path: root/src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c b/src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429b71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+#if 0
+true `# configure FindFullDisks for NORMAL systems` \
+ && CC=gcc \
+ && MKDIR_P="mkdir -p" \
+ && CFLAGS="-Wall -Werror -pedantic -Os -fmax-errors=1 -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-function -Isrc/main/c -Iimport/include" \
+ && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-dn,-lgarbage,-lcJSON,-lexpat,-lmbedtls,-lmbedx509,-lmbedcrypto,-dy,-lpthread,-lws2_w32,-Limport/lib" \
+ && true
+true `# configure FindFullDisks for BROKEN systems` \
+ && CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc \
+ && MKDIR_P="mkdir -p" \
+ && CFLAGS="-Wall -Werror -pedantic -Os -fmax-errors=1 -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=unused-function -Isrc/main/c -Iimport/include" \
+ && LDFLAGS="-Wl,-dn,-lgarbage,-lcJSON,-lexpat,-lmbedtls,-lmbedx509,-lmbedcrypto,-dy,-lws2_32,-Limport/lib" \
+ && true
+true `# make FindFullDisks` \
+ && ${MKDIR_P:?} build/bin \
+ && ${CC:?} -o build/bin/findfulldisks $CFLAGS src/main/c/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.c $LDFLAGS \
+ && true
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Garbage.h"
+#define FLG_isHelp (1<<0)
+#if !NDEBUG
+# define REGISTER register
+# define LOGDBG(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+# define IF_DBG(expr) expr
+# define REGISTER
+# define LOGDBG(...)
+# define IF_DBG(expr)
+#define LOGERR(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
+typedef struct FindFullDisks FindFullDisks;
+typedef struct Device Device;
+#define MAGIC_FindFullDisks 0xB5410200
+struct FindFullDisks {
+ IF_DBG(int mAGIC);
+ int flg;
+ const char *sshUser;
+ int sshPort;
+ int maxParallel, numInProgress;
+ struct GarbageEnv **env;
+ struct Garbage_CsvIStream **csvSrc;
+ struct Garbage_Process **child;
+ char *inBuf;
+ int inBuf_cap, inBuf_len;
+ Device *devices;
+ int devices_cap, devices_cnt;
+ int iDevice; /* Next device to be triggered. */
+ int exitCode;
+#define MAGIC_Device 0xAB420200
+struct Device {
+ IF_DBG(int mAGIC);
+ struct FindFullDisks *app;
+ char hostname[sizeof"lunkwill-0123456789AB_____"];
+ char eddieName[sizeof"eddie12345_____"];
+ char stdoutBuf[8192];
+ int stdoutBuf_cap, stdoutBuf_len;
+/*BEG fwd decls*/
+static void beginNextDevice( void* );
+static void feedNextChunkFromStdinToCsvParser( void* );
+/*END fwd decls*/
+static void printHelp( void ){
+ printf("%s%s%s", " \n"
+ " ", strrchr(__FILE__,'/')+1, "\n"
+ " \n"
+ " Expected format on stdin is a CSV like:\n"
+ " \n"
+ " eddie00042 <SEMICOLON> lunkwill-ABBABEAFABBA <LF>\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " \n"
+ " Options:\n"
+ " \n"
+ " --sshUser <str>\n"
+ " \n"
+ " --sshPort <int>\n"
+ " Default: 22\n"
+ " \n"
+ " --maxParallel <int>\n"
+ " Default 1.\n"
+ " \n");
+static int parseArgs( int argc, char**argv, FindFullDisks*app ){
+ int iA = 1;
+ app->sshUser = NULL;
+ app->sshPort = 22;
+ app->maxParallel = 1;
+ const char *arg = argv[iA++];
+ if( arg == NULL ) goto validateArgs;
+ if( !strcmp(arg, "--help")){
+ app->flg |= FLG_isHelp; return 0;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg, "--sshUser")){
+ arg = argv[iA++];
+ if( arg == NULL ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: Arg --sshUser needs value\n"); return -1; }
+ app->sshUser = arg;
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg, "--sshPort")){
+ arg = argv[iA++];
+ if( arg == NULL ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: Arg --sshPort needs value\n"); return -1; }
+ errno = 0;
+ app->sshPort = strtol(arg, NULL, 0);
+ if( errno ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: --sshPort %s\n", arg); return -1; }
+ }else if( !strcmp(arg, "--maxParallel")){
+ arg = argv[iA++];
