path: root/src/main/lua/mshitteams
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/lua/mshitteams')
2 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b42aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/ListEmlInbox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+-- Sources:
+-- - [Authorize](
+-- - [Auth witout app register](
+-- TODO: scriptlee 0.0.5-83-gdffa272 seems to SEGFAULT constantly here. No
+-- matter if we use socket or newHttpClient.
+-- TODO: scriptlee 0.0.5-87-g946ebdc crashes through assertion:
+-- Assertion failed: cls->msg.connect.sck->vt->unwrap != NULL, file src/windoof/c/io/AsyncIO.c, line 421
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+--local AF_INET = SL.posix.AF_INET
+--local getaddrinfo = SL.posix.getaddrinfo
+--local INADDR_ANY = SL.posix.INADDR_ANY
+--local inaddrOfHostname = SL.posix.inaddrOfHostname
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+--local socket = SL.posix.socket
+local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+--for k,v in pairs(SL)do print("SL",k,v)end os.exit(1)
+SL = nil
+local authorizeToMsGraphApi, getAccessToken, getAuthHdr, httpUrlEncode, main, parseArgs, printHelp,
+ run, getMyProfileForDebugging
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+function printHelp()
+ out:write(" \n"
+ .." Experiments for M$ graph API.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." WARN: This tool is experimental! Do NOT use it!\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --user <str>\n"
+ .." M$ user.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --pass <str>\n"
+ .." M$ password. TODO get rid of this insecure idea.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." --appId <str>\n"
+ .." AppId (aka client_id). See M$ doc about it.\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ if #_ENV.arg == 0 then log:write("EINVAL: Args missing\n")return-1 end
+ local iA = 0
+ --local isYolo = false
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ elseif arg == "--user" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --user needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msUser = arg
+ elseif arg == "--pass" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --pass needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msPass = arg
+ elseif arg == "--appId" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --appId needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.msAppId = arg
+ --elseif arg == "--yolo" then
+ -- isYolo = true
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n") return-1
+ end
+ end
+ if not app.msUser then log:write("EINVAL: --user missing\n") return-1 end
+ if not app.msPass then log:write("EINVAL: --pass missing\n") return-1 end
+ if not app.msAppId then log:write("EINVAL: --appId missing\n")return-1 end
+ --if not isYolo then log:write("EINVAL: --yolo missing\n")return-1 end
+ return 0
+function getMyProfileForDebugging( app )
+ local http = app.http
+ local authKey, authVal = getAuthHdr(app)
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ uri = "/v1.0/me",
+ rspCode = false,
+ rspBody = {},
+ }
+ req.base = http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ host = app.msGraphHost,
+ port = app.msGraphPort,
+ connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ method = req.method,
+ url = req.uri,
+ hdrs = {
+ { authKey, authVal },
+ },
+ --useHostHdr = ,
+ --useTLS = true,
+ onRspHdr = function( rsp, cls )
+ cls.rspCode = rsp.status
+ if rsp.status ~= 200 then
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n> \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rsp.proto .." ".. rsp.status .." ".. rsp.phrase .."\n")
+ for _,h in ipairs(rsp.headers)do log:write("< "..h[1]..": "..h[2].."\n")end
+ log:write("\n")
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function(buf, cls)
+ if cls.rspCode ~= 200 then
+ log:write("< ")
+ log:write((buf:gsub("\n", "\n< ")))
+ log:write("\n")
+ else
+ assert(type(buf) == "string")
+ table.insert(cls.rspBody, buf)
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function(cls)
+ if cls.rspCode ~= 200 then error("Request failed.") end
+ cls.rspBody = table.concat(cls.rspBody)
+ log:write("Response was:\n\n")
+ log:write(cls.rspBody)
+ log:write("\n\n")
+ end,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+function authorizeToMsGraphApi( app )
+ local http = app.http
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ host = (app.proxyHost or app.msLoginHost),
+ port = (app.proxyPort or app.msLoginPort),
+ uri = false,
+ hdrs = {
+ { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
+ },
+ reqBody = ""
+ .. "grant_type=password"
+ .."&resource="
+ .."&username=".. httpUrlEncode(app, app.msUser) ..""
