/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
 * Mini ps implementation(s) for busybox
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 by Erik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>
 * Licensed under the GPL version 2, see the file LICENSE in this tarball.

#include "busybox.h"


/* Print value to buf, max size+1 chars (including trailing '\0') */

static void func_user(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	safe_strncpy(buf, get_cached_username(ps->uid), size+1);

static void func_comm(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	safe_strncpy(buf, ps->comm, size+1);

static void func_args(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	buf[0] = '\0';
	if (ps->cmd)
		safe_strncpy(buf, ps->cmd, size+1);
	else if (size >= 2)
		snprintf(buf, size+1, "[%.*s]", size-2, ps->comm);

static void func_pid(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	snprintf(buf, size+1, "%*u", size, ps->pid);

static void func_ppid(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	snprintf(buf, size+1, "%*u", size, ps->ppid);

static void func_pgid(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	snprintf(buf, size+1, "%*u", size, ps->pgid);

static void func_vsz(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	char buf5[5];
	smart_ulltoa5( ((unsigned long long)ps->vsz) << 10, buf5);
	snprintf(buf, size+1, "%.*s", size, buf5);

void func_nice(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)

void func_etime(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	elapled time [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss

void func_time(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)
	cumulative time [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss

void func_pcpu(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)

void func_tty(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps)

typedef struct {
	char name[8];
	const char *header;
	void (*f)(char *buf, int size, const procps_status_t *ps);
	int ps_flags;
	int width;
} ps_out_t;

static const ps_out_t out_spec[] = {
// Mandated by POSIX:
	{ "user"  ,"USER"   ,func_user  ,PSSCAN_UIDGID,8                   },
	{ "comm"  ,"COMMAND",func_comm  ,PSSCAN_COMM  ,16                  },
	{ "args"  ,"COMMAND",func_args  ,PSSCAN_CMD|PSSCAN_COMM,256        },
	{ "pid"   ,"PID"    ,func_pid   ,PSSCAN_PID   ,5                   },
	{ "ppid"  ,"PPID"   ,func_ppid  ,PSSCAN_PPID  ,5                   },
	{ "pgid"  ,"PGID"   ,func_pgid  ,PSSCAN_PGID  ,5                   },
//	{ "etime" ,"ELAPSED",func_etime ,PSSCAN_      ,sizeof("ELAPSED")-1 },
//	{ "group" ,"GROUP"  ,func_group ,PSSCAN_UIDGID,sizeof("GROUP"  )-1 },
//	{ "nice"  ,"NI"     ,func_nice  ,PSSCAN_      ,sizeof("NI"     )-1 },
//	{ "pcpu"  ,"%CPU"   ,func_pcpu  ,PSSCAN_      ,sizeof("%CPU"   )-1 },
//	{ "rgroup","RGROUP" ,func_rgroup,PSSCAN_UIDGID,sizeof("RGROUP" )-1 },
//	{ "ruser" ,"RUSER"  ,func_ruser ,PSSCAN_UIDGID,sizeof("RUSER"  )-1 },
//	{ "time"  ,"TIME"   ,func_time  ,PSSCAN_      ,sizeof("TIME"   )-1 },
//	{ "tty"   ,"TT"     ,func_tty   ,PSSCAN_      ,sizeof("TT"     )-1 },
	{ "vsz"   ,"VSZ"    ,func_vsz   ,PSSCAN_VSZ   ,4                   },
// Not mandated by POSIX:
//	{ "rss"   ,"RSS"    ,func_rss   ,PSSCAN_RSS   ,4                   },

#define VEC_SIZE(v) ( sizeof(v) / sizeof((v)[0]) )

static ps_out_t* out;
static int out_cnt;
static int print_header;
static int ps_flags;
static char *buffer;
static unsigned terminal_width;

static ps_out_t* new_out_t(void)
	int i = out_cnt++;
	out = xrealloc(out, out_cnt * sizeof(*out));
	return &out[i];

static const ps_out_t* find_out_spec(const char *name)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < VEC_SIZE(out_spec); i++) {
		if (!strcmp(name, out_spec[i].name))
			return &out_spec[i];
	bb_error_msg_and_die("bad -o argument '%s'", name);

static void parse_o(char* opt)
	ps_out_t* new;
	// POSIX: "-o is blank- or comma-separated list" (FIXME)
	char *comma, *equal;
	while (1) {
		comma = strchr(opt, ',');
		equal = strchr(opt, '=');
		if (comma && (!equal || equal > comma)) {
			*comma = '\0';
			*new_out_t() = *find_out_spec(opt);
			*comma = ',';
			opt = comma + 1;
	new = new_out_t();
	if (equal)
		*equal = '\0';
	*new = *find_out_spec(opt);
	if (equal) {
		*equal = '=';
		new->header = equal + 1;
		// POSIX: the field widths shall be ... at least as wide as
		// the header text (default or overridden value).
		// If the header text is null, such as -o user=,
		// the field width shall be at least as wide as the
		// default header text
		if (new->header[0]) {
			new->width = strlen(new->header);
			print_header = 1;
	} else
		print_header = 1;