+ if( arg == NULL ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: Arg --maxParallel needs value\n"); return -1; }
+ errno = 0;
+ app->maxParallel = strtol(arg, NULL, 0);
+ if( errno ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: --maxParallel %s\n", arg); return -1; }
+ }else{
+ LOGERR("EINVAL: %s\n", arg);
+ }
+ goto nextArg;
+ if( app->sshUser == NULL ){ LOGERR("EINVAL: Arg --sshUser missing\n"); return -1; }
+ return 0;
+static void no_op( void*_ ){}
+static void examineDeviceResult( void*device_ ){
+ REGISTER int err;
+ Device*const device = device_; assert(device->mAGIC = MAGIC_Device);
+ //FindFullDisks*const app = device->app; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ FILE *outFd = NULL;
+ if( device->stdoutBuf_len <= 0 ){ /*nothing to do*/ goto endFn; }
+ char outName[sizeof"result/eddie12345-lunkwill-1234567890123456.log"];
+ err = snprintf(outName, sizeof outName, "result/%s-%s.log", device->eddieName, device->hostname);
+ assert(err < sizeof outName);
+ outFd = fopen(outName, "wb");
+ if( outFd == NULL ){ LOGDBG("assert(fopen(%s) != %d) %s:%d\n", outName, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); }
+ err = fwrite(device->stdoutBuf, 1, device->stdoutBuf_len, outFd);
+ assert(err == device->stdoutBuf_len);
+ if( outFd != NULL ) fclose(outFd);
+static void Child_onStdout( const char*buf, int buf_len, void*cls ){
+ Device*const device = cls; assert(device->mAGIC = MAGIC_Device);
+ FindFullDisks*const app = device->app; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( buf_len > 0 ){ /*another chunk*/
+ if( device->stdoutBuf_len + buf_len >= device->stdoutBuf_cap ) assert(!"TODO_VD8CAIVAgBDwIA4mECAKVjAgB1XwIAfk");
+ memcpy(device->stdoutBuf + device->stdoutBuf_len, buf, buf_len);
+ device->stdoutBuf_len += buf_len;
+ //printf("%.*s", buf_len, buf);
+ }else{ /*EOF*/
+ assert(buf_len == 0);
+ }
+static void Child_onJoined( int retval, int exitCode, int sigNum, void*cls ){
+ Device*const device = cls; assert(device->mAGIC == MAGIC_Device);
+ FindFullDisks*const app = device->app; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( retval != 0 || exitCode != 0 || sigNum != 0 ){
+ LOGDBG("[DEBUG] %s(%d, %d, %d)\n", __func__, retval, exitCode, sigNum);
+ }
+ assert(app->numInProgress > 0);
+ app->numInProgress -= 1;
+ (*app->env)->enqueBlocking(app->env, examineDeviceResult, device);
+ (*app->env)->enqueBlocking(app->env, beginNextDevice, app);
+static void visitDevice( FindFullDisks*app, Device*device ){
+ assert(device != NULL && device->mAGIC == MAGIC_Device);
+ assert(device < app->devices + app->devices_cnt);
+ LOGERR("\n[INFO ] %s \"%s\" (behind \"%s\")\n", __func__, device->hostname, device->eddieName);
+ int err;
+ char eddieCmd[2048];
+ //err = snprintf(eddieCmd, sizeof eddieCmd, "true"
+ // " && HOSTNAME=$(hostname|sed 's_.pnet.ch__')"
+ // " && STAGE=$PAISA_ENV"
+ // " && printf \"remoteEddieName=$HOSTNAME, remoteStage=$STAGE\\n\""
+ // " && if test \"$(echo ${HOSTNAME}|sed -E 's_^vted_teddie_g')\" != \"%s\"; then true"
+ // " && echo wrong host. Want %s found $HOSTNAME && false"
+ // " ;fi"
+ // " && df",
+ // device->eddieName, device->eddieName
+ //);
+ err = snprintf(eddieCmd, sizeof eddieCmd, "true"
+ " && HOSTNAME=$(hostname|sed 's_.pnet.ch__')"
+ " && printf \"remoteEddieName=$HOSTNAME, remoteStage=$STAGE\\n\""
+ " && if test \"$(echo ${HOSTNAME}|sed -E 's_^vted_teddie_g')\" != \"%s\"; then true"
+ " && echo wrong host. Want %s found $HOSTNAME && false"
+ " ;fi"
+ " && ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
+ " -p%d %s@%s"
+ " -- sh -c 'true"
+ " && HOSTNAME=$(hostname|sed '\"'\"'s_.isa.localdomain__'\"'\"')"
+ " && printf \"remoteHostname=$HOSTNAME, remoteStage=$STAGE\\n\""
+ // on some machine, df failed with "Stale file handle" But I want to
+ // continue with next device regardless of such errors.
