/* * minit version 0.9.1 by Felix von Leitner * ported to busybox by Glenn McGrath <bug1@iinet.net.au> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <time.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include <sys/reboot.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <linux/kd.h> #include "busybox.h" #define MINITROOT "/etc/minit" static int i_am_init; static int infd, outfd; extern char **environ; static struct process { char *name; pid_t pid; char respawn; char circular; time_t startedat; int __stdin, __stdout; int logservice; } *root; static int maxprocess = -1; static int processalloc = 0; static unsigned int fmt_ulong(char *dest, unsigned long i) { register unsigned long len, tmp, len2; /* first count the number of bytes needed */ for (len = 1, tmp = i; tmp > 9; ++len) tmp /= 10; if (dest) for (tmp = i, dest += len, len2 = len + 1; --len2; tmp /= 10) *--dest = (tmp % 10) + '0'; return len; } /* split buf into n strings that are separated by c. return n as *len. * Allocate plus more slots and leave the first ofs of them alone. */ static char **split(char *buf, int c, int *len, int plus, int ofs) { int n = 1; char **v = 0; char **w; /* step 1: count tokens */ char *s; for (s = buf; *s; s++) if (*s == c) n++; /* step 2: allocate space for pointers */ v = (char **) malloc((n + plus) * sizeof(char *)); if (!v) return 0; w = v + ofs; *w++ = buf; for (s = buf;; s++) { while (*s && *s != c) s++; if (*s == 0) break; if (*s == c) { *s = 0; *w++ = s + 1; } } *len = w - v; return v; } static int openreadclose(char *fn, char **buf, unsigned long *len) { int fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return -1; if (!*buf) { *len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); *buf = (char *) malloc(*len + 1); if (!*buf) { close(fd); return -1; } } *len = read(fd, *buf, *len); if (*len != (unsigned long) -1) (*buf)[*len] = 0; return close(fd); } /* return index of service in process data structure or -1 if not found */ static int findservice(char *service) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= maxprocess; i++) { if (!strcmp(root[i].name, service)) return i; } return -1; } /* look up process index in data structure by PID */ static int findbypid(pid_t pid) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= maxprocess; i++) { if (root[i].pid == pid) return i; } return -1; } /* clear circular dependency detection flags */ static void circsweep(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= maxprocess; i++) root[i].circular = 0; } /* add process to data structure, return index or -1 */ static int addprocess(struct process *p) { if (maxprocess + 1 >= processalloc) { struct process *fump; processalloc += 8; if ((fump = (struct process *) xrealloc(root, processalloc * sizeof(struct process))) == 0) return -1; root = fump; } memmove(&root[++maxprocess], p, sizeof(struct process)); return maxprocess; } /* load a service into the process data structure and return index or -1 * if failed */ static int loadservice(char *service) { struct process tmp; int fd; if (*service == 0) return -1; fd = findservice(service); if (fd >= 0) return fd; if (chdir(MINITROOT) || chdir(service)) return -1; if (!(tmp.name = strdup(service))) return -1; tmp.pid = 0; fd = open("respawn", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { tmp.respawn = 1; close(fd); } else tmp.respawn = 0; tmp.startedat = 0; tmp.circular = 0; tmp.__stdin = 0; tmp.__stdout = 1; { char *logservice = alloca(strlen(service) + 5); strcpy(logservice, service); strcat(logservice, "/log"); tmp.logservice = loadservice(logservice); if (tmp.logservice >= 0) { int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd)) return -1; root[tmp.logservice].__stdin = pipefd[0]; tmp.__stdout = pipefd[1]; } } return (addprocess(&tmp)); } /* usage: isup(findservice("sshd")). * returns nonzero if process is up */ static int isup(int service) { if (service < 0) return 0; return (root[service].pid != 0); } static void opendevconsole(void) { int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)) >= 0) { dup2(fd, 0); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, 2); if (fd > 2) close(fd); } } /* called from inside the service directory, return the PID or 0 on error */ static pid_t forkandexec(int pause_flag, int service) { char **argv = 0; int count = 0; pid_t p; int fd; unsigned long len; char *s = 0; int argc; char *argv0 = 0; again: switch (p = fork()) { case (pid_t) - 1: if (count > 3) return 0; sleep(++count * 2); goto again; case 0: /* child */ if (i_am_init) { ioctl(0, TIOCNOTTY, 0); setsid(); opendevconsole(); tcsetpgrp(0, getpgrp()); } close(infd); close(outfd); if (pause_flag) { struct timespec req; req.tv_sec = 0; req.tv_nsec = 500000000; nanosleep(&req, 0); } if (!openreadclose("params", &s, &len)) { argv = split(s, '\n', &argc, 2, 1); if (argv[argc - 1]) argv[argc - 1] = 0; else argv[argc] = 0; } else { argv = (char **) xmalloc(2 * sizeof(char *)); argv[1] = 0; } argv0 = (char *) xmalloc(PATH_MAX + 1); if (!argv || !argv0) goto abort; if (readlink("run", argv0, PATH_MAX) < 0) { if (errno != EINVAL) goto abort; /* not a symbolic link */ argv0 = strdup("./run"); } argv[0] = strrchr(argv0, '/'); if (argv[0]) argv[0]++; else argv[0] = argv0; if (root[service].__stdin != 0) dup2(root[service].__stdin, 0); if (root[service].__stdout != 1) { dup2(root[service].__stdout, 1); dup2(root[service].