Environment for Zarniwoop development ===================================== TODO: "Quartus Prime 16 Lite" required, but no longer available via intel dload page. Need some solution here. Half-done kludge for quartus dot-run stuff not working, due to "CPU too old". TRY: Maybe try to dload the pure archives and extract manually. && (set -e \ && DIO_VERSION="054897-060542" \ && DIO_ZIP="d-${DIO_VERSION:?}.zip" \ && DIO_URL="https://wikit.post.ch/download/attachments/613505757/${DIO_ZIP:?}?api=v2" \ && QUARTUS_URL="https://cdrdv2.intel.com/v1/dl/getContent/825277/825299?filename=qinst-lite-linux-23.1std.1-993.run" \ && QUARTUS_RUN="${QUARTUS_URL##*filename=}" \ && SUDO=sudo \ && WORKDIR=/home/$USER/zarniwoop-workspace \ && CACHEDIR=/var/tmp \ && $SUDO apt install -y --no-install-recommends openssh-server vim make curl git unzip \ && cd "${CACHEDIR:?}" \ && echo H4sIAMfN1WYAA1XLQQoCMQyF4b2ncC20JE3bNMdJmxYGZFBnBsTTW8SFbt7/Np+B6CBFLoYjStMYRk0akzTikeV8MQcpFuEZYSz+tdxOsXKXOmpLEhR7VBoVOnXEnqSg/qo8T/goQM6ThGrDMvRkxNlAMAGhGuGfYslfxXG0YgFSJZ6EFBpI46DAxjzVfVm33V2Xvc9Zj6cL5HHbzaMTIf841tMbjUzVLOcAAAA= | base64 -d | gunzip > MD5SUM \ && curl -Lo "${CACHEDIR:?}/${DIO_ZIP:?}" "${DIO_URL:?}" \ && grep "${DIO_VERSION:?}" MD5SUM | md5sum -c - \ && mkdir -p "${WORKDIR:?}" \ && cd "${WORKDIR:?}" \ && unzip "${CACHEDIR:?}/${DIO_ZIP:?}" \ && mv DIO021E "d-${DIO_VERSION:?}" \ && cd "d-${DIO_VERSION:?}/devel" \ && rm -rf app \ && git clone https://gitit.post.ch/scm/isa/zarniwoop.git app \ && cd /tmp \ && curl -Lo "${CACHEDIR:?}/${QUARTUS_RUN:?}" "${QUARTUS_URL:?}" \ && grep -E "lite.*23" MD5SUM | md5sum -c - \ && mkdir "${CACHEDIR:?}/quartus-inst" \ && (cd "${CACHEDIR:?}" && sh "${QUARTUS_RUN:?}" --target "quartus-inst" --noexec) \ && (cd "${CACHEDIR:?}/quartus-inst" && sh qinst.sh --cli) \ && printf '\n Zarniwoop setup complete (TODO install compiler etc)\n\n' \ && true) \ [maybe helpful for quartus install](https://community.intel.com/t5/Nios-V-II-Embedded-Design-Suite/Nios-V-Processor-Installation-and-Hello-World-Execution-Part-1/m-p/1552554)