path: root/src/gateleen_resclone/gateleen_resclone.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gateleen_resclone/gateleen_resclone.c')
1 files changed, 926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gateleen_resclone/gateleen_resclone.c b/src/gateleen_resclone/gateleen_resclone.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f03b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateleen_resclone/gateleen_resclone.c
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+/* This Unit */
+#include "gateleen_resclone.h"
+/* System */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Libs */
+#include "archive.h"
+#include "archive_entry.h"
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+#include <yajl/yajl_parse.h>
+/* Project */
+#include "array.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "mime.h"
+#include "util_string.h"
+/* Types *********************************************************************/
+#define ERR_PARSE_DIR_LIST -2
+/** Operation mode. */
+typedef enum opMode {
+} opMode_t;
+/** Main module handle representing an instance. */
+typedef struct this {
+ enum opMode mode;
+ /** Base URL where to upload to / download from. */
+ char *url;
+ /** Array of regex patterns to use per segment. */
+ regex_t *filter;
+ size_t filter_len;
+ /** Says if only start or whole path needs to match the pattern. */
+ bool isFilterFull;
+ /* Path to archive file to use. Using stdin/stdout if NULL. */
+ char *file;
+} this_t;
+/** Closure for a download instructed by external caller. */
+typedef struct cls_dload {
+ struct this *this;
+ char *rootUrl;
+ struct archive *dstArchive;
+ struct archive_entry *tmpEntry;
+ char *archiveFile;
+ CURL *curl;
+} cls_dload_t;
+/** Closure for a collection (directory) download. */
+typedef struct cls_resourceDir {
+ struct cls_dload *dload;
+ yajl_handle yajl;
+ struct cls_resourceDir *parentDir;
+ short rspCode;
+ char *name;
+ char **childNames;
+ size_t childNames_count;
+ size_t childNames_size;
+} cls_resourceDir_t;
+/** Closure for a file download. */
+typedef struct cls_resourceFile {
+ struct cls_dload *dload;
+ size_t srcChunkIdx;
+ char *url;
+ char *buf;
+ int buf_len;
+ int buf_memSz;
+} cls_resourceFile_t;
+/** Closure for an upload instructed by external caller. */
+typedef struct cls_upload {
+ struct this *this;
+ char *rootUrl;
+ char *archiveFile;
+ struct archive *srcArchive;
+ CURL *curl;
+} cls_upload_t;
+/** Closure for a PUT of a single resource. */
+typedef struct cls_put {
+ struct cls_upload *upload;
+ /* Path (relative to rootUrl) of the resource to be uploaded. */
+ char *name;
+} cls_put_t;
+/* Operations ****************************************************************/
+TPL_ARRAY( str, char*, 16 );
+static void
+printHelp( void )
+ char filename[sizeof(__FILE__)];
+ strcpy( filename, __FILE__ );
+ printf("%s%s%s",
+ "\n"
+ " ", basename(filename), " - " STR_QUOT(PROJECT_VERSION) "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ "\n"
+ " --pull|--push\n"
+ " Choose to download or upload.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " --url <url>\n"
+ " Root node of remote tree.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " --filter-part <path-filter>\n"
+ " Regex pattern applied as predicate to the path starting after the path\n"
+ " specified in '--url'. Each path segment will be handled as its\n"
+ " individual pattern. If there are longer paths to process, they will be\n"
+ " accepted, as long they at least start-with specified filter.\n"
+ " Example: /foo/[0-9]+/bar\n"
+ "\n"
+ " --filter-full <path-filter>\n"
+ " Nearly same as '--filter-part'. But paths with more segments than the\n"
+ " pattern, will be rejected.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " --file <path.tar>\n"
+ " (optional) Path to the archive file to read/write. Defaults to\n"
+ " stdin/stdout if ommitted.\n"
+ "\n"
+ );
+static int
+parseArgs( int argc, char**argv, opMode_t*mode, char**url, regex_t**filter, size_t*filter_cnt,
+ bool*isFilterFull, char**file )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ char *filterRaw = NULL;
+ if( argc == -1 ){ // -1 indicates the call to free our resources. So simply jump
+ goto fail; // to 'fail' because that has the same effect.
