path: root/src
diff options
authorAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2023-06-30 17:30:44 +0200
committerAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2023-06-30 17:30:44 +0200
commit48af1afbc5976571afee21ff797a30ef6ed044ba (patch)
treebf4eac787ccb074096e4de6d4b1120346f02be8e /src
parent62a1512ce10302eceec072079acfc0b035b879d0 (diff)
(MvnDepsScan) Tinker script to crawl mvn artifacts.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/maven/FindLatestPaisaArtifacts.lua b/src/main/lua/maven/FindLatestPaisaArtifacts.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53063e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/maven/FindLatestPaisaArtifacts.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+--local AF_INET = require('scriptlee').posix.AF_INET
+--local AF_INET6 = require('scriptlee').posix.AF_INET6
+--local IPPROTO_TCP = require('scriptlee').posix.IPPROTO_TCP
+--local SOCK_STREAM = require('scriptlee').posix.SOCK_STREAM
+--local inaddrOfHostname = require('scriptlee').posix.inaddrOfHostname
+local newHttpClient = require("scriptlee").newHttpClient
+--local newSqlite = require("scriptlee").newSqlite
+local newTlsClient = assert(require("scriptlee").newTlsClient)
+--local newXmlParser = require("scriptlee").newXmlParser
+local objectSeal = require("scriptlee").objectSeal
+local sleep = require("scriptlee").posix.sleep
+--local socket = require('scriptlee').posix.socket
+local startOrExecute = require("scriptlee").reactor.startOrExecute
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local mod = {}
+local LOGDBG = (true)and(function(msg)log:write("[DEBUG] "..msg)end)or(function()end)
+function mod.printHelp()
+ out:write("\n"
+ .." List latest PAISA maven artifacts\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .." --yolo\n"
+ .." WARN: only use if you know what you're doing!\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .."\n")
+function mod.parseArgs( app )
+ local iA = 0
+ local isYolo = false
+ iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ goto endOfArgs
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ mod.printHelp() return -1
+ elseif arg == "--yolo" then
+ isYolo = true
+ else
+ log:write("Unexpected arg: "..tostring(arg).."\n")return -1
+ end
+ goto nextArg
+ if not isYolo then log:write("Bad Args\n") return -1 end
+ return 0
+function mod.compareVersion(a, b)
+ local semverFmt = "^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)"
+ local gagaFmt = "^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)"
+ -- parse
+ local amaj, amin, apat, abui = a:match(semverFmt)
+ if not amaj then amaj, amin, apat, abui = a:match(gagaFmt) end
+ local bmaj, bmin, bpat, bbui = b:match(semverFmt)
+ if not bmaj then bmaj, bmin, bpat, bbui = b:match(gagaFmt) end
+ -- compare
+ --LOGDBG("CMP "..tostring(a).." VS "..tostring(b).."\n")
+ local diff = amaj - bmaj
+ if diff ~= 0 then return diff end
+ diff = amin - bmin
+ if diff ~= 0 then return diff end
+ diff = apat - bpat
+ if diff ~= 0 then return diff end
+ if abui and not bbui then return 1 end
+ if not abui and bbui then return -1 end
+ if not abui and not bbui then return 0 end
+ diff = abui - bbui
+ if diff ~= 0 then return diff end
+ return 0
+function mod.newWebDirListParser( app, opts )
+ local cb_cls = opts.cls
+ local cb_onEntry = opts.onEntry
+ local cb_onEnd = opts.onEnd
+ opts = nil
+ local t = {
+ collected = {},
+ }
+ local m = {
+ write = function( t, buf )
+ table.insert(t.collected, buf)
+ end,
+ closeSnk = function( t )
+ local buf = table.concat(t.collected)
+ local iter = buf:gmatch('<a href%="([^"]+)">[^<]+</a> +%d+%-%a+%-%d+ %d+:%d+[^\n]+\n')
+ for aid,_ in iter do
+ cb_onEntry(aid, cb_cls)
+ end
+ cb_onEnd(cb_cls)
+ end,
+ __index = false,
+ } m.__index = m
+ return setmetatable(t, m)
+function mod.onMvnPomFoundInArtifactory( app, path )
+ local gid, aid, ver, aid, ver = path:match(
+ "^/artifactory/paisa/(.+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)-([^/]+).pom")
+ if not gid or not aid or not ver then
+ log:write("input: \"".. path .."\"\n")
+ error("Failed to extract artifact identity")
+ end
+ gid = gid:gsub('/', '.')