+ .."&password=".. httpUrlEncode(app, app.msPass) .."",
+ rspProto = false, rspCode = false, rspPhrase = false,
+ rspHdrs = false,
+ rspBody = {},
+ }
+ if app.proxyHost then
+ req.uri = "https://".. app.msLoginHost ..":".. app.msLoginPort
+ .."/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ else
+ req.uri = "/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ end
+ local ok, ex = xpcall(function()
+ req.base = http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ connectTimeoutMs = app.connectTimeoutMs,
+ host =,
+ port = req.port,
+ method = req.method,
+ url = req.uri,
+ hdrs = req.hdrs,
+ onRspHdr = function( rsp, req )
+ req.rspProto = rsp.proto
+ req.rspCode = rsp.status
+ req.rspPhrase = rsp.phrase
+ req.rspHdrs = rsp.headers
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req ) table.insert(req.rspBody, buf) end,
+ onRspEnd = function( req )
+ local rspBody = table.concat(req.rspBody) req.rspBody = false
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then
+ log:write("[ERROR] Request failed\n")
+ log:write("peer ".. ..":".. req.port .."\n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.hdrs) do log:write("> ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n") end
+ log:write("> \n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.reqBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n> ") .."\n")
+ log:write("< ".. req.rspProto .." ".. req.rspCode .." ".. req.rspPhrase .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.rspHdrs) do log:write("< ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")end
+ log:write("< \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rspBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n< ") .."\n")
+ error("TODO_10aa11de804e733337e7c244298791c6")
+ end
+ log:write("< ".. req.rspProto .." ".. req.rspCode .." ".. req.rspPhrase .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.rspHdrs) do log:write("< ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")end
+ log:write("< \n")
+ log:write("< ".. rspBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n< ") .."\n")
+ -- How to continue:
+ --local token = rsp.bodyJson.access_token
+ --local authHdr = { "Authorization", "Bearer ".. token, }
+ end,
+ }
+ end, debug.traceback)
+ if not ok then
+ log:write("[ERROR] Request failed 2\n")
+ log:write("peer ".. ..":".. req.port .."\n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ for _, h in ipairs(req.hdrs) do log:write("> ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n") end
+ log:write("> \n")
+ log:write("> ".. req.reqBody:gsub("\r?\n", "\n> ") .."\n")
+ error(ex)
+ end
+ --req.base:write(req.reqBody)
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+function httpUrlEncode( app, str )
+ local hexDigits, ret, beg, iRd = "0123456789ABCDEF", {}, 1, 0
+ ::nextInputChar::
+ iRd = iRd + 1
+ local byt = str:byte(iRd)
+ if not byt then
+ elseif byt == 0x2D -- dash
+ or byt == 0x2E -- dot
+ or byt >= 0x30 and byt <= 0x39 -- 0-9
+ or byt >= 0x40 and byt <= 0x5A -- A-Z
+ or byt >= 0x60 and byt <= 0x7A -- a-z
+ then
+ goto nextInputChar
+ end
+ if beg < iRd then table.insert(ret, str:sub(beg, iRd-1)) end
+ if not byt then return table.concat(ret) end
+ table.insert(ret, "%")
+ local hi = (byt & 0xF0) >> 4 +1
+ local lo = (byt & 0x0F) +1
+ table.insert(ret, hexDigits:sub(hi, hi) .. hexDigits:sub(lo, lo))
+ beg = iRd + 1
+ goto nextInputChar
+function getAccessToken( app )
+ -- See ""
+ local method = "POST"
+ local uri = "/".. app.msTenant .."/oauth2/v2.0/token"
+ local hdrs = {
+ { "Host", "" },
+ { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
+ }
+ local body = ""
+ .."client_id=".. assert(app.appId)
+ .."&scope=".. scope
+ .."&code=".. code
+ .."&redirect_uri=".. redirUri
+ .."&grant_type=authorization_code"
+-- @return 1 - HTTP header key
+-- @return 2 - HTTP header value
+function getAuthHdr( app )
+ assert(app.msToken)
+ return "Authorization", ("Bearer ".. app.msToken)
+function run( app )
+ app.http = newHttpClient{}
+ authorizeToMsGraphApi(app)
+ --getMyProfileForDebugging(app)
+function main()
+ local loginHost, loginPort, graphHost, graphPort, proxyHost, proxyPort
+ local choice = 3
+ if choice == 1 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 443
+ proxyHost = ""; proxyPort = 3128
+ elseif choice == 2 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 8081
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 8081
+ proxyHost = false; proxyPort = false
+ elseif choice == 3 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 8081
+ proxyHost = ""; proxyPort = 3128
+ elseif choice == 4 then
+ loginHost = ""; loginPort = 443
+ graphHost = ""; graphPort = 443
+ proxyHost = false; proxyPort = false
+ else error("TODO_1700683244") end
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ msLoginHost = loginHost, msLoginPort = loginPort,
+ msGraphHost = graphHost, msGraphPort = graphPort,
+ proxyHost = proxyHost, proxyPort = proxyPort,
+ -- TODO take this from a failed api call, which has this in the rsp headers.
+ msTenant = "common", -- TODO configurable
+ -- TODO take this from a failed api call, which has this in the rsp headers.
+ msAppId = false,
+ msPerms = "offline_access",
+ msToken = false,
+ msUser = false,
+ msPass = false,
+ http = false,
+ connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ --sck = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)
diff --git a/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2940e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/mshitteams/SendRawMsEmail.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+--local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+--local newShellcmd = SL.newShellcmd
+--local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+--local parseJSON = SL.parseJSON
+--local sleep = SL.posix.sleep
+--local newCond = SL.posix.newCond
+--local async = SL.reactor.async
+--local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+--for k,v in pairs(SL)do print("SL",k,v)end os.exit(1)
+SL = nil
+local mod = {}
+local inn, out, log = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr
+function mod.printHelp()
+ out:write(" \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .."\n\n")
+function mod.parseArgs( app )
+ local isStdinn = false
+ local iA = 0
+ while true do iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ break
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0
+ else
+ log:write("Unknown arg: ".. arg .."\n") return-1
+ end
+ end
+ if not isStdinn then log:write("Bad args\n")return-1 end
+ return 0
+function app )
+ error("TODO_20230608125925")
+function mod.main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ }
+ if mod.parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then mod.printHelp() return end