+ end
+ end
+function LogParse:initLogEntryFromLine()
+ self:publishLogEntry();
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry();
+ -- Try some alternative parsers
+ mod.parseByPattern( self )
+ --if then
+ -- self:parseOpenshiftServiceLogLine();
+ --end
+ --if then
+ -- self:parseEagleLogLine();
+ --end
+ --if then
+ -- self:parseJettyServiceLogLine();
+ --end
+ if then
+ self.cb_onWarn("Failed to parse log line:\n\n".. self.line .."\n\n", self.cb_cls)
+ end
+function mod.parseByPattern( this )
+ local date, pod, stage, service, thread, level, file, msg, matchr, match
+ local line = this.line
+ local log = this:getOrNewLogEntry();
+ -- We can just return on failure. if log is missing, it will report error
+ -- on caller side. Just ensure that 'date' is nil.
+ = nil
+ local rdPos = 1
+ for i,part in ipairs( do
+ if part=="DATE" then
+ date = line:gmatch("(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d[ T]%d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d) ", rdPos)()
+ if not date or date=="" then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + date:len()
+ --stderr:write("date: "..tostring(date).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n")
+ elseif part=="STAGE" then
+ match = line:gmatch( " +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ stage = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("stage: "..tostring(stage).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n")
+ elseif part=="SERVICE" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ service = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("service: "..tostring(service).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n");
+ elseif part=="LEVEL" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ level = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ this.cb_onWarn( "Does not look like a level: "..(level or"nil"), this.cb_cls )
+ end
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("level: "..tostring(level).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n");
+ elseif part=="FILE" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ file = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ if file=="WARN" then stderr:write("\n"..tostring(line).."\n\n")error("Doesn't look like a file: "..tostring(file)) end
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("file: "..tostring(file).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n");
+ elseif part=="-" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +%-", rdPos)()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len();
+ --stderr:write("dash (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n");
+ elseif part=="MSG" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +.*$", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ msg = match:gmatch("[^%s].*$")()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("msg: "..tostring(msg).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n")
+ elseif part=="POD" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ if not match then return end
+ pod = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("pod: "..tostring(pod).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n")
+ elseif part=="THREAD" then
+ match = line:gmatch(" +[^%s]+", rdPos)()
+ thread = match:gmatch("[^%s]+")()
+ rdPos = rdPos + match:len()
+ --stderr:write("thrd: "..tostring(thread).." (rdPos="..tostring(rdPos)..")\n")
+ end
+ end
+ log.raw = this.line;
+ = date;
+ log.pod = pod;
+ log.stage = stage;
+ log.service = service;
+ log.thread = thread;
+ log.level = level;
+ log.file = file;
+ log.msg = msg;
+function LogParse:parseOpenshiftServiceLogLine()
+ local date, pod, stage, service, thread, level, file, msg
+ local this = self
+ local line = this.line
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry();
+ -- We can just return on failure. if log is missing, it will report error
+ -- on caller side. Just ensure that 'date' is nil.
