path: root/doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt
diff options
authorAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2024-09-30 18:49:24 +0200
committerAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2024-09-30 18:49:24 +0200
commit8abe4002c04c3e381d54ff57a2b7e2aaf551b7a3 (patch)
tree6f9c9e86f2731af3e5d414a16ae7e5d69aa0ceb8 /doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt
parent69782e8b126fdcd5b51e40773099c136e139a839 (diff)
parentcaf8fe34a85facf4edad8930015fbe9ae3d5f7b6 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt b/doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2763dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/note/setup/build-gateleen.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Step-by-step shell snippets how to build gateleen
+## Alpine
+ && PKGS_TO_ADD="curl maven nodejs npm redis openjdk11-jre-headless" \
+ && SUDO="${HOME:?}/.local/bin/mysudo" \
+ && PKGINIT=true \
+ && PKGADD="$SUDO apk add" \
+ && PKGCLEAN=true \
+ && mkdir -p "${HOME:?}/.local/bin" \
+ && printf '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'printf "Sudo "' 'su root -c "$(echo "$@")"' > "${HOME:?}/.local/bin/mysudo" \
+ && chmod u+x "${HOME:?}/.local/bin/mysudo" \
+## Generic
+ && GATELEEN_GIT_TAG="v1.3.28" \
+ && WORKDIR="/${HOME:?}/work" \
+ && CACHE_DIR="/var/tmp" \
+## Setup Dependencies & get sources
+ && ${PKGINIT:?} && ${PKGADD:?} $PKGS_TO_ADD \
+ \
+ && curl -sSL"${GATELEEN_GIT_TAG:?}".tar.gz > "${CACHE_DIR:?}/gateleen-${GATELEEN_GIT_TAG:?}.tgz" \
+## Corporation specific setup
+- Configure proxy if needed.
+- Configure "/home/user/.npmrc" if needed.
+- Configure "/home/user/.m2/settings.xml" if needed.
+## Make
+ && mkdir -p "${WORKDIR:?}/gateleen" && cd "${WORKDIR:?}/gateleen" \
+ && tar --strip-components 1 -xf "${CACHE_DIR:?}/gateleen-${GATELEEN_GIT_TAG:?}.tgz" \
+ && (cd gateleen-hook-js && npm install) \
+ && mkdir -p gateleen-hook-js/node/node_modules/npm/bin \
+ && ln -s /usr/bin/node gateleen-hook-js/node/node \
+ && printf "require('/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/cli.js')\n" | tee gateleen-hook-js/node/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js >/dev/null \
+ && mvn install -PpublicRepos -DskipTests -Dskip.installnodenpm -pl gateleen-hook-js \
+ && mvn install -PpublicRepos -DfailIfNoTests=false \
+ -pl '!gateleen-test,!gateleen-hook-js' \
+ '-Dtest=!ReleaseLockLuaScriptTests,!RedisCacheStorageTest,!DeltaHandlerTest,!QueueCircuitBreakerCloseCircuitLuaScriptTests,!QueueCircuitBreakerGetAllCircuitsLuaScriptTests,!QueueCircuitBreakerHalfOpenCircuitsLuaScriptTests,!QueueCircuitBreakerReOpenCircuitLuaScriptTests,!QueueCircuitBreakerUpdateStatsLuaScriptTests,!RemoveExpiredQueuesLuaScriptTests,!StartQueueTimerLuaScriptTests' \
+ && mkdir "${WORKDIR:?}/classpath" \
+ && (cd gateleen-playground && mvn dependency:copy-dependencies \
+ -DexcludeScope=provided -DoutputDirectory="${WORKDIR:?}/classpath/.") \
+ && cp gateleen-playground/target/gateleen-playground-*.jar "${WORKDIR:?}/classpath/." \
+ && mkdir "${WORKDIR:?}/etc" "${WORKDIR:?}/redis-state" \
+ && printf >"${WORKDIR:?}/etc/redis.conf" '%s\n' \
+ 'save ""' \
+ 'appendonly yes' \
+ 'appendfilename appendonly.aof' \
+ && `# Squeeze those funny "static files" into redis` \
+ && (cd "${WORKDIR:?}/redis-state" && redis-server "${WORKDIR:?}/etc/redis.conf" \
+ & java -cp "${WORKDIR:?}/classpath/"'*' org.swisspush.gateleen.playground.Server \
+ & sleep 3 \
+ ) \
+ && (cd "${WORKDIR:?}/gateleen" && mvn deploy -PuploadStaticFiles) \
+ && (pkill -INT java || sleep 3 && pkill -TERM java || sleep 3 && pkill -9 java) \
+ && pkill -INT redis-server \
+ && $PKGCLEAN \
+ && sleep 3 \
+ && (cd "${WORKDIR:?}/gateleen" && mvn clean) \
+ && printf '\n DONE\n\n' \
+### Run
+ && ip a | grep inet \
+ && (true \
+ && (cd "${WORKDIR:?}/redis-state" && redis-server "${WORKDIR:?}/etc/redis.conf") \
+ & true \
+ && cd ~ \
+ && java -cp "${WORKDIR:?}/classpath/"'*' org.swisspush.gateleen.playground.Server \
+ ) \