set -e if test -n "$BASH_VERSION"; then set -o posix; fi # See prefix=/usr/local exec_prefix='$(PREFIX)' exec_suffix= bindir='$(EXEC_PREFIX)/bin' verbose=0 main() { parseArgs "$@" printMakefile > Makefile } printHelp() { echo '' echo "Example usage: $0 --prefix /usr/local" echo '' echo 'Options:' echo ' --prefix "/usr/local"' echo ' --exec-prefix "$(PREFIX)"' echo ' --exec-suffix ""' echo ' --bindir "$(EXEC_PREFIX)/bin"' echo ' --verbose 0' echo '' } parseArgs() { # See: while test $# -gt 0 ; do case $1 in --help) printHelp; exit 1; ;; --prefix) prefix="$2" shift; shift; ;; --exec-prefix) exec_prefix="$2" shift; shift; ;; --exec-suffix) exec_suffix="$2" shift; shift; ;; --bindir) bindir="$2" shift; shift; ;; --verbose) verbose="$2" shift; shift; ;; *) echo "[ERROR] Unexpected argument: $1"; exit 1 ;; esac done if test "$verbose" != "0" -a "$verbose" != "1"; then echo "[ERROR] verbose expected to be 0 or 1. But is: $verbose"; false; fi } printMakefile () { printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '# This file is generated by configure script. Manual changes may be lost' printf '%s\n' '# when calling configure again.' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' 'CC=gcc' printf '%s\n' 'TAR=tar' printf '%s\n' 'MKDIRS=mkdir -p' printf '%s\n' 'RIMRAF=rm -rf' printf '%s\n' 'COPYTO=cp -t' printf '%s\n' "PREFIX=$prefix" printf '%s\n' "EXEC_PREFIX=$exec_prefix" printf '%s\n' "EXEC_SUFFIX=$exec_suffix" printf '%s\n' "BINDIR=$bindir" printf '%s\n' "NDEBUG=1" # If PROJECT_VERSION set, use it. # If not, try generate via git describe. # If fails (eg git not avail), create pseudo version using date. printf '%s' 'PROJECT_VERSION=$(shell' printf '%s' ' ret=$$(git describe --tags 2>/dev/null |sed -E "s;^v;;");' printf '%s' ' if test -n "$$ret" -a -n "$$(git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)"; then' printf '%s' ' ret="$$ret+dirt";' printf '%s' ' fi;' printf '%s' ' if test -z "$$ret"; then ret=$$(date -u +0.0.0-%Y%m%d.%H%M%S); fi;' printf '%s\n' ' echo "$$ret")' printf '\n' printf '%s' 'CFLAGS= --std=c99' printf '%s' ' -Wall -Wextra -Werror -fmax-errors=3' printf '%s' ' -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-label' printf '%s' ' -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-parameter' printf '%s' ' -Wno-error=unused-const-variable' # Not supported by debian 9 and older #printf '%s' ' -Werror=implicit-fallthrough=1' printf '%s' ' -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable' printf '%s' ' -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-parameter' printf '%s\n' ' -DPROJECT_VERSION=$(PROJECT_VERSION)' printf '%s\n' '' printf '%s\n' 'LDFLAGS= -Wl,--no-demangle,--fatal-warnings' printf '%s\n' '' printf '%s\n' 'INCDIRS= -Isrc/bulk_ln -Isrc/common' printf '%s\n' '' printf '%s\n' 'ifndef NDEBUG' printf '%s\n' ' CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -ggdb -O0 -g3' printf '%s\n' 'else' printf '%s\n' ' CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os "-DNDEBUG=1"' printf '%s\n' ' LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--gc-sections,--as-needed' printf '%s\n' 'endif' if test "$verbose" = "0"; then printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '.SILENT:'; fi printf '\n' printf '%s\n' 'default: link dist' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '.PHONY: clean' printf '%s\n' 'clean:' printf '%s\n' ' echo $(RIMRAF) build dist' printf '%s\n' ' $(RIMRAF) build dist' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '.PHONY: link' printf '%s\n' 'link: build/bin/bulk-ln$(EXEC_SUFFIX)' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' 'build/obj/%.o: src/%.c' printf '%s\n' ' echo " CC $@"' printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) "$(shell T=$@; echo $${T%/*})"' printf '%s\n' ' $(CC) -c -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIRS)' printf '\n' printf '%s' 'build/bin/bulk-ln$(EXEC_SUFFIX):' # dependencies printf '%s' ' build/obj/bulk_ln/bulk_ln.o' printf '%s' ' build/obj/bulk_ln/bulk_ln_main.o' printf '\n' # commands printf '%s\n' ' echo " LN $@"' printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) "$(shell T=$@; echo $${T%/*})"' printf '%s\n' ' $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LIBSDIR)' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '.PHONY: dist' printf '%s\n' 'dist: link' printf '%s\n' ' echo " Package"' printf '%s\n' ' $(RIMRAF) build/dist-* dist' printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) dist' # Create Executable bundle. printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) build/dist-bin && $(COPYTO) build/dist-bin \' printf '%s\n' ' README*' printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) build/dist-bin/bin && $(COPYTO) build/dist-bin/bin \' printf '%s\n' ' build/bin/*' printf '%s\n' ' (cd build/dist-bin && find . -type f -not -name MD5SUM -exec md5sum -b {} +) > build/dist-bin/MD5SUM' printf '%s\n' ' (cd build/dist-bin && $(TAR) --owner=0 --group=0 -czf "../../dist/BulkLn-$(PROJECT_VERSION).tgz" *)' printf '%s\n' ' echo "" && echo "See '\''./dist/'\'' for result." && echo ""' printf '%s' ' if test -n "$$(git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)"; then' printf '%s' ' echo "[WARN ] Worktree dirty!"; sleep 2;' printf '%s\n' ' fi' printf '\n' printf '%s\n' '.PHONY: install' printf '%s\n' 'install:' printf '%s\n' ' $(MKDIRS) "$(BINDIR)"' printf '%s\n' ' $(TAR) --strip-components=1 -C "$(BINDIR)" -xzf "$(shell ls dist/BulkLn-*.tgz)" -- bin' } main "$@"