+ = nil
+ -- VERSION 3 (Since 2021-09-24 houstonProd)
+ local rdPos = 1
+ -- Date
+ date = line:gmatch("(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d[ T]%d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d)", rdPos)()
+ if not date then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + date:len()
+ -- Pod
+ pod = line:gmatch(" (%a+)", rdPos )()
+ if not pod then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + pod:len()
+ -- stage
+ stage = line:gmatch( " (%a+)", rdPos)()
+ if not stage then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + stage:len()
+ -- service
+ service = line:gmatch( " (%a+)", rdPos)()
+ if not service then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + service:len()
+ -- thread (this only maybe exists)
+ thread = line:gmatch( " ([%a%d%-]+)", rdPos)()
+ if thread and thread:find("^[ABCDEFGINORTUW]+$") then
+ thread = nil; -- Does more look like an error level. So do NOT advance
+ else
+ rdPos = rdPos + thread:len()
+ end
+ -- level
+ level = line:gmatch( " ([A-Z]+)", rdPos)()
+ if not level then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + level:len()
+ -- file
+ file = line:gmatch(" ([^%s]+)", rdPos)()
+ if not file then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + file:len()
+ -- msg
+ msg = line:gmatch(" %- (.*)", rdPos)()
+ if not msg then return end
+ rdPos = rdPos + msg:len()
+ -- VERSION 2 (Since 2021-09-24 prefluxInt)
+ --local rdPos = 1
+ ---- Date
+ --date = line:gmatch("(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d[ T]%d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d)", rdPos)()
+ --if not date then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + date:len()
+ ---- Pod
+ --pod = line:gmatch(" (%a+)", rdPos )()
+ --if not pod then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + pod:len()
+ ---- stage
+ --stage = line:gmatch( " (%a+)", rdPos)()
+ --if not stage then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + stage:len()
+ ---- service
+ --service = line:gmatch( " (%a+)", rdPos)()
+ --if not service then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + service:len()
+ ---- thread (this only maybe exists)
+ --thread = line:gmatch( " ([%a%d%-]+)", rdPos)()
+ --if thread and thread:find("^[ABCDEFGINORTUW]+$") then
+ -- thread = nil; -- Does more look like an error level. So do NOT advance
+ --else
+ -- rdPos = rdPos + thread:len()
+ --end
+ ---- level
+ --level = line:gmatch( " ([A-Z]+)", rdPos)()
+ --if not level then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + level:len()
+ ---- file
+ --file = line:gmatch(" ([^%s]+)", rdPos)()
+ --if not file then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + file:len()
+ ---- msg
+ --msg = line:gmatch(" %- (.*)", rdPos)()
+ --if not msg then return end
+ --rdPos = rdPos + msg:len()
+ log.raw = self.line;
+ = date;
+ log.pod = pod;
+ log.stage = stage;
+ log.service = service;
+ log.thread = thread;
+ log.level = level;
+ log.file = file;
+ log.msg = msg;
+function LogParse:parseEagleLogLine()
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry();
+ local date, stage, service, level, file, msg = self.line:gmatch(""
+ .."(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d)" -- datetime
+ .." (%a+)" -- stage
+ .." (%a+)" -- service
+ .." (%a+)" -- level
+ .." ([^%s]+)" -- file
+ .." %- (.*)" -- msg
+ )();
+ local pod = service; -- just 'mock' it
+ log.raw = self.line;
+ = date;
+ log.service = service;
+ log.pod = pod;
+ log.stage = stage;
+ log.level = level;
+ log.file = file;
+ log.msg = msg;
+function LogParse:parseJettyServiceLogLine()
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry();
+ local date, pod, stage, service, level, file, msg = self.line:gmatch(""
+ .."(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d,%d%d%d)" -- datetime
+ .." (%S+)" -- pod (aka container)
+ .." (%a+)" -- stage
+ .." (%a+)" -- service
+ .." (%a+)" -- level
+ .." ([^%s]+)" -- file
+ .." %- (.*)" -- msg
+ )();
+ log.raw = self.line;
+ = date;
+ log.pod = pod;
+ log.stage = stage;
+ log.service = service;
+ log.level = level;
+ log.file = file;
+ log.msg = msg;
+function LogParse:appendLogMsg()
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry()
+ log.msg = log.msg or "";
+ log.raw = log.raw or "";
+ log.msg = log.msg .."\n".. self.line;
+ -- Also append to raw to have the complete entry there.
+ log.raw = log.raw .."\n".. self.line;
+function LogParse:appendStacktraceLine()
+ local log = self:getOrNewLogEntry()
+ if not log.stack then
+ log.stack = self.line
+ else
+ log.stack = log.stack .."\n".. self.line
+ end
+ -- Also append to raw to have the complete entry there.
+ log.raw = log.raw .."\n".. self.line;
+function LogParse:publishLogEntry()
+ local log = self.log
+ if not log then
+ return -- nothing to do
+ end
+ if not log.raw then
+ -- WhatTheHeck?!?
