path: root/doc/note/qemu/build-libcurl.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/note/qemu/build-libcurl.txt')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/note/qemu/build-libcurl.txt b/doc/note/qemu/build-libcurl.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7b8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/note/qemu/build-libcurl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+### Debian native
+true \
+ && PKGS_TO_ADD="autoconf automake ca-certificates curl make" \
+ && SUDO=sudo \
+ && PKGINIT="$SUDO apt update" \
+ && PKGADD="$SUDO apt install -y --no-install-recommends" \
+ && PKGCLEAN="$SUDO apt clean" \
+ && HOST= \
+ && true
+### Alpine mingw cross
+true \
+ && PKGS_TO_ADD="git make mingw-w64-gcc curl tar cmake autoconf automake libtool m4" \
+ && SUDO="/home/$USER/.local/bin/sudo" \
+ && PKGINIT=true \
+ && PKGADD="$SUDO apk add" \
+ && PKGCLEAN="$SUDO apk clean" \
+ && HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
+ && true
+## Generic
+true \
+ && CURL_VERSION="8.3.0" \
+ && CACHE_DIR="/var/tmp" \
+ && true
+## Make
+true \
+ && if test -n "$(ls -A)"; then true \
+ && printf '\n It is recommended to run this script in an empty dir.\n\n' \
+ && false \
+ ;fi \
+ && if test -n "$HOST"; then HOST_="${HOST:?}-" ;fi \
+ && CURL_VERSION_UGLY="$(echo "$CURL_VERSION"|sed 's;\.;_;g')" \
+ && CURL_URL="${CURL_VERSION_UGLY:?}.tar.gz" \
+ && CURL_SRCTGZ="${CACHE_DIR:?}/curl-${CURL_VERSION:?}.tgz" \
+ && CURL_BINTGZ="${CURL_SRCTGZ%.*}-bin.tgz" \
+ \
+ && ${PKGINIT:?} && ${PKGADD:?} $PKGS_TO_ADD \
+ && printf '\n Download Sources\n\n' \
+ && if test ! -e "${CURL_SRCTGZ:?}"; then true \
+ && echo "Download ${CURL_URL:?}" \
+ && curl -sSLo "${CURL_SRCTGZ:?}" "${CURL_URL:?}" \
+ ;fi \
+ && if test ! -e "${CURL_BINTGZ:?}"; then (true \
+ && printf '\n Build curl\n\n' \
+ && tar xf "${CURL_SRCTGZ:?}" \
+ && cd "curl-curl-${CURL_VERSION_UGLY:?}" \
+ && autoreconf -fi \
+ && if test -n "$HOST"; then HORSCHT="--host=${HOST:?}";fi \
+ && ./configure --prefix="$PWD/build/usr_local" --enable-http --with-nghttp2 --with-nghttp3 \
+ --disable-alt-svc --disable-ares --disable-aws --disable-basic-auth \
+ --disable-bearer-auth --disable-bindlocal --disable-cookies --disable-curldebug \
+ --disable-dateparse --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-dict \
+ --disable-digest-auth --disable-dnsshuffle --disable-doh --disable-ech --disable-file \
+ --disable-form-api --disable-ftp --disable-get-easy-options --disable-gopher \
+ --disable-headers-api --disable-hsts --disable-http-auth --disable-imap --enable-ipv6 \
+ --disable-kerberos-auth --disable-largefile --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps \
+ --disable-libcurl-option --disable-libtool-lock --enable-manual --disable-mime \
+ --disable-mqtt --disable-negotiate-auth --disable-netrc --enable-ntlm --enable-ntlm-wb \
+ --disable-openssl-auto-load-config --disable-optimize --disable-pop3 \
+ --disable-progress-meter --enable-proxy --disable-pthreads --disable-rt --disable-rtsp \
+ --disable-smb --enable-smtp --disable-socketpair --disable-sspi --disable-symbol-hiding \
+ --disable-telnet --disable-tftp --disable-threaded-resolver --disable-tls-srp \
+ --disable-unix-sockets --disable-verbose --disable-versioned-symbols --disable-warnings \
+ --disable-websockets --disable-werror --without-schannel --without-secure-transport \
+ --without-amissl --without-ssl --without-openssl --without-gnutls --without-mbedtls \
+ --without-wolfssl --without-bearssl --without-rustls --without-test-nghttpx \
+ --without-test-caddy --without-test-httpd --without-pic --without-aix-soname \
+ --without-gnu-ld --without-sysroot --without-mingw1-deprecated --without-hyper \
+ --without-zlib --without-brotli --without-zstd --without-ldap-lib --without-lber-lib \
+ --without-gssapi-includes --without-gssapi-libs --without-gssapi \
+ --without-default-ssl-backend --without-random --without-ca-bundle --without-ca-path \
+ --without-ca-fallback --without-libpsl --without-libgsasl --without-librtmp \
+ --without-winidn --without-libidn2 --without-ngtcp2 --without-quiche --without-msh3 \
+ --without-zsh-functions-dir --without-fish-functions-dir \
+ && make clean && make -j$(nproc) && make install \
+ && (cd build/usr_local \
+ && rm -rf share/aclocal bin/curl-config lib/ lib/pkgconfig \
+ && tar --owner=0 --group=0 -czf "${CURL_BINTGZ:?}" * \
+ && md5sum -b "${CURL_BINTGZ:?}" > "${CURL_BINTGZ:?}.md5" \
+ ) \
+ && cd .. && rm -rf "curl-curl-${CURL_VERSION_UGLY:?}" \
+ );fi \
+ && printf '\n DONE\n\n'
+### Install
+true \
+ && $SUDO tar -C "${INSTALL_ROOT:?}" -xzf "${CURL_BINTGZ:?}" \
+ && true