path: root/contrib/build-env-setup/setup
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/build-env-setup/setup')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/build-env-setup/setup b/contrib/build-env-setup/setup
index b9f0f28..f5f51ce 100644
--- a/contrib/build-env-setup/setup
+++ b/contrib/build-env-setup/setup
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ exit 1
true \
&& GIT_TAG="master" \
+ && WORKDIR="${HOME:?}/work" \
&& PKGS_TO_ADD="ca-certificates curl gcc git make libc-dev tar" \
- && PKGS_TO_DEL="curl gcc git make libc-dev" \
&& SUDO=sudo \
&& PKGINIT="$SUDO apt update" \
&& PKGADD="$SUDO apt install -y --no-install-recommends" \
- && PKGDEL="$SUDO apt purge -y" \
- && PKGCLEAN="$SUDO apt clean" \
- && WORKDIR="${HOME:?}/work" \
- && true \
+ && `# prepare` \
&& mkdir -p "${WORKDIR:?}" && cd "${WORKDIR:?}" \
&& ${PKGINIT:?} && ${PKGADD:?} $PKGS_TO_ADD \
&& git clone --depth 42 --branch "${GIT_TAG:?}" . \
@@ -24,8 +21,6 @@ true \
&& ./configure $CONFIGURE_OPTS \
&& make clean && make -j$(nproc) \
&& $SUDO make install \
- && find . -not -wholename './dist*' -delete \
- && ${PKGDEL:?} $PKGS_TO_DEL && ${PKGCLEAN:?} \
&& dirOfDistBundle="$(realpath dist)" \
&& printf '\n SUCCESS :) Distribution bundle is ready in:\n\n %s\n\n Tip: Before pulling out your hair about how to get that archive out of\n your qemu VM. STOP kluding around with silly tools and learn how\n basic tools do the job perfectly fine:\n\n ssh %s@localhost -p%d -T '\''true && cd "%s" && tar c *'\'' | tar x\n\n BTW: In addition bulk-ln got installed and is ready-to-use.\n\n' "${dirOfDistBundle:?}" "$USER" "$(env|grep SSH_CLIENT|cut -d' ' -f3)" "${dirOfDistBundle:?}" \
&& true