/* * crond -d[#] -c <crondir> -f -b * * run as root, but NOT setuid root * * Copyright 1994 Matthew Dillon (dillon@apollo.west.oic.com) * May be distributed under the GNU General Public License * * Vladimir Oleynik <dzo@simtreas.ru> (C) 2002 to be used in busybox */ #define VERSION "2.3.2" #undef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <signal.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include "busybox.h" #define arysize(ary) (sizeof(ary)/sizeof((ary)[0])) #ifndef CRONTABS #define CRONTABS "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" #endif #ifndef TMPDIR #define TMPDIR "/var/spool/cron" #endif #ifndef SENDMAIL #define SENDMAIL "/usr/sbin/sendmail" #endif #ifndef SENDMAIL_ARGS #define SENDMAIL_ARGS "-ti", "oem" #endif #ifndef CRONUPDATE #define CRONUPDATE "cron.update" #endif #ifndef MAXLINES #define MAXLINES 256 /* max lines in non-root crontabs */ #endif static const char def_sh[] = "/bin/sh"; typedef struct CronFile { struct CronFile *cf_Next; struct CronLine *cf_LineBase; char *cf_User; /* username */ int cf_Ready; /* bool: one or more jobs ready */ int cf_Running; /* bool: one or more jobs running */ int cf_Deleted; /* marked for deletion, ignore */ } CronFile; typedef struct CronLine { struct CronLine *cl_Next; char *cl_Shell; /* shell command */ pid_t cl_Pid; /* running pid, 0, or armed (-1) */ int cl_MailFlag; /* running pid is for mail */ int cl_MailPos; /* 'empty file' size */ char cl_Mins[60]; /* 0-59 */ char cl_Hrs[24]; /* 0-23 */ char cl_Days[32]; /* 1-31 */ char cl_Mons[12]; /* 0-11 */ char cl_Dow[7]; /* 0-6, beginning sunday */ } CronLine; #define RUN_RANOUT 1 #define RUN_RUNNING 2 #define RUN_FAILED 3 #define DaemonUid 0 #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT static short DebugOpt; #endif static short LogLevel = 8; static const char *LogFile; static const char *CDir = CRONTABS; static void startlogger(void); static void CheckUpdates(void); static void SynchronizeDir(void); static int TestJobs(time_t t1, time_t t2); static void RunJobs(void); static int CheckJobs(void); static void RunJob(const char *user, CronLine *line); #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_CROND_CALL_SENDMAIL static void EndJob(const char *user, CronLine *line); #else #define EndJob(user, line) line->cl_Pid = 0 #endif static void DeleteFile(const char *userName); static CronFile *FileBase; static void crondlog(const char *ctl, ...) { va_list va; int level = (int)(ctl[0] & 0xf); int type = level == 20 ? LOG_ERR : ((ctl[0] & 0100) ? LOG_WARNING : LOG_NOTICE); va_start(va, ctl); if (level >= LogLevel) { #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) vfprintf(stderr, ctl, va); else #endif if (LogFile == 0) vsyslog(type, ctl, va); else { int logfd; if ((logfd = open(LogFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 600)) >= 0) { vdprintf(logfd, ctl, va); close(logfd); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT } else { bb_perror_msg("Can't open log file"); #endif } } } va_end(va); if(ctl[0] & 0200) exit(20); } int crond_main(int ac, char **av) { unsigned long opt; char *lopt, *Lopt, *copt; #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT char *dopt; bb_opt_complementaly = "f-b:b-f:S-L:L-S:d-l"; #else bb_opt_complementaly = "f-b:b-f:S-L:L-S"; #endif opterr = 0; /* disable getopt 'errors' message.*/ opt = bb_getopt_ulflags(ac, av, "l:L:fbSc:" #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT "d:" #endif , &lopt, &Lopt, &copt #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT , &dopt #endif ); if(opt & 1) LogLevel = atoi(lopt); if(opt & 2) if (*Lopt != 0) LogFile = Lopt; if(opt & 32) { if (*copt != 0) CDir = copt; } #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if(opt & 64) { DebugOpt = atoi(dopt); LogLevel = 0; } #endif /* * change directory */ if (chdir(CDir) != 0) bb_perror_msg_and_die("%s", CDir); signal(SIGHUP,SIG_IGN); /* hmm.. but, if kill -HUP original * version - his died. ;( */ /* * close stdin and stdout, stderr. * close unused descriptors - don't need. * optional detach from controlling terminal */ if (!