=head1 NAME

busybox - I am BusyBox of Borg.  Unix will be assimilated.


 busybox <function> [arguments...]  # or

 <function> [arguments...]	    # if symlinked


BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a
single executable.  Most people will create a symlink to busybox for each
function name, and BusyBox will act like whatever you invoke it as.

BusyBox has been written with size-optimization in mind.  It is very easy to
include or exclude the commands you want installed.  BusyBox tries to make
itself useful to small systems with limited resources.


Currently defined functions:
busybox, cat, chmod, chown, chgrp, chroot, clear, chvt, cp, date,
dd, df, dmesg, du, fbset, find, free, deallocvt, fsck.minix, mkfs.minix,
grep, head, hostname, init, linuxrc, kill, ln, ls, lsmod, mkdir,
mknod, mkswap, more, mount, mv, ping, poweroff, ps, pwd, reboot,
rm, rmdir, sed, sleep, sort, sync, syslogd, swapon, swapoff, tail,
tar, tee, touch, true, false, uname, umount, uniq, update, zcat,
gunzip, gzip

=over 4

=item cat

Usage: cat [file ...]

=item chmod

Usage: chmod [-R] MODE[,MODE]... FILE...

Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and
one or more of the letters rwxst.

 -R	change files and directories recursively.

=item chown

Usage: chown [OPTION]...  OWNER[.[GROUP] FILE...

Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP.

 -R	change files and directories recursively

=item chgrp

Usage: chgrp [OPTION]... GROUP FILE...

Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP.

 -R	change files and directories recursively

=item chroot

Usage: chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND...]

Run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT.

=item clear

=item chvt

Usage: chvt N

Change foreground virtual terminal to /dev/ttyN

=item cp



Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

 -a	same as -dpR
 -d	preserve links
 -p	preserve file attributes if possible
 -R	copy directories recursively

=item date

=item dd

Usage: dd [if=name] [of=name] [bs=n] [count=n]

Copy a file, converting and formatting according to options

 if=FILE	read from FILE instead of stdin
 of=FILE	write to FILE instead of stout
 bs=n		read and write N BYTES at a time
 count=n	copy only n input blocks
 BYTES may be suffixed by w (x2), k (x1024), b (x512), or m (x1024^2).

=item df

Usage: df

=item dmesg

Usage: dmesg [-c] [-n level] [-s bufsize]

=item du

Usage: Usage: du [OPTION]... [FILE]...

  -s	display only a total for each argument

=item fbset

Usage: fbset [options] [mode]



=item find

Usage: find [PATH...] [EXPRESSION]

Search for files in a directory hierarchy.  The default PATH is
the current directory; default EXPRESSION is '-print'

EXPRESSION may consist of:

 Dereference symbolic links.
 -name PATTERN
 File name (with leading directories removed) matches PATTERN.
 print the full file name followed by a newline to stdout.
 This version of find matches full regular expresions.

=item free

Usage: free

=item deallocvt

Usage: deallocvt N

Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN

=item fsck.minix

Usage: fsck.minix [-larvsmf] /dev/name

Performs a consistency check for MINIX filesystems.


 -l	Lists all filenames
 -r	Perform interactive repairs
 -a	Perform automatic repairs
 -v	verbose
 -s	Outputs super-block information
 -m	Activates MINIX-like "mode not cleared" warnings
 -f	Force file system check.

=item mkfs.minix

Usage: mkfs.minix [-c | -l filename] [-nXX] [-iXX] /dev/name [blocks]

Make a MINIX filesystem.


 -c		Check the device for bad blocks
 -n [14|30]	Specify the maximum length of filenames
 -i		Specify the number of inodes for the filesystem
 -l FILENAME	Read the bad blocks list from FILENAME
 -v		Make a Minix version 2 filesystem

=item grep

=item head

Usage: Usage: head [FILE]...

Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.
With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the
file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

=item hostname

Usage: hostname [OPTION] {hostname | -F file}

Get or set the hostname or DNS domain name. If a hostname is given
(or a file with the -F parameter), the host name will be set.

 -s		Short
 -i		Addresses for the hostname
 -d		DNS domain name
 -F FILE		Use the contents of FILE to specify the hostname

=item kill

=item ln

Create a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET

 -s	make symbolic links instead of hard links
 -f	remove existing destination files

=item ls

Usage: ls [-1acdelnpuxACF] [filenames...]

=item lsmod

=item mkdir

Usage: Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist

 -m	set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask
 -p	no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

=item mknod

Make block or character special files.

TYPEs include:

 b:	Make a block (buffered) device.
 c or u:	Make a character (un-buffered) device.
 p:	Make a named pipe. Major and minor are ignored for named pipes.

=item mkswap

Usage: mkswap [-c] [-v0|-v1] device [block-count]
Prepare a disk partition to be used as a swap partition.

