/* Related: - [Remove Slim Packaging](SDCISA-15648) */ ;(function(){ "use-strict"; const child_process = require("child_process"); const http = require("http"); const https = require("https"); const fs = require("fs"); const promisify = require("util").promisify; const zlib = require("zlib"); const noop = function(){}; const log = process.stderr; const out = process.stdout; const logAsString = function( buf ){ log.write(buf.toString()); }; setImmediate(main); function printHelp( argv, app ){ process.stdout.write(" \n" +" Autmoate some steps that are tedious manually.\n" +" \n" +" Options:\n" +" \n" +" --fetch\n" +" Update local repos from remote.\n" +" \n" +" --reset-platform\n" +" Reset worktree to base commit.\n" +" \n" +" --patch-platform\n" +" Remove slim packaging from patform and set snapshot version.\n" +" \n" +" --commit-platform\n" +" Create a git commit with our changes.\n" +" \n" +" --push-platform\n" +" Same idea as '--push-services' but for platform.\n" +" \n" +" --reset-services\n" +" Reset worktree to base commit.\n" +" \n" +" --patch-services\n" +" Disable slim packaging in Jenkinsfile and use platform snapshot in\n" +" pom.\n" +" \n" +" --commit\n" +" Create a git commit with our changes.\n" +" \n" +" --push | --push-force\n" +" Create commits for patched services and push them to upstream. If\n" +" not given, the change is only made locally (aka without cluttering\n" +" remote git repo). The force variant will replace existing branches\n" +" on the remnote. If given multiple times, less-invasive wins.\n" +" \n" +" --print-isa-version\n" +" Prints an isaVersion JSON that can be fed to preflux.\n" +" \n" +" --print-baseline-version\n" +" Prints an isaVersion JSON that can be fed to preflux. Consisting\n" +" of the latest versions found for each service.\n" +" \n" // not impl yet //+" --max-parallel \n" //+" How many tasks to run concurrently. Defaults to 1. Which means to\n" //+" do all the work sequentially (HINT: very handy for debugging).\n" //+" \n" ); } function parseArgs( argv, app ){ if( argv.length <= 2 ){ log.write("EINVAL: Refuse to produce damage with zero args.\n"); return -1; } for( var iA = 2 ; iA < argv.length ; ++iA ){ var arg = argv[iA]; if( arg == "--help" ){ app.isHelp = true; return 0; }else if( arg == "--fetch" ){ app.isFetch = true; }else if( arg == "--reset-platform" ){ app.isResetPlatform = true; }else if( arg == "--patch-platform" ){ app.isPatchPlatform = true; }else if( arg == "--commit-platform" ){ app.isCommitPlatform = true; }else if( arg == "--push-platform" ){ app.isPushPlatform = true; }else if( arg == "--reset-services" ){ app.isResetHard = true; }else if( arg == "--patch-services" ){ app.isPatchServices = true; }else if( arg == "--commit" ){ app.isCommit = true; }else if( arg == "--push" ){ if( app.isPushForce ){ log.write("EINVAL: only one of push and push-force allowed\n"); return-1; } app.isPush = true; }else if( arg == "--push-force" ){ if( app.isPush ){ log.write("EINVAL: only one of push and push-force allowed\n"); return-1; } app.isPushForce = true; }else if( arg == "--print-isa-version" ){ app.isPrintIsaVersion = true; }else if( arg == "--print-baseline-version" ){ app.isPrintBaselineVersion = true; //}else if( arg == "--max-parallel" ){ // arg = argv[++iA]; // if( !/^[0-9]+$/.test(arg) ){ log.write("EINVAL: --max-parallel "+ arg +"\n"); return -1; } // app.maxParallel = 0 + arg; }else{ log.write("EINVAL: "+ arg +"\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } function isThingyNameValid( app, thingyName ){ if( typeof thingyName !== "string" ) return false; if( !/^[a-z-]+$/.test(thingyName) ) return false; return true; } function workdirOfSync( app, thingyName ){ if( !isThingyNameValid(app, thingyName) ) throw TypeError(thingyName); return app.workdir +"/"+ thingyName; } function gitUrlOfSync( app, thingyName ){ if( !isThingyNameValid(app, thingyName) ) throw TypeError(thingyName); return "https://gitit.post.ch/scm/isa/"+ thingyName +".git"; } function isCloned( app, thingyName, onDone){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["status", "--porcelain"], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stdout.on("data", noop); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else{ onDone(null, true); } }); } function isWorktreeClean( app, thingyName, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); var isStdoutDirty = false; var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["status", "--porcelain"], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stdout.on("data", function(){ isStdoutDirty = true; }); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( signal !