__stdout, 2); } { int i; for (i = 3; i < 1024; ++i) close(i); } execve(argv0, argv, environ); _exit(0); abort: free(argv0); free(argv); _exit(0); default: fd = open("sync", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { pid_t p2; close(fd); p2 = waitpid(p, 0, 0); return 1; } return p; } } /* start a service, return nonzero on error */ static int startnodep(int service, int pause_flag) { /* step 1: see if the process is already up */ if (isup(service)) return 0; /* step 2: fork and exec service, put PID in data structure */ if (chdir(MINITROOT) || chdir(root[service].name)) return -1; root[service].startedat = time(0); root[service].pid = forkandexec(pause_flag, service); return root[service].pid; } static int startservice(int service, int pause_flag) { int dir = -1; unsigned long len; char *s = 0; pid_t pid; if (service < 0) return 0; if (root[service].circular) return 0; root[service].circular = 1; if (root[service].logservice >= 0) startservice(root[service].logservice, pause_flag); if (chdir(MINITROOT) || chdir(root[service].name)) return -1; if ((dir = open(".", O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { if (!openreadclose("depends", &s, &len)) { char **deps; int depc, i; deps = split(s, '\n', &depc, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < depc; i++) { int service_index; if (deps[i][0] == '#') continue; service_index = loadservice(deps[i]); if (service_index >= 0 && root[service_index].pid != 1) startservice(service_index, 0); } fchdir(dir); } pid = startnodep(service, pause_flag); close(dir); dir = -1; return pid; } return 0; } static void sulogin(void) { /* exiting on an initialization failure is not a good idea for init */ char *argv[] = { "sulogin", 0 }; execve("/sbin/sulogin", argv, environ); exit(1); } static void handlekilled(pid_t killed) { int i; if (killed == (pid_t) - 1) { write(2, "all services exited.\n", 21); exit(0); } if (killed == 0) return; i = findbypid(killed); if (i >= 0) { root[i].pid = 0; if (root[i].respawn) { circsweep(); startservice(i, time(0) - root[i].startedat < 1); } else { root[i].startedat = time(0); root[i].pid = 1; } } } static void childhandler(void) { int status; pid_t killed; do { killed = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); handlekilled(killed); } while (killed && killed != (pid_t) - 1); } static volatile int dowinch = 0; static volatile int doint = 0; static void sigchild(int whatever) { } static void sigwinch(int sig) { dowinch = 1; } static void sigint(int sig) { doint = 1; } extern int minit_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Schritt 1: argv[1] als Service nehmen und starten */ struct pollfd pfd; time_t last = time(0); int nfds = 1; int count = 0; int i; infd = open("/etc/minit/in", O_RDWR); outfd = open("/etc/minit/out", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (getpid() == 1) { int fd; i_am_init = 1; reboot(0); if ((fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY))) { ioctl(fd, KDSIGACCEPT, SIGWINCH); close(fd); } else ioctl(0, KDSIGACCEPT, SIGWINCH); } /* signal(SIGPWR,sighandler); don't know what to do about it */ /* signal(SIGHUP,sighandler); ??? */ { struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_sigaction = 0; sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_NOCLDSTOP; sa.sa_handler = sigchild; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, 0); sa.sa_handler = sigint; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, 0); /* ctrl-alt-del */ sa.sa_handler = sigwinch; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, 0); /* keyboard request */ } if (infd < 0 || outfd < 0) { puts("minit: could not open /etc/minit/in or /etc/minit/out\n"); sulogin(); nfds = 0; } else pfd.fd = infd; pfd.events = POLLIN; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { circsweep(); if (startservice(loadservice(argv[i]), 0)) count++; } circsweep(); if (!count) startservice(loadservice("default"), 0); for (;;) { char buf[1501]; time_t now; if (doint) { doint = 0; startservice(loadservice("ctrlaltdel"), 0); } if (dowinch) { dowinch = 0; startservice(loadservice("kbreq"), 0); } childhandler(); now = time(0); if (now < last || now - last > 30) { /* The system clock was reset. Compensate. */ long diff = last - now; int j; for (j = 0; j <= maxprocess; ++j) { root[j].startedat -= diff; } } last = now; switch (poll(&pfd, nfds, 5000)) { case -1: if (errno == EINTR) { childhandler(); break; } opendevconsole(); puts("poll failed!\n"); sulogin(); /* what should we do if poll fails?! */ break; case 1: i = read(infd, buf, 1500); if (i > 1) { pid_t pid; int idx = 0; int tmp; buf[i] = 0; if (buf[0] != 's' && ((idx = findservice(buf + 1)) < 0)) error: write(outfd, "0", 1); else { switch (buf[0]) { case 'p': write(outfd, buf, fmt_ulong(buf, root[idx].pid)); break; case 'r': root[idx].respawn = 0; goto ok; case 'R': root[idx].respawn = 1; goto ok; case 'C': if (kill(root[idx].pid, 0)) { /* check if still active */ handlekilled(root[idx].pid); /* no!?! remove form active list */ goto error; } goto ok; break; case 'P': { unsigned char *x = buf + strlen(buf) + 1; unsigned char c; tmp = 0; while ((c = *x++ - '0') < 10) tmp = tmp * 10 + c; } if (tmp > 0) { if (kill(tmp, 0)) goto error; pid = tmp; } root[idx].pid = tmp; goto ok; case 's': idx = loadservice(buf + 1); if (idx < 0) goto error; if (root[idx].pid < 2) { root[idx].pid = 0; circsweep(); idx = startservice(idx, 0); if (idx == 0) { write(outfd, "0", 1); break; } } ok: write(outfd, "1", 1); break; case 'u': write(outfd, buf, fmt_ulong(buf, time(0) - root[idx].startedat)); } } } break; default: break; } } }