diff options
1 files changed, 543 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/nodejs/paisa-nonslim/foo.js b/src/main/nodejs/paisa-nonslim/foo.js
index ac424c6..2ce8e68 100644
--- a/src/main/nodejs/paisa-nonslim/foo.js
+++ b/src/main/nodejs/paisa-nonslim/foo.js
@@ -1,40 +1,140 @@
;(function(){ "use-strict";
const child_process = require("child_process");
+ const fs = require("fs");
const promisify = require("util").promisify;
const zlib = require("zlib");
const noop = function(){};
const log = process.stderr;
+ const logAsString = function( buf ){ log.write(buf.toString()); };
+ function printHelp( argv, app ){
+ process.stdout.write(" \n"
+ +" Autmoate some steps that are tedious manually.\n"
+ +" \n"
+ +" Options:\n"
+ +" \n"
+ +" --default\n"
+ +" Perform default action (whatever default means).\n"
+ +" \n"
+ +" --print-isaVersion\n"
+ +" Print a preflux isaVersion to stdout filled with the patched\n"
+ +" services.\n"
+ +" \n"
+ +" --reset-hard-to-develop\n"
+ +" Resets all the services back to develop. WARN if you've uncommitted\n"
+ +" work in some of those repos, IT WILL BE LOST!\n"
+ +" \n"
+ +" --push | --push-force\n"
+ +" Create commits for patched services and push them to upstream. If\n"
+ +" not given, the change is only made locally (aka without cluttering\n"
+ +" remote git repo). The force variant will replace existing branches\n"
+ +" on the remnote. If given multiple times, less-invasive wins.\n"
+ +" \n"
+ // not impl yet
+ //+" --max-parallel <int>\n"
+ //+" How many tasks to run concurrently. Defaults to 1. Which means to\n"
+ //+" do all the work sequentially (HINT: very handy for debugging).\n"
+ //+" \n"
+ );
+ }
function parseArgs( argv, app ){
- log.write("[WARN ] TODO impl parseArgs()\n");
+ var hasArgs = false;
+ for( var iA = 2 ; iA < argv.length ; ++iA ){
+ var arg = argv[iA];
+ if( arg == "--help" ){
+ app.isHelp = true; return 0;
+ }else if( arg == "--default" ){
+ hasArgs = true;
+ }else if( arg == "--push" ){
+ if( app.isPushForce ){ log.write("EINVAL: only one of push and push-force allowed\n"); return-1; }
+ app.isPush = true;
+ hasArgs = true;
+ }else if( arg == "--push-force" ){
+ if( app.isPush ){ log.write("EINVAL: only one of push and push-force allowed\n"); return-1; }
+ app.isPushForce = true;
+ hasArgs = true;
+ }else if( arg == "--print-isaVersion" ){
+ app.isPrintIsaVersion = true;
+ hasArgs = true;
+ }else if( arg == "--reset-hard-to-develop" ){
+ app.isResetHardToDevelop = true;
+ hasArgs = true;
+ //}else if( arg == "--max-parallel" ){
+ // arg = argv[++iA];
+ // if( !/^[0-9]+$/.test(arg) ){ log.write("EINVAL: --max-parallel "+ arg +"\n"); return -1; }
+ // app.maxParallel = 0 + arg;
+ }else{
+ log.write("EINVAL: "+ arg +"\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !hasArgs ){
+ log.write("EINVAL: Refuse to produce damage with zero args.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
return 0;
+ function isThingyNameValid( app, thingyName ){
+ if( typeof thingyName !== "string" ) return false;
+ if( !/^[a-z-]+$/.test(thingyName) ) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
function workdirOfSync( app, thingyName ){
- if( typeof thingyName !== "string" || !/^[a-z-]+$/.test(thingyName) ) throw TypeError(thingyName);
- return "C:/work/projects/isa-svc/"+ thingyName;
+ if( !isThingyNameValid(app, thingyName) ) throw TypeError(thingyName);
+ return app.workdir +"/"+ thingyName;
- function isWorktreeClean( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ function gitUrlOfSync( app, thingyName ){
+ if( !isThingyNameValid(app, thingyName) ) throw TypeError(thingyName);
+ return ""+ thingyName +".git";
+ }
+ function isCloned( app, thingyName, onDone){
if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone");
var child = child_process.spawn(
- "sh", [ "-c", "git status --porcelain | grep ." ],
- { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), windowsHide: true, }
+ "git", ["status", "--porcelain"],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), }
child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
child.stdout.on("data", noop);
- child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf.toString()); });
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ }else{
+ onDone(null, true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function isWorktreeClean( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone");
+ var isStdoutDirty = false;
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["status", "--porcelain"],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stdout.on("data", function(){ isStdoutDirty = true; });
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
if( signal !== null ){
throw Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal +"");