+ local msg = "InternalError: Collected log unexpectedly empty"
+ self.cb_onError(msg, self.cb_cls)
+ error(msg); return
+ end
+ self.log = nil; -- Mark as consumed
+ -- Make sure log lines do NOT end in 0x0D
+ local msg = log.msg
+ if msg:byte(msg:len()) == 0x0D then log.msg = msg:sub(1, -2) end
+ self.cb_onLogEntry(log, self.cb_cls)
+function LogParse:getOrNewLogEntry()
+ self.log = self.log or LogEntry:new(nil)
+ return self.log
+function exports.normalizeIsoDateTime( str )
+ if str:find("%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%dT%d%d:%d%d:%d%d%.%d%d%d") then return str end
+ local y, mo, d, h, mi, s, ms = str:match("^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)[ T_-](%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)[,.](%d%d%d)$")
+ return y .."-".. mo .."-".. d .."T".. h ..":".. mi ..":".. s ..".".. ms
+LogEntry = {
+ raw,
+ date,
+ service,
+ stack,
+function LogEntry:new(o)
+ o = o or {};
+ setmetatable(o, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ return o;
+function LogEntry:debugPrint()
+ print( "+- PUBLISH ------------------------------------------------------------" );
+ print( "| date ---> ", or "nil" );
+ print( "| pod ----> ", self.pod or "nil" );
+ print( "| service > ", self.service or "nil" );
+ print( "| stage --> ", self.stage or "nil" );
+ print( "| thread -> ", self.thread or "nil" );
+ print( "| level --> ", self.level or "nil" );
+ print( "| file ---> ", self.file or "nil" );
+ print( "| msg ----> ", self.msg or "nil" );
+ print( "| " )
+ io.write( "| RAW: ", self.raw or "nil", "\n" );
+ print( "`--------------------" );
+return exports
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/KubeProbeFilter.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/KubeProbeFilter.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5967e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/KubeProbeFilter.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- Try to extract kube-probe related requests.
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local newPcapDumper = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapDumper)
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, onPcapFrame, vapourizeUrlVariables
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ local userAgent, reqUri
+ --
+ if dstPort ~= 7012 and srcPort ~= 7012 then return end
+ local trspPayload = it:trspPayload()
+ local httpReqLinePart1, httpReqLinePart2, httpReqLinePart3 =
+ trspPayload:match("^([A-Z/1.0]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ \r\n]+)\r?\n")
+ if httpReqLinePart1 and not httpReqLinePart1:find("^HTTP/1.%d$") then -- assume HTTP request
+ reqUri = httpReqLinePart2
+ userAgent = trspPayload:match("\n[Uu][Ss][Ee][Rr]%-[Aa][Gg][Ee][Nn][Tt]:%s+([^\r\n]+)\r?\n");
+ if userAgent then
+ --if not userAgent:find("^kube%-probe/") then return end -- assume halfrunt
+ --log:write("User-Agent: ".. userAgent .."\n")
+ end
+ elseif httpReqLinePart1 then -- assume HTTP response
+ --out:write(trspPayload)
+ end
+ local srcIp, dstIp = it:netSrcIpStr(), it:netDstIpStr()
+ local connKey = ((srcPort < dstPort)and(srcPort.."\0"..dstPort)or(dstPort.."\0"..srcPort))
+ .."\0"..((srcIp < dstIp)and(srcIp.."\0"..dstIp)or(dstIp.."\0"..srcIp))
+ local conn = app.connections[connKey]
+ if not conn then conn = {isOfInterest=false, pkgs={}} app.connections[connKey] = conn end
+ conn.isOfInterest = (conn.isOfInterest or reqUri == "/houston/server/info")
+ if not conn.isOfInterest then
+ if #conn.pkgs > 3 then -- Throw away all stuff except TCP handshake
+ conn.pkgs = { conn.pkgs[1], conn.pkgs[2], conn.pkgs[3] }
+ end
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ --for k,v in pairs(getmetatable(it))do print("E",k,v)end
+ local pkg = {
+ sec = assert(sec), usec = assert(usec),
+ caplen = it:frameCaplen(), len = it:frameLen(),
+ tcpFlags = (conn.isOfInterest)and(it:tcpFlags())or false,
+ srcPort = srcPort, dstPort = dstPort,
+ trspPayload = trspPayload,
+ rawFrame = it:rawFrame(),
+ }
+ table.insert(conn.pkgs, pkg)
+ else
+ -- Stop memory hogging. Write that stuff to output
+ if #conn.pkgs > 0 then
+ for _, pkg in ipairs(conn.pkgs) do
+ --out:write(string.format("-- PKG 1 %d->%d %d.%09d tcpFlg=0x%04X\n", pkg.srcPort, pkg.dstPort, pkg.sec, pkg.usec, pkg.tcpFlags or 0))
+ --out:write(pkg.trspPayload)
+ --out:write("\n")
+ app.dumper:dump(pkg.sec, pkg.usec, pkg.caplen, pkg.len, pkg.rawFrame, 1, pkg.rawFrame:len())
+ end
+ conn.pkgs = {}
+ end
+ local tcpFlags = it:tcpFlags()
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ local rawFrame = it:rawFrame()
+ --out:write(string.format("-- PKG 2 %d->%d %d.%09d tcpFlg=0x%04X, len=%d\n", srcPort, dstPort, sec, usec, tcpFlags or 0, trspPayload:len()))
+ --out:write(trspPayload)
+ --if trspPayload:byte(trspPayload:len()) ~= 0x0A then out:write("\n") end
+ --out:write("\n")
+ app.dumper:dump(sec, usec, it:frameCaplen(), it:frameLen(), rawFrame, 1, rawFrame:len())
+ end
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ dumper = false,
+ connections = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.dumper = newPcapDumper{
+ dumpFilePath = "C:/work/tmp/KubeProbeFilter.out.pcap",
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/extractDnsHosts.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/extractDnsHosts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655586f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/extractDnsHosts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, onPcapFrame, vapourizeUrlVariables, printResult
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ dnsResponses = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printResult(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local out = io.stdout
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ sec = sec + (usec/1e6)
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ if it:trspSrcPort() == 53 then
+ extractHostnameFromDns(app, it)
+ elseif it:tcpSeqNr() then
+ extractHostnameFromHttpHeaders(app, it)
+ end
+function extractHostnameFromDns( app, it )
+ local payload = it:trspPayload()
+ local bug = 8 -- TODO looks as lib has a bug and payload is offset by some bytes.
+ local dnsFlags = (payload:byte(bug+3) << 8) | (payload:byte(bug+4))
+ if (dnsFlags & 0x0004) ~= 0 then return end -- ignore error responses
+ local numQuestions = payload:byte(bug+5) << 8 | payload:byte(bug+6)
+ local numAnswers = payload:byte(bug+7) << 8 | payload:byte(bug+8)
+ if numQuestions ~= 1 then
+ log:write("[WARN ] numQuestions ".. numQuestions .."?!?\n")
+ return
+ end
+ if numAnswers == 0 then return end -- empty answers are boring
+ if numAnswers ~= 1 then log:write("[WARN ] dns.count.answers ".. numAnswers .." not supported\n") return end
+ local questionsOffset = bug+13
+ local hostname = payload:match("^([^\0]+)", questionsOffset)
+ hostname = hostname:gsub("^[\r\n]", "") -- TODO WTF?!?
+ hostname = hostname:gsub("[\x04\x02]", ".") -- TODO WTF?!?
