<!--#include file="header.html" --> <ul> <li><b>16 August 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc3 released</b><p> Here goes release candidate 3... <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> <li><b>26 July 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc2 released</b><p> Here goes release candidate 2... <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> <li><b>20 July 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc1 released</b><p> Here goes release candidate 1... This fixes all (most?) of the problems that have turned up since -pre10. In particular, loading and unloading of kernel modules with 2.6.x kernels should be working much better. <p> I <b>really</b> want to get BusyBox 1.0.0 released soon and I see no real reason why the 1.0.0 release shouldn't happen with things pretty much as is. BusyBox is in good shape at the moment, and it works nicely for everything that I'm doing with it. And from the reports I've been getting, it works nicely for what most everyone else is doing with it as well. There will eventually be a 1.0.1 anyway, so we might as well get on with it. No, BusyBox is not perfect. No piece of software ever is. And while there is still plenty that can be done to improve things, most of that work is waiting till we can get a solid 1.0.0 release out the door.... <p> Please do not bother to send in patches adding cool new features at this time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. If you have submitted a bug-fixing patch to the busybox mailing list and no one has emailed you explaining why your patch was rejected, it is safe to say that your patch has been lost or forgotten. That happens sometimes. Please re-submit your bug-fixing patch to the BusyBox mailing list, and be sure to put "[PATCH]" at the beginning of the email subject line! <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> On a less happy note, My 92 year old grandmother (my dad's mom) passed away yesterday (June 19th). The funeral will be Thursday in a little town about 2 hours south of my home. I've checked and there is absolutely no way I could be back in time for the funeral if I attend <a href="http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2004/">OLS</a> and give my presentation as scheduled. <p> As such, it is with great reluctance and sadness that I have come to the conclusion I will have to make my appologies and skip OLS this year. <p> <p> <li><b>13 April 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre10 released</b><p> Ok, I lied. It turns out that -pre9 will not be the final BusyBox pre-release. With any luck however -pre10 will be, since I <b>really</b> want to get BusyBox 1.0.0 released very soon. As usual, please do not bother to send in patches adding cool new features at this time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. It would also be <b>very</b> helpful if people could continue to review the BusyBox documentation and submit improvements. <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> <p> <li><b>6 April 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre9 released</b><p> Here goes the final BusyBox pre-release... This is your last chance for bug fixes. With luck this will be released as BusyBox 1.0.0 later this week. Please do not bother to send in patches adding cool new features at this time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. It would also be <b>very</b> helpful if people could help review the BusyBox documentation and submit improvements. I've spent a lot of time updating the documentation to make it better match reality, but I could really use some assistance in checking that the features supported by the various applets match the features listed in the documentation. <p> I had hoped to get this released a month ago, but <a href="http://codepoet.org/gallery/baby_peter/img_1796"> another release on 1 March 2004</a> has kept me busy... <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> <p> <li><b>23 February 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre8 released</b><p> Here goes yet another BusyBox pre-release... Please do not bother to send in patches supplying new features at this time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. If you have a cool new feature you would like to see supported, or if you have an amazing new applet you would like to submit, please wait and submit such things later. We really want to get a release out we can all be proud of. We are still aiming to finish off the -pre series in February and move on to the final 1.0.0 release... So if you spot any bugs, now would be an excellent time to send in a fix to the busybox mailing list. It would also be <b>very</b> helpful if people could help review the BusyBox documentation and submit improvements. It would be especially helpful if people could check that the features supported by the various applets match the features listed in the documentation. <p> The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details. And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>. <p>Have Fun! <p> <p> <li><b>Old News</b><p> <a href="/oldnews.html">Click here to read older news</a> </ul> <!--#include file="footer.html" -->