+ out:write("r;".. gid ..";".. aid ..";".. ver .."\n")
+function mod.onArtifactSubdirFoundInArtifactory( app, path )
+ assert(not path:find("/$"), path)
+ path = path .."/"
+ -- TODO drop this debugging condition
+ --if path:len() > 37 and not path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/preflux") then goto skipThisPath end
+ --
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/alice") then goto skipThisPath end
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/data/resources/paisa%-data%-resources%-") then goto skipThisPath end
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/data/transformer/") then goto skipThisPath end
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/[^/]+/[^-]+%-config/") then goto skipThisPath end
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/[^/]+/[^-]+%-domain/") then goto skipThisPath end
+ if path:find("^/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa/[^/]+/[^-]+%-test/") then goto skipThisPath end
+ goto doHttpRequest
+ --LOGDBG("ignore '".. path .."'\n")
+ if true then return end
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ rspStatus = false,
+ rspParser = false,
+ listOfChilds = false,
+ }
+ local reqMethod = "GET"
+ --LOGDBG(reqMethod .." ".. path .."\n")
+ req.base = app.http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ host = app.artifactoryInaddr,
+ port = app.artifactoryPort,
+ method = reqMethod,
+ url = path,
+ onRspHdr = function( rsp, req )
+ req.rspStatus = rsp.status
+ if req.rspStatus ~= 200 then
+ log:write("REQ ".. reqMethod .." ".. path .."\n")
+ log:write("RSP ".. rsp.proto .." ".. rsp.status .." ".. rsp.phrase .."\n")
+ for _,hdr in ipairs(rsp.headers) do
+ log:write("RSP ".. hdr[1] ..": ".. hdr[2] .."\n")
+ end
+ log:write("RSP \n")
+ end
+ req.listOfChilds = {}
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req )
+ if req.rspStatus ~= 200 then
+ log:write("RSP ".. buf:gsub('\n', '\nRSP ') ..'\n')
+ return
+ end
+ req.rspParser:write(buf)
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function()
+ if req.rspStatus ~= 200 then return end
+ req.rspParser:closeSnk()
+ req.rspStatus = "OK"
+ end,
+ }
+ req.rspParser = mod.newWebDirListParser(app, {
+ cls = req,
+ onEntry = function( e, req ) table.insert(req.listOfChilds, e) end,
+ onEnd = function( req ) end,
+ })
+ local ok, emsg = pcall(req.base.closeSnk, req.base)
+ if not ok then
+ if emsg:find("^ENOMSG") then -- No idea why artifactory does this sometimes
+ log:write(tostring(emsg).."\n")
+ log:write("sleep(7) ...\n"); sleep(7)
+ goto doHttpRequest
+ end
+ error(emsg)
+ end
+ if req.rspStatus ~= "OK" then error("Unexpected response") end
+ -- Cleanup childs
+ local old, childs, poms
+ old = req.listOfChilds
+ childs = {}
+ poms = {}
+ for _,child in pairs(req.listOfChilds) do
+ if child:find("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+%-") then goto skipThisChild end -- Skip pre-release (semver)
+ if child:find("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+%-") then goto skipThisChild end -- Skip pre-release (döns format)
+ if child:find("/$") then
+ table.insert(childs, child)
+ goto nextChild
+ end
+ if child:find("%.pom$") then
+ --LOGDBG("Keep \""..tostring(child).."\" (type=POM)\n")
+ table.insert(poms, child)
+ goto nextChild
+ end
+ ::skipThisChild::
+ --LOGDBG("Skip \""..tostring(child).."\"\n")
+ ::nextChild::
+ end
+ -- Drop obsolete releases: Find versions, sort them, keep only bunch of
+ -- what looks recent enough.
+ local versionAlike = {}
+ local iC = 0
+ while iC < #childs do iC = iC + 1 -- Collect things that look like versions
+ local child = childs[iC]
+ if child:find("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+") or child:find("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+") then
+ table.remove(childs, iC)
+ table.insert(versionAlike, child)
+ iC = iC - 1
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(versionAlike, function(a, b) return mod.compareVersion(b, a) < 0 end)
+ iC = 0
+ for k, v in ipairs(versionAlike) do
+ iC = iC + 1; if iC > 1 then break end -- add only a few
+ --LOGDBG("Keep \""..tostring(versionAlike[iC]).."\"\n")
+ table.insert(childs, versionAlike[iC])
+ end
+ -- Process POMs
+ for _, pom in pairs(poms) do
+ mod.onMvnPomFoundInArtifactory(app, path .. pom)
+ end
+ -- Process childs
+ for _,child in pairs(childs) do
+ mod.onArtifactSubdirFoundInArtifactory(app, path .. child:gsub('/$',''))
+ end
+function app )
+ mod.onArtifactSubdirFoundInArtifactory(app, "/artifactory/paisa/ch/post/it/paisa")
+function mod.main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ http = newHttpClient{},
+ artifactoryInaddr = "",
+ artifactoryPort = 443,
+ }
+ if mod.parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end