 -c		Check for read-ability.
 -v0		Make version 0 swap [max 128 Megs].
 -v1		Make version 1 swap [big!] (default for kernels > 2.1.117).
 block-count	Number of block to use (default is entire partition).

=item more

Usage: more [file ...]

=item mount

Usage: 	mount [flags]

mount [flags] device directory [-o options,more-options]

 -a:	Mount all file systems in fstab.
 -o option:	One of many filesystem options, listed below.
 -r:	Mount the filesystem read-only.
 -t filesystem-type:	Specify the filesystem type.
 -w:	Mount for reading and writing (default).
 Options for use with the "-o" flag:
 async / sync:	Writes are asynchronous / synchronous.
 dev / nodev:	Allow use of special device files / disallow them.
 exec / noexec:	Allow use of executable files / disallow them.
 loop: Mounts a file via loop device.
 suid / nosuid:	Allow set-user-id-root programs / disallow them.
 remount: Re-mount a currently-mounted filesystem, changing its flags.
 ro / rw: Mount for read-only / read-write.

There are EVEN MORE flags that are specific to each filesystem.
You'll have to see the written documentation for those.

=item mv



Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

=item ping

=item poweroff

=item ps

Usage: ps

Report process status.
This version of ps accepts no options.

=item pwd

=item reboot

=item rm

Usage: rm [OPTION]... FILE...
Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

 -f		remove existing destinations, never prompt
 -r or -R	remove the contents of directories recursively

=item rmdir

Usage: rmdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.

=item sed

Usage: sed [-n] -e script [file...]
Allowed sed scripts come in the following form:

  where address ADDR can be:
 NUMBER    Match specified line number
 $         Match last line
 /REGEXP/  Match specified regexp
 (! inverts the meaning of the match)
  and COMMAND can be:
 which attempt to match regexp against the pattern space
 and if successful replaces the matched portion with replacement.
 which appends TEXT after the pattern space


-e	add the script to the commands to be executed
-n	suppress automatic printing of pattern space

This version of sed matches full regular expresions.

=item sleep

Usage: sleep N

Pause for N seconds.

=item sort

Usage: Usage: sort [OPTION]... [FILE]...

=item sync

Usage: sync

Write all buffered filesystem blocks to disk.

=item syslogd

Usage: syslogd [OPTION]...

Linux system and kernel (provides klogd) logging utility.
Note that this version of syslogd/klogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf.

 -m	Change the mark timestamp interval. default=20min. 0=off
 -n	Do not fork into the background (for when run by init)
 -K	Do not start up the klogd process (by default syslogd spawns klogd).
 -O	Specify an alternate log file.  default=/var/log/messages

=item swapon

Usage: swapon device

Start swapping virtual memory pages on the given device.

=item swapoff

Usage: swapoff device

Stop swapping virtual memory pages on the given device.

=item tail

Usage: tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.
With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

 -c=N[kbm]       output the last N bytes
 -f              output appended data as the file grows
 -n=N            output the last N lines, instead of last 10
 -q              never output headers giving file names
 -v              always output headers giving file names
 --help          display this help and exit

If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a `+', output begins with 
the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items
in the file.  N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).

=item tar

=item tee

Usage: tee [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.

 -a	append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite

=item touch

Usage: touch [-c] file [file ...]
 Update the last-modified date on the given file[s].

=item true

=item false

=item uname

Usage: uname [OPTION]...
 Print certain system information.  With no OPTION, same as -s.

 -a	print all information
 -m	the machine (hardware) type
 -n	print the machine's network node hostname
 -r	print the operating system release
 -s	print the operating system name
 -p	print the host processor type
 -v	print the operating system version

=item umount

Usage: Usage: umount [flags] filesystem|directory
 -a:	Unmount all file systems

=item uniq

Usage: Usage: uniq [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]

Discard all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or
standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output).

 -h	display this help and exit

A field is a run of whitespace, then non-whitespace characters.
Fields are skipped before chars.

=item zcat

Usage: gunzip [OPTION]... FILE

Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-').

 -c	Write output to standard output
 -t	Test compressed file integrity

=item gunzip

Usage: gunzip [OPTION]... FILE

Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-').

 -c	Write output to standard output
 -t	Test compressed file integrity

=item gzip

Usage: gzip [OPTION]... FILE

Compress FILE with maximum compression.
When FILE is -, reads standard input.  Implies -c.

 -c	Write output to standard output instead of FILE.gz


=head1 SEE ALSO

textutils(1), shellutils(1), etc...


Erik Andersen <erik@lineo.com>

=head1 AUTHORS

The following people have contributed code to BusyBox whether
they know it or not.

Erik Andersen <erik@lineo.com>

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John Beppu <beppu@lineo.com>

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Brian Candler <B.Candler@pobox.com>

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Randolph Chung <tausq@debian.org>

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Dave Cinege <dcinege@psychosis.com>	

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Bruce Perens <bruce@perens.com>

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Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta.com>

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Charles P. Wright <cpwright@villagenet.com>

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Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@ull.es>

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