== null ){ throw Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal +""); }else{ onDone(null, !isStdoutDirty); } }); } function getPatch( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var path = __dirname +"/patches/"+ thingyName +".patch"; var patchAsStr; var mangledPlatformVersion, mangledServiceVersion, mangledSlartiVersion; var propsToReplace = [ "j21.service.mangledVersion", "j21.platform.version", "j21.captain.mangledVersion", "j21.slarti.mangledVersion", "j21.megacamel.mangledVersion", "j21.guide.mangledVersion", "j21.trillian.mangledVersion", ]; var propValsByKey = {}; fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', TODO_sBECAHhRAgCcPAIA); function TODO_sBECAHhRAgCcPAIA( ex, patchAsStr_ ){ if( ex && ex.code == "ENOENT" ){ onDone(null, null); return; }else if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } patchAsStr = patchAsStr_; getNextProperty(); } function getNextProperty(){ var k = propsToReplace.shift(); if( !k ){ replaceProperties(); return; } if( !new RegExp("\\${"+ k +"}").test(patchAsStr) ){ getNextProperty(); return; } var subj = false ? null : (k == "j21.platform.version") ? "platform" : (k == "j21.guide.mangledVersion") ? "guide" : (k == "j21.megacamel.mangledVersion") ? "megacamel" : null; if( !subj ){ subj = /^j21.([^.]+).mangledVersion$/.exec(k)[1]; } if( !subj ){ onDone(Error("TODO_NkICAG1HAgCDYgIA "+ k)); return; } getVersionPipelineMangledByThingyName(app, subj, function( ex, val ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } propValsByKey[k] = val; getNextProperty(); }); } function replaceProperties( ex ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } for( var k of Object.keys(propValsByKey) ){ var v = propValsByKey[k]; patchAsStr = patchAsStr.replace(new RegExp("\\${"+ k +"}", "g"), v); } var m = /(\$\{j21.*})/.exec(patchAsStr); if( m ){ onDone(Error("Unresolved property '"+ m[1] +"' in '"+ path +"'")); return; } onDone(null, patchAsStr); } } function getDropSlimArtifactsTagInPlatformPatch( app, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); /* patch which empties the tag in * "poms/service/paisa-service-superpom/pom.xml" as described in * SDCISA-15648 */ var patch = "" +"tVlLc+MoEL7nV2jPGUgyu1s1oaamslV7n8v+AYTaEgqvAuTY8+u30cN2EjuxGEkH87D6a6CbfokQ" +"UvA7Z3W4C+C3UsCd4zJwMo5I6Bx4/D+9Q3da3dze3hblLIqnp4I83j98+fatuO3b4unppvjs+X5X" +"W67CjyveFNZsZN15HqU1VxD0RM5bXGeUgCzIVSSJKiip/0GqDRdxDmF6uHVcKcmNAHbS//4HIf/9" +"/PcnKwxswReV9CCi2hddgKqQpnCKx431mpCZDEVDnQ2Rykh7EVGuZOKtejGN4hoODxsPK6BXVnNp" +"1kJHGQoIYS14ZetamtXO5gXKDGjra8qDQxVp2di+AEfF6fXIcxNklFuY9KfcF8H5tIvh5TBbi84w" +"9HFFpUWrseEhgkfbwYTiIWge4eLuGlmCN/gG2eLxVjxan8XTWFDSBuohRAWRnZmjsIs0SQ/7F9fT" +"amnkbq0lLM72qKjITVtDk0ayod9rJ9EQOR4rn70fRAikBG66KFVg72ZWOMKegbAVCPZqlAukFGo1" +"OpXAzszlgW6kgs4pyyv2fioPUlp27OZBKG5qdjrIhBksJnszXhSMcCcXB2SPj/QevRUEYmwksJMh" +"zmNi0D6EDYVGcNEAG9sMAz8B/dLWu4aN7dKXJVn1g+mkB9PJzpjT3wFu+ZbvKAZaAQ8UUuRzZNA6" +"Tr7Sh/ny7D2SS8dLmxgditNZAyYG1g+VxP6iiHlO+iKelnpuPHHqFPFQxXOYTPU4INyg4vI8w/QZ" +"dkYA9Dlo8imlNPNt3hnghBX37jV4miBt8H8+3F+OjRqolBXPWfenTsHJRoaGYijHBlUHNQ9nojqQ" +"z78OA+VR/uztRJbFpKEzFLMcuZ1An7mP/GQqZ5VJaEnoCLcr89f1GiZPPd/jSO1mSi9pQVvaEOjk" +"W/rR5FlWDVoT76A2f7WsFYpYjMJJP1wvNO9327sbNjQzNcBWnES0fezQy/KMbbrgSuKNGztrxOK1" +"tbUCmqJHukENKbs6sGRM7v+eByYtrWVsurL3hQSFjmtEpDAzKD0Rd6dItOeFvYiMR881KnFqkWv/" +"m5uvXgbMcv5TgnTS73MzFL4VMu7XCJbO8LzI5kzilsHTIi+7YsI3ViYw+B3TvfwA+wPQlC+jaVoG" +"M+zR82sS0K91Ydl1YprrpVgIE4XkiYcag16f64LP4W6hkUKhYpln4uzLcufacA8VGqetrJdc7wkg" +"3swlkVNZEROKVEAltkxKlol+tKv9byZAX2LbeK7hxfpnNpXcrPusKoeRo96KPOd/gelQ51sML9Vr" +"LtdqjttYcg/ConB3GUncx3jp24SzfkncHHd4AQx2Dp1FmB1ZfwAZYW4Z4wMwlPGSWKj2ORnEGDCn" +"lOTY/a0awhQ1sE/DB9AlVBUaylbvYnohM4QeiOkEx97hZu9lLG0dSlzOWvV1xf2kkDzJRfhOl4FO" +"6TQ75NWDvBcGzSuqlZ1SPa5GOVd7duxm3uPWW0we2dDMTzFiY7u6ielaBLrDSAG4ZmM745Pk3Ztv" +"krdXU+YSpueDtOb6Bbxd+pVUp59uryMJtvMCftzg8z+0uZx1" ; patch = Buffer.from(patch, 'base64'); patch = zlib.inflateRaw(patch, function( ex, patch ){ if( ex ){ throw ex; } setImmediate(onDone, null, patch); }); } function getJettyServiceNamesAsArray( app, onDone ){ setImmediate(onDone, null, [ /*TODO get via args/file */ /****** TryBuild early, because other depend on them ******/ //"platform", //"captain", "guide", "megacamel", "slarti", /****** "regular" builds ******/ //"allitnil", "babelfish", "barman", "benjy", "bentstick", "blart", "caveman", "colin", //"drdan", "heimdall", "hooli", "jeltz", "kwaltz", "loon", "magician", //"minetti", "mown", "nowwhat", "pobble", "poodoo", "prosser", "streetmentioner", "thor", //"towel", "vannharl", "vogon", "vroom", "zaphake", "zem", /****** Depends on 'slarti', 'captain' ******/ //"rob", /****** Depends on 'slarti', 'megacamel' ******/ //"trillian", /****** Depends on 'slarti', 'guide', 'trillian' ******/ //"deep", ]); } function getJ21BranchNameByThingy( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var branchName = app.j21BranchesByThingyName[thingyName]; if( !branchName ){ onDone(Error("assert(j21BranchesByThingyName["+ thingyName +"] != NULL)")); return; } onDone(null, branchName); } function getMangledPlatformVersion( app, onDone ){ if( app.mangledPlatformVersion != null ){ setTimeout(TODO_TRQCAEYoAgAbPQIA, 