/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * really dumb modprobe implementation for busybox * Copyright (C) 2001 Lineo, davidm@lineo.com * * CONFIG_MODPROBE_DEPEND stuff was added and is * Copyright (C) 2002 Robert Griebl, griebl@gmx.de * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "busybox.h" static char cmd[128]; #define CONFIG_MODPROBE_DEPEND #ifdef CONFIG_MODPROBE_DEPEND #include <sys/utsname.h> struct dep_t { char * m_module; int m_depcnt; char ** m_deparr; struct dep_t * m_next; }; static struct dep_t *build_dep ( void ) { struct utsname un; FILE *f; struct dep_t *first = 0; struct dep_t *current = 0; char buffer [4096]; char *filename = buffer; int continuation_line = 0; if ( uname ( &un )) return 0; strcpy ( filename, "/lib/modules/" ); strcat ( filename, un. release ); strcat ( filename, "/modules.dep" ); f = fopen ( filename, "r" ); if ( !f ) return 0; while ( fgets ( buffer, sizeof( buffer), f )) { int l = xstrlen ( buffer ); char *p = 0; if ( buffer [l-1] == '\n' ) { buffer [l-1] = 0; l--; } if ( l == 0 ) { continuation_line = 0; continue; } if ( !continuation_line ) { char *col = strchr ( buffer, ':' ); if ( col ) { char *mods; char *mod; int ext = 0; *col = 0; mods = strrchr ( buffer, '/' ); if ( !mods ) mods = buffer; else mods++; if (( *(col-2) == '.' ) && ( *(col-1) == 'o' )) ext = 2; mod = xstrndup ( mods, col - mods - ext ); if ( !current ) { first = current = (struct dep_t *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct dep_t )); } else { current-> m_next = (struct dep_t *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct dep_t )); current = current-> m_next; } current-> m_module = mod; current-> m_depcnt = 0; current-> m_deparr = 0; current-> m_next = 0; //printf ( "%s:\n", mod ); p = col + 1; } else p = 0; } else p = buffer; if ( p && *p ) { char *end = &buffer [l-1]; char *deps = strrchr ( end, '/' ); char *dep; int ext = 0; while ( isblank ( *end ) || ( *end == '\\' )) end--; deps = strrchr ( p, '/' ); if ( !deps || ( deps < p )) { deps = p; while ( isblank ( *deps )) deps++; } else deps++; if (( *(end-1) == '.' ) && ( *end == 'o' )) ext = 2; dep = xstrndup ( deps, end - deps - ext + 1 ); current-> m_depcnt++; current-> m_deparr = (char **) xrealloc ( current-> m_deparr, sizeof ( char *) * current-> m_depcnt ); current-> m_deparr [current-> m_depcnt - 1] = dep; //printf ( " %d) %s\n", current-> m_depcnt, current-> m_deparr [current-> m_depcnt -1] ); } if ( buffer [l-1] == '\\' ) continuation_line = 1; else continuation_line = 0; } fclose ( f ); return first; } static struct dep_t *find_dep ( struct dep_t *dt, char *mod ) { int lm = xstrlen ( mod ); int extpos = 0; if (( mod [lm-2] == '.' ) && ( mod [lm-1] == 'o' )) extpos = 2; if ( extpos > 0 ) mod [lm - extpos] = 0; while ( dt ) { if ( !strcmp ( dt-> m_module, mod )) break; dt = dt-> m_next; } if ( extpos > 0 ) mod [lm - extpos] = '.'; return dt; } #define MODPROBE_EXECUTE 0x1 #define MODPROBE_INSERT 0x2 #define MODPROBE_REMOVE 0x4 static void check_dep ( char *mod, int do_syslog, int show_only, int verbose, int flags ) { static struct dep_t *depend = (struct dep_t *) -1; struct dep_t *dt; if ( depend == (struct dep_t *) -1 ) depend = build_dep ( ); if (( dt = find_dep ( depend, mod ))) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < dt-> m_depcnt; i++ ) check_dep ( dt-> m_deparr [i], do_syslog, show_only, verbose, flags|MODPROBE_EXECUTE); } if ( flags & MODPROBE_EXECUTE ) { char lcmd [256]; if ( flags & MODPROBE_INSERT ) { snprintf(lcmd, sizeof(lcmd)-1, "insmod %s -q -k %s 2>/dev/null", do_syslog ? "-s" : "", mod ); } if ( flags & MODPROBE_REMOVE ) { snprintf(lcmd, sizeof(lcmd)-1, "insmod %s -q -k %s 2>/dev/null", do_syslog ? "-s" : "", mod ); } if ( flags & (MODPROBE_REMOVE|MODPROBE_INSERT) ) { if (verbose) printf("%s\n", lcmd); if (!show_only) system ( lcmd ); } } } #endif extern int modprobe_main(int argc, char** argv) { int ch, rc = 0; int loadall = 0, showconfig = 0, debug = 0, autoclean = 0, list = 0; int show_only = 0, quiet = 0, remove_opt = 0, do_syslog = 0, verbose = 0; char *load_type = NULL, *config = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "acdklnqrst:vVC:")) != -1) switch(ch) { case 'a': loadall++; break; case 'c': showconfig++; break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'k': autoclean++; break; case 'l': list++; break; case 'n': show_only++; break; case 'q': quiet++; break; case 'r': remove_opt++; break; case 's': do_syslog++; break; case 't': load_type = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'C': config = optarg; break; case 'V': default: show_usage(); break; } if (load_type || config) { fprintf(stderr, "-t and -C not supported\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (showconfig) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); if (list) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); if (remove_opt) { do { sprintf(cmd, "rmmod %s %s %s", optind >= argc ? "-a" : "", do_syslog ? "-s" : "", optind < argc ? argv[optind] : ""); if (do_syslog) syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", cmd); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", cmd); if (!show_only) rc = system(cmd); #ifdef CONFIG_MODPROBE_DEPEND if ( optind < argc ) check_dep ( argv [optind], do_syslog, show_only, verbose, MODPROBE_REMOVE); #endif } while (++optind < argc); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "No module or pattern provided\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(cmd, "insmod %s %s %s", do_syslog ? "-s" : "", quiet ? "-q" : "", autoclean ? "-k" : ""); #ifdef CONFIG_MODPROBE_DEPEND check_dep ( argv [optind], do_syslog, show_only, verbose, MODPROBE_INSERT); #endif while (optind < argc) { strcat(cmd, " "); strcat(cmd, argv[optind]); optind++; } if (do_syslog) syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", cmd); if (verbose) printf("%s\n", cmd); if (!show_only) rc = system(cmd); else rc = 0; exit(rc ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); }