diff options
authorAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2022-12-07 01:02:51 +0100
committerAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2022-12-07 01:02:51 +0100
commitc1a6bf9a1729d09e84948051d1c962d54132c9c7 (patch)
parent8c35f1adfcc27ad407124c5cb65de30463462c34 (diff)
(MvnDepScan) Add dependency scanner for mvn poms
1 files changed, 568 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua b/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f767f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/maven/MvnCentralDepScan.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ Initially written using scriptlee 0.0.5-41-G .
+ ]====================================================================]
+local newHttpClient = require("scriptlee").newHttpClient
+local newSqlite = require("scriptlee").newSqlite
+local newXmlParser = require("scriptlee").newXmlParser
+local objectSeal = require("scriptlee").objectSeal
+local sleep = require("scriptlee").posix.sleep
+local startOrExecute = require("scriptlee").reactor.startOrExecute
+local out, log = io.stdout, io.stderr
+local mod = {}
+function mod.printHelp()
+ out:write("\n"
+ .." Collecting dependency information by scanning maven poms\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .." --example\n"
+ .." WARN: only use if you know what you're doing!\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .." --sqliteOut <path>\n"
+ .." Path where to export the result.\n"
+ .."\n"
+ .."\n")
+function mod.parseArgs( app )
+ local iA = 0
+ local isExample = false
+ iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ goto endOfArgs
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ mod.printHelp() return -1
+ elseif arg == "--example" then
+ isExample = true
+ elseif arg == "--sqliteOut" then
+ iA = iA + 1
+ arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("Arg --sqliteOut needs value\n")return-1 end
+ app.sqliteOutFile = arg
+ else
+ log:write("Unexpected arg: "..tostring(arg).."\n")return -1
+ end
+ goto nextArg
+ if not isExample then log:write("Bad Args\n") return -1 end
+ return 0
+function mod.newPomUrlSrc( app )
+ local urls = {
+ -- TODO insert URLs here!
+ }
+ local m = {
+ nextPomUrl = function(t)
+ return table.remove(urls, 1)
+ end,
+ __index = false,
+ }
+ m.__index = m
+ return setmetatable({}, m)
+function mod.processXmlValue( pomParser )
+ local app =
+ local xpath = ""
+ for i, stackElem in ipairs(pomParser.xmlElemStack) do
+ xpath = xpath .."/".. stackElem.tag
+ end
+ --log:write(xpath .."\n")
+ local mvnArtifact = pomParser.mvnArtifact
+ local newMvnDependency = function()return objectSeal{
+ groupId = false,
+ artifactId = false,
+ version = false,
+ }end
+ if false then
+ elseif xpath == "/project/parent/artifactId" then
+ mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/parent/groupId" then
+ mvnArtifact.parentGroupId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/parent/version" then
+ mvnArtifact.parentVersion = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/groupId" then
+ mvnArtifact.groupId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/artifactId" then
+ mvnArtifact.artifactId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/version" then
+ mvnArtifact.version = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencies/dependency/groupId" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnDependency then pomParser.mvnDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnDependency.groupId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencies/dependency/artifactId" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnDependency then pomParser.mvnDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnDependency.artifactId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencies/dependency/version" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnDependency then pomParser.mvnDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnDependency.version = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencies/dependency" then
+ assert(pomParser.mvnDependency)
+ local mvnArtifact = pomParser.mvnArtifact
+ local mvnDependency = pomParser.mvnDependency
+ pomParser.mvnDependency = false
+ local deps = app.mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if not deps then deps = {} app.mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact] = deps end
+ table.insert(deps, assert(mvnDependency))
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency/groupId" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnMngdDependency then pomParser.mvnMngdDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnMngdDependency.groupId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency/artifactId" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnMngdDependency then pomParser.mvnMngdDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnMngdDependency.artifactId = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency/version" then
+ if not pomParser.mvnMngdDependency then pomParser.mvnMngdDependency = newMvnDependency() end
+ pomParser.mvnMngdDependency.version = pomParser.currentValue
+ elseif xpath == "/project/dependencyManagement/dependencies/dependency" then
+ assert(pomParser.mvnMngdDependency)
+ local mvnArtifact = pomParser.mvnArtifact
+ local mvnMngdDependency = pomParser.mvnMngdDependency
+ pomParser.mvnMngdDependency = false
+ local mngdDeps = app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if not mngdDeps then mngdDeps = {} app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact] = mngdDeps end
+ table.insert(mngdDeps, assert(mvnMngdDependency))
+ elseif xpath:find("^/project/properties/[^/]+$") then
+ local propKey = xpath:match("^/project/properties/([^/]+)$")
+ local propVal = pomParser.currentValue or ""
+ local mvnProps = app.mvnPropsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if not mvnProps then mvnProps = {} app.mvnPropsByArtifact[mvnArtifact] = mvnProps end
+ table.insert(mvnProps, objectSeal{
+ key = assert(propKey),
+ val = assert(propVal),
+ })
+ end
+function mod.getMvnArtifactKey( mvnArtifact )
+ assert(mvnArtifact.artifactId)
+ assert(mvnArtifact.groupId)
+ assert(mvnArtifact.version)
+ return mvnArtifact.groupId
+ .."\t".. mvnArtifact.artifactId
+ .."\t".. mvnArtifact.version
+function mod.onGetPomRspHdr( msg, req )
+ --log:write("< "..tostring(msg.proto) .." "..tostring(msg.status).." "..tostring(msg.phrase).."\n")
+ --for i, h in ipairs(msg.headers) do
+ -- log:write("< ".. h.key ..": ".. h.val .."\n")
+ --end
+ --log:write("< \n")
+ if msg.status ~= 200 then
+ error("Unexpected HTTP ".. tostring(msg.status))
+ end
+ assert(not req.pomParser)
+ req.pomParser = objectSeal{
+ req = req,
+ base = false,
+ xmlElemStack = {},
+ currentValue = false,
+ mvnArtifact = objectSeal{
+ parentGroupId = false,
+ parentArtifactId = false,
+ parentVersion = false,
+ groupId = false,
+ artifactId = false,
+ version = false,
+ },
+ mvnDependency = false, -- the one we're currently parsing
+ mvnMngdDependency = false, -- the one we're currently parsing
+ write = function( t, buf ) t.base:write(buf) end,
+ closeSnk = function( t, buf ) t.base:closeSnk() end,
+ }
+ req.pomParser.base = newXmlParser{
+ cls = req.pomParser,
+ onElementBeg = function( tag, pomParser )
+ table.insert(pomParser.xmlElemStack, { tag = tag, })
+ pomParser.currentValue = false
+ end,
+ onElementEnd = function( tag, pomParser )
+ mod.processXmlValue(pomParser)
+ local elem = table.remove(pomParser.