0, null, app.mangledPlatformVersion); }else{ getVersionPipelineMangledByThingyName(app, "platform", TODO_TRQCAEYoAgAbPQIA); } function TODO_TRQCAEYoAgAbPQIA( ex, mangledPlatformVersion ){ if( !mangledPlatformVersion ){ onDone(Error("mangledPlatformVersion failed")); return; } if( app.mangledPlatformVersion != null && app.mangledPlatformVersion != mangledPlatformVersion ){ onDone(Error("assert("+ app.mangledPlatformVersion +" == "+ mangledPlatformVersion +")")); return; } onDone(null, app.mangledPlatformVersion = mangledPlatformVersion); } } function getVersionPipelineMangledByThingyName( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var rspBody = ""; var path, host = "artifactory.pnet.ch", port = 443, method = "GET"; collectVersionFromArtifactory(); function collectVersionFromArtifactory(){ path = (thingyName == "platform") ? "/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/alice/alice-service-web-core/" : "/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/"+ thingyName +"/"+ thingyName +"-web/"; var req = https.request({ method: method, host: host, port: port, path: path, }); req.on("error", console.log.bind(console)); req.on("response", TODO_Nw8CALZgAgCEbAIA); req.end(); } function TODO_Nw8CALZgAgCEbAIA( rsp ){ if( rsp.statusCode != 200 ){ log.write("[ERROR] thingyName '"+ thingyName +"'\n"); log.write("[ERROR] HTTP "+ rsp.statusCode +"\n"); onDone(Error("HTTP "+ rsp.statusCode)); return; } rsp.on("data", function( cnk ){ rspBody += cnk.toString(); }); rsp.on("end", TODO_MRYCAOIzAgAKFQIA); } function TODO_MRYCAOIzAgAKFQIA(){ var pat = new RegExp('\n[^<]+ +([0-9]{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) +-', "g"); var latestVersion, latestDate; rspBody.replace(pat, function( match, version, day, mthShrt, yr, hrs, mins, off, rspBody, groupNameMap ){ /* [FUCK those FUCKING DAMN bullshit formats!!!](https://xkcd.com/1179/) */ var mth = false ? null : (mthShrt == "Jul") ? "07" : (mthShrt == "Sep") ? "09" : null; if( !mth ){ throw Error("TODO_1iUCAA1ZAgBALgIA "+ mthShrt); } var builtAt = yr +"-"+ mth +"-"+ day +" "+ hrs +":"+ mins; if( latestVersion == null || builtAt > latestDate ){ latestVersion = version; latestDate = builtAt; } return match; }); if( !latestVersion ){ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ method +" "+ host +":"+ port + path +"\n"); onDone(Error("No version found for '"+ thingyName +"' in artifactory")); return; } onDone(null, latestVersion); } } function getVersionLatestRelease( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var rspBody = ""; var path, host = "artifactory.pnet.ch", port = 443, method = "GET"; collectVersionFromArtifactory(); function collectVersionFromArtifactory(){ path = (thingyName == "platform") ? "/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/alice/alice-service-web-core/" : "/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/"+ thingyName +"/"+ thingyName +"-web/"; var req = https.request({ method: method, host: host, port: port, path: path, }); req.on("error", console.log.bind(console)); req.on("response", TODO_7QwCACAXAgDYFAIA); req.end(); } function TODO_7QwCACAXAgDYFAIA( rsp ){ if( rsp.statusCode != 200 ){ log.write("[ERROR] thingyName '"+ thingyName +"'\n"); log.write("[ERROR] HTTP "+ rsp.statusCode +"\n"); onDone(Error("HTTP "+ rsp.statusCode)); return; } rsp.on("data", function( cnk ){ rspBody += cnk.toString(); }); rsp.on("end", TODO_xwwCAHdnAgBOVQIA); } function TODO_xwwCAHdnAgBOVQIA(){ var pat = new RegExp('\n[^<]+ +([0-9]{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) +-', "g"); var latestVersion, latestDate; rspBody.replace(pat, function( match, version, day, mthShrt, yr, hrs, mins, off, rspBody, groupNameMap ){ /* [FUCK those FUCKING DAMN bullshit formats!!!](https://xkcd.com/1179/) */ var mth = (false) ? null : (mthShrt == "Jan") ? "01" : (mthShrt == "Feb") ? "02" : (mthShrt == "Mar") ? "03" : (mthShrt == "Apr") ? "04" : (mthShrt == "May") ? "05" : (mthShrt == "Jun") ? "06" : (mthShrt == "Jul") ? "07" : (mthShrt == "Aug") ? "08" : (mthShrt == "Sep") ? "09" : (mthShrt == "Oct") ? "10" : (mthShrt == "Nov") ? "11" : (mthShrt == "Dec") ? "12" : null; if( !mth ){ throw Error("TODO_pAwCADRpAgB3TwIA "+ mthShrt); } var builtAt = yr +"-"+ mth +"-"+ day +" "+ hrs +":"+ mins; if( latestVersion == null || builtAt > latestDate ){ latestVersion = version; latestDate = builtAt; } return match; }); if( !latestVersion ){ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ method +" "+ host +":"+ port + path +"\n"); onDone(Error("No version found for '"+ thingyName +"' in artifactory")); return; } onDone(null, latestVersion); } } function printIsaVersionNoslim( app, onDone ){ var iSvcGetVersion = 0, iSvcQuery = 0, iSvcPrinted = 0; var rspBody = ""; var nameVersionArr = []; var services = app.services.slice(0); services.unshift("platform"); collectNextVersionFromArtifactory(); function collectNextVersionFromArtifactory( ex ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } if( iSvcGetVersion < services.length ){ var thingyName = services[iSvcGetVersion++]; getVersionPipelineMangledByThingyName(app, thingyName, TODO_OBgCAKAhAgCcXwIA.bind(0, thingyName)); }else{ printIsaVersion(app, nameVersionArr, onDone); } } function TODO_OBgCAKAhAgCcXwIA( thingyName, ex, mangledVersion ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] versionsByThingy[\""+ thingyName +"\"] = \""+ mangledVersion +"\"\n"); nameVersionArr.push({ name:thingyName, version:mangledVersion }); collectNextVersionFromArtifactory(); } } function printBaselineVersion( app, onDone ){ var iSvcGetVersion = 0; var services = app.services.slice(0); var nameVersionArr = []; services.unshift("platform"); collectNextVersionFromArtifactory(); function collectNextVersionFromArtifactory( ex ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } if( iSvcGetVersion < services.length ){ var thingyName = services[iSvcGetVersion++]; getVersionLatestRelease(app, thingyName, TODO_vwECAA4wAgCgEgIA.bind(0, thingyName)); }else{ printIsaVersion(app, nameVersionArr, onDone); } } function TODO_vwECAA4wAgCgEgIA( thingyName, ex, version ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] versionsByThingy[\""+ thingyName +"\"] = \""+ version +"\"\n"); nameVersionArr.push({ name:thingyName, version:version }); collectNextVersionFromArtifactory(); } } function printIsaVersion( app, nameVersionArr, onDone ){ var iSvcQuery = 0, iSvcPrinted = 0; printIntro(); function printIntro( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var epochMs = Date.now(); out.write('{\n'); out.write(' "timestamp": "'+ new Date().toISOString() +'",\n'); out.write(' "isaVersionId": "SDCISA-15648-'+ epochMs +'",\n'); out.write(' "isaVersionName": "SDCISA-15648-'+ epochMs +'",\n'); out.write(' "trial": true,\n'); out.write(' "services": [\n'); out.write(' { "name": "eagle", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "storage", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "desiato", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "fenchurch", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "nova", "version": "14.181.1" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "hafas", "version": "5.41.SBB.4.15.8" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-106", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-17", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-13", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-32", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-63", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-65", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-4", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-sale", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-nova", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-9", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-1", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fpd", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-14", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-forms", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-3", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-105", "version": "" },\n'); out.write(' { "name": "data-fis-64", "version": "" }'); nextService(); } function nextService( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; if( iSvcQuery >= nameVersionArr.length ){ /*printTail();*/ return; } var thingy = nameVersionArr[iSvcQuery++]; var thingyName = thingy.name; var svcVersion = thingy.version; if( typeof svcVersion != "string") throw Error(thingyName +", "+ svcVersion); iSvcPrinted += 1; out.write(",\n "); out.write('{ "name": "'+ thingyName +'", "version": "'+ svcVersion +'" }'); if( iSvcPrinted >= nameVersionArr.length ){ printTail(); }else{ nextService(); } } function printTail( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; out.write('\n'); out.write(' ],\n'); out.write(' "featureSwitches": [],\n'); out.write(' "mergedBundles": []\n'); out.write('}\n'); onDone(/*ex*/null, /*ret*/null); } } function pushPlatform( app, onDone ){ pushService(app, "platform", onDone); } function pushService( app, thingyName, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ){ throw TypeError("onDone"); } var iRemoteNameToTry = 0; push(); function push( ex, isClean ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteNameToTry++]; if( remoteName === undefined ){ endFn(Error("No more remote names. s="+ thingyName +"")); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - git push "+ remoteName +" " + app.branchName +(app.isPushForce?" --force":"")+"\n"); argv = ["push", remoteName, "refs/heads/"+app.branchName +":refs/heads/"+ app.branchName]; if( app.isPushForce ) argv.push("--force"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", argv, { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code === 128 ){ /* retry with next upstream