path: root/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua b/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b44ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/git/GitflowChangelogGen.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+local log = io.stderr
+local main
+function printHelp()
+ io.stdout:write(" \n"
+ .." Helper to extract essential data from a gitflow log which potentially\n"
+ .." is useful to write a CHANGELOG from.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --since <date>\n"
+ .." Ignore commits with this ISO date and older.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --remote <str>\n"
+ .." Name of the git remote to use. Defaults to 'upstream'.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --no-fetch\n"
+ .." Do NOT update refs from remote. Just use what we have local.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ )
+function parseArgs( app )
+ local iA = 0
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--since" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --since needs value\n")return end
+ app.since = arg
+ elseif arg == "--remote" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --remote needs value\n")return end
+ app.remoteName = arg
+ elseif arg == "--no-fetch" then
+ app.isFetch = false
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n")return
+ end
+ end
+ if not app.since then log:write("EINVAL: --since missing\n")return end
+ if not app.remoteName then app.remoteName = "upstream" end
+ return 0
+function readCommitHdr( app )
+ --log:write("[DEBUG] parse hdr from '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+256) .."...'\n")
+ local f, t = app.fullHistory:find("^"
+ .."commit ........................................[^\n]*\n"
+ .."Merge: [0-9a-z]+ [0-9a-z]+\n"
+ .."Author: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."Date: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."\n"
+ , app.fullHistoryRdBeg)
+ if not f then f, t = app.fullHistory:find("^"
+ .."commit ........................................[^\n]*\n"
+ .."Author: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."Date: [^\n]+\n"
+ .."\n"
+ , app.fullHistoryRdBeg) end
+ if not f then
+ assert(app.fullHistory:len() == app.fullHistoryRdBeg-1, app.fullHistory:len()..", "
+ app.parseFn = false
+ return
+ end
+ app.commitHdr = assert(app.fullHistory:sub(f, t-1))
+ --log:write("hdrBeginsWith '"..(app.commitHdr:sub(1, 32)).."...'\n")
+ app.fullHistoryRdBeg = t + 1
+ --log:write("hdr parsed. rdCursr now points to '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+16) .."...'\n")
+ app.parseFn = assert(readCommitMsg)
+function readCommitMsg( app )
+ local idxOfC = app.fullHistoryRdBeg
+ local chrPrev = false
+ while true do idxOfC = idxOfC + 1
+ local chr = app.fullHistory:byte(idxOfC)
+ --log:write("CHR '"..tostring(app.fullHistory:sub(idxOfC, idxOfC)).."'\n")
+ if (chr == 0x63) and chrPrev == 0x0A then
+ idxOfC = idxOfC - 1
+ break -- LF followed by 'c' (aka 'commit') found
+ elseif not chr then
+ idxOfC = idxOfC - 1
+ break
+ else
+ chrPrev = assert(chr)
+ end
+ end
+ local mtch = app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, idxOfC - 1)
+ assert(mtch)
+ while mtch:byte(mtch:len()) == 0x0A do mtch = mtch:sub(1, -2) end
+ mtch = mtch:gsub("\n ", "\n"):gsub("^ ", "")
+ app.commitMsg = mtch
+ app.fullHistoryRdBeg = idxOfC + 1
+ app.parseFn = readCommitHdr
+ --log:write("msg parsed. rdCursr now points to '".. app.fullHistory:sub(app.fullHistoryRdBeg, app.fullHistoryRdBeg+16) .."...'\n")
+ table.insert(app.commits, {
+ hdr = assert(app.commitHdr),
+ msg = assert(app.commitMsg),
+ })
+function run( app )
+ local snk = io.stdout
+ if app.isFetch then
+ -- Make sure refs are up-to-date
+ local gitFetch = "git fetch \"".. app.remoteName .."\""
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. gitFetch .."\n")
+ local gitFetch = io.popen(gitFetch)
+ while true do
+ local buf = gitFetch:read(1<<16)
+ if not buf then break end
+ log:write(buf)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Collect input
+ local git = "git log --date-order --first-parent --decorate --since \"".. app.since.."\""
+ .." \"".. app.remoteName .."/master\""
+ .." \"".. app.remoteName .."/develop\""
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. git .."\n")
+ local git = io.popen(git)
+ while true do
+ local buf = git:read(1<<16)
+ if not buf then break end
+ --io.stdout:write(buf)
+ table.insert(app.fullHistory, buf)
+ end
+ -- Parse raw commits
+ app.fullHistory = table.concat(app.fullHistory)
+ app.parseFn = assert(readCommitHdr)
+ while app.parseFn do app.parseFn(app) end
+ -- Prepare output
+ local prevDate = "0000-00-00"
+ local version, prevVersion = "v_._._", false
+ local dateEntry = false
+ local entries = {}
+ for k, v in ipairs(app.commits) do
+ local date = assert(v.hdr:match("\nDate: +([0-9-]+) "))
+ local author = assert(v.hdr:match("\nAuthor: +([^\n]+)\n"))
+ local prNr, short = v.msg:match("Pull request #(%d+): ([^\n]+)\n")
+ prevVersion = version
+ _, version = v.hdr:match("^([^\n]+)\n"):match("tag: ([a-z]+)-([^,]+)[,)]")
+ if not version then version = prevVersion end
+ if version ~= prevVersion or not dateEntry then
+ if dateEntry then table.insert(entries, dateEntry) end
+ dateEntry = {
+ txt = date .." - ".. version .."\n\nResolved issues:\n\n"
+ }
+ prevDate = date
+ end
+ if prNr then
+ dateEntry.txt = dateEntry.txt .. short .." (PR ".. prNr ..")\n"
+ else
+ dateEntry.txt = dateEntry.txt .. v.msg .."\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if dateEntry then table.insert(entries, dateEntry) end
+ -- output
+ for k, v in ipairs(entries) do
+ snk:write("\n\n")
+ snk:write(v.txt)
+ snk:write("\n")
+ end
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ since = false,
+ remoteName = false,
+ isFetch = true,
+ fullHistory = {},
+ fullHistoryRdBeg = 1,
+ commits = {},
+ parseFn = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)