path: root/docs/busybox.pod
diff options
authorJohn Beppu2000-01-19 15:04:41 +0000
committerJohn Beppu2000-01-19 15:04:41 +0000
commit4581b4cdd99590bb243a1b4a558aeceadd3b155b (patch)
tree332539c768df1663bcb3e78bba689d6829336ff1 /docs/busybox.pod
parent08fe43d3f9b0a2300840330ecd29c6e25a4b73a3 (diff)
foreach (@busybox_command) {
put_help_message_in_busybox_pod($_); }
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/busybox.pod')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/docs/busybox.pod b/docs/busybox.pod
index 809c0ca..8d8e198 100644
--- a/docs/busybox.pod
+++ b/docs/busybox.pod
@@ -29,134 +29,555 @@ rm, rmdir, sed, sleep, sort, sync, syslogd, swapon, swapoff, tail,
tar, tee, touch, true, false, uname, umount, uniq, update, zcat,
gunzip, gzip
-Oh yes. Unix will be mine.
=over 4
-=item busybox
=item cat
+Usage: cat [file ...]
=item chmod
+Usage: chmod [-R] MODE[,MODE]... FILE...
+Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and
+one or more of the letters rwxst.
+ -R change files and directories recursively.
=item chown
+Usage: chown [OPTION]... OWNER[.[GROUP] FILE...
+Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP.
+ -R change files and directories recursively
=item chgrp
+Usage: chgrp [OPTION]... GROUP FILE...
+Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP.
+ -R change files and directories recursively
=item chroot
+Usage: chroot NEWROOT [COMMAND...]
+Run COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT.
=item clear
=item chvt
+Usage: chvt N
+Change foreground virtual terminal to /dev/ttyN
=item cp
+Usage: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST
+Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.
+ -a same as -dpR
+ -d preserve links
+ -p preserve file attributes if possible
+ -R copy directories recursively
=item date
=item dd
+Usage: dd [if=name] [of=name] [bs=n] [count=n]
+Copy a file, converting and formatting according to options
+ if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin
+ of=FILE write to FILE instead of stout
+ bs=n read and write N BYTES at a time
+ count=n copy only n input blocks
+ BYTES may be suffixed by w (x2), k (x1024), b (x512), or m (x1024^2).
=item df
+Usage: df
=item dmesg
+Usage: dmesg [-c] [-n level] [-s bufsize]
=item du
+Usage: Usage: du [OPTION]... [FILE]...
+ -s display only a total for each argument
=item fbset
+Usage: fbset [options] [mode]
+ -h
+ -fb
+ -db
+ -a
+ -i
+ -g
+ -t
+ -accel
+ -hsync
+ -vsync
+ -laced
+ -double
=item find
+Usage: find [PATH...] [EXPRESSION]
+Search for files in a directory hierarchy. The default PATH is
+the current directory; default EXPRESSION is '-print'
+EXPRESSION may consist of:
+ -follow
+ Dereference symbolic links.
+ -name PATTERN
+ File name (with leading directories removed) matches PATTERN.
+ -print
+ print the full file name followed by a newline to stdout.
+ This version of find matches full regular expresions.
=item free
+Usage: free
=item deallocvt
+Usage: deallocvt N
+Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN
=item fsck.minix
+Usage: fsck.minix [-larvsmf] /dev/name
+Performs a consistency check for MINIX filesystems.
+ -l Lists all filenames
+ -r Perform interactive repairs
+ -a Perform automatic repairs
+ -v verbose
+ -s Outputs super-block information
+ -m Activates MINIX-like "mode not cleared" warnings
+ -f Force file system check.
=item mkfs.minix
+Usage: mkfs.minix [-c | -l filename] [-nXX] [-iXX] /dev/name [blocks]
+Make a MINIX filesystem.
+ -c Check the device for bad blocks
+ -n [14|30] Specify the maximum length of filenames
+ -i Specify the number of inodes for the filesystem
+ -l FILENAME Read the bad blocks list from FILENAME
+ -v Make a Minix version 2 filesystem
=item grep
=item head
+Usage: Usage: head [FILE]...
+Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.
+With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the
+file name. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
=item hostname
-=item init
+Usage: hostname [OPTION] {hostname | -F file}
+Get or set the hostname or DNS domain name. If a hostname is given
+(or a file with the -F parameter), the host name will be set.
-=item linuxrc
+ -s Short
+ -i Addresses for the hostname
+ -d DNS domain name
+ -F FILE Use the contents of FILE to specify the hostname
=item kill
=item ln
+Create a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET
+ -s make symbolic links instead of hard links
+ -f remove existing destination files
=item ls
+Usage: ls [-1acdelnpuxACF] [filenames...]
=item lsmod
=item mkdir
+Usage: Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY...
+Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist
+ -m set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask
+ -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
=item mknod
+Make block or character special files.
+TYPEs include:
+ b: Make a block (buffered) device.
+ c or u: Make a character (un-buffered) device.
+ p: Make a named pipe. Major and minor are ignored for named pipes.
