<!--#include file="header.html" --> <h3>Hall of Shame!!!</h3> The following products and/or projects appear to use BusyBox, but do not appear to release source code as required by the BusyBox license. This is a violation of the law! The distributors of these products are invited to contact <a href= "mailto:andersen@codepoet.org">Erik Andersen</a> if they have any confusion as to what is needed to bring their products into compliance, or if they have already brought their product into compliance and wish to be removed from the Hall of Shame. <p> Here are the details of <a href="/license.html">exactly how to comply with the BusyBox license</a>, so there should be no question as to exactly what is expected. Complying with the Busybox license is easy and completely free, so the companies listed below should be ashamed of themselves. Furthermore, each product listed here is subject to being legally ordered to cease and desist distribution for violation of copyright law, and the distributor of each product is subject to being sued for statutory copyright infringement damages plus legal fees. Nobody wants to be sued, and <a href="mailto:andersen@codepoet.org">Erik</a> certainly has better things to do than sue people. But he will sue if forced to do so to maintain compliance. Do everyone a favor and don't break the law -- if you use busybox, comply with the busybox license by releasing the source code with your product. <p> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.trendware.com/products/TEW-411BRP.htm">TRENDnet TEW-411BRP 54Mbps 802.11g Wireless AP Router with 4-Port Switch</a> <li><a href="http://www.hauppauge.co.uk/html/mvp.htm">Hauppauge Media MVP</a> <br>Hauppauge has contacted me and is working on resolving this problem. </li><li><a href="http://www.buffalo-technology.com/products/wireless/wbr-g54.htm">Buffalo WBR-G54 wireless router</a> </li><li><a href="http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Merchant_Id=&Section_Id=201522&pcount=&Product_Id=136493">Belkin 54g Wireless DSL/Cable Gateway Router</a> </li><li><a href="http://www.dmmtv.com/">Dreambox DM7000S DVB Satellite Receiver</a> <br> Dream-Multimedia has contacted me and is working on resolving this problem. </li><li><a href="http://testing.lkml.org/slashdot.php?mid=331690">Sigma Designs EM8500 based DVD players</a> </li><li><a href="http://testing.lkml.org/slashdot.php?mid=433790">Liteon LVD2001 DVD player using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a> </li><li><a href="http://www.rimax.net/">Rimax DVD players using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a> </li><li><a href="http://www.vinc.us/">Bravo DVD players using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a> </li><li>Undoubtedly there are others... Please report them so we can shame them (or if necessary sue them) into compliance. </ul> <!--#include file="footer.html" -->