+ local answersOffset = bug + 13 + (24 * numQuestions)
+ local ttl = payload:byte(answersOffset+6) << 24 | payload:byte(answersOffset+7) << 16
+ | payload:byte(answersOffset+8) << 8 | payload:byte(answersOffset+9)
+ local dataLen = payload:byte(answersOffset+10) | payload:byte(answersOffset+11)
+ if dataLen ~= 4 then log:write("[WARN ] dns.resp.len ".. dataLen .." not impl\n") return end
+ local ipv4Str = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", payload:byte(answersOffset+12), payload:byte(answersOffset+13),
+ payload:byte(answersOffset+14), payload:byte(answersOffset+15))
+ --
+ addEntry(app, ipv4Str, hostname, ttl)
+function extractHostnameFromHttpHeaders( app, it )
+ local payload = it:trspPayload()
+ local _, beg = payload:find("^([A-Z]+ [^ \r\n]+ HTTP/1%.%d\r?\n)")
+ if not beg then return end
+ beg = beg + 1
+ local httpHost
+ while true do
+ local line
+ local f, t = payload:find("^([^\r\n]+)\r?\n", beg)
+ if not f then return end
+ if not payload:byte(1) == 0x72 or payload:byte(1) == 0x68 then goto nextHdr end
+ line = payload:sub(f, t)
+ httpHost = line:match("^[Hh][Oo][Ss][Tt]:%s*([^\r\n]+)\r?\n$")
+ if not httpHost then goto nextHdr end
+ break
+ ::nextHdr::
+ beg = t
+ end
+ httpHost = httpHost:gsub("^(.+):%d+$", "%1")
+ local dstIp = it:netDstIpStr()
+ if dstIp == httpHost then return end
+ addEntry(app, dstIp, httpHost, false, "via http host header")
+function addEntry( app, ipv4Str, hostname, ttl, kludge )
+ local key
+ --log:write("addEntry(app, ".. ipv4Str ..", ".. hostname ..")\n")
+ if kludge == "via http host header" then
+ key = ipv4Str .."\0".. hostname .."\0".. "via http host header"
+ else
+ key = ipv4Str .."\0".. hostname .."\0".. ttl
+ end
+ local entry = app.dnsResponses[key]
+ if not entry then
+ entry = { ipv4Str = ipv4Str, hostname = hostname, ttl = ttl, }
+ app.dnsResponses[key] = entry
+ end
+function printResult( app )
+ local sorted = {}
+ for _, stream in pairs(app.dnsResponses) do
+ table.insert(sorted, stream)
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)
+ if a.ipv4Str < b.ipv4Str then return true end
+ if a.ipv4Str > b.ipv4Str then return false end
+ return a.hostname < b.hostname
+ end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format("# Subject Hostname to IP addresses\n"))
+ out:write(string.format("# Begin %s\n",, math.floor(app.oldestEpochSec))))
+ out:write(string.format("# Duration %.3f seconds\n", dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write("\n")
+ --out:write(" .-- KiB per Second\n")
+ --out:write(" | .-- IP endpoints\n")
+ --out:write(" | | .-- TCP server port\n")
+ --out:write(" | | | .-- TCP Payload (less is better)\n")
+ --out:write(" | | | |\n")
+ --out:write(".--+----. .----+----------------------. .+--. .-+------------\n")
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local ipv4Str, hostname, ttl = elem.ipv4Str, elem.hostname, elem.ttl
+ if ttl then
+ out:write(string.format("%-14s %-30s # TTL=%ds", ipv4Str, hostname, ttl))
+ else
+ out:write(string.format("%-14s %-30s # ", ipv4Str, hostname))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/httpStats.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/httpStats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff48bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/httpStats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, onPcapFrame, vapourizeUrlVariables, printHttpRequestStats
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ foundHttpRequests = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printHttpRequestStats(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ --
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ local portOfInterest = 7012
+ if dstPort == portOfInterest then
+ local httpMethod, httpUri =
+ it:trspPayload():match("^([A-Z]+) ([^ ]+) [^ \r\n]+\r?\n")
+ if httpMethod then
+ --out:write(string.format("%5d->%5d %s %s\n", srcPort, dstPort, httpMethod, httpUri))
+ httpUri = vapourizeUrlVariables(app, httpUri)
+ local key = httpUri -- httpMethod .." ".. httpUri
+ local obj = app.foundHttpRequests[key]
+ if not obj then