name */ push(); return; }else if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +"")); return; } endFn(); }); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ onDone(ex, ret); } } function commitPlatform( app, onDone ){ commitService(app, "platform", onDone); } function commitService( app, thingyName, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ){ throw Error("onDone"); } incrNumTasks(app); isWorktreeClean(app, thingyName, gitAdd); function gitAdd( ex, isClean ){ if( ex ) throw ex; if( isClean ){ log.write("[INFO ] Nothing to commit in \""+ thingyName +"\"\n"); endFn(null, null); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git add Jenkinsfile\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["add", "--", "."], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +"")); return; } gitCommit(); }); } function gitCommit( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git commit -m \""+ app.commitMsg +"\"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["commit", "-m", app.commitMsg], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); var stdoutBufs = []; child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.stdout.on("data", function( buf ){ stdoutBufs.push(buf); }); child.on("exit", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ var stdoutStr = ""; for( var buf in stdoutBufs ){ log.write(buf.toString()); } endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal)); return; } createBranch(); return; }); } function createBranch( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git branch "+ app.branchName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["branch", "-f", app.branchName], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("exit", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +"")); return; } endFn(); return; }); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ decrNumTasks(app); onDone(ex, ret); } } function commitAllServices( app, onDone ){ var iSvc = 0; var services; incrNumTasks(app); getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, onGetJettyServiceNamesAsArrayDone); function onGetJettyServiceNamesAsArrayDone( ex, ret ){ if( ex ) throw ex; services = ret; nextService(null); } function nextService( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; if( iSvc >= services.length ){ endFn(null); return; } var thingyName = services[iSvc++]; if( !thingyName ) throw Error("assert(thingyName != NULL)"); commitService(app, thingyName, nextService); } function endFn( ex ){ decrNumTasks(app); if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] No more services to commit\n"); onDone(null, null); } } function giveServiceOurSpecialVersion( app, thingyName, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); doit(); function doit( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var child = child_process.spawn( "mvn", ["versions:set", "-DgenerateBackupPoms=false", "-DallowSnapshots=true", "-DnewVersion="+ app.versionPrefix + app.serviceSnapVersion], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }, ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } onDone(); }); } } function setPlatformVersionInService( app, thingyName, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); getMangledPlatformVersion(app, updateParent); function updateParent( ex, mangledPlatformVersion ){ if( !mangledPlatformVersion ){ endFn(Error("mangledPlatformVersion missing: "+ thingyName)); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - Set platform version "+ mangledPlatformVersion +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "mvn", ["versions:update-parent", "-DgenerateBackupPoms=false", "-DallowDowngrade=true", "-DallowSnapshots=true", "-DforceUpdate=true", "-DskipResolution=true", "-DparentVersion="+ mangledPlatformVersion], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }, ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } updateProperty(mangledPlatformVersion); }); } function updateProperty( mangledPlatformVersion ){ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - Set parent.version "+ mangledPlatformVersion +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "mvn", ["versions:set-property", "-DgenerateBackupPoms=false", "-DallowSnapshots=true", "-Dproperty=platform.version", "-DnewVersion="+ mangledPlatformVersion], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }, ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } endFn(); }); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ onDone(ex, ret); } } function dropSlimFromAllJenkinsfiles( app, onDone ){ var iSvc = -1; var jettyServices; var jettyService; incrNumTasks(app); getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, function( ex, jettyServices_ ){ if( ex ) throw ex; jettyServices = jettyServices_; nextJettyService(); }); function nextJettyService( ex ){ decrNumTasks(app); if( ex ) throw ex; if( ++iSvc >= jettyServices.length ){ onNoMoreJettyServices(); return; } incrNumTasks(app); jettyService = jettyServices[iSvc]; isWorktreeClean(app, jettyService, TODO_pCMCAEAFAgCfKwIA); } function TODO_pCMCAEAFAgCfKwIA( ex, isClean ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } if( !isClean ){ log.write("[WARN ] Wont patch: Worktree not clean: "+ jettyService +"\n"); nextJettyService(); return; } getPatch(app, jettyService, TODO_UR0CABMRAgBOAgIA); } function TODO_UR0CABMRAgBOAgIA( ex, patchStr ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } if( !patchStr ){ TODO_qCICAFEnAgD7FgIA(); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] Custom patch for '"+ jettyService +"'\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "patch", [ "-p", "1", "--no-backup-if-mismatch" ], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.stdout.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", nextJettyService); child.stdin.write(patchStr); child.stdin.end(); } function TODO_qCICAFEnAgD7FgIA( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] Generic patch \""+ jettyService +"/Jenkinsfile\"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "sed", [ "-i", "-E", "s_^(.*?buildMaven.*?),? *slim: *true,? *(.*?)$_\\1\\2_", "Jenkinsfile" ], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) }, ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", removeEmptyArray); } /* Pipeline cannot handle an empty array */ function removeEmptyArray( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var child = child_process.spawn( "sed", [ "-i", "-E", "s_^(.*?.buildMaven)\\\\(\\\\[\\\\]\\\\)(.*?)$_\\\\1()\\\\2_", "Jenkinsfile" ], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) }, ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", nextJettyService); } function onNoMoreJettyServices(){ onDone(null, null); } } function checkoutUpstreamDevelop( app, thingyName, onDone){ checkout(); function checkout(){ getJ21BranchNameByThingy(app, thingyName, onBranchNameReady); } function onBranchNameReady( ex, branchName ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[0]; if( remoteName === undefined ){ onDone(Error("No more remotes/branches for "+ thingyName)); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] git checkout "+ thingyName +" "+ remoteName +"/"+ branchName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["checkout", remoteName+"/"+ branchName], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), }); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); }); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else{ onDone(null, null); } }); } } function fetchChangesFromGitit( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var child; var iRemoteName = 0; mkAppWorkdir(); function mkAppWorkdir( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; fs.mkdir(app.workdir, {recursive:true}, checkRepoExists); } function checkRepoExists( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; fs.exists(workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) +"/.git", function( isLocalCloneExists ){ isLocalCloneExists ? fetch() : clone(); }); } function clone( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] git clone "+ thingyName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["clone", "--no-single-branch", "--depth", "4", gitUrlOfSync(app, thingyName)], { cwd: app.workdir }); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); }); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } onDone(null, null); }); } function fetch( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteName++]; if( remoteName === undefined ){ onDone(Error("No more remotes to try for "+ thingyName)); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - git fetch "+ remoteName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["fetch", remoteName], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), }); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); }); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } onDone(null, null); }); } } function setVersionInPlatform( app, onDone ){ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone"); setVersion(); function setVersion(){ log.write("[DEBUG] platform - mvn versions:set "+ app.versionPrefix + app.platformSnapVersion +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "mvn", ["versions:set", "-DgenerateBackupPoms=false", "-DnewVersion="+ app.versionPrefix + app.platformSnapVersion], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, "platform"), } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stdout.on("data", noop); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ endFn(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return; } endFn(); }); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ onDone(ex, ret); } } function patchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatform( app, onDone ){ var onDoneCalledNTimes = 0; incrNumTasks(app); isWorktreeClean(app, "platform", function( ex, isClean ){ if( ex ) throw ex; if( !isClean ){ log.write("[WARN ] Skip platform patch: Worktree not clean\n"); endFn(); return; } getPatch(app, "platform", onPatchBufReady); }); function onPatchBufReady( ex, patch ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var stdoutBufs = []; var gitApply = child_process.spawn( "git", ["apply"], { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, "platform"), }); gitApply.