(opt & 4)) { if(daemon(1, 0) < 0) { bb_perror_msg_and_die("daemon"); } #if defined(__uClinux__) else { /* reexec for vfork() do continue parent */ vfork_daemon_rexec(ac, av, "-f"); } #endif /* uClinux */ } (void)startlogger(); /* need if syslog mode selected */ /* * main loop - synchronize to 1 second after the minute, minimum sleep * of 1 second. */ crondlog("\011%s " VERSION " dillon, started, log level %d\n", bb_applet_name, LogLevel); SynchronizeDir(); { time_t t1 = time(NULL); time_t t2; long dt; short rescan = 60; short sleep_time = 60; for (;;) { sleep((sleep_time + 1) - (short)(time(NULL) % sleep_time)); t2 = time(NULL); dt = t2 - t1; /* * The file 'cron.update' is checked to determine new cron * jobs. The directory is rescanned once an hour to deal * with any screwups. * * check for disparity. Disparities over an hour either way * result in resynchronization. A reverse-indexed disparity * less then an hour causes us to effectively sleep until we * match the original time (i.e. no re-execution of jobs that * have just been run). A forward-indexed disparity less then * an hour causes intermediate jobs to be run, but only once * in the worst case. * * when running jobs, the inequality used is greater but not * equal to t1, and less then or equal to t2. */ if (--rescan == 0) { rescan = 60; SynchronizeDir(); } CheckUpdates(); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005Wakeup dt=%d\n", dt); #endif if (dt < -60*60 || dt > 60*60) { t1 = t2; crondlog("\111time disparity of %d minutes detected\n", dt / 60); } else if (dt > 0) { TestJobs(t1, t2); RunJobs(); sleep(5); if (CheckJobs() > 0) sleep_time = 10; else sleep_time = 60; t1 = t2; } } } /* not reached */ } #if defined(FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT) || defined(CONFIG_FEATURE_CROND_CALL_SENDMAIL) /* write to temp file.. */ static void fdprintf(int fd, const char *ctl, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, ctl); vdprintf(fd, ctl, va); va_end(va); } #endif static int ChangeUser(const char *user) { struct passwd *pas; /* * Obtain password entry and change privilages */ if ((pas = getpwnam(user)) == 0) { crondlog("\011failed to get uid for %s", user); return(-1); } setenv("USER", pas->pw_name, 1); setenv("HOME", pas->pw_dir, 1); setenv("SHELL", def_sh, 1); /* * Change running state to the user in question */ if (initgroups(user, pas->pw_gid) < 0) { crondlog("\011initgroups failed: %s %m", user); return(-1); } /* drop all priviledges */ if (setgid(pas->pw_gid) < 0) { crondlog("\011setgid failed: %s %d", user, pas->pw_gid); return(-1); } if (setuid(pas->pw_uid) < 0) { crondlog("\011setuid failed: %s %d", user, pas->pw_uid); return(-1); } if (chdir(pas->pw_dir) < 0) { crondlog("\011chdir failed: %s: %m", pas->pw_dir); if (chdir(TMPDIR) < 0) { crondlog("\011chdir failed: %s: %m", TMPDIR); return(-1); } } return(pas->pw_uid); } static void startlogger(void) { if (LogFile == 0) openlog(bb_applet_name, LOG_CONS|LOG_PID, LOG_CRON); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT else { /* test logfile */ int logfd; if ((logfd = open(LogFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 600)) >= 0) close(logfd); else bb_perror_msg("Failed to open log file '%s' reason", LogFile); } #endif } static const char * const DowAry[] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", NULL }; static const char * const MonAry[] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL }; static char * ParseField(char *user, char *ary, int modvalue, int off, const char * const *names, char *ptr) { char *base = ptr; int n1 = -1; int n2 = -1; if (base == NULL) return(NULL); while (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t' && *ptr != '\n') { int skip = 0; /* * Handle numeric digit or symbol or '*' */ if (*ptr == '*') { n1 = 0; /* everything will be filled */ n2 = modvalue - 1; skip = 1; ++ptr; } else if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') { if (n1 < 0) n1 = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10) + off; else n2 = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10) + off; skip = 1; } else if (names) { int i; for (i = 0; names[i]; ++i) { if (strncmp(ptr, names[i], strlen(names[i])) == 0) { break; } } if (names[i]) { ptr += strlen(names[i]); if (n1 < 0) n1 = i; else n2 = i; skip = 1; } } /* * handle optional range '-' */ if (skip == 0) { crondlog("\111failed user %s parsing %s\n", user, base); return(NULL); } if (*ptr == '-' && n2 < 0) { ++ptr; continue; } /* * collapse single-value ranges, handle skipmark, and fill * in the character array appropriately. */ if (n2 < 0) n2 = n1; if (*ptr == '/') skip = strtol(ptr + 1, &ptr, 10); /* * fill array, using a failsafe is the easiest way to prevent * an endless loop */ { int s0 = 1; int failsafe = 1024; --n1; do { n1 = (n1 + 1) % modvalue; if (--s0 == 0) { ary[n1 % modvalue] = 1; s0 = skip; } } while (n1 != n2 && --failsafe); if (failsafe == 0) { crondlog("\111failed user %s parsing %s\n", user, base); return(NULL); } } if (*ptr != ',') break; ++ptr; n1 = -1; n2 = -1; } if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t' && *ptr != '\n') { crondlog("\111failed user %s parsing %s\n", user, base); return(NULL); } while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n') ++ptr; #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < modvalue; ++i) crondlog("\005%d", ary[i]); crondlog("\005\n"); } #endif return(ptr); } static void FixDayDow(CronLine *line) { short i; short weekUsed = 0; short daysUsed = 0; for (i = 0; i < arysize(line->cl_Dow); ++i) { if (line->cl_Dow[i] == 0) { weekUsed = 1; break; } } for (i = 0; i < arysize(line->cl_Days); ++i) { if (line->cl_Days[i] == 0) { daysUsed = 1; break; } } if (weekUsed && !daysUsed) { memset(line->cl_Days, 0, sizeof(line->cl_Days)); } if (daysUsed && !weekUsed) { memset(line->cl_Dow, 0, sizeof(line->cl_Dow)); } } static void SynchronizeFile(const char *fileName) { int maxEntries = MAXLINES; int maxLines; char buf[1024]; if (strcmp(fileName, "root") == 0) maxEntries = 65535; maxLines = maxEntries * 10; if (fileName) { FILE *fi; DeleteFile(fileName); if ((fi = fopen(fileName, "r")) != NULL) { struct stat sbuf; if (fstat(fileno(fi), &sbuf) == 0 && sbuf.st_uid == DaemonUid) { CronFile *file = calloc(1, sizeof(CronFile)); CronLine **pline; file->cf_User = strdup(fileName); pline = &file->cf_LineBase; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fi) != NULL && --maxLines) { CronLine line; char *ptr; if (buf[0]) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; if (buf[0] == 0 || buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '\t') continue; if (--maxEntries == 0) break; memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line)); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\111User %s Entry %s\n", fileName, buf); #endif /* * parse date ranges */ ptr = ParseField(file->cf_User, line.cl_Mins, 60, 0, NULL, buf); ptr = ParseField(file->cf_User, line.cl_Hrs, 24, 0, NULL, ptr); ptr = ParseField(file->cf_User, line.cl_Days, 32, 0, NULL, ptr); ptr = ParseField(file->cf_User, line.cl_Mons, 12, -1, MonAry, ptr); ptr = ParseField(file->cf_User, line.cl_Dow, 7, 0, DowAry, ptr); /* * check failure */ if (ptr == NULL) continue; /* * fix days and dow - if one is not * and the other * is *, the other is set to 0, and vise-versa */ FixDayDow(&line); *pline = calloc(1, sizeof(CronLine)); **pline = line; /* * copy command */ (*pline)->cl_Shell = strdup(ptr); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) { crondlog("\111 Command %s\n", ptr); } #endif pline = &((*pline)->cl_Next); } *pline = NULL; file->cf_Next = FileBase; FileBase = file; if (maxLines == 0 || maxEntries == 0) crondlog("\111Maximum number of lines reached for user %s\n", fileName); } fclose(fi); } } } static void CheckUpdates(void) { FILE *fi; char buf[256]; if ((fi = fopen(CRONUPDATE, "r")) != NULL) { remove(CRONUPDATE); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fi) != NULL) { SynchronizeFile(strtok(buf, " \t\r\n")); } fclose(fi); } } static void SynchronizeDir(void) { /* * Attempt to delete the database. */ for (;;) { CronFile *file; for (file = FileBase; file && file->cf_Deleted; file = file->cf_Next) ; if (file == NULL) break; DeleteFile(file->cf_User); } /* * Remove cron update file * * Re-chdir, in case directory was renamed & deleted, or otherwise * screwed up. * * scan directory and add associated users */ remove(CRONUPDATE); if (chdir(CDir) < 0) { crondlog("\311unable to find %s\n", CDir); } { DIR *dir; struct dirent *den; if ((dir = opendir("."))) { while ((den = readdir(dir))) { if (strchr(den->d_name, '.') != NULL) continue; if (getpwnam(den->d_name)) SynchronizeFile(den->d_name); else crondlog("\007ignoring %s\n", den->d_name); } closedir(dir); } else { crondlog("\311Unable to open current dir!\n"); } } } /* * DeleteFile() - delete user database * * Note: multiple entries for same user may exist if we were unable to * completely delete a database due to running processes. */ static void DeleteFile(const char *userName) { CronFile **pfile = &FileBase; CronFile *file; while ((file = *pfile) != NULL) { if (strcmp(userName, file->cf_User) == 0) { CronLine **pline = &file->cf_LineBase; CronLine *line; file->cf_Running = 0; file->cf_Deleted = 1; while ((line = *pline) != NULL) { if (line->cl_Pid > 0) { file->cf_Running = 1; pline = &line->cl_Next; } else { *pline = line->cl_Next; free(line->cl_Shell); free(line); } } if (file->cf_Running == 0) { *pfile = file->cf_Next; free(file->cf_User); free(file); } else { pfile = &file->cf_Next; } } else { pfile = &file->cf_Next; } } } /* * TestJobs() * * determine which jobs need to be run. Under normal conditions, the * period is about a minute (one scan). Worst case it will be one * hour (60 scans). */ static int TestJobs(time_t t1, time_t t2) { short nJobs = 0; time_t t; /* * Find jobs > t1 and <= t2 */ for (t = t1 - t1 % 60; t <= t2; t += 60) { if (t > t1) { struct tm *tp = localtime(&t); CronFile *file; CronLine *line; for (file = FileBase; file; file = file->cf_Next) { #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005FILE %s:\n", file->cf_User); #endif if (file->cf_Deleted) continue; for (line = file->cf_LineBase; line; line = line->cl_Next) { #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005 LINE %s\n", line->cl_Shell); #endif if (line->cl_Mins[tp->tm_min] && line->cl_Hrs[tp->tm_hour] && (line->cl_Days[tp->tm_mday] || line->cl_Dow[tp->tm_wday]) && line->cl_Mons[tp->tm_mon] ) { #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005 JobToDo: %d %s\n", line->cl_Pid, line->cl_Shell); #endif if (line->cl_Pid > 0) { crondlog("\010 process already running: %s %s\n", file->cf_User, line->cl_Shell ); } else if (line->cl_Pid == 0) { line->cl_Pid = -1; file->cf_Ready = 1; ++nJobs; } } } } } } return(nJobs); } static void RunJobs(void) { CronFile *file; CronLine *line; for (file = FileBase; file; file = file->cf_Next) { if (file->cf_Ready) { file->cf_Ready = 0; for (line = file->cf_LineBase; line; line = line->cl_Next) { if (line->cl_Pid < 0) { RunJob(file->cf_User, line); crondlog("\010USER %s pid %3d cmd %s\n", file->cf_User, line->cl_Pid, line->cl_Shell ); if (line->cl_Pid < 0) file->cf_Ready = 1; else if (line->cl_Pid > 0) file->cf_Running = 1; } } } } } /* * CheckJobs() - check for job completion * * Check for job completion, return number of jobs still running after * all done. */ static int CheckJobs(void) { CronFile *file; CronLine *line; int nStillRunning = 0; for (file = FileBase; file; file = file->cf_Next) { if (file->cf_Running) { file->cf_Running = 0; for (line = file->cf_LineBase; line; line = line->cl_Next) { if (line->cl_Pid > 0) { int