+ obj = { count=0, httpMethod=false, httpUri=false, }
+ app.foundHttpRequests[key] = obj
+ end
+ obj.count = obj.count + 1
+ obj.httpMethod = httpMethod
+ obj.httpUri = httpUri
+ end
+ elseif srcPort == portOfInterest then
+ local httpStatus, httpPhrase =
+ it:trspPayload():match("^HTTP/%d.%d (%d%d%d) ([^\r\n]*)\r?\n")
+ if httpStatus then
+ --out:write(string.format("%5d<-%5d %s %s\n", srcPort, dstPort, httpStatus, httpPhrase))
+ end
+ end
+function vapourizeUrlVariables( app, uri )
+ -- A very specific case
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/houston/users/)%d+(/.*)$", "%1{}%2");
+ if uri:find("^/houston/users/[^/]+/user/.*$") then return uri end
+ --
+ -- Try to do some clever guesses to group URIs wich only differ in variable segments
+ uri = uri:gsub("(/|-)[%dI_-]+/", "%1{}/"):gsub("(/|-)[%dI-]+/", "%1{}/") -- two turns, to also get consecutive number segments
+ uri = uri:gsub("([/-])[%dI_-]+$", "%1{}")
+ uri = uri:gsub("/%d+(%.%w+)$", "/{}%1")
+ uri = uri:gsub("(/|-)[%w%d]+%-[%w%d]+%-[%w%d]+%-[%w%d]+%-[%w%d]+(/?)$", "%1{}%2")
+ uri = uri:gsub("/v%d/", "/v0/") -- Merge all API versions
+ --
+ -- Generify remaining by trimming URIs from right
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/from%-houston/[^/]+/eagle/nsync/).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/from%-houston/[^/]+/eagle/fis/information/).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/from%-houston/[^/]+/eagle/nsync/v%d/push/trillian%-phonebooks%-).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/from%-houston/[^/]+/eagle/timetable/wait/).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/houston/service%-instances/).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/vortex/stillInterested%?vehicleId%=).*$", "%1...")
+ uri = uri:gsub("^(/houston/[^/]+/[^/]+/).*$", "%1...")
+ return uri
+function printHttpRequestStats( app )
+ local sorted = {}
+ local maxOccurValue = 0
+ local overallCount = 0
+ for _, reqObj in pairs(app.foundHttpRequests) do
+ if reqObj.count > maxOccurValue then maxOccurValue = reqObj.count end
+ overallCount = overallCount + reqObj.count
+ table.insert(sorted, reqObj)
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)return a.count > b.count end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format(" Subject HTTP Request Statistics\n"))
+ out:write(string.format(" Begin %s\n",,app.oldestEpochSec)))
+ out:write(string.format(" Duration %d seconds\n", dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write(string.format("Throughput %.1f HTTP requests per second\n", overallCount / dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(" .-- HTTP Requests per Second\n")
+ out:write(" | .-- URI\n")
+ out:write(".--+--. .-+---------\n")
+ local chartWidth = 60
+ local cntPrinted = 0
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local count, httpMethod, httpUri = elem.count, elem.httpMethod, elem.httpUri
+ local cntPerSec = math.floor((count / dumpDurationSec)*10+.5)/10
+ out:write(string.format("%7.1f %s\n", cntPerSec, httpUri))
+ cntPrinted = cntPrinted + 1
+ ::nextPort::
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpDataAmountStats.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpDataAmountStats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..496687a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpDataAmountStats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local main, onPcapFrame, vapourizeUrlVariables, printResult
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ nextStreamNr = 1,
+ httpStreams = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printResult(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local out = io.stdout
+ --
+ if not it:tcpSeqNr() then return end
+ --
+ --
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ local srcIp, dstIp = it:netSrcIpStr(), it:netDstIpStr()
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ local lowIp = (srcIp < dstIp)and(srcIp)or(dstIp)
+ local higIp = (lowIp == dstIp)and(srcIp)or(dstIp)
+ local lowPort = math.min(srcPort, dstPort)
+ local streamId = lowIp .."\0".. higIp .."\0".. lowPort
+ local stream = app.httpStreams[streamId]
