Links (Aka argument amplifiers) ===================== ## Pro DI over serviceLocator - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Pro constructor injection: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Dependency Injection violation - [Houston, ich glaub mir wird schlecht]( ## Pro DI over inheritance: - "" ## Contra global state: - "" - "" - "" ## Contra property injection: - "" - "" ## Dependency inversion example: - "" - "" - "" (Says do not always) ## Strategy Pattern (Class with only one method is OK) - "" ## contra static method (aka utility classes): - "" - "" ## static method wrapping: - "" - "" ## Contra mocking framework: - "" ## Contra oneliners: - "" - "" - "" ## Git: pro merge, contra rebase: - "" ## Git: contra rebase shared/remote: Do NEVER rebase shared branches: - "" ## Git: pro squash: - "" ## Git: merge VS rebase: Choose right strategy for right task: - "" ## Git is NOT an artifact storage - "" ## Pro FailFast, dont ignore errors: - "" - [Ignore Return IllegalThreadStateException]( ## Contra Java Optional: - "" ## SOLID: - "" - SRP "" - OCP "" - LSP "" - DIP "" ## Java how to handle InterruptedException: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Please don't never not avoid nevative (un)logic - "" ## maximum line length: - "" ## composition over inheritance: - "" - "" - "" ## requirements, experts, business: - "" ## technical dept (technische schulden) - "" ## Why Cant Programmers Program? - "" ## Do Certifications Matter? - "" ## Single Line If Statements - "" ## Why I Have Given Up On Coding Standards - "" ## slf4j logger dos and donts0 - [case SO]( - [case java-styleguide]( - [case slf4j]( - [General rules]( - [logging guards]( ## Misleading log msg messages - "" ## Test Coverage Is Stupid - "" ## don't never not avoid nevative (un)logic - "" - "" ## CodeLeichen - [no think no brain stupid adopt]( ## Java Instance initializer (Constructor Alternative) - "" ## Rest API Change Json Unknown/additional Properties - "" ## Code Style format auto-formatters - [warning about formatters]( - [static final java uppercase]( - [invalid java class name]( - [Spotless produces crap]( - [Spotless produces crap]( - [Spotless produces crap]( - [Linter produces crap]( - [Suddenly NEW formatting rules in PaISA since 2021]( - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions. - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Sonar is stupid - "" - "" - [Deprecated is a blocker]( - [Deprecated is a blocker]( ## Plain Old Data (POD, POJO, DTO) - "" ## Java enums - [Do NOT use enum ordinals]( ## C enums - [Never Start Enum At Zero]( ## You SHOULD reinvent the wheel - "" ## Misc - (Java Anti-Patterns) "" ## Java Memory - "" - jvm GC statistics "" ## Yaml Is Bullshit - "" ## Goto Error Handling - "" - "" - "" ## Java Streams, forEach stupid - "" - "" - "" - performance long "" - think please ... "" ## The Only way to Format Dates ISO 8601 - "" ## Backward compatibility, Breaking Changes - "" - [thor-DasUnheilNaht]( - [thor-DerBlizHatEingeschlagen]( ## Performance DOES matter - "" - [examples]( - "" - "" - "" - "" - [vortex too slow]( ## Performance clang micro benchmarking - "" ## POSIX shell language syntax - "" ## How to API design - "" ## Posix c API design - "" ## API paisa-api Breaking change ISAGD-6566 - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" ## Apikana PaISA api contact email - [remove in api.yaml]( - [remove in api.yaml]( - [pipeline2 email]( - [pipeline2 email]( - [pipeline2 email]( ## API Review Swagger Links - Swagger link please 1 "" - Use them! "" - Not up-to-date "" - Swagger link please 2 "" - SwaggerUI broken "" - SwaggerUI broken "" - SwaggerUI broken "" - parent paisa-api is broken "" ## Primitive, restricted API - "" ## API ugly definitions.ref$ array - "" ## api order property field summary top - "" - "" ## API Design Topic Subject Spread multiple several repos - "" ## API Ignore documentation - "" ## Documentation Noise/Clutter Comments, APIs (no response was specified) - Explanation "" - Bad: "" - Good: ",96-98,112-113,130-131,162-164,197-199,230-232,250-252,270-272,287-288" - Damn It! write descriptions, stupid! "" ## JenkinsfileRelease Api pipeline broken latest version - "" ## PRs and reviews are important - "" - "" - "" ## Preflux Null Check Useless? - "" ## bash pipeline exit codes (educational) - "" ## Command Escaping And Injection - "" - [My hopefully bullet-proove shell escaping]( ## logger noise spam verbose - [fix the REAL problem please]( ## Bashisms - "" - "" - "" ## YAGNI (but also KISS and DRY) - "" - [eagle queue json only]( ## How to format method parameters - "" ## Stringly Typed - "" - "" - "" ## Automatically implicit mkdir parents is bullshit - "" ## Privacy EBanking ist ein Witz - "" ## JavaScript EventLoop Visual Explained - "" ## How to write comments. - "" ## Danfoss einstellen - "" - "" ## java slf4j parameterized logging log4shell - "" - "" - "" ## slf4j logger logging paisa platform alice - logger fail "" ## java assert - how to enable "" - what are they for "" - I dont care "" ## Mensch verblödet, modern tech, IQ, dumm, test - "" ## MultiThreading vertx gateleen - " ## MultiThreading concurrency atomic volatile - "" - [volatile]( - [locking]( ## MultiThreading Dead Lock - [Zarquon IO stream read write]( ## Uncle Bob - Why Are Programmers slow - "" ## Backward compatible Support old systems - (32-bit CPU) "" ## Resilience limit upper bound - [Thought OOM]( - [Thought DB streams]( ## Bugs, Frameworks, Dependencies include them all - "" - "" ## Input validation - [WontDo]( ## Git for windoof CRLF broken - "" ## EddieName VS Hostname VS FQDN - "" ## post architektur Semver - "" ## Early-return error handling - "" ## Stage Env Specific Conditional TimeBomb - "" ## Implicit/Explicit Encoding charset java String getBytes - "" - "" ## FileLogging is a MUST have (kibana is bullsh**) - [example]( - [warning]( ## Automatic variable dynamic version are evil - [Apikana broken by design]( - [Apikana broken by design]( ## Encoding mime application/octet-stream string utf8 unicode json payload data - [eagle queue browser]( ## Stop using that stupid mouse! For some reason you've got a keyboard - [_]( - [_]( - [_]( ## How to get real InputStream from RestTemplate - [java spring http web InputStream RestTemplate body](