path: root/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua b/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0bd62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/misc/JavaCallgraph.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newJavaClassParser = SL.newJavaClassParser
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+SL = nil
+local snk = io.stdout
+local main
+function initParser( app )
+ app.parser = newJavaClassParser{
+ cls = app,
+ onMagic = function(m, app) assert(m == "\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE") end,
+ onClassfileVersion = function(maj, min, app) assert(maj == 55 and min == 0) end,
+ onConstPoolClassRef = function(i, idx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "CLASS_REF", classNameIdx = idx, className = false, }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolIfaceMethodRef = function(i, nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "IFACE_METHOD_REF", nameIdx = nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, methodType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolMethodRef = function(i, classIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "METHOD_REF", classIdx = classIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, signature = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolMethodType = function(i, descrIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "METHOD_TYPE", descrIdx = descrIdx, descrStr = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolNameAndType = function(i, nameIdx, typeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "NAME_AND_TYPE", nameIdx = nameIdx, typeIdx = typeIdx, nameStr = false, typeStr = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolUtf8 = function(i, str, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "UTF8", str = str, }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolInvokeDynamic = function(i, bootstrapMethodAttrIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, app)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "INVOKE_DYNAMIC", bootstrapMethodAttrIdx = bootstrapMethodAttrIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ methodName = false, methodType = false, factoryClass = false, factoryMethod = false, factoryType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ onConstPoolFieldRef = function(i, nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx, that)
+ app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{
+ type = "FIELD_REF", nameIdx = nameIdx, nameAndTypeIdx = nameAndTypeIdx,
+ className = false, methodName = false, methodType = false,
+ }
+ end,
+ --onConstPoolMethodHandle = function(i, refKind, refIdx, app)
+ -- app.constPool[i] = objectSeal{ type = "METHOD_HANDLE", refKind = refKind, refIdx = refIdx, }
+ --end,
+ --onConstPoolStrRef = function(i, dstIdx, app)
+ -- print("ConstPool["..i.."] <StrRef> #"..dstIdx)
+ --end,
+ --onThisClass = function(nameIdx, app)
+ -- -- TODO print("onThisClass(#"..nameIdx..")")
+ --end,
+ --onField = function(iField, accessFlags, nameIdx, descrIdx, numAttrs, app)
+ -- print(string.format("onField(0x%04X, #%d, #%d, %d)",accessFlags,nameIdx,descrIdx,numAttrs))
+ --end,
+ --onMethod = function(accessFlags, nameIdx, descrIdx, app)
+ -- print(string.format("onMethod(0x%04X, #%d, #%d)",accessFlags,nameIdx,descrIdx))
+ --end,
+ onConstPoolEnd = function( app )
+ -- 1st run
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ elseif cpe.type == "CLASS_REF" then
+ local tmp
+ tmp = assert(cpe.classNameIdx)
+ tmp = assert(app.constPool[cpe.classNameIdx], cpe.classNameIdx)
+ tmp = assert(tmp.str, tmp)
+ cpe.className = assert(tmp)
+ elseif cpe.type == "METHOD_TYPE" then
+ cpe.descrStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.descrIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "NAME_AND_TYPE" then
+ cpe.nameStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx].str);
+ cpe.typeStr = assert(app.constPool[cpe.typeIdx].str);
+ end
+ end
+ -- 2nd run
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ elseif cpe.type == "FIELD_REF" then
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ cpe.className = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx].className);
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str);
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str);
+ elseif cpe.type == "METHOD_REF" then
+ local nameAndType = app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx]
+ cpe.className = assert(app.constPool[cpe.classIdx].className)
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.signature = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "IFACE_METHOD_REF" then
+ local classRef = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameIdx])
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ cpe.className = assert(classRef.className)
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ elseif cpe.type == "INVOKE_DYNAMIC" then
+ local nameAndType = assert(app.constPool[cpe.nameAndTypeIdx])
+ local bootstrapMethod = assert(app.constPool[cpe.bootstrapMethodAttrIdx], cpe.bootstrapMethodAttrIdx);
+ cpe.methodName = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.nameIdx].str)
+ cpe.methodType = assert(app.constPool[nameAndType.typeIdx].str)
+ --cpe.factoryClass = ;
+ --cpe.factoryMethod = ;
+ --cpe.factoryType = ;
+ end
+ end
+ -- debug-print
+ snk:write("\n")
+ for _,cpIdx in pairs{ 13, 14, 15, 227, 230, 236, 704, 709, 717 }do
+ snk:write("CONST_POOL @ ".. cpIdx .."\n")
+ for k,v in pairs(app.constPool[cpIdx])do print("X",k,v)end
+ end
+ for i, cpe in pairs(app.constPool) do
+ if false then
+ --elseif cpe.type == "CLASSREF" then
+ -- snk:write("CLASS \"".. cpe.className .."\"\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+function main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ parser = false,
+ constPool = {},
+ }
+ initParser(app)
+ -- Read 1st arg as a classfile and pump it into the parser.
+ local src = arg[1] and arg[1], "rb" ) or nil
+ if not src then
+ print("ERROR: Failed to open file from 1st arg: "..(arg[1]or"nil")) return
+ end
+ while true do
+ local buf = src:read(8192)
+ if not buf then break end
+ app.parser:write(buf)
+ end
+ app.parser:closeSnk()