- onDone(null, code !== 0);
+ onDone(null, !isStdoutDirty);
@@ -79,29 +179,208 @@
function getJettyServiceNamesAsArray( app, onDone ){
setImmediate(onDone, null, [ /*TODO get via args/file */
+ "allitnil", "babelfish", "barman",
+ //"benjy", "bentstick", "blart", "captain", "caveman",
+ //"colin", "deep", "drdan", "guide", "heimdall", "hooli", "jeltz", "kwaltz", "lazlar",
+ //"loon", "magician", "megacamel", "minetti", "mown", "neutron", "nowwhat", "pobble",
+ //"poodoo", "prosser", "rob", "slarti", "streetmentioner", "thor", "towel", "trillian",
+ //"vannharl", "vogon", "vroom", "zaphake", "zem",
+ function pushService( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone != "function" ){ throw TypeError("onDone"); }
+ var iRemoteNameToTry = 0;
+ push();
+ function push( ex, isClean ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteNameToTry++];
+ if( remoteName === undefined ){ endFn(Error("No more remote names. s="+ thingyName +"")); return; }
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - git push "+ remoteName +" "
+ + app.branchName +(app.isPushForce?" --force":"")+"\n");
+ argv = ["push", remoteName, "refs/heads/"+app.branchName +":refs/heads/"+ app.branchName];
+ if( app.isPushForce ) argv.push("--force");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", argv,
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code === 128 ){ /* retry with next upstream name */
+ push(); return;
+ }else if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +""));
+ return;
+ }
+ endFn();
+ });
+ }
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ onDone(ex, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ function commitService( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone != "function" ){ throw Error("onDone"); }
+ incrNumTasks(app);
+ isWorktreeClean(app, thingyName, gitAdd);
+ function gitAdd( ex, isClean ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ if( isClean ){
+ log.write("[INFO ] Nothing to commit in \""+ thingyName +"\"\n");
+ endFn(null, null); return;
+ }
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git add Jenkinsfile\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["add", "Jenkinsfile"],
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +""));
+ return;
+ }
+ gitCommit();
+ });
+ }
+ function gitCommit( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git commit -m \""+ app.commitMsg +"\"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["commit", "-m", app.commitMsg],
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ var stdoutBufs = [];
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.stdout.on("data", function( buf ){ stdoutBufs.push(buf); });
+ child.on("exit", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ var stdoutStr = "";
+ for( var buf in stdoutBufs ){ stdoutStr += buf.toString(); }
+ if( stdoutStr.length ){ log.write(stdoutStr); }
+ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +""));
+ return;
+ }
+ createBranch(); return;
+ });
+ }
+ function createBranch( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git branch "+ app.branchName +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["branch", "-f", app.branchName],
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("exit", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ endFn(Error("code="+ code +", signal="+ signal +""));
+ return;
+ }
+ endFn(); return;
+ });
+ }
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ decrNumTasks(app);
+ onDone(ex, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ function commitAllServices( app, onDone ){
+ var iSvc = 0;
+ var services;
+ incrNumTasks(app);
+ getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, onGetJettyServiceNamesAsArrayDone);
+ function onGetJettyServiceNamesAsArrayDone( ex, ret ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ services = ret;
+ nextService(null);
+ }
+ function nextService( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ if( iSvc >= services.length ){ endFn(null); return; }
+ var thingyName = services[iSvc++];
+ if( !thingyName ) throw Error("assert(thingyName != NULL)");
+ commitService(app, thingyName, nextService);
+ }
+ function endFn( ex ){
+ decrNumTasks(app);
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] No more services to commit\n");
+ onDone(null, null);
+ }
+ }
+ function setPlatformVersionInService( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone");
+ updateParent();
+ function updateParent(){
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - Set platform version "+ app.platformSnapVersion +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "mvn", ["versions:update-parent", "-DparentVersion="+ app.platformSnapVersion],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) },