+ " && df || true"
+ "'",
+ device->eddieName, device->eddieName, app->sshPort, app->sshUser,
+ strncmp("fook-",device->hostname,5) ? device->hostname : "fook"
+ );
+ assert(err < sizeof eddieCmd);
+ assert(app->sshPort > 0 && app->sshPort <= 0xFFFF);
+ char sshPortStr[sizeof"65535"];
+ err = snprintf(sshPortStr, sizeof sshPortStr, "%d", app->sshPort);
+ assert(err < (int)sizeof sshPortStr);
+ char userAtEddie[64];
+ err = snprintf(userAtEddie, sizeof userAtEddie, "%s@%s", app->sshUser, device->eddieName);
+ assert(err < sizeof userAtEddie);
+ char *childArgv[] = { "ssh",
+ "-oRemoteCommand=none",
+ "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no",
+ "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null",
+ "-oConnectTimeout=4",
+ "-p", sshPortStr,
+ userAtEddie,
+ "--", "sh", "-c", eddieCmd,
+ };
+ //for( int i = 0 ; childArgv[i] != NULL ; ++i ) LOGDBG(" \"%s\"", childArgv[i]);
+ //LOGDBG("\n\n");
+ app->child = (*app->env)->newProcess(app->env, &(struct Garbage_Process_Mentor){
+ .cls = device,
+ .usePathSearch = !0,
+ .argv = childArgv,
+ .onStdout = Child_onStdout,
+ //.onStderr = ,
+ .onJoined = Child_onJoined,
+ });
+ assert(app->child != NULL);
+ (*app->child)->join(app->child, 42000);
+static void beginNextDevice( void*cls ){
+ FindFullDisks*const app = cls; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( app->numInProgress >= app->maxParallel ){
+ //LOGDBG("[DEBUG] Already %d/%d in progress. Do NOT trigger more for now.\n",
+ // app->numInProgress, app->maxParallel);
+ goto endFn;
+ }
+ if( app->iDevice >= app->devices_cnt ){
+ //LOGDBG("[INFO ] Work on %d devices triggered. No more devices to trigger.\n", app->iDevice);
+ goto endFn;
+ }
+ assert(app->iDevice >= 0 && app->iDevice < INT_MAX);
+ app->iDevice += 1;
+ assert(app->numInProgress >= 0 && app->numInProgress < INT_MAX);
+ app->numInProgress += 1;
+ visitDevice(app, app->devices + app->iDevice - 1);
+ goto maybeBeginAnotherOne;
+static void onCsvRow( struct Garbage_CsvIStream_BufWithLength*row, int numCols, void*cls ){
+ REGISTER int err;
+ FindFullDisks*const app = cls; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( app->exitCode ) return;
+ if( numCols != 2 ){
+ LOGERR("[ERROR] Expected 2 column in input CSV but found %d\n", numCols);
+ app->exitCode = -1; return;
+ }
+ if( app->devices_cap <= app->devices_cnt ){
+ app->devices_cap += 4096;
+ void *tmp = realloc(app->devices, app->devices_cap*sizeof*app->devices);
+ if( tmp == NULL ) assert(!"TODO_c04CAJtRAgDYWQIAm10CAOAeAgA0KgIA");
+ app->devices = tmp;
+ }
+ #define DEVICE (app->devices + app->devices_cnt)
+ DEVICE->app = app;
+ DEVICE->stdoutBuf_cap = sizeof DEVICE->stdoutBuf / sizeof*DEVICE->stdoutBuf;
+ if( row[0].len >= sizeof DEVICE->eddieName ){
+ LOGERR("[ERROR] eddieName too long: len=%d\n", row[0].len);