+ }
+ *mode = 0;
+ *url = NULL;
+ *filter = NULL;
+ *filter_cnt = 0;
+ *isFilterFull = false;
+ *file = NULL;
+ for( int i=1 ; i<argc ; ++i ){
+ char *arg = argv[i];
+ if( !strcmp(arg,"--help") ){
+ printHelp();
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--pull") ){
+ if( *mode ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Mode already specified. Won't set '--pull'.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ *mode = MODE_FETCH;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--push") ){
+ if( *mode ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Mode already specified. Won't set '--push'.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ *mode = MODE_PUSH;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--url") ){
+ if(!( arg=argv[++i]) ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Arg '--url' needs a value.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ *url = arg;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--filter-full") ){
+ if(!( arg=argv[++i] )){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Arg '--filter-full' needs a value.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail; }
+ if( filterRaw ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Cannot use '--filter-full' because a filter is already set.");
+ ret=-1; goto fail; }
+ filterRaw = arg;
+ *isFilterFull = true;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--filter-part") ){
+ if(!( arg=argv[++i] )){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Arg '--filter-part' needs a value.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail; }
+ if( filterRaw ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Cannot use '--filter-part' because a filter is already set.");
+ ret=-1; goto fail; }
+ filterRaw = arg;
+ *isFilterFull = false;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg,"--file") ){
+ if(!( arg=argv[++i]) ){
+ printf("%s\n","ERROR: Arg '--file' needs a value.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ *file = arg;
+ }else{
+ printf("%s%s\n", "ERROR: Unknown arg ",arg);
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ if( *mode==0 ){
+ printf("%s\n", "ERROR: One of --push or --pull required.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ if( *url==NULL ){
+ printf("%s\n", "ERROR: Arg --url missing.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ uint_t urlFromArgs_len = strlen( *url );
+ if( ((*url)[urlFromArgs_len-1]) != '/' ){
+ char *urlFromArgs = *url;
+ uint_t url_len = urlFromArgs_len + 1;
+ *url = malloc(url_len+1); /* TODO: Should we free this? */
+ memcpy( *url, urlFromArgs, urlFromArgs_len );
+ (*url)[url_len-1] = '/';
+ (*url)[url_len] = '\0';
+ }else{
+ *url = strdup( *url ); // Make our own string (so we've no fear to call
+ // free on it later)
+ }
+ if( filterRaw ){
+ uint_t buf_len = strlen( filterRaw );
+ char *buf = malloc( 1+ buf_len +2 );
+ buf[0] = '_'; // <- Match whole segment.
+ memcpy( buf+1, filterRaw, buf_len+1 );
+ char *beg, *end;
+ size_t filter_cap = 0;
+ end = buf+1; // <- Initialize at begin for 1st iteration.
+ for( uint_t iSegm=0 ;; ++iSegm ){
+ for( beg=end ; *beg=='/' ; ++beg ); // <- Search for begin and
+ for( end=beg ; *end!='/' && *end!='\0' ; ++end ); // <- end of current segment.
+ char origBeg = beg[-1];
+ char origSep = *end;
+ char origNext = end[1];
+ beg[-1] = '^'; // <- Add 'match-start' so we MUST match whole segment.
+ *end = '$'; // <- Add 'match-end' so we must match whole segment.
+ end[1] = '\0'; // <- Temporary terminate to compile segment only.
+ if( iSegm >= filter_cap ){
+ filter_cap += 8;
+ *filter = realloc( *filter, filter_cap*sizeof(**filter) );
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%u%s%p\n", "realloc( NULL, ", filter_cap*sizeof(**filter)," ) -> ", *filter );
+ if( !*filter ){ LOG_ERROR("%s%d%s\n","realloc(",filter_cap*sizeof(**filter),")"); ret=-ENOMEM; goto fail; }
+ }
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%d%s%s%s\n", "filter[", iSegm, "] -> '", beg-1, "'");
+ err = regcomp( (*filter)+iSegm, beg-1, REG_EXTENDED);
+ if( err ){ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s%d\n","regcomp(",beg,") -> ", err); return -1; }
+ // Restore surrounding stuff.
