;(function(){ const http = require("http"); const log = process.stderr; const out = process.stdout; const NOOP = function(){}; setTimeout(main); return; function main(){ const app = Object.seal({ isHelp: false, host: "localhost", port: 7013, uri: "/houston/tmp/gugus/bar", queueName: "my-gaga-queue", }); if( parseArgs(app, process.argv) !== 0 ) process.exit(1); if( app.isHelp ){ printHelp(); return; } run(app); } function printHelp(){ out.write("\n" +" Produce a bunch of gateleen queues\n" +" \n" +" Options:\n" +" \n" +" \n") } function parseArgs( app, argv ){ var isYolo = false; for( var iA = 2 ; iA < argv.length ; ++iA ){ var arg = argv[iA]; if( arg == "--help" ){ app.isHelp = true; return 0; }else if( arg == "--yolo" ){ isYolo = true; }else{ log.write("EINVAL: "+ arg +"\n"); return -1; } } if( !isYolo ){ log.write("EINVAL: wanna yolo?\n"); return; } return 0; } function run( app ){ //placeHook(app); putSomeNonsense(app); } function placeHook( app ){ const req = Object.seal({ base: null, app: app, }); req.base = http.request({ host: app.host, port: app.port, method: "PUT", path: app.uri +"/_hooks/listeners/http", //headers: { // "X-Expire-After": "42", //}, }); req.base.on("response", onResponse.bind(0, req)); req.base.end(JSON.stringify({ destination: "", queueExpireAfter/*seconds*/: 42, })); function onResponse( req, rsp ){ var app = req.app; log.write("[DEBUG] < HTTP/"+ rsp.httpVersion +" "+ rsp.statusCode +" "+ rsp.statusMessage +"\n"); for( var k of Object.keys(rsp.headers) ) log.write("[DEBUG] < "+ k +": "+ rsp.headers[k] +"\n"); } } function putSomeNonsense( app ){ const nonsense = Object.seal({ app: app, req: null, i: 0, limit: 42, }); putNextRequest(nonsense); function putNextRequest( nonsense ){ nonsense.req = http.request({ host: app.host, port: app.port, method: "PUT", path: app.uri +"/foo/"+ nonsense.i, headers: { "X-Queue": app.queueName +"-"+ nonsense.i, "X-Queue-Expire-After": 9999999, }, }); nonsense.req.on("response", onResponse.bind(0, nonsense)); nonsense.req.end("{\"guguseli\":\""+ new Date().toISOString() +"\"}\n"); } function onResponse( nonsense, rsp ){ var app = nonsense.app; if( rsp.statusCode != 200 ){ log.write("[DEBUG] < HTTP/"+ rsp.httpVersion +" "+ rsp.statusCode +" "+ rsp.statusMessage +"\n"); for( var k of Object.keys(rsp.headers) ) log.write("[DEBUG] < "+ k +": "+ rsp.headers[k] +"\n"); } rsp.on("data", NOOP); if( nonsense.i++ < nonsense.limit ){ putNextRequest(nonsense); } } } }());