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); gitApply.stderr.on("data", logAsString); gitApply.stdout.on("data", stdoutBufs.push.bind(stdoutBufs)); gitApply.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ for( var buf in stdoutBufs ){ log.write(buf.toString()); } throw Error(""+ code +", "+ signal +""); } endFn(null, null); }); setTimeout/*TODO why?*/(function(){ gitApply.stdin.write(patch); gitApply.stdin.end(); }, 42); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ if( onDoneCalledNTimes !== 0 ){ throw Error("assert(onDoneCalledNTimes == 0)"); } onDoneCalledNTimes += 1; decrNumTasks(app); onDone(ex, ret); } } function incrNumTasks( app ){ //if( app.numRunningTasks >= app.maxParallel ){ // throw Error("assert(app.numRunningTasks < app.maxParallel)"); //} app.numRunningTasks += 1; } function decrNumTasks( app ){ if( app.numRunningTasks <= 0 ) throw Error("assert(app.numRunningTasks > 0)"); app.numRunningTasks -= 1; } function forEachInArrayDo( app, array, onService, onDone ){ var iE = 0; var isOnDoneCalled = false; nextElem(); function nextElem( ex ){ if( ex ){ endFn(ex); return; } if( iE >= array.length ){ endFn(); return; } onService(app, array[iE++], nextElem); } function endFn( ex ){ if( isOnDoneCalled ){ throw (ex) ? ex : Error("onDone MUST be called ONCE only"); }else{ isOnDoneCalled = true; onDone(ex); } } } function forEachJettyService( app, onService, onDone ){ getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, onServicesArrived); function onServicesArrived( ex, services ){ if( ex ) throw ex; forEachInArrayDo(app, services, onService, onDone); } } function resetPlatform( app, onDone ){ resetHardToFirstAvailBranch(app, "platform", onDone); } function resetHardToFirstAvailBranch( app, thingyName, onDone ){ var iRemoteName = 0; if( typeof onDone !== "function" ) throw Error("onDone"); detach(); function detach(){ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git checkout --detach\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["checkout", "--detach"], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else{ tryResetHard(); } }); } function tryResetHard(){ getJ21BranchNameByThingy(app, thingyName, TODO_LmkAAORMAABZLwAA); } function TODO_LmkAAORMAABZLwAA( ex, branchName ){ if( ex ) throw ex; if( branchName === undefined ){ iRemoteName += 1; tryResetHard(); return; } var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteName]; if( remoteName === undefined ){ onDone(Error("no usable remote/branch found")); return; } log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git reset --hard "+ remoteName +"/"+ branchName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["reset", "--hard", remoteName +"/"+ branchName], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else if( code !== 0 ){ tryResetHard(); /*try next remoteName*/ }else{ wipeWorktree(); } }); } function wipeWorktree(){ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git rimraf\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["rimraf"/*TODO make portable*/], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else{ deleteBranch(); } }); } function deleteBranch( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git branch --delete --force "+ app.branchName +"\n"); var child = child_process.spawn( "git", ["branch", "--delete", "--force", app.branchName], { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) } ); child.on("error", console.error.bind(console)); child.stderr.on("data", logAsString); child.on("close", function( code, signal ){ if( code == 1 ){ /* assume branch doesnt exist*/ log.write("[INFO ] Ignore: Failed to delete branch '"+ app.branchName +"' in '" + thingyName +"'.\n"); endFn(null, null); }else if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); }else{ endFn(null, null); } }); } function endFn( ex, ret ){ onDone(ex, ret); } } function setPlatformVersionInAllServices( app, onDone ){ forEachJettyService(app, setPlatformVersionInService, onDone); } function fetchRemoteChanges( app, onDone ){ var platformAndServices = app.services.slice(0); platformAndServices.unshift("platform"); forEachInArrayDo(app, platformAndServices, fetchChangesFromGitit, onDone); } function fetchListOfServices( app, onDone ){ getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, function( ex, ret ){ if( ex ){ onDone(ex); return; } app.services = ret; onDone(); }); } function resetHardByThingyName( app, thingyName, onDone ){ resetHardToFirstAvailBranch(app, thingyName, onDone); } function