OpenShift ========= - "" - Doc in confluence. - "" - OC Clients Binary. ## Config +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OC_EDITOR=vim +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Download Logs Houston logs sind NICHT im storage-manager. Musst direkt im houston pod schauen. Log paths: - Storage Mgr -> "/data/logs/SVC_NAME" - Service pod -> "/usr/local/jetty/logs". - Houston pod -> "/usr/local/vertx/logs". When tar fails all the time, try: --ignore-failed-read Templates: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | oc -n NAMESPACE exec pod_name -- sh -c "echo 'gugus'" | | # dload service logs via storage-manager | oc -n NAMESPACE exec storage-manager-XXX -- sh -c "cd /data/logs/SVC_NAME && tar --ignore-failed-read -cz *.log*" > `date +SVC_NAME-STAGE-logs-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.tgz` | | # DLoad logs directly from a service pod | oc -n NAMESPACE exec SVC_POD -- sh -c "cd /usr/local/jetty/logs && tar --ignore-failed-read --xform \"s:^:SVC_NAME-STAGE-logs-YYYYmmdd-HHMMSS/:\" -cz *.log*" > SAME_NAME_AS_BEFORE.tgz | | # Download logs from HOUSTON: | oc -n NAMESPACE exec houston-XXX -- sh -c "cd /usr/local/vertx/logs && tar -cz *" > `date -uIs +"houston-STAGE-logs-%Y%m%d-%H%M%SZ.tgz"` | | # Download logs from EAGLE: | oc -n NAMESPACE exec houston-XXX -- sh -c "cd /usr/local/vertx/logs && tar --xform \"s:^:houston-STAGE-logs-YYYYmmdd-HHMMSS-POD/:\" -cz *" > SAME_NAME_AS_BEFORE.tgz +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Edit config maps Configmaps for persistent changes are on "" To do direct manipulations: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | oc get configmap | oc edit configmap SVC_NAME-config | oc describe configmaps SVC-config > SVC-config +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Copy file to pod (TODO: not tested yet) tar -cz foo bar | oc -n NAMESPACE exec -i POD_NAME -- bash -c 'tar -C logs -zx' HINT: ALL files from Current dir (.) will get uploaded (when global rsync not available). +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | oc -n NAMESPACE rsync . POD_NAME:/dst/dir --no-perms --exclude=* --include=MY_FILE.txt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Expose port +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | oc -n NAMESPACE expose service SVC_NAME --port=1234 --name=isa-SVC_NAME-STAGE +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## up/down scale from cli. input von thom (20230815) oc scale dc/${SVCNAME:?} --replicas=1 ## Kube Probe echo && ocprod exec -ti "$(ocprod get pods|egrep ston-[0-9]|cut -f1 -d' ')" -- sh -c 'true \ && printf "c; When ; rsp_code; time_connect; time_redirect; time_starttransfer; time_total\n" \ && while true; do true \ && now=$(date -uIs) \ && curl -sS -o/dev/null -w "r; $(date -uIs); %{response_code}; %{time_connect}s; %{time_redirect}s; %{time_starttransfer}s; %{time_total}s\n" \ && sleep 5 || break \ ;done' | tee -a C:/work/tmp/houston-prod-inPod-probe.log