+ beg[-1] = origBeg;
+ *end = origSep; // <- Restore tmp 'end-of-match' ($).
+ end[1] = origNext; // <- Restore tmp termination.
+ if( *end=='\0' ){ // EOF
+ *filter_cnt = iSegm +1;
+ *filter = realloc( *filter, *filter_cnt *sizeof(**filter) ); // Trim result.
+ free( buf ); buf=NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( *mode==MODE_PUSH && *filter ){
+ printf("%s\n", "ERROR: Filtering not supported for push mode.");
+ ret = -1; goto fail;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ free( *url ); *url=NULL;
+ for( uint_t i=0 ; i<*filter_cnt ; ++i ){
+ regfree( &(filter[0][i]) );
+ }
+ *filter_cnt = 0;
+ free( *filter ); *filter=NULL;
+ return ret;
+static int
+onYajlString(void*cls_resourceDir_, const unsigned char*str_, size_t str_len)
+ ssize_t err, ret=str_len;
+ cls_resourceDir_t *resourceDir = cls_resourceDir_;
+ const char *str = (void*)str_;
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%.*s%s\n", __func__, "(): Add dirent '",(int)str_len,str,"'");
+ char *newStr = malloc( str_len +1 );
+ memcpy( newStr, str, str_len );
+ newStr[str_len] = '\0';
+ err = array_add_str( &resourceDir->childNames, &resourceDir->childNames_count, &resourceDir->childNames_size, newStr );
+ //err = arrStr_add( &resourceDir->childNames , &resourceDir->childNames_count , &resourceDir->childNames_size , &newStr );
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ endFn:
+ return ret;
+static size_t
+onCurlDirRsp( char*buf , size_t size , size_t nmemb , void*cls_resourceDir_ )
+ ssize_t err, ret = size*nmemb;
+ cls_resourceDir_t *resourceDir = cls_resourceDir_;
+ cls_dload_t *dload = resourceDir->dload;
+ CURL *curl = dload->curl;
+ const size_t buf_len = size * nmemb;
+ unsigned char *bufUnsigned = (void*)buf;
+ long rspCode;
+ curl_easy_getinfo( curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &rspCode );
+ resourceDir->rspCode = rspCode;
+ if( rspCode != 200 ){
+ goto endFn;
+ }
+ err = yajl_parse(resourceDir->yajl, bufUnsigned, buf_len);
+ if( err ){
+ unsigned char *errMsg = yajl_get_error(resourceDir->yajl, /*verbose=*/1, bufUnsigned, buf_len);
+ LOG_WARN("%s%ld%s%s\n", "Failed to parse dir listing (code ",err,"): ", errMsg);
+ yajl_free_error( resourceDir->yajl , errMsg );
+ resourceDir->rspCode = ERR_PARSE_DIR_LIST;
+ goto endFn;
+ }
+ endFn:
+ return ret;
+static size_t
+onResourceChunk( char*buf , size_t size , size_t nmemb , void*cls_resourceFile_ )
+ int buf_len = size * nmemb;
+ int ret = buf_len;
+ cls_resourceFile_t *resourceFile = cls_resourceFile_;
+ int avail = resourceFile->buf_memSz - resourceFile->buf_len;
+ if( avail <= buf_len ){
+ resourceFile->buf_memSz += buf_len - avail +1;
+ resourceFile->buf = realloc( resourceFile->buf , resourceFile->buf_memSz );
+ }
+ char *it = resourceFile->buf + resourceFile->buf_len;
+ memcpy( it , buf , buf_len ); it+=buf_len;
+ *it = '\0';
+ resourceFile->buf_len = it - resourceFile->buf;
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+collectResourceIntoMemory( cls_resourceFile_t*resourceFile , char*url )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ cls_dload_t *dload = resourceFile->dload;
+ CURL *curl = dload->curl;
+ err = CURLE_OK!= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url)
+ || CURLE_OK!= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0L )
+ || CURLE_OK!= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, onResourceChunk)
+ || CURLE_OK!= curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, resourceFile)
+ ;
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ err = curl_easy_perform( curl );
+ if( err!=CURLE_OK ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s%s%ld%s%s\n", __func__, "(): '",url,"' (code ", err, "): ", curl_easy_strerror(err));
+ ret=-1; goto finally;
+ }
+ finally:
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+copyBufToArchive( cls_resourceFile_t*resourceFile )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ cls_dload_t *dload = resourceFile->dload;
+ char *fileName = resourceFile->url + strlen(resourceFile->dload->rootUrl);
+ if( ! dload->dstArchive ){
+ // Setup archive if not setup yet.