=item mkswap
+Usage: mkswap [-c] [-v0|-v1] device [block-count]
+Prepare a disk partition to be used as a swap partition.
+ -c Check for read-ability.
+ -v0 Make version 0 swap [max 128 Megs].
+ -v1 Make version 1 swap [big!] (default for kernels > 2.1.117).
+ block-count Number of block to use (default is entire partition).
=item more
+Usage: more [file ...]
=item mount
+Usage: mount [flags]
+mount [flags] device directory [-o options,more-options]
+ Flags:
+ -a: Mount all file systems in fstab.
+ -o option: One of many filesystem options, listed below.
+ -r: Mount the filesystem read-only.
+ -t filesystem-type: Specify the filesystem type.
+ -w: Mount for reading and writing (default).
+ Options for use with the "-o" flag:
+ async / sync: Writes are asynchronous / synchronous.
+ dev / nodev: Allow use of special device files / disallow them.
+ exec / noexec: Allow use of executable files / disallow them.
+ loop: Mounts a file via loop device.
+ suid / nosuid: Allow set-user-id-root programs / disallow them.
+ remount: Re-mount a currently-mounted filesystem, changing its flags.
+ ro / rw: Mount for read-only / read-write.
+There are EVEN MORE flags that are specific to each filesystem.
+You'll have to see the written documentation for those.
=item mv
+Usage: mv SOURCE DEST
+Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.
=item ping
=item poweroff
=item ps
+Usage: ps
+Report process status.
+This version of ps accepts no options.
=item pwd
=item reboot
=item rm
+Usage: rm [OPTION]... FILE...
+Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).
+ -f remove existing destinations, never prompt
+ -r or -R remove the contents of directories recursively
=item rmdir
+Usage: rmdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
+Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.
=item sed
+Usage: sed [-n] -e script [file...]
+Allowed sed scripts come in the following form:
+ where address ADDR can be:
+ NUMBER Match specified line number
+ $ Match last line
+ /REGEXP/ Match specified regexp
+ (! inverts the meaning of the match)
+ and COMMAND can be:
+ s/regexp/replacement/[igp]
+ which attempt to match regexp against the pattern space
+ and if successful replaces the matched portion with replacement.
+ which appends TEXT after the pattern space
+-e add the script to the commands to be executed
+-n suppress automatic printing of pattern space
+This version of sed matches full regular expresions.
=item sleep
+Usage: sleep N
+Pause for N seconds.
=item sort
+Usage: Usage: sort [OPTION]... [FILE]...
=item sync
+Usage: sync
+Write all buffered filesystem blocks to disk.
=item syslogd
+Usage: syslogd [OPTION]...
+Linux system and kernel (provides klogd) logging utility.
+Note that this version of syslogd/klogd ignores /etc/syslog.conf.
+ -m Change the mark timestamp interval. default=20min. 0=off
+ -n Do not fork into the background (for when run by init)
+ -K Do not start up the klogd process (by default syslogd spawns klogd).
+ -O Specify an alternate log file. default=/var/log/messages
=item swapon
+Usage: swapon device
+Start swapping virtual memory pages on the given device.
=item swapoff
+Usage: swapoff device
+Stop swapping virtual memory pages on the given device.
=item tail
+Usage: tail [OPTION]... [FILE]...
+Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.
+With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
+With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
+ -c=N[kbm] output the last N bytes
+ -f output appended data as the file grows
+ -n=N output the last N lines, instead of last 10
+ -q never output headers giving file names
+ -v always output headers giving file names
+ --help display this help and exit
+If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a `+', output begins with
+the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items
+in the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).
=item tar
=item tee
+Usage: tee [OPTION]... [FILE]...
+Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.
+ -a append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
=item touch
+Usage: touch [-c] file [file ...]
+ Update the last-modified date on the given file[s].
=item true
=item false
=item uname
+Usage: uname [OPTION]...
+ Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.
+ -a print all information
+ -m the machine (hardware) type
+ -n print the machine's network node hostname
+ -r print the operating system release
+ -s print the operating system name
+ -p print the host processor type
+ -v print the operating system version
=item umount
+Usage: Usage: umount [flags] filesystem|directory
+ Flags:
+ -a: Unmount all file systems
=item uniq
-=item update
+Usage: Usage: uniq [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
+Discard all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT (or
+standard input), writing to OUTPUT (or standard output).
+ -h display this help and exit
+A field is a run of whitespace, then non-whitespace characters.
+Fields are skipped before chars.
=item zcat
+Usage: gunzip [OPTION]... FILE
+Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-').
+ -c Write output to standard output
+ -t Test compressed file integrity
=item gunzip
+Usage: gunzip [OPTION]... FILE
+Uncompress FILE (or standard input if FILE is '-').
+ -c Write output to standard output
+ -t Test compressed file integrity
=item gzip
+Usage: gzip [OPTION]... FILE
+Compress FILE with maximum compression.
+When FILE is -, reads standard input. Implies -c.
+ -c Write output to standard output instead of FILE.gz
=head1 SEE ALSO