/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ #include "internal.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <math.h> /* Tiny RPN calculator, because "expr" didn't give me bitwise operations. */ static const char math_usage[] = "math expression ...\n" #ifndef BB_FEATURE_TRIVIAL_HELP "\nThis is a Tiny RPN calculator that understands the\n" "following operations: +, -, /, *, and, or, not, eor.\n" "i.e. 'math 2 2 add' -> 4, and 'math 8 8 \\* 2 2 + /' -> 16\n" #endif ; static double stack[100]; static unsigned int pointer; static void push(double a) { if (pointer >= (sizeof(stack) / sizeof(*stack))) { fprintf(stderr, "math: stack overflow\n"); exit(-1); } else stack[pointer++] = a; } static double pop() { if (pointer == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "math: stack underflow\n"); exit(-1); } return stack[--pointer]; } static void add() { push(pop() + pop()); } static void sub() { double subtrahend = pop(); push(pop() - subtrahend); } static void mul() { push(pop() * pop()); } static void divide() { double divisor = pop(); push(pop() / divisor); } static void and() { push((unsigned int) pop() & (unsigned int) pop()); } static void or() { push((unsigned int) pop() | (unsigned int) pop()); } static void eor() { push((unsigned int) pop() ^ (unsigned int) pop()); } static void not() { push(~(unsigned int) pop()); } static void print() { printf("%g\n", pop()); } struct op { const char *name; void (*function) (); }; static const struct op operators[] = { {"+", add}, {"-", sub}, {"*", mul}, {"/", divide}, {"and", and}, {"or", or}, {"not", not}, {"eor", eor}, {0, 0} }; static void stack_machine(const char *argument) { char *endPointer = 0; double d; const struct op *o = operators; if (argument == 0) { print(); return; } d = strtod(argument, &endPointer); if (endPointer != argument) { push(d); return; } while (o->name != 0) { if (strcmp(o->name, argument) == 0) { (*(o->function)) (); return; } o++; } fprintf(stderr, "math: %s: syntax error.\n", argument); exit(-1); } int math_main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc <= 1 || *argv[1]=='-') usage(math_usage); while (argc >= 2) { stack_machine(argv[1]); argv++; argc--; } stack_machine(0); exit( TRUE); }