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+Network Working Group M. Allman
+Request for Comments: 2428 NASA Lewis/Sterling Software
+Category: Standards Track S. Ostermann
+ Ohio University
+ C. Metz
+ The Inner Net
+ September 1998
+ FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs
+Status of this Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.
+ The specification for the File Transfer Protocol assumes that the
+ underlying network protocol uses a 32-bit network address
+ (specifically IP version 4). With the deployment of version 6 of the
+ Internet Protocol, network addresses will no longer be 32-bits. This
+ paper specifies extensions to FTP that will allow the protocol to
+ work over IPv4 and IPv6. In addition, the framework defined can
+ support additional network protocols in the future.
+1. Introduction
+ The keywords, such as MUST and SHOULD, found in this document are
+ used as defined in RFC 2119 [Bra97].
+ The File Transfer Protocol [PR85] only provides the ability to
+ communicate information about IPv4 data connections. FTP assumes
+ network addresses will be 32 bits in length. However, with the
+ deployment of version 6 of the Internet Protocol [DH96] addresses
+ will no longer be 32 bits long. RFC 1639 [Pis94] specifies
+ extensions to FTP to enable its use over various network protocols.
+ Unfortunately, the mechanism can fail in a multi-protocol
+ environment. During the transition between IPv4 and IPv6, FTP needs
+ the ability to negotiate the network protocol that will be used for
+ data transfer.
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 1]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+ This document provides a specification for a way that FTP can
+ communicate data connection endpoint information for network
+ protocols other than IPv4. In this specification, the FTP commands
+ PORT and PASV are replaced with EPRT and EPSV, respectively. This
+ document is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the EPRT
+ command and Section 3 outlines the EPSV command. Section 4 defines
+ the utilization of these two new FTP commands. Section 5 briefly
+ presents security considerations. Finally, Section 6 provides
+ conclusions.
+2. The EPRT Command
+ The EPRT command allows for the specification of an extended address
+ for the data connection. The extended address MUST consist of the
+ network protocol as well as the network and transport addresses. The
+ format of EPRT is:
+ EPRT<space><d><net-prt><d><net-addr><d><tcp-port><d>
+ The EPRT command keyword MUST be followed by a single space (ASCII
+ 32). Following the space, a delimiter character (<d>) MUST be
+ specified. The delimiter character MUST be one of the ASCII
+ characters in range 33-126 inclusive. The character "|" (ASCII 124)
+ is recommended unless it coincides with a character needed to encode
+ the network address.
+ The <net-prt> argument MUST be an address family number defined by
+ IANA in the latest Assigned Numbers RFC (RFC 1700 [RP94] as of the
+ writing of this document). This number indicates the protocol to be
+ used (and, implicitly, the address length). This document will use
+ two of address family numbers from [RP94] as examples, according to
+ the following table:
+ AF Number Protocol
+ --------- --------
+ 1 Internet Protocol, Version 4 [Pos81a]
+ 2 Internet Protocol, Version 6 [DH96]
+ The <net-addr> is a protocol specific string representation of the
+ network address. For the two address families specified above (AF
+ Number 1 and 2), addresses MUST be in the following format:
+ AF Number Address Format Example
+ --------- -------------- -------
+ 1 dotted decimal
+ 2 IPv6 string 1080::8:800:200C:417A
+ representations
+ defined in [HD96]
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 2]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+ The <tcp-port> argument must be the string representation of the
+ number of the TCP port on which the host is listening for the data
+ connection.
+ The following are sample EPRT commands:
+ EPRT |1||6275|
+ EPRT |2|1080::8:800:200C:417A|5282|
+ The first command specifies that the server should use IPv4 to open a
+ data connection to the host "" on TCP port 6275. The
+ second command specifies that the server should use the IPv6 network
+ protocol and the network address "1080::8:800:200C:417A" to open a
+ TCP data connection on port 5282.
+ Upon receipt of a valid EPRT command, the server MUST return a code
+ of 200 (Command OK). The standard negative error code 500 and 501
+ [PR85] are sufficient to handle most errors (e.g., syntax errors)
+ involving the EPRT command. However, an additional error code is
+ needed. The response code 522 indicates that the server does not
+ support the requested network protocol. The interpretation of this
+ new error code is:
+ 5yz Negative Completion
+ x2z Connections
+ xy2 Extended Port Failure - unknown network protocol
+ The text portion of the response MUST indicate which network
+ protocols the server does support. If the network protocol is
+ unsupported, the format of the response string MUST be:
+ <text stating that the network protocol is unsupported> \
+ (prot1,prot2,...,protn)
+ Both the numeric code specified above and the protocol information
+ between the characters '(' and ')' are intended for the software
+ automata receiving the response; the textual message between the
+ numeric code and the '(' is intended for the human user and can be
+ any arbitrary text, but MUST NOT include the characters '(' and ')'.
+ In the above case, the text SHOULD indicate that the network protocol
+ in the EPRT command is not supported by the server. The list of
+ protocols inside the parenthesis MUST be a comma separated list of
+ address family numbers. Two example response strings follow:
+ Network protocol not supported, use (1)
+ Network protocol not supported, use (1,2)
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 3]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+3. The EPSV Command
+ The EPSV command requests that a server listen on a data port and
+ wait for a connection. The EPSV command takes an optional argument.