run( app ){ var actions = [ fetchListOfServices ]; if( app.isFetch ){ actions.push(fetchRemoteChanges); } if( app.isResetHard ){ actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ forEachInArrayDo(app, app.services, checkoutUpstreamDevelop, onDone); }); actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ forEachInArrayDo(app, app.services, resetHardByThingyName, onDone); }); } if( app.isResetPlatform ){ actions.push(resetPlatform); } if( app.isPatchPlatform ){ actions.push(patchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatform); actions.push(setVersionInPlatform); } if( app.isCommitPlatform ){ actions.push(commitPlatform); } if( app.isPushPlatform ){ actions.push(pushPlatform); } if( app.isPatchServices ){ actions.push(dropSlimFromAllJenkinsfiles); actions.push(setPlatformVersionInAllServices); actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ forEachInArrayDo(app, app.services, giveServiceOurSpecialVersion, onDone); }); } if( app.isCommit ) actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ forEachInArrayDo(app, app.services, commitService, onDone); }); if( app.isPush || app.isPushForce ){ actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ forEachJettyService(app, pushService, onDone); }); } if( app.isPrintIsaVersion ){ actions.push(printIsaVersionNoslim); } if( app.isPrintBaselineVersion ){ actions.push(printBaselineVersion); } actions.push(function( app, onDone ){ log.write("[INFO ] App done\n"); }); triggerNextAction(); function triggerNextAction( ex ){ if( ex ) throw ex; var action = actions.shift(); if( action === undefined ){ endFn(); return; } action(app, triggerNextAction); } } function main(){ const app = { isHelp: false, isFetch: false, isResetPlatform: false, isPatchPlatform: false, isCommitPlatform: false, isResetHard: false, isPatchServices: false, iscommit: false, isPush: false, isPushForce: false, isPrintIsaVersion: false, isPrintBaselineVersion: false, remoteNamesToTry: ["origin"], j21BranchesByThingyName: { "platform": "java-21", "allitnil": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "babelfish": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "barman": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "benjy": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "bentstick": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "blart": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "captain": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "caveman": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "colin": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "deep": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "drdan": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "guide": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "heimdall": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "hooli": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "jeltz": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "kwaltz": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "loon": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "magician": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "megacamel": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "minetti": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "mown": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "nowwhat": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "pobble": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "poodoo": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "prosser": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "rob": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "slarti": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "streetmentioner": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "thor": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "towel": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "trillian": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "vannharl": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "vogon": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "vroom": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", "zaphake": "SDCISA-13957-platform-Java-21", "zem": "SDCISA-15636-Migrate-to-Java-21", }, workdir: "C:/work/tmp/SlimPkg-Repos", maxParallel: 1, numRunningTasks: 0, services: null, issueKey: "SDCISA-15648", branchName: null, commitMsg: null, versionPrefix: "0.0.0-U0RdSV", /* const part of generated seq above (MUST have for find version later) */ /* generate: {date +%N|md5sum -b -|base64|tr -d '/+='|head -c6 && echo} */ platformSnapVersion: "OGJjMG-SNAPSHOT", serviceSnapVersion: "OGJjMG-SNAPSHOT", }; app.branchName = app.issueKey +"-RemoveSlimPackaging-n4"; app.commitMsg = "["+ app.issueKey +"] Remove slim packaging"; if( parseArgs(process.argv, app) !== 0 ){ process.exit(1); } if( app.isHelp ){ printHelp(); return; } run(app); } }());