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ return;
+ }
+ updateProperty();
+ });
+ }
+ function updateProperty( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - Set parent.version "+ app.platformSnapVersion +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "mvn", ["versions:set-property", "-Dproperty=parent.version", "-DnewVersion="+ app.platformSnapVersion],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) },
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ return;
+ }
+ onDone();
+ });
+ }
+ }
function dropSlimFromAllJenkinsfiles( app, onDone ){
var iSvc = -1;
var jettyServices;
var jettyService;
+ incrNumTasks(app);
getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, function( ex, jettyServices_ ){
- if( ex ){ throw ex; }
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
jettyServices = jettyServices_;
- function nextJettyService(){
+ function nextJettyService( ex ){
+ decrNumTasks(app);
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
if( ++iSvc >= jettyServices.length ){ onNoMoreJettyServices(); return; }
+ incrNumTasks(app);
jettyService = jettyServices[iSvc];
isWorktreeClean(app, jettyService, onIsWorktreeCleanRsp);
function onIsWorktreeCleanRsp( ex, isClean ){
if( ex ) throw ex;
if( !isClean ){
- log.write("[WARN ] Worktree not clean. Will skip: "+ jettyService +"\n");
+ log.write("[WARN ] Wont patch: Worktree not clean: "+ jettyService +"\n");
@@ -111,139 +390,315 @@
{ cwd: workdirOfSync(app, jettyService) },
child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
- child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf.toString()); });
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
child.on("close", function(){
- function onNoMoreJettyServices( app ){
+ function onNoMoreJettyServices(){
onDone(null, null);
function checkoutUpstreamDevelop( app, thingyName, onDone){
- var child;
- child = child_process.spawn(
- "sh", ["-c", "git checkout upstream/develop || git checkout origin/develop"],
- { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), });
- child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
- child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); });
- child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
- if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
- onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
- }else{
- onDone(null, null);
- }
- });
- }
- function checkoutUpstreamDevelopForAllJettyServices( app, onDone){
- if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone");
- var iSvc = -1, jettyServices, jettyService;
- getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, function( ex, ret ){
- if( ex ) throw ex;
- jettyServices = ret;
- nextJettyService();
- });
- function nextJettyService( ex ){
- if( ex ) throw ex;
- if( ++iSvc >= jettyServices.length ){ onDone(null, null); return; }
- jettyService = jettyServices[iSvc];
- log.write("[DEBUG] git checkout "+ jettyService +"\n");
- checkoutUpstreamDevelop(app, jettyService, nextJettyService);
+ var iRemoteName = 0;
+ checkout();
+ function checkout(){
+ var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteName];
+ if( remoteName === undefined ){ onDone(Error("No more remote names for "+ thingyName)); return; }
+ log.write("[DEBUG] git checkout "+ thingyName +" "+ remoteName +"/develop\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["checkout", remoteName+"/develop"],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), });
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); });
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ checkout(); /* try next remote name */
+ }else if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ }else{
+ onDone(null, null);
+ }
+ });
function fetchChangesFromGitit( app, thingyName, onDone ){
var child;
- child = child_process.spawn(
- "sh", ["-c", "git fetch upstream || git fetch origin"],
- { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), });
- child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
- child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); });
- child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
- if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
- onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
- }else{
+ var iRemoteName = 0;
+ mkAppWorkdir();
+ function mkAppWorkdir( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ fs.mkdir(app.workdir, {recursive:true}, checkRepoExists);
+ }
+ function checkRepoExists( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ fs.exists(workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) +"/.git", function( isLocalCloneExists ){
+ isLocalCloneExists ? fetch() : clone();
+ });
+ }