+ dload->dstArchive = archive_write_new();
+ err = archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted( dload->dstArchive )
+ || archive_write_open_filename( dload->dstArchive , dload->archiveFile )
+ ;
+ if( err ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s\n", __func__, "(): Failed to setup tar output: ", archive_error_string(dload->dstArchive));
+ ret = -1; goto endFn;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! dload->tmpEntry ){
+ dload->tmpEntry = archive_entry_new();
+ }else{
+ dload->tmpEntry = archive_entry_clear( dload->tmpEntry );
+ }
+ archive_entry_set_pathname(dload->tmpEntry, fileName);
+ archive_entry_set_filetype(dload->tmpEntry, AE_IFREG);
+ archive_entry_set_size(dload->tmpEntry, resourceFile->buf_len);
+ archive_entry_set_perm(dload->tmpEntry, 0644);
+ err = archive_write_header(dload->dstArchive, dload->tmpEntry);
+ if( err ){ ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ ssize_t written = archive_write_data( dload->dstArchive , resourceFile->buf , resourceFile->buf_len );
+ if( written < 0 ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s\n", __func__, "Failed to archive_write_data: ", archive_error_string(dload->dstArchive));
+ ret = -1; goto endFn;
+ }else if( written != resourceFile->buf_len ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%u%s%lu\n", __func__, "(): archive_write_data failed to write all ", resourceFile->buf_len, " bytes. Instead it wrote ", written);
+ ret = -1; goto endFn;
+ }
+ resourceFile->buf_len = 0;
+ endFn:
+ return ret;
+/** @return 0:Reject, 1:Accept, <0:ERROR */
+static ssize_t
+pathFilterAcceptsEntry( cls_dload_t*dload, cls_resourceDir_t*resourceDir, size_t childIdx )
+ ssize_t err, ret=1; // <- Accept per default.
+ char *name = resourceDir->childNames[childIdx];
+ uint_t name_len = strlen( name );
+ if( dload->this->filter ){
+ // Count parents to find correct regex to apply.
+ uint_t idx = 0;
+ for( cls_resourceDir_t*it=resourceDir->parentDir ; it ; it=it->parentDir ){ ++idx; }
+ // Check if we even have such a long filter at all.
+ if( idx >= dload->this->filter_len ){
+ if( dload->this->isFilterFull ){
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s\n", "Path longer than --filter-full -> reject.");
+ ret = 0; goto finally;
+ }else{
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s\n", "Path longer than --filter-part -> accept.");
+ ret = 1; goto finally;
+ }
+ }
+ // We have a regex. Setup the check.
+ bool restoreEndSlash = false;
+ if( name[name_len-1]=='/' ){
+ restoreEndSlash = true;
+ name[name_len-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%u%s%s%s\n", "idx=",idx," name='", name, "'");
+ regex_t *filterArr = dload->this->filter;
+ regex_t *r = filterArr + (idx);
+ err = regexec( r, name, 0, 0, 0 );
+ if( ! err ){
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s\n", "Segment accepted by filter.");
+ ret = 1;
+ }else if( err==REG_NOMATCH ){
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s\n", "Segment rejected by filter.");
+ ret = 0;
+ }else{
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%.*s%s%d\n", "regexec(rgx, '",(int)name_len,name,"') -> ", err );
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ if( restoreEndSlash ){
+ name[name_len-1] = '/';
+ }
+ goto finally;
+ }
+ finally: return ret;
+/** Gets called for every resource to scan/download.