+ if not stream then
+ stream = {
+ srcIp = srcIp, dstIp = dstIp, srcPort = srcPort, dstPort = dstPort,
+ streamNr = app.nextStreamNr, numBytes = 0,
+ }
+ app.nextStreamNr = app.nextStreamNr + 1
+ app.httpStreams[streamId] = stream
+ end
+ local trspPayload = it:trspPayload()
+ stream.numBytes = stream.numBytes + trspPayload:len()
+function printResult( app )
+ local out = io.stdout
+ local sorted = {}
+ local overalValue, maxValue = 0, 0
+ for _, stream in pairs(app.httpStreams) do
+ if stream.numBytes > maxValue then maxValue = stream.numBytes end
+ overalValue = overalValue + stream.numBytes
+ table.insert(sorted, stream)
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)return a.numBytes > b.numBytes end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local overallBytesPerSec = overalValue / dumpDurationSec
+ local maxValuePerSec = maxValue / dumpDurationSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format(" Subject TCP data throughput\n"))
+ out:write(string.format(" Begin %s\n",,app.oldestEpochSec)))
+ out:write(string.format(" Duration %d seconds\n", dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write(string.format(" Overall %.3f KiB per second (%.3f KiBit per second)\n",
+ overallBytesPerSec/1024, overallBytesPerSec/1024*8))
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(" .-- KiB per Second\n")
+ out:write(" | .-- IP endpoints\n")
+ out:write(" | | .-- TCP server port\n")
+ out:write(" | | | .-- TCP Payload (less is better)\n")
+ out:write(" | | | |\n")
+ out:write(".--+----. .----+----------------------. .+--. .-+------------\n")
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local streamNr, srcIp, dstIp, srcPort, dstPort, numBytes =
+ elem.streamNr, elem.srcIp, elem.dstIp, elem.srcPort, elem.dstPort, elem.numBytes
+ local lowPort = math.min(srcPort, dstPort)
+ local bytesPerSecond = math.floor((numBytes / dumpDurationSec)*10+.5)/10
+ out:write(string.format("%9.3f %-14s %-14s %5d ", bytesPerSecond/1024, srcIp, dstIp, lowPort))
+ local part = bytesPerSecond / maxValuePerSec;
+ out:write(bar:sub(0, math.floor(part * bar:len())))
+ out:write("\n")
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpPortStats.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpPortStats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9038db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/tcpPortStats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, onPcapFrame, printStats
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ foundPortNumbers = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printStats(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ --local srcIp, dstIp = it:netSrcIpStr(), it:netDstIpStr()
+ --local isTcp = (it:tcpSeqNr() ~= nil)
+ --
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ if not app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] then app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] = 1
+ else app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] = app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] + 1 end
+ if not app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] then app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] = 1
+ else app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] = app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] + 1 end
+function printStats( app )
+ local sorted = {}
+ local totalPackets, maxOccurValue = 0, 0
+ for port, pkgcnt in pairs(app.foundPortNumbers) do
+ if pkgcnt > maxOccurValue then maxOccurValue = pkgcnt end
+ table.insert(sorted, { port=port, pkgcnt=pkgcnt })
+ totalPackets = totalPackets + pkgcnt
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)return a.pkgcnt > b.pkgcnt end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format(" Subject TCP/UDP stats\n"))
+ out:write(string.format(" Begin %s\n",,app.oldestEpochSec)))
+ out:write(string.format(" Duration %d seconds\n", dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write(string.format("Throughput %.1f packets per second\n", totalPackets / dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(" .- TCP/UDP Port\n")