+ function clone( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] git clone "+ thingyName +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["clone", "--no-single-branch", "--depth", "4", gitUrlOfSync(app, thingyName)],
+ { cwd: app.workdir });
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); });
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return;
+ }
onDone(null, null);
- }
- });
+ });
+ }
+ function fetch( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[iRemoteName++];
+ if( remoteName === undefined ){
+ onDone(Error("No more remotes to try for "+ thingyName)); return; }
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +" - git fetch "+ remoteName +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["fetch", remoteName],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, thingyName), });
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf); });
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal)); return;
+ }
+ onDone(null, null);
+ });
+ }
- function fetchChangesFromGititForAllJettyServices( app, onDone ){
- var iSvc = -1, jettyServices, jettyService;
- getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, function( ex, ret ){
- if( ex ) throw ex;
- jettyServices = ret;
- nextJettyService();
- });
- function nextJettyService( ex ){
- if( ex ) throw ex;
- if( ++iSvc >= jettyServices.length ){ onDone(null, null); return; }
- jettyService = jettyServices[iSvc];
- log.write("[DEBUG] git fetch "+ jettyService +"\n");
- fetchChangesFromGitit(app, jettyService, nextJettyService);
+ function setVersionInPlatform( app, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone != "function" ) throw TypeError("onDone");
+ setVersion();
+ function setVersion(){
+ log.write("[DEBUG] platform - mvn versions:set "+ app.platformSnapVersion +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "mvn", ["versions:set", "-DgenerateBackupPoms=false", "-DnewVersion="+app.platformSnapVersion],
+ { cwd: workdirOfSync(app, "platform"), }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stdout.on("data", noop);
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ endFn(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ return;
+ }
+ endFn();
+ });
+ }
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ onDone(ex, ret);
function patchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatform( app, onDone ){
+ var onDoneCalledNTimes = 0;
+ incrNumTasks(app);
isWorktreeClean(app, "platform", function( ex, isClean ){
- if( ex ){ throw ex; }
- if( !isClean ){ onDone(Error("Platform worktree not clean")); return; }
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ if( !isClean ){ log.write("[WARN ] Skip platform patch: Worktree not clean\n");
+ endFn(); return; }
getDropSlimArtifactsTagInPlatformPatch(app, onPatchBufReady);
function onPatchBufReady( ex, patch ){
- if( ex ){ throw ex; }
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ var stdoutBufs = [];
var gitApply = child_process.spawn(
- "sh", ["-c", "git apply"],
+ "git", ["apply"],
{ cwd: workdirOfSync(app, "platform"), });
gitApply.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
- gitApply.stderr.on("data", function( buf ){ log.write(buf.toString()); });
- gitApply.stdout.on("data", noop);
+ gitApply.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ gitApply.stdout.on("data", stdoutBufs.push.bind(stdoutBufs));
gitApply.on("close", function( code, signal ){
- if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){ throw Error(""+ code +", "+ signal +""); }
- onDone(null, null);
+ if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ for( var buf in stdoutBufs ){ log.write(buf.toString()); }
+ throw Error(""+ code +", "+ signal +"");
+ }
+ endFn(null, null);
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ if( onDoneCalledNTimes !== 0 ){ throw Error("assert(onDoneCalledNTimes == 0)"); }
+ onDoneCalledNTimes += 1;
+ decrNumTasks(app);
+ onDone(ex, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ function incrNumTasks( app ){
+ //if( app.numRunningTasks >= app.maxParallel ){
+ // throw Error("assert(app.numRunningTasks < app.maxParallel)");
+ //}
+ app.numRunningTasks += 1;
+ }
+ function decrNumTasks( app ){
+ if( app.numRunningTasks <= 0 ) throw Error("assert(app.numRunningTasks > 0)");
+ app.numRunningTasks -= 1;
+ }
+ function forEachJettyService( app, onService, onDone ){
+ var iSvc = 0, services;
+ var isOnDoneCalled = false;
+ getJettyServiceNamesAsArray(app, onServicesArrived);
+ function onServicesArrived( ex, ret ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ services = ret;
+ nextService();
+ }
+ function nextService( ex ){
+ if( ex ){ endFn(ex); return; }
+ var service = services[iSvc++];
+ if( service === undefined ){ endFn(); return; }
+ onService(app, service, nextService);
+ }