+ * HINT: Gets called recursively. */
+static ssize_t
+gateleenResclone_download( cls_dload_t*dload , cls_resourceDir_t*parentResourceDir , char*entryName )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ char *url = NULL;
+ int url_len = 0;
+ int resUrl_len = 0;
+ cls_resourceDir_t *resourceDir = NULL;
+ cls_resourceFile_t *resourceFile = NULL;
+ if( !entryName ){
+ // Is the case when its the root call and not a recursive one.
+ entryName = dload->rootUrl;
+ }
+ // Stack-Alloc resourceDir-closure.
+ cls_resourceDir_t _1={0}; resourceDir =&_1;
+ resourceDir->dload = dload;
+ resourceDir->parentDir = parentResourceDir;
+ resourceDir->name = strdup( entryName );
+ static yajl_callbacks yajlCbacks = {0};
+ yajlCbacks.yajl_string = onYajlString;
+ resourceDir->yajl = yajl_alloc( &yajlCbacks , NULL , resourceDir );
+ // Configure client
+ {
+ url_len = 0;
+ for( cls_resourceDir_t*d=resourceDir ; d ; d=d->parentDir ){
+ int len = strlen(d->name) - strspn(d->name, "/");
+ url_len += len;
+ }
+ url = malloc( url_len +1 /*MightPreventReallocLaterForName*/+24 );
+ char *u = url + url_len;
+ for( cls_resourceDir_t*d=resourceDir ; d ; d=d->parentDir ){
+ char *name = d->name + strspn( d->name , "/" );
+ int name_len = strlen(name);
+ memcpy( u-name_len , name , name_len ); u-=name_len;
+ }
+ url[url_len] = '\0';
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%s%s\n", __func__, "(): URL '",url,"'");
+ err = CURLE_OK != curl_easy_setopt(dload->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url)
+ || CURLE_OK != curl_easy_setopt(dload->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0L )
+ || CURLE_OK != curl_easy_setopt(dload->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, onCurlDirRsp)
+ || CURLE_OK != curl_easy_setopt(dload->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, resourceDir)
+ ;
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ }
+ err = curl_easy_perform( dload->curl );
+ if( err!=CURLE_OK ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s%s%ld%s%s\n", __func__, "(): '",url,"' (code ", err, "): ", curl_easy_strerror(err));
+ ret=-1; goto finally;
+ }
+ if( resourceDir->rspCode == ERR_PARSE_DIR_LIST ){
+ goto finally; // Already logged by sub-ctxt. Simply skip to next entry.
+ }
+ if( resourceDir->rspCode != 200 ){
+ // Ugh? Just one request earlier, server said there's a directory on
+ // that URL. Never mind. Just skip it and at least download the other
+ // stuff.
+ LOG_WARN("%s%d%s%s%s\n", "Skip HTTP ", resourceDir->rspCode ," -> '",url,"'");
+ goto finally;
+ }
+ err = yajl_complete_parse( resourceDir->yajl );
+ if( err ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s\n", "Failed to parse response json.");
+ assert( !err );
+ ret=-1; goto finally;
+ }
+ cls_resourceFile_t _2={0}; resourceFile =&_2;
+ resourceFile->dload = dload;
+ for( unsigned i=0 ; i<resourceDir->childNames_count ; ++i ){
+ char *name = resourceDir->childNames[i];
+ int name_len = strlen( name );
+ err = pathFilterAcceptsEntry( dload, resourceDir, i );
+ if( err<0 ){ // ERROR
+ ret = err; goto finally;
+ }else if( err==0 ){ // REJECT
+ LOG_INFO("%s%s%s%s\n", "Skip '", url,resourceDir->childNames[i],"' (filtered)");
+ continue;
+ }else{ // ACCEPT
+ // Go ahead.
