diff options
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/pcap/makeStats.lua b/src/main/lua/pcap/makeStats.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2874d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/pcap/makeStats.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+local newPcapParser = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapParser)
+local newPcapDumper = assert(require("pcapit").newPcapDumper)
+local main, onPcapFrame, printStats
+function main()
+ local app = {
+ dumpr = false,
+ parser = false,
+ foundPortNumbers = {},
+ youngestEpochSec = -math.huge,
+ oldestEpochSec = math.huge,
+ }
+ --app.dumpr = newPcapDumper{
+ -- dumpFilePath = "/tmp/meins/my.out.pcap",
+ --}
+ app.parser = newPcapParser{
+ dumpFilePath = "-",
+ onFrame = function(f)onPcapFrame(app, f)end,
+ }
+ app.parser:resume()
+ printStats(app)
+function onPcapFrame( app, it )
+ local out = io.stdout
+ local sec, usec = it:frameArrivalTime()
+ local srcPort, dstPort = it:trspSrcPort(), it:trspDstPort()
+ --local srcIp, dstIp = it:netSrcIpStr(), it:netDstIpStr()
+ --local isTcp = (it:tcpSeqNr() ~= nil)
+ --
+ if sec < app.oldestEpochSec then app.oldestEpochSec = sec end
+ if sec > app.youngestEpochSec then app.youngestEpochSec = sec end
+ --
+ if not app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] then app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] = 1
+ else app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] = app.foundPortNumbers[srcPort] + 1 end
+ if not app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] then app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] = 1
+ else app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] = app.foundPortNumbers[dstPort+100000] + 1 end
+ --
+ local portOfInterest = 7012
+ if dstPort == portOfInterest then
+ local httpMethod, httpUri =
+ it:trspPayload():match("^([A-Z]+) ([^ ]+) [^ \r\n]+\r?\n")
+ if httpMethod then
+ out:write(string.format("%5d->%5d %s %s\n", srcPort, dstPort, httpMethod, httpUri))
+ end
+ elseif srcPort == portOfInterest then
+ local httpStatus, httpPhrase =
+ it:trspPayload():match("^HTTP/%d.%d (%d%d%d) ([^\r\n]*)\r?\n")
+ if httpStatus then
+ out:write(string.format("%5d<-%5d %s %s\n", srcPort, dstPort, httpStatus, httpPhrase))
+ end
+ end
+ --if srcPort ~= 53 and dstPort ~= 53 then return end
+ if app.dumpr then it:dumpTo(app.dumpr) end
+function printStats( app )
+ local out = io.stdout
+ local sorted = {}
+ local maxOccurValue = 0
+ for port, pkgcnt in pairs(app.foundPortNumbers) do
+ if pkgcnt > maxOccurValue then maxOccurValue = pkgcnt end
+ table.insert(sorted, { port=port, pkgcnt=pkgcnt })
+ end
+ table.sort(sorted, function(a, b)return a.pkgcnt > b.pkgcnt end)
+ local dumpDurationSec = app.youngestEpochSec - app.oldestEpochSec
+ local timeFmt = "!%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%SZ"
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write("Statistics\n")
+ out:write("From: ")out:write(,app.oldestEpochSec))out:write("\n")
+ out:write("To: ")out:write(,app.youngestEpochSec))out:write("\n")
+ out:write("\n")
+ out:write(" .- Port (TCP/UDP)\n")
+ out:write(" | .-Direction (Send, Receive)\n")
+ out:write(" | | .- Frames per second\n")
+ out:write(".-+-. | .---+-. Amount of frames compared:\n")
+ local chartWidth = 60
+ local cntPrinted = 0
+ for i, elem in ipairs(sorted) do
+ local port, pkgcnt = elem.port, elem.pkgcnt
+ local dir = (port > 100000)and("R")or("S")
+ if port > 100000 then port = port - 100000 end
+ if port > 30000 then goto nextPort end
+ local pkgsPerSec = math.floor((pkgcnt / dumpDurationSec)*10+.5)/10
+ out:write(string.format("%5d %s %7.1f |", port, dir, pkgsPerSec))
+ local barLen = pkgcnt / maxOccurValue
+ --local barLen = (math.log(pkgcnt) / math.log(maxOccurValue))
+ for i=1, chartWidth-1 do
+ out:write((i < (barLen*chartWidth))and("=")or(" "))
+ end
+ out:write("|\n")
+ cntPrinted = cntPrinted + 1
+ if cntPrinted >= 20 then break end
+ ::nextPort::
+ end
+ out:write("\n")