/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * Mini expr implementation for busybox * * based on GNU expr Mike Parker. * Copyright (C) 86, 1991-1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Busybox modifications * Copyright (c) 2000 Edward Betts <edward@debian.org>. * Aug 2003 Vladimir Oleynik - reduced 464 bytes. * * this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by * the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu * general public license for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license * along with this program; if not, write to the free software * foundation, inc., 59 temple place, suite 330, boston, ma 02111-1307 usa * */ /* This program evaluates expressions. Each token (operator, operand, * parenthesis) of the expression must be a seperate argument. The * parser used is a reasonably general one, though any incarnation of * it is language-specific. It is especially nice for expressions. * * No parse tree is needed; a new node is evaluated immediately. * One function can handle multiple operators all of equal precedence, * provided they all associate ((x op x) op x). */ /* no getopt needed */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <regex.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include "busybox.h" /* The kinds of value we can have. */ enum valtype { integer, string }; typedef enum valtype TYPE; /* A value is.... */ struct valinfo { TYPE type; /* Which kind. */ union { /* The value itself. */ int i; char *s; } u; }; typedef struct valinfo VALUE; /* The arguments given to the program, minus the program name. */ static char **args; static VALUE *docolon (VALUE *sv, VALUE *pv); static VALUE *eval (void); static VALUE *int_value (int i); static VALUE *str_value (char *s); static int nextarg (char *str); static int null (VALUE *v); static int toarith (VALUE *v); static void freev (VALUE *v); static void tostring (VALUE *v); int expr_main (int argc, char **argv) { VALUE *v; if (argc == 1) { bb_error_msg_and_die("too few arguments"); } args = argv + 1; v = eval (); if (*args) bb_error_msg_and_die ("syntax error"); if (v->type == integer) printf ("%d\n", v->u.i); else puts (v->u.s); exit (null (v)); } /* Return a VALUE for I. */ static VALUE *int_value (int i) { VALUE *v; v = xmalloc (sizeof(VALUE)); v->type = integer; v->u.i = i; return v; } /* Return a VALUE for S. */ static VALUE *str_value (char *s) { VALUE *v; v = xmalloc (sizeof(VALUE)); v->type = string; v->u.s = strdup (s); return v; } /* Free VALUE V, including structure components. */ static void freev (VALUE *v) { if (v->type == string) free (v->u.s); free (v); } /* Return nonzero if V is a null-string or zero-number. */ static int null (VALUE *v) { switch (v->type) { case integer: return v->u.i == 0; default: /* string: */ return v->u.s[0] == '\0' || strcmp (v->u.s, "0") == 0; } } /* Coerce V to a string value (can't fail). */ static void tostring (VALUE *v) { if (v->type == integer) { bb_xasprintf (&(v->u.s), "%d", v->u.i); v->type = string; } } /* Coerce V to an integer value. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int toarith (VALUE *v) { if(v->type == string) { int i; char *e; /* Don't interpret the empty string as an integer. */ /* Currently does not worry about overflow or int/long differences. */ i = (int) strtol(v->u.s, &e, 10); if ((v->u.s == e) || *e) return 0; free (v->u.s); v->u.i = i; v->type = integer; } return 1; } /* Return nonzero if the next token matches STR exactly. STR must not be NULL. */ static int nextarg (char *str) { if (*args == NULL) return 0; return strcmp (*args, str) == 0; } /* The comparison operator handling functions. */ static int cmp_common (VALUE *l, VALUE *r, int op) { int cmpval; if (l->type == string || r->type == string) { tostring (l); tostring (r); cmpval = strcmp (l->u.s, r->u.s); } else cmpval = l->u.i - r->u.i; switch(op) { case '<': return cmpval < 0; case ('L'+'E'): return cmpval <= 0; case '=': return cmpval == 0; case '!': return cmpval != 0; case '>': return cmpval > 0; default: /* >= */ return cmpval >= 0; } } /* The arithmetic operator handling functions. */ static int arithmetic_common (VALUE *l, VALUE *r, int op) { int li, ri; if (!toarith (l) || !toarith (r)) bb_error_msg_and_die ("non-numeric argument"); li = l->u.i; ri = r->u.i; if((op == '/' || op == '%') && ri == 0) bb_error_msg_and_die ( "division by zero"); switch(op) { case '+': return li + ri; case '-': return li - ri; case '*': return li * ri; case '/': return li / ri; default: return li % ri; } } /* Do the : operator. SV is the VALUE for the lhs (the string), PV is the VALUE for the rhs (the pattern). */ static VALUE *docolon (VALUE *sv, VALUE *pv) { VALUE *v; const char *errmsg; struct re_pattern_buffer re_buffer; struct re_registers re_regs; int len; tostring (sv); tostring (pv); if (pv->u.s[0] == '^') { fprintf (stderr, "\ warning: unportable BRE: `%s': using `^' as the first character\n\ of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is being ignored", pv->u.s); } len = strlen (pv->u.s); memset (&re_buffer, 0, sizeof (re_buffer)); memset (&re_regs, 0, sizeof (re_regs)); re_buffer.allocated = 2 * len; re_buffer.buffer = (unsigned char *) xmalloc (re_buffer.allocated); re_buffer.translate = 0; re_syntax_options = RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC; errmsg = re_compile_pattern (pv->u.s, len, &re_buffer); if (errmsg) { bb_error_msg_and_die("%s", errmsg); } len = re_match (&re_buffer, sv->u.s, strlen (sv->u.s), 0, &re_regs); if (len >= 0) { /* Were \(...\) used? */ if (re_buffer.re_nsub > 0) { /* was (re_regs.start[1] >= 0) */ sv->u.s[re_regs.end[1]] = '\0'; v = str_value (sv->u.s + re_regs.start[1]); } else v = int_value (len); } else { /* Match failed -- return the right kind of null. */ if (re_buffer.re_nsub > 0) v = str_value (""); else v = int_value (0); } free (re_buffer.buffer); return v; } /* Handle bare operands and ( expr ) syntax. */ static VALUE *eval7 (void) { VALUE *v; if (!*args) bb_error_msg_and_die ( "syntax error"); if (nextarg ("(")) { args++; v = eval (); if (!nextarg (")")) bb_error_msg_and_die ( "syntax error"); args++; return v; } if (nextarg (")")) bb_error_msg_and_die ( "syntax error"); return str_value (*args++); } /* Handle match, substr, index, length, and quote keywords. */ static VALUE *eval6 (void) { VALUE *l, *r, *v, *i1, *i2; if (nextarg ("quote")) { args++; if (!*args) bb_error_msg_and_die ( "syntax error"); return str_value (*args++); } else if (nextarg ("length")) { args++; r = eval6 (); tostring (r); v = int_value (strlen (r->u.s)); freev (r); return v; } else if (nextarg ("match")) { args++; l = eval6 (); r = eval6 (); v = docolon (l, r); freev (l); freev (r); return v; } else if (nextarg ("index")) { args++; l = eval6 (); r = eval6 (); tostring (l); tostring (r); v = int_value (strcspn (l->u.s, r->u.s) + 1); if (v->u.i == (int) strlen (l->u.s) + 1) v->u.i = 0; freev (l); freev (r); return v; } else if (nextarg ("substr")) { args++; l = eval6 (); i1 = eval6 (); i2 = eval6 (); tostring (l); if (!toarith (i1) || !toarith (i2) || i1->u.i > (int) strlen (l->u.s) || i1->u.i <= 0 || i2->u.i <= 0) v = str_value (""); else { v = xmalloc (sizeof(VALUE)); v->type = string; v->u.s = bb_xstrndup(l->u.s + i1->u.i - 1, i2->u.i); } freev (l); freev (i1); freev (i2); return v; } else return eval7 (); } /* Handle : operator (pattern matching). Calls docolon to do the real work. */ static VALUE *eval5 (void) { VALUE *l, *r, *v; l = eval6 (); while (nextarg (":")) { args++; r = eval6 (); v = docolon (l, r); freev (l); freev (r); l = v; } return l; } /* Handle *, /, % operators. */ static VALUE *eval4 (void) { VALUE *l, *r; int op, val; l = eval5 (); while (1) { if (nextarg ("*")) op = '*'; else if (nextarg ("/")) op = '/'; else if (nextarg ("%")) op = '%'; else return l; args++; r = eval5 (); val = arithmetic_common (l, r, op); freev (l); freev (r); l = int_value (val); } } /* Handle +, - operators. */ static VALUE *eval3 (void) { VALUE *l, *r; int op, val; l = eval4 (); while (1) { if (nextarg ("+")) op = '+'; else if (nextarg ("-")) op = '-'; else return l; args++; r = eval4 (); val = arithmetic_common (l, r, op); freev (l); freev (r); l = int_value (val); } } /* Handle comparisons. */ static VALUE *eval2 (void) { VALUE *l, *r; int op, val; l = eval3 (); while (1) { if (nextarg ("<")) op = '<'; else if (nextarg ("<=")) op = 'L'+'E'; else if (nextarg ("=") || nextarg ("==")) op = '='; else if (nextarg ("!=")) op = '!'; else if (nextarg (">=")) op = 'G'+'E'; else if (nextarg (">")) op = '>'; else return l; args++; r = eval3 (); toarith (l); toarith (r); val = cmp_common (l, r, op); freev (l); freev (r); l = int_value (val); } } /* Handle &. */ static VALUE *eval1 (void) { VALUE *l, *r; l = eval2 (); while (nextarg ("&")) { args++; r = eval2 (); if (null (l) || null (r)) { freev (l); freev (r); l = int_value (0); } else freev (r); } return l; } /* Handle |. */ static VALUE *eval (void) { VALUE *l, *r; l = eval1 (); while (nextarg ("|")) { args++; r = eval1 (); if (null (l)) { freev (l); l = r; } else freev (r); } return l; }