+ }
+ if( name[name_len-1]=='/' ){
+ LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%s%s\n", "Scan '", url, name,"'");
+ err = gateleenResclone_download( dload , resourceDir , name );
+ if( err ){ ret=err; goto finally; }
+ }
+ else{
+ int requiredLen = url_len + 1/*slash*/ + name_len;
+ if( resUrl_len < requiredLen ){
+ resourceFile->url = realloc( resourceFile->url , requiredLen +1 );
+ resUrl_len = requiredLen;
+ }
+ sprintf(resourceFile->url, "%s%s", url , name );
+ LOG_INFO("%s%s%s\n", "Download '", resourceFile->url, "'");
+ resourceFile->buf_len = 0; // <- Reset before use.
+ collectResourceIntoMemory( resourceFile , resourceFile->url );
+ copyBufToArchive( resourceFile );
+ }
+ }
+ finally:
+ if( resourceFile ){
+ free(resourceFile->buf); resourceFile->buf = NULL;
+ free( resourceFile->url ); resourceFile->url = NULL;
+ }
+ if( resourceDir ){
+ yajl_free( resourceDir->yajl ); resourceDir->yajl = NULL;
+ free( resourceDir->name ); resourceDir->name = NULL;
+ for( size_t i=0 ; i<resourceDir->childNames_count ; ++i ){
+ free( resourceDir->childNames[i] ); resourceDir->childNames[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ free( resourceDir->childNames ); resourceDir->childNames = NULL;
+ }
+ free( url );
+ return ret;
+static void
+this_free( this_t*this )
+ if( this==NULL ) return;
+ //for( dirEntry_t*dirent=this->dirStack ; dirent ;){
+ // for( size_t iChild=0 ; iChild<dirent->names_count ; ++iChild ){
+ // free( dirent->names[iChild] ); dirent->names[iChild] = NULL;
+ // }
+ // free( dirent->names ); dirent->names = NULL;
+ // free( dirent->name ); dirent->name = NULL;
+ // { void*n=dirent->parent; free(dirent); dirent=n; }
+ //}
+ free( this );
+static this_t*
+ ssize_t err;
+ this_t *this = NULL;
+ err = curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL );
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); goto fail; }
+ this = calloc(1, sizeof(*this) );
+ return this;
+ fail:
+ this_free( this );
+ return NULL;
+static size_t
+onUploadChunkRequested( char*buf , size_t size , size_t count , void*cls_put_ )
+ cls_put_t *put = cls_put_;
+ cls_upload_t *upload = put->upload;
+ const size_t buf_len = size * count;
+ ssize_t ret = buf_len;
+ ssize_t readLen = archive_read_data(upload->srcArchive, buf, buf_len);
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%lu%s\n", "Cpy ",readLen," bytes.");
+ if( readLen<0 ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%ld%s%s\n", "Failed to read from archive (code ",readLen,"): ", archive_error_string(upload->srcArchive));
+ assert(0); ret=-1; goto endFn;
+ }
+ else if( readLen>0 ){
+ // Regular read. Data already written to 'buf'. Only need to adjust
+ // return val.
+ ret = readLen;
+ }
+ else{ // readLen==0 -> EOF
+ ret = 0; // Nothing more to read.
+ }
+ endFn:
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%ld\n", __func__, "() -> ", ret);
+ return ret>=0 ? ret : CURL_READFUNC_ABORT;
+static ssize_t
+addContentTypeHeader( cls_put_t*put , struct curl_slist *reqHdrs )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ char *contentTypeHdr = NULL;
+ cls_upload_t *upload = put->upload;
+ const char *name = put->name;
+ uint_t name_len = strlen( put->name );
+ // Find file extension.
+ const char *ext = name + name_len;
+ for(; ext>name && *ext!='.' && *ext!='/' ; --ext );
+ // Convert it to mime type.