+ The response to this command includes only the TCP port number of the
+ listening connection. The format of the response, however, is
+ similar to the argument of the EPRT command. This allows the same
+ parsing routines to be used for both commands. In addition, the
+ format leaves a place holder for the network protocol and/or network
+ address, which may be needed in the EPSV response in the future. The
+ response code for entering passive mode using an extended address
+ MUST be 229. The interpretation of this code, according to [PR85]
+ is:
+ 2yz Positive Completion
+ x2z Connections
+ xy9 Extended Passive Mode Entered
+ The text returned in response to the EPSV command MUST be:
+ <text indicating server is entering extended passive mode> \
+ (<d><d><d><tcp-port><d>)
+ The portion of the string enclosed in parentheses MUST be the exact
+ string needed by the EPRT command to open the data connection, as
+ specified above.
+ The first two fields contained in the parenthesis MUST be blank. The
+ third field MUST be the string representation of the TCP port number
+ on which the server is listening for a data connection. The network
+ protocol used by the data connection will be the same network
+ protocol used by the control connection. In addition, the network
+ address used to establish the data connection will be the same
+ network address used for the control connection. An example response
+ string follows:
+ Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||6446|)
+ The standard negative error codes 500 and 501 are sufficient to
+ handle all errors involving the EPSV command (e.g., syntax errors).
+ When the EPSV command is issued with no argument, the server will
+ choose the network protocol for the data connection based on the
+ protocol used for the control connection. However, in the case of
+ proxy FTP, this protocol might not be appropriate for communication
+ between the two servers. Therefore, the client needs to be able to
+ request a specific protocol. If the server returns a protocol that
+ is not supported by the host that will be connecting to the port, the
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 4]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+ client MUST issue an ABOR (abort) command to allow the server to
+ close down the listening connection. The client can then send an
+ EPSV command requesting the use of a specific network protocol, as
+ follows:
+ EPSV<space><net-prt>
+ If the requested protocol is supported by the server, it SHOULD use
+ the protocol. If not, the server MUST return the 522 error messages
+ as outlined in section 2.
+ Finally, the EPSV command can be used with the argument "ALL" to
+ inform Network Address Translators that the EPRT command (as well as
+ other data commands) will no longer be used. An example of this
+ command follows:
+ EPSV<space>ALL
+ Upon receipt of an EPSV ALL command, the server MUST reject all data
+ connection setup commands other than EPSV (i.e., EPRT, PORT, PASV, et
+ al.). This use of the EPSV command is further explained in section
+ 4.
+4. Command Usage
+ For all FTP transfers where the control and data connection(s) are
+ being established between the same two machines, the EPSV command
+ MUST be used. Using the EPSV command benefits performance of
+ transfers that traverse firewalls or Network Address Translators
+ (NATs). RFC 1579 [Bel94] recommends using the passive command when
+ behind firewalls since firewalls do not generally allow incoming
+ connections (which are required when using the PORT (EPRT) command).
+ In addition, using EPSV as defined in this document does not require
+ NATs to change the network address in the traffic as it is forwarded.
+ The NAT would have to change the address if the EPRT command was
+ used. Finally, if the client issues an "EPSV ALL" command, NATs may
+ be able to put the connection on a "fast path" through the
+ translator, as the EPRT command will never be used and therefore,
+ translation of the data portion of the segments will never be needed.
+ When a client only expects to do two-way FTP transfers, it SHOULD
+ issue this command as soon as possible. If a client later finds that
+ it must do a three-way FTP transfer after issuing an EPSV ALL
+ command, a new FTP session MUST be started.
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 5]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+5. Security Issues
+ The authors do not believe that these changes to FTP introduce new
+ security problems. A companion Work in Progress [AO98] is a more
+ general discussion of FTP security issues and techniques to reduce
+ these security problems.
+6. Conclusions
+ The extensions specified in this paper will enable FTP to operate
+ over a variety of network protocols.
+ [AO98] Allman, M., and S. Ostermann, "FTP Security
+ Considerations", Work in Progress.
+ [Bel94] Bellovin, S., "Firewall-Friendly FTP", RFC 1579, February
+ 1994.
+ [Bra97] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [DH96] Deering, S., and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
+ (IPv6) Specification", RFC 1883, December 1995.
+ [HD96] Hinden, R., and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing
+ Architecture", RFC 2373, July 1998.
+ [Pis94] Piscitello, D., "FTP Operation Over Big Address Records
+ (FOOBAR)", RFC 1639, June 1994.
+ [Pos81a] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791, September
+ 1981.
+ [Pos81b] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC 793,
+ September 1981.
+ [PR85] Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)",
+ STD 9, RFC 959, October 1985.
+ [RP94] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC
+ 1700, October 1994. See also:
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 6]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+Authors' Addresses
+ Mark Allman
+ NASA Lewis Research Center/Sterling Software
+ 21000 Brookpark Rd. MS 54-2
+ Cleveland, OH 44135
+ Phone: (216) 433-6586
+ EMail:
+ Shawn Ostermann
+ School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
+ Ohio University
+ 416 Morton Hall
+ Athens, OH 45701
+ Phone: (740) 593-1234
+ EMail:
+ Craig Metz
+ The Inner Net
+ Box 10314-1954
+ Blacksburg, VA 24062-0314
+ Phone: (DSN) 754-8590
+ EMail:
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 7]
+RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs September 1998
+Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+ others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+ or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+ and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+ kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+ included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
+ document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+ the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+ Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+ developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+ copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+ followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+ English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
+ revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
+Allman, et. al. Standards Track [Page 8]