# SSH client config # General config for all hosts Host * # No idea why I should wait full 30 seconds for a peer to reply ... ConnectTimeout 5 # Prevents hung-up sessions. I guess a firewall dropped the connection as # no packages were thransferred for longer time (eg half a hour). This # setting sends some ping-like packets after some time which helps # firewalls to recognize the connection as alive. ServerAliveInterval 107 # Makes bash autocomplete the hostname :) Host example.com Hostname example.com # Use non-default user/port/whatever for listed hosts Host example.com User myUsernameOnRemote Port 12345 # Get rid of annoying security checks where it doesn't make sense (eg # throw-away VirtualBox machines). Host 192.168.56.* StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null # Forward X11 by default Host example.com ForwardX11 yes # Run few setup cmds before starting a shell. Host example.com RequestTTY yes RemoteCommand echo foo bar && exec /usr/bin/bash -i Host example.com # Strongest way I found so far to force remote prompt: RemoteCommand export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1='"'"'my-prompt\n\$ '"'"'' && exec /usr/bin/bash -li