+ const char *mimeType;
+ if( *ext=='.' ){
+ mimeType = fileExtToMime( ext+1 ); // <- +1, to skip the (useless) dot.
+ if( mimeType ){
+ LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%s%s%s\n", "Resolved file ext '", ext+1,"' to mime '", mimeType?mimeType:"<null>", "'.");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( *ext=='/' || ext==name || *ext=='\0' ){ // TODO Explain why 0x00.
+ mimeType = "application/json";
+ LOG_DEBUG("%s\n", "No file extension. Fallback to json (gateleen default)");
+ }
+ else{
+ mimeType = NULL;
+ }
+ if( mimeType==NULL ){
+ LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%s\n", "Unknown file extension '", ext+1, "'. Will NOT add Content-Type header.");
+ mimeType = ""; // <- Need to 'remove' header. To do this, pass an empty value to curl.
+ }
+ uint_t mimeType_len = strlen( mimeType );
+ static const char contentTypePrefix[] = "Content-Type: ";
+ static const uint_t contentTypePrefix_len = sizeof(contentTypePrefix)-1;
+ contentTypeHdr = malloc( contentTypePrefix_len + mimeType_len +1 );
+ memcpy( contentTypeHdr , contentTypePrefix , contentTypePrefix_len );
+ memcpy( contentTypeHdr+contentTypePrefix_len , mimeType , mimeType_len+1 );
+ reqHdrs = curl_slist_append( reqHdrs, contentTypeHdr );
+ err = curl_easy_setopt( upload->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, reqHdrs );
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ endFn:
+ free( contentTypeHdr );
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+httpPutEntry( cls_put_t*put )
+ ssize_t err, ret = 0;
+ cls_upload_t *upload = put->upload;
+ char *url = NULL;
+ struct curl_slist *reqHdrs = NULL;
+ int rootUrl_len = strlen(upload->rootUrl);
+ if( upload->rootUrl[rootUrl_len-1]=='/' ){
+ rootUrl_len -= 1;
+ }
+ int url_len = strlen(upload->rootUrl) + strlen(put->name);
+ url = malloc( url_len +2 );
+ sprintf(url, "%.*s/%s", rootUrl_len,upload->rootUrl, put->name);
+ err = CURLE_OK != curl_easy_setopt(upload->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url )
+ || addContentTypeHeader( put , reqHdrs )
+ ;
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ LOG_INFO("%s%s%s\n", "Upload '",url,"'");
+ err = curl_easy_perform( upload->curl );
+ if( err!=CURLE_OK ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%s%ld%s%s\n", "PUT '",url,"' (code ", err, "): ", curl_easy_strerror(err));
+ ret=-1; goto endFn;
+ }
+ long rspCode;
+ curl_easy_getinfo(upload->curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &rspCode);
+ if( rspCode<=199 || rspCode>=300 ){
+ LOG_WARN("%s%ld%s%s%s\n", "Got RspCode ", rspCode, " for 'PUT ", url, "'");
+ }else{
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%ld%s%s%s\n", "Got RspCode ", rspCode, " for 'PUT ", url, "'");
+ }
+ endFn:
+ curl_slist_free_all( reqHdrs );
+ free( url );
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+readArchive( cls_upload_t*upload )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ cls_put_t *put = NULL;
+ upload->srcArchive = archive_read_new();
+ if( ! upload->srcArchive ){ assert(upload->srcArchive); ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ const int blockSize = 16384; // <- Because curl examples use this value too.
+ err = archive_read_support_format_all( upload->srcArchive )
+ || archive_read_open_filename( upload->srcArchive , upload->archiveFile , blockSize )
+ ;
+ if( err ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%ld%s%s\n", "Failed to open src archive (code ",err,"): ", curl_easy_strerror(err) );
+ ret=-1; goto endFn;
+ }
+ err = curl_easy_setopt( upload->curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L)
+ || curl_easy_setopt( upload->curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, onUploadChunkRequested )
+ ;
+ if( err ){ assert(!err); ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ for( struct archive_entry*entry ; archive_read_next_header(upload->srcArchive,&entry)==ARCHIVE_OK ;){
+ const char *name = archive_entry_pathname( entry );
+ int ftype = archive_entry_filetype( entry );
+ if( ftype == AE_IFDIR ){
+ continue; // Ignore dirs because gateleen doesn't know 'dirs' as such.