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ if( isOnDoneCalled ){
+ throw (ex) ? ex : Error("onDone MUST be called ONCE only");
+ }else{
+ isOnDoneCalled = true;
+ onDone(ex, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function resetHardToDevelop( app, thingyName, onDone ){
+ if( typeof onDone !== "function" ) throw Error("onDone");
+ var iRemoteName = 0;
+ tryResetHard(iRemoteName++);
+ function tryResetHard( i ){
+ var remoteName = app.remoteNamesToTry[i];
+ if( remoteName === undefined ){ onDone(Error("no usable remote found")); return; }
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git reset --hard "+ remoteName +"/develop\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["reset", "--hard", remoteName +"/develop"],
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ }else if( code !== 0 ){
+ tryResetHard(iRemoteName++);
+ }else{
+ deleteBranch();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function deleteBranch( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ log.write("[DEBUG] "+ thingyName +"$ git branch --delete --force "+ app.branchName +"\n");
+ var child = child_process.spawn(
+ "git", ["branch", "--delete", "--force", app.branchName],
+ { cwd:workdirOfSync(app, thingyName) }
+ );
+ child.on("error", console.error.bind(console));
+ child.stderr.on("data", logAsString);
+ child.on("close", function( code, signal ){
+ if( code == 1 ){ /* assume branch doesnt exist*/
+ log.write("[INFO ] Ignore: Failed to delete branch '"+ app.branchName +"' in '"
+ + thingyName +"'.\n");
+ endFn(null, null);
+ }else if( code !== 0 || signal !== null ){
+ onDone(Error("code "+ code +", signal "+ signal));
+ }else{
+ endFn(null, null);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function endFn( ex, ret ){
+ onDone(ex, ret);
+ }
function run( app ){
- patchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatform(app, onPatchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatformDone);
- function onPatchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatformDone( ex, ret ){
- if( ex ){ log.write("[WARN ] "+ ex.message +"\n"); /*throw ex;*/ }
- fetchChangesFromGititForAllJettyServices(app,
+ if( app.isResetHardToDevelop ){
+ forEachJettyService(app, resetHardToDevelop, endFn);
+ return;
+ }
+ updateFromRemote();
+ function updateFromRemote( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ forEachJettyService(app, fetchChangesFromGitit,
function onFetchChangesFromGititForAllJettyServicesDone( ex ){
- if( ex ){ throw ex; }
- checkoutUpstreamDevelopForAllJettyServices(app,
- onCheckoutUpstreamDevelopForAllJettyServicesDone);
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ forEachJettyService(app, checkoutUpstreamDevelop,
+ onCheckoutUpstreamDevelopDone);
- function onCheckoutUpstreamDevelopForAllJettyServicesDone( ex ){
+ function onCheckoutUpstreamDevelopDone( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ patchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatform(app, onPatchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatformDone);
+ }
+ function onPatchAwaySlimPackagingInPlatformDone( ex, ret ){
if( ex ) throw ex;
+ setVersionInPlatform(app, onSetVersionInPlatformDone);
+ }
+ function onSetVersionInPlatformDone(){
dropSlimFromAllJenkinsfiles(app, onDropSlimFromAllJenkinsfilesDone);
function onDropSlimFromAllJenkinsfilesDone( ex ){
- if( ex ){ throw ex; }
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ forEachJettyService(app, setPlatformVersionInService, onSetPlatformVersionInServiceDone);
+ }
+ function onSetPlatformVersionInServiceDone( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ if( app.isPush || app.isPushForce ){
+ commitAllServices(app, onCommitAllServicesDone);
+ }else{
+ log.write("[DEBUG] Skip commit/push (disabled)\n");
+ endFn();
+ }
+ }
+ function onCommitAllServicesDone( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
+ if( !app.isPush && !app.isPushForce ) throw Error("assert(isPush || isPushForce)");
+ forEachJettyService(app, pushService, endFn);
+ }
+ function endFn( ex ){
+ if( ex ) throw ex;
log.write("[INFO ] App done\n");
function main(){
- const app = Object.seal({
+ const app = {
isHelp: false,
+ isPrintIsaVersion: false,
+ isPush: false,
+ isPushForce: false,
+ isResetHardToDevelop: false,
+ remoteNamesToTry: ["origin"],
+ platformSnapVersion: null,
+ workdir: "C:/work/tmp/git-scripted",
maxParallel: 1,
- });
- if( parseArgs(process.argv, app) !== 0 ){ os.exit(1); }
+ numRunningTasks: 0,
+ branchName: "SDCISA-15648-RemoveSlimPackaging-n1",
+ commitMsg: "[SDCISA-15648] Remove slim packaging",
+ };
+ app.platformSnapVersion = "0.0.0-"+ app.branchName +"-SNAPSHOT";
+ if( parseArgs(process.argv, app) !== 0 ){ process.exit(1); }
if( app.isHelp ){ printHelp(); return; }