static void post_process(void)
	int i;
	int width = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < out_cnt; i++) {
		ps_flags |= out[i].ps_flags;
		if (out[i].header[0]) {
			print_header = 1;
		width += out[i].width + 1; /* "FIELD " */
	buffer = xmalloc(width + 1); /* for trailing \0 */

static void format_header(void)
	int i;
	ps_out_t* op;
	char *p = buffer;
	if (!print_header)
	i = 0;
	if (out_cnt) {
		while (1) {
			op = &out[i];
			if (++i == out_cnt) /* do not pad last field */
			p += sprintf(p, "%-*s ", op->width, op->header);
		strcpy(p, op->header);
	printf("%.*s\n", terminal_width, buffer);

static void format_process(const procps_status_t *ps)
	int i, len;
	char *p = buffer;
	i = 0;
	if (out_cnt) while (1) {
		out[i].f(p, out[i].width, ps);
		// POSIX: Any field need not be meaningful in all
		// implementations. In such a case a hyphen ( '-' )
		// should be output in place of the field value.
		if (!p[0]) {
			p[0] = '-';
			p[1] = '\0';
		len = strlen(p);
		p += len;
		len = out[i].width - len + 1;
		if (++i == out_cnt) /* do not pad last field */
		p += sprintf(p, "%*s", len, "");
	printf("%.*s\n", terminal_width, buffer);

/* Cannot be const: parse_o() will choke */
static char default_o[] = "pid,user" /* TODO: ,vsz,stat */ ",args";

int ps_main(int argc, char **argv);
int ps_main(int argc, char **argv)
	procps_status_t *p;
	llist_t* opt_o = NULL;

	// POSIX:
	// -a  Write information for all processes associated with terminals
	//     Implementations may omit session leaders from this list
	// -A  Write information for all processes
	// -d  Write information for all processes, except session leaders
	// -e  Write information for all processes (equivalent to -A.)
	// -f  Generate a full listing
	// -l  Generate a long listing
	// -o col1,col2,col3=header
	//     Select which columns to distplay
	/* We allow (and ignore) most of the above. FIXME */
	opt_complementary = "o::";
	getopt32(argc, argv, "o:aAdefl", &opt_o);
	if (opt_o) {
		opt_o = rev_llist(opt_o);
		do {
			opt_o = opt_o->link;
		} while (opt_o);
	} else

	terminal_width = INT_MAX;
	if (isatty(1)) {
		get_terminal_width_height(1, &terminal_width, NULL);

	p = NULL;
	while ((p = procps_scan(p, ps_flags))) {


#else /* !ENABLE_DESKTOP */

int ps_main(int argc, char **argv);
int ps_main(int argc, char **argv)
	procps_status_t *p = NULL;
	int i, len;
	SKIP_SELINUX(const) int use_selinux = 0;
	USE_SELINUX(security_context_t sid = NULL;)
	enum { terminal_width = 79 };
	int terminal_width;
	int w_count = 0;

	opt_complementary = "-:ww";
	USE_SELINUX(i =) getopt32(argc, argv, USE_SELINUX("c") "w", &w_count);
	/* if w is given once, GNU ps sets the width to 132,
	 * if w is given more than once, it is "unlimited"
	if (w_count) {
		terminal_width = (w_count==1) ? 132 : INT_MAX;
	} else {
		get_terminal_width_height(1, &terminal_width, NULL);
		/* Go one less... */
#else /* only ENABLE_SELINUX */
	i = getopt32(argc, argv, "c");
	if ((i & 1) && is_selinux_enabled())
		use_selinux = 1;

	if (use_selinux)
		puts("  PID Context                          Stat Command");
		puts("  PID  Uid        VSZ Stat Command");

	while ((p = procps_scan(p, 0
	))) {
		char *namecmd = p->cmd;
		if (use_selinux) {
			char sbuf[128];
			len = sizeof(sbuf);

			if (is_selinux_enabled()) {
				if (getpidcon(p->pid, &sid) < 0)
					sid = NULL;

			if (sid) {
				/* I assume sid initialized with NULL */
				len = strlen(sid) + 1;
				safe_strncpy(sbuf, sid, len);
				sid = NULL;
			} else {
				safe_strncpy(sbuf, "unknown", 7);
			len = printf("%5u %-32s %s ", p->pid, sbuf, p->state);
		} else
			const char *user = get_cached_username(p->uid);
			if (p->vsz == 0)
				len = printf("%5u %-8s        %s ",
					p->pid, user, p->state);
				len = printf("%5u %-8s %6ld %s ",
					p->pid, user, p->vsz, p->state);

		i = terminal_width-len;

		if (namecmd && namecmd[0]) {
			if (i < 0)
				i = 0;
			if (strlen(namecmd) > (size_t)i)
				namecmd[i] = 0;
		} else {
			namecmd = p->comm;
			if (i < 2)
				i = 2;
			if (strlen(namecmd) > ((size_t)i-2))
				namecmd[i-2] = 0;
			printf("[%s]\n", namecmd);

#endif /* ENABLE_DESKTOP */