+ }
+ if( ftype != AE_IFREG ){
+ LOG_WARN("%s%s%s\n", "Ignore non-regular file '", name, "'");
+ continue;
+ }
+ //LOG_DEBUG("%s%s%s\n", "Reading '",name,"'");
+ cls_put_t _1={
+ .upload = upload,
+ .name = (char*)name
+ }; put =&_1;
+ err = curl_easy_setopt( upload->curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, put )
+ || httpPutEntry( put );
+ //curl = upload->curl; // Sync back. TODO: Still needed?
+ if( err ){ ret=-1; goto endFn; }
+ }
+ endFn:
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+pull( this_t*this )
+ ssize_t err, ret = 0;
+ cls_dload_t *dload = NULL;
+ if( this->file==NULL && isatty(1) ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s\n", "Are you sure you wanna write binary content to tty?");
+ ret = -1; goto finally;
+ }
+ cls_dload_t _1={0}; dload =&_1;
+ dload->this = this;
+ dload->rootUrl = this->url;
+ dload->archiveFile = this->file;
+ dload->curl = curl_easy_init();
+ if( ! dload->curl ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s\n", "curl_easy_init() -> NULL");
+ ret = -1; goto finally;
+ }
+ err = gateleenResclone_download( dload , NULL , NULL );
+ if( err ){ ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ if( dload->dstArchive && archive_write_close(dload->dstArchive) ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s%s%ld%s%s\n", __func__, "(): archive_write_close failed (code ", err, "): ", archive_error_string(dload->dstArchive));
+ ret = -1; goto finally;
+ }
+ finally:
+ if( dload ){
+ curl_easy_cleanup( dload->curl );
+ archive_entry_free( dload->tmpEntry ); dload->tmpEntry = NULL;
+ archive_write_free( dload->dstArchive ); dload->dstArchive = NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static ssize_t
+push( this_t*this )
+ ssize_t err, ret = 0;
+ cls_upload_t *upload = NULL;
+ cls_upload_t _1={0}; upload =&_1;
+ upload->this = this;
+ upload->archiveFile = this->file;
+ upload->rootUrl = this->url;
+ upload->curl = curl_easy_init();
+ if( ! upload->curl ){
+ LOG_ERROR("%s\n", "curl_easy_init() -> NULL" );
+ ret = -1; goto finally;
+ }
+ err = readArchive( upload );
+ if( err ){ ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ finally:
+ if( upload ){
+ curl_easy_cleanup( upload->curl );
+ archive_read_free( upload->srcArchive );
+ }
+ return ret;
+gateleenResclone_run( int argc , char**argv )
+ ssize_t err, ret=0;
+ this_t *this = NULL;
+ this = this_alloc();
+ if( this==NULL ){ ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ err = parseArgs( argc, argv, &this->mode, &this->url, &this->filter, &this->filter_len,
+ &this->isFilterFull, &this->file );
+ if( err ){ ret=-1; goto finally; }
+ if( this->mode == MODE_FETCH ){
+ ret = pull(this); goto finally;
+ }else if( this->mode == MODE_PUSH ){
+ ret = push(this); goto finally;
+ }else{
+ ret = -1; goto finally;
+ }
+ finally:
+ parseArgs( -1, argv, &this->mode, &this->url, &this->filter, &this->filter_len,
+ &this->isFilterFull, &this->file );
+ this->mode=MODE_NULL; this->url=NULL; this->file=NULL;
+ this_free( this );
+ return ret;
+gateleenResclone_main( int argc , char**argv )
+ int ret;
+ ret = gateleenResclone_run( argc , argv );
+ return ret<0||ret>127 ? 1 : ret;