status; int r = wait4(line->cl_Pid, &status, WNOHANG, NULL); if (r < 0 || r == line->cl_Pid) { EndJob(file->cf_User, line); if (line->cl_Pid) file->cf_Running = 1; } else if (r == 0) { file->cf_Running = 1; } } } } nStillRunning += file->cf_Running; } return(nStillRunning); } #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_CROND_CALL_SENDMAIL static void ForkJob(const char *user, CronLine *line, int mailFd, const char *prog, const char *cmd, const char *arg, const char *mailf) { /* * Fork as the user in question and run program */ pid_t pid = fork(); line->cl_Pid = pid; if (pid == 0) { /* * CHILD */ /* * Change running state to the user in question */ if (ChangeUser(user) < 0) exit(0); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005Child Running %s\n", prog); #endif if (mailFd >= 0) { dup2(mailFd, mailf != NULL); dup2((mailf ? mailFd : 1), 2); close(mailFd); } execl(prog, prog, cmd, arg, NULL); crondlog("\024unable to exec, user %s cmd %s %s %s\n", user, prog, cmd, arg); if(mailf) fdprintf(1, "Exec failed: %s -c %s\n", prog, arg); exit(0); } else if (pid < 0) { /* * FORK FAILED */ crondlog("\024couldn't fork, user %s\n", user); line->cl_Pid = 0; if(mailf) remove(mailf); } else if(mailf) { /* * PARENT, FORK SUCCESS * * rename mail-file based on pid of process */ char mailFile2[128]; snprintf(mailFile2, sizeof(mailFile2), TMPDIR "/cron.%s.%d", user, pid); rename(mailf, mailFile2); } /* * Close the mail file descriptor.. we can't just leave it open in * a structure, closing it later, because we might run out of descriptors */ if (mailFd >= 0) close(mailFd); } static void RunJob(const char *user, CronLine *line) { char mailFile[128]; int mailFd; line->cl_Pid = 0; line->cl_MailFlag = 0; /* * open mail file - owner root so nobody can screw with it. */ snprintf(mailFile, sizeof(mailFile), TMPDIR "/cron.%s.%d", user, getpid()); mailFd = open(mailFile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_EXCL|O_APPEND, 0600); if (mailFd >= 0) { line->cl_MailFlag = 1; fdprintf(mailFd, "To: %s\nSubject: cron: %s\n\n", user, line->cl_Shell); line->cl_MailPos = lseek(mailFd, 0, 1); } else { crondlog("\024unable to create mail file user %s file %s, output to /dev/null\n", user, mailFile); } ForkJob(user, line, mailFd, def_sh, "-c", line->cl_Shell, mailFile); } /* * EndJob - called when job terminates and when mail terminates */ static void EndJob(const char *user, CronLine *line) { int mailFd; char mailFile[128]; struct stat sbuf; /* * No job */ if (line->cl_Pid <= 0) { line->cl_Pid = 0; return; } /* * End of job and no mail file * End of sendmail job */ snprintf(mailFile, sizeof(mailFile), TMPDIR "/cron.%s.%d", user, line->cl_Pid); line->cl_Pid = 0; if (line->cl_MailFlag != 1) return; line->cl_MailFlag = 0; /* * End of primary job - check for mail file. If size has increased and * the file is still valid, we sendmail it. */ mailFd = open(mailFile, O_RDONLY); remove(mailFile); if (mailFd < 0) { return; } if (fstat(mailFd, &sbuf) < 0 || sbuf.st_uid != DaemonUid || sbuf.st_nlink != 0 || sbuf.st_size == line->cl_MailPos || !S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode) ) { close(mailFd); return; } ForkJob(user, line, mailFd, SENDMAIL, SENDMAIL_ARGS, NULL); } #else /* crond whithout sendmail */ static void RunJob(const char *user, CronLine *line) { /* * Fork as the user in question and run program */ pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { /* * CHILD */ /* * Change running state to the user in question */ if (ChangeUser(user) < 0) exit(0); #ifdef FEATURE_DEBUG_OPT if (DebugOpt) crondlog("\005Child Running %s\n", def_sh); #endif execl(def_sh, def_sh, "-c", line->cl_Shell, NULL); crondlog("\024unable to exec, user %s cmd %s -c %s\n", user, def_sh, line->cl_Shell); exit(0); } else if (pid < 0) { /* * FORK FAILED */ crondlog("\024couldn't fork, user %s\n", user); pid = 0; } line->cl_Pid = pid; } #endif /* CONFIG_FEATURE_CROND_CALL_SENDMAIL */