+ app->exitCode = -1; return;
+ }
+ if( row[1].len >= sizeof DEVICE->hostname ){
+ LOGERR("[ERROR] hostname too long: len=%d\n", row[1].len);
+ app->exitCode = -1; return;
+ }
+ memcpy(DEVICE->eddieName, row[0].buf, row[0].len);
+ DEVICE->eddieName[row[0].len] = '\0';
+ memcpy(DEVICE->hostname, row[1].buf, row[1].len);
+ DEVICE->hostname[row[1].len] = '\0';
+ #undef DEVICE
+ app->devices_cnt += 1;
+static void onCsvParserCloseSnkDone( int retval, void*app_ ){
+ FindFullDisks*const app = app_; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ LOGDBG("[DEBUG] Found %d devices in input.\n", app->devices_cnt);
+ (*app->env)->enqueBlocking(app->env, beginNextDevice, app);
+static void onCsvParserWriteDone( int retval, void*cls ){
+ FindFullDisks*const app = cls; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( retval <= 0 ){ LOGDBG("assert(retval != %d) %s:%d\n", retval, __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); }
+ (*app->env)->enqueBlocking(app->env, feedNextChunkFromStdinToCsvParser, app);
+static void feedNextChunkFromStdinToCsvParser( void*cls ){
+ REGISTER int err;
+ FindFullDisks*const app = cls; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( app->exitCode ) return;
+ #define SRC (stdin)
+ if( app->inBuf == NULL || app->inBuf_cap < 1<<15 ){
+ app->inBuf_cap = 1<<15;
+ if( app->inBuf ) free(app->inBuf);
+ app->inBuf = malloc(app->inBuf_cap*sizeof*app->inBuf);;
+ if( app->inBuf == NULL ){ assert(!"TODO_TT8CAGQLAgCoawIA9jgCANA6AgBTaAIA"); }
+ }
+ err = fread(app->inBuf, 1, app->inBuf_cap, SRC);
+ if( err <= 0 ){
+ (*app->csvSrc)->closeSnk(app->csvSrc, onCsvParserCloseSnkDone, app);
+ return;
+ }
+ app->inBuf_len = err;
+ (*app->csvSrc)->write(app->inBuf, app->inBuf_len, app->csvSrc, onCsvParserWriteDone, app);
+ #undef SRC
+static void initCsvParserForDeviceListOnStdin( void*cls ){
+ FindFullDisks*const app = cls; assert(app->mAGIC == MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ static struct Garbage_CsvIStream_Mentor csvMentor = {
+ .onCsvRow = onCsvRow,
+ .onCsvDocEnd = no_op,
+ };
+ struct Garbage_CsvIStream_Opts csvOpts = { .delimCol = ';' };
+ app->csvSrc = (*app->env)->newCsvIStream(app->env, &csvOpts, &csvMentor, app);
+ feedNextChunkFromStdinToCsvParser(app);
+int main( int argc, char**argv ){
+ void *envMemory[SIZEOF_struct_GarbageEnv/sizeof(void*)];
+ FindFullDisks app = {0}; assert((void*)0 == NULL);
+ #define app (&app)
+ IF_DBG(app->mAGIC = MAGIC_FindFullDisks);
+ if( parseArgs(argc, argv, app) ){ app->exitCode = -1; goto endFn; }
+ if( app->flg & FLG_isHelp ){ printHelp(); goto endFn; }
+ app->env = GarbageEnv_ctor(envMemory, sizeof envMemory);
+ assert(app->env != NULL);
+ (*app->env)->enqueBlocking(app->env, initCsvParserForDeviceListOnStdin, app);
+ (*app->env)->runUntilDone(app->env);
+ return !!app->exitCode;
+ #undef app