+ out:write(" | .-Direction (Send, Receive)\n")
+ out:write(" | | .- Packets per second\n")
+ out:write(".-+-. | .---+-.\n")
+ local chartWidth = 60
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local port, pkgcnt = elem.port, elem.pkgcnt
+ local dir = (port > 100000)and("R")or("S")
+ if port > 100000 then port = port - 100000 end
+ if port > 30000 then goto nextPort end
+ local pkgsPerSec = math.floor((pkgcnt / dumpDurationSec)*10+.5)/10
+ out:write(string.format("%5d %s %7.1f |", port, dir, pkgsPerSec))
+ local barLen = pkgcnt / maxOccurValue
+ --local barLen = (math.log(pkgcnt) / math.log(maxOccurValue))
+ for i=1, chartWidth-1 do
+ out:write((i < (barLen*chartWidth))and("=")or(" "))
+ end
+ out:write("|\n")
+ ::nextPort::
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/xServiceStats.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/xServiceStats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc94a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/xServiceStats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local main, onPcapFrame, vapourizeUrlVariables, printStats
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ parser = false,
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ services = {},
+ }
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printStats(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ --
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ local portsOfInterest = {
+ [ 80] = true,
+ [8080] = true,
+ [7012] = true,
+ }
+ --if not portsOfInterest[dstPort] and not portsOfInterest[srcPort] then return end
+ local trspPayload = it:trspPayload()
+ local httpReqLinePart1, httpReqLinePart2, httpReqLinePart3 =
+ trspPayload:match("^([A-Z/1.0]+) ([^ ]+) [^ \r\n]+\r?\n")
+ if not httpReqLinePart1 then return end
+ if httpReqLinePart1:find("^HTTP/1.%d$") then return end
+ --log:write(string.format("%5d->%5d %s %s %s\n", srcPort, dstPort, httpReqLinePart1, httpReqLinePart2, httpReqLinePart3))
+ xService = trspPayload:match("\n[Xx]%-[Ss][Ee][Rr][Vv][Ii][Cc][Ee]:%s+([^\r\n]+)\r?\n");
+ if not xService then return end
+ --log:write("X-Service is '".. xService .."'\n")
+ local obj =[xService]
+ if not obj then
+[xService] = {
+ xService = xService,
+ count=0,
+ }
+ else
+ assert(xService == obj.xService)
+ obj.count = obj.count + 1
+ end
+function printStats( app )
+ local sorted = {}
+ local maxOccurValue = 0
+ local overallCount = 0
+ for _, reqObj in pairs( do
+ if reqObj.count > maxOccurValue then maxOccurValue = reqObj.count end
+ overallCount = overallCount + reqObj.count
+ table.insert(sorted, reqObj)
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)return a.count > b.count end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(string.format(" Subject Pressure by Services\n"))
+ out:write(string.format(" Begin %s\n",,app.oldestEpochSec)))
+ out:write(string.format(" Duration %d seconds\n", dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write(string.format("Matching Requests %.1f (HTTP requests per second)\n", overallCount / dumpDurationSec))
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(" .-- HTTP Requests per Second\n")
+ out:write(" | .-- Service\n")
+ out:write(".-+---. .-+-----\n")
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local xService, count = elem.xService, elem.count
+ local countPerSecond = math.floor((count / dumpDurationSec)*10+.5)/10
+ out:write(string.format("%7.1f %s\n", countPerSecond, xService))
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
diff --git a/src/main/lua/wireshark/HttpTime.lua b/src/main/lua/wireshark/HttpTime.lua
index b06c0a7..514c62b 100644
--- a/src/main/lua/wireshark/HttpTime.lua
+++ b/src/main/lua/wireshark/HttpTime.lua
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local mod = {}
function mod.init()
local that = mod.seal{
- proto = Proto("__", "Additional Metadata"),
+ proto = Proto("AdditMeta", "Additional Metadata"),
f_andy_httpTime = ProtoField.float("_.httpTime", "HttpTime"),
f_andy_synSeen = ProtoField.bool("_.synSeen", "SynSeen"),
f_andy_uri = ProtoField.string("_.uri", "Request URI"),