/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * Modprobe written from scratch for BusyBox * * Copyright (c) 2008 Timo Teras <timo.teras@iki.fi> * Copyright (c) 2008 Vladimir Dronnikov * * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this tarball for details. */ #include "libbb.h" #include "modutils.h" #include <sys/utsname.h> #include <fnmatch.h> struct modprobe_option { char *module; char *option; }; struct modprobe_conf { char probename[MODULE_NAME_LEN]; llist_t *options; llist_t *aliases; #if ENABLE_FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST #define add_to_blacklist(conf, name) llist_add_to(&conf->blacklist, name) #define check_blacklist(conf, name) (llist_find(conf->blacklist, name) == NULL) llist_t *blacklist; #else #define add_to_blacklist(conf, name) do {} while (0) #define check_blacklist(conf, name) (1) #endif }; #define MODPROBE_OPTS "acdlnrt:VC:" USE_FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST("b") enum { MODPROBE_OPT_INSERT_ALL = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 0), /* a */ MODPROBE_OPT_DUMP_ONLY = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 1), /* c */ MODPROBE_OPT_D = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 2), /* d */ MODPROBE_OPT_LIST_ONLY = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 3), /* l */ MODPROBE_OPT_SHOW_ONLY = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 4), /* n */ MODPROBE_OPT_REMOVE = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 5), /* r */ MODPROBE_OPT_RESTRICT = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 6), /* t */ MODPROBE_OPT_VERONLY = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 7), /* V */ MODPROBE_OPT_CONFIGFILE = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 8), /* C */ MODPROBE_OPT_BLACKLIST = (INSMOD_OPT_UNUSED << 9) * ENABLE_FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST, }; static llist_t *loaded; static int read_config(struct modprobe_conf *conf, const char *path); static void add_option(llist_t **all_opts, const char *module, const char *opts) { struct modprobe_option *o; o = xzalloc(sizeof(struct modprobe_option)); if (module) o->module = filename2modname(module, NULL); o->option = xstrdup(opts); llist_add_to(all_opts, o); } static int FAST_FUNC config_file_action(const char *filename, struct stat *statbuf UNUSED_PARAM, void *userdata, int depth UNUSED_PARAM) { struct modprobe_conf *conf = (struct modprobe_conf *) userdata; RESERVE_CONFIG_BUFFER(modname, MODULE_NAME_LEN); char *tokens[3]; parser_t *p; int rc = TRUE; if (bb_basename(filename)[0] == '.') goto error; p = config_open2(filename, fopen_for_read); if (p == NULL) { rc = FALSE; goto error; } while (config_read(p, tokens, 3, 2, "# \t", PARSE_NORMAL)) { if (strcmp(tokens[0], "alias") == 0) { filename2modname(tokens[1], modname); if (tokens[2] && fnmatch(modname, conf->probename, 0) == 0) llist_add_to(&conf->aliases, filename2modname(tokens[2], NULL)); } else if (strcmp(tokens[0], "options") == 0) { if (tokens[2]) add_option(&conf->options, tokens[1], tokens[2]); } else if (strcmp(tokens[0], "include") == 0) { read_config(conf, tokens[1]); } else if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MODPROBE_BLACKLIST && strcmp(tokens[0], "blacklist") == 0) { add_to_blacklist(conf, xstrdup(tokens[1])); } } config_close(p); error: if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) RELEASE_CONFIG_BUFFER(modname); return rc; } static int read_config(struct modprobe_conf *conf, const char *path) { return recursive_action(path, ACTION_RECURSE | ACTION_QUIET, config_file_action, NULL, conf, 1); } static char *gather_options(llist_t *first, const char *module, int usecmdline) { struct modprobe_option *opt; llist_t *n; char *opts = xstrdup(""); int optlen = 0; for (n = first; n != NULL; n = n->link) { opt = (struct modprobe_option *) n->data; if (opt->module == NULL && !usecmdline) continue; if (opt->module != NULL && strcmp(opt->module, module) != 0) continue; opts = xrealloc(opts, optlen + strlen(opt->option) + 2); optlen += sprintf(opts + optlen, "%s ", opt->option); } return opts; } static int do_modprobe(struct modprobe_conf *conf, const char *module) { RESERVE_CONFIG_BUFFER(modname, MODULE_NAME_LEN); llist_t *deps = NULL; char *fn, *options, *colon = NULL, *tokens[2]; parser_t *p; int rc = -1; p = config_open2(CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEPMOD_FILE, fopen_for_read); if (p == NULL) goto error; while (config_read(p, tokens, 2, 1, "# \t", PARSE_NORMAL)) { colon = last_char_is(tokens[0], ':'); if (colon == NULL) continue; filename2modname(tokens[0], modname); if (strcmp(modname, module) == 0) break; colon = NULL; } if (colon == NULL) goto error_not_found; colon[0] = '\0'; llist_add_to(&deps, xstrdup(tokens[0])); if (tokens[1]) string_to_llist(tokens[1], &deps, " "); if (!(option_mask32 & MODPROBE_OPT_REMOVE)) deps = llist_rev(deps); rc = 0; while (deps && rc == 0) { fn = llist_pop(&deps); filename2modname(fn, modname); if (option_mask32 & MODPROBE_OPT_REMOVE) { if (bb_delete_module(modname, O_EXCL) != 0) rc = errno; } else if (llist_find(loaded, modname) == NULL) { options = gather_options(conf->options, modname, strcmp(modname, module) == 0); rc = bb_init_module(fn, options); if (rc == 0) llist_add_to(&loaded, xstrdup(modname)); if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) free(options); } if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) free(fn); } error_not_found: config_close(p); error: if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) RELEASE_CONFIG_BUFFER(modname); if (rc > 0 && !(option_mask32 & INSMOD_OPT_SILENT)) bb_error_msg("failed to %sload module %s: %s", (option_mask32 & MODPROBE_OPT_REMOVE) ? "un" : "", module, moderror(rc)); return rc; } int modprobe_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE; int modprobe_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { struct utsname uts; int rc; unsigned opt; llist_t *options = NULL; opt_complementary = "q-v:v-q"; opt = getopt32(argv, INSMOD_OPTS MODPROBE_OPTS INSMOD_ARGS, NULL, NULL); argv += optind; if (opt & (MODPROBE_OPT_DUMP_ONLY | MODPROBE_OPT_LIST_ONLY | MODPROBE_OPT_SHOW_ONLY)) bb_error_msg_and_die("not supported"); /* goto modules location */ xchdir(CONFIG_DEFAULT_MODULES_DIR); uname(&uts); xchdir(uts.release); if (!argv[0]) { if (opt & MODPROBE_OPT_REMOVE) { if (bb_delete_module(NULL, O_NONBLOCK|O_EXCL) != 0) bb_perror_msg_and_die("rmmod"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!(opt & MODPROBE_OPT_INSERT_ALL)) { /* If not -a, we have only one module name, * the rest of parameters are options */ add_option(&options, NULL, parse_cmdline_module_options(argv)); argv[1] = NULL; } /* cache modules */ { char *s; parser_t *parser = config_open2("/proc/modules", fopen_for_read); while (config_read(parser, &s, 1, 1, "# \t", PARSE_NORMAL & ~PARSE_GREEDY)) llist_add_to(&loaded, xstrdup(s)); config_close(parser); } while (*argv) { const char *arg = *argv; struct modprobe_conf *conf; conf = xzalloc(sizeof(*conf)); conf->options = options; filename2modname(arg, conf->probename); read_config(conf, "/etc/modprobe.conf"); read_config(conf, "/etc/modprobe.d"); if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MODUTILS_SYMBOLS && conf->aliases == NULL && strncmp(arg, "symbol:", 7) == 0 ) { read_config(conf, "modules.symbols"); } if (ENABLE_FEATURE_MODUTILS_ALIAS && conf->aliases == NULL) read_config(conf, "modules.alias"); if (conf->aliases == NULL) { /* Try if module by literal name is found; literal * names are blacklist only if '-b' is given. */ if (!(opt & MODPROBE_OPT_BLACKLIST) || check_blacklist(conf, conf->probename)) { rc = do_modprobe(conf, conf->probename); if (rc < 0 && !(opt & INSMOD_OPT_SILENT)) bb_error_msg("module %s not found", arg); } } else { /* Probe all aliases */ while (conf->aliases != NULL) { char *realname = llist_pop(&conf->aliases); if (check_blacklist(conf, realname)) do_modprobe(conf, realname); if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) free(realname); } } argv++; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }