path: root/doc/note/setup/build-lua.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/note/setup/build-lua.txt')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/note/setup/build-lua.txt b/doc/note/setup/build-lua.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5440233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/note/setup/build-lua.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+### Debian native
+true \
+ && PKGS_TO_ADD="curl ca-certificates gcc make libc6-dev" \
+ && SUDO=sudo \
+ && PKGINIT="$SUDO apt update" \
+ && PKGADD="$SUDO apt install -y --no-install-recommends" \
+ && PKGCLEAN="$SUDO apt clean" \
+ && HOST= \
+ && true
+### Alpine mingw cross
+true \
+ && PKGS_TO_ADD="binutils curl mingw-w64-gcc make tar" \
+ && SUDO="/home/$USER/.local/bin/sudo" \
+ && PKGINIT=true \
+ && PKGADD="$SUDO apk add" \
+ && PKGCLEAN="$SUDO apk clean" \
+ && HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
+ && true
+## Generic
+true \
+ && LUA_VERSION="5.4.3" \
+ && CACHE_DIR="/var/tmp" \
+ && true
+## Make
+true \
+ && if test -n "$(ls -A)"; then true \
+ && printf '\n It is recommended to run this script in an empty dir.\n\n' \
+ && false \
+ ;fi \
+ && if test -n "$HOST"; then HOST_="${HOST:?}-" ;fi \
+ && ${PKGINIT:?} && ${PKGADD:?} $PKGS_TO_ADD \
+ && LUA_URL="${LUA_VERSION:?}.tar.gz" \
+ && LUA_SRCTGZ="${CACHE_DIR:?}/lua-${LUA_VERSION:?}.tgz" \
+ && LUA_BINTGZ="${LUA_SRCTGZ%.*}-bin.tgz" \
+ && printf '\n Download Dependency Sources\n\n' \
+ && if test ! -e "${LUA_SRCTGZ:?}"; then true \
+ && echo "Download ${LUA_URL:?}" \
+ && curl -sSLo "${LUA_SRCTGZ:?}" "${LUA_URL:?}" \
+ ;fi \
+ && if test ! -e "${LUA_BINTGZ:?}"; then (true \
+ && printf '\n Build lua\n\n' \
+ && tar xf "${LUA_SRCTGZ:?}" \
+ && cd "lua-${LUA_VERSION:?}" \
+ && mkdir -p build/bin build/include build/lib build/man/man1 \
+ && export CFLAGS="-ggdb -Wall -Wextra" \
+ && `# Uncomment this line for debugging` \
+ && `# endOf Uncomment` \
+ && make clean \
+ && if echo "$HOST"|grep -q '\-mingw'; then true \
+ && make -j$(nproc) PLAT=mingw \
+ CC="${HOST_}gcc -std=gnu99" AR="${HOST_}ar rcu" RANLIB="${HOST_}ranlib" \
+ && cp -t build/. README \
+ && cp -t build/bin/. src/lua.exe src/luac.exe \
+ ;else true \
+ && make -j$(nproc) \
+ && cp -t build/. README \
+ && cp -t build/bin/. src/lua src/luac \
+ ;fi \
+ && cp -t build/include/. src/lua.h src/luaconf.h src/lualib.h src/lauxlib.h src/lua.hpp \
+ && cp -t build/lib/. src/liblua.a \
+ && cp -t build/man/man1/. doc/lua.1 doc/luac.1 \
+ && (cd build \
+ && rm -rf include/lua.hpp \
+ && tar --owner=0 --group=0 -czf "${LUA_BINTGZ:?}" * \
+ && md5sum -b "${LUA_BINTGZ:?}" > "${LUA_BINTGZ:?}.md5" \
+ ) \
+ && cd .. && rm -rf "lua-${LUA_VERSION:?}" \
+ );fi \
+ && printf '\n DONE\n\n'
+## Install
+true \
+ && $SUDO tar -C "${INSTALL_ROOT:?}" -xzf "${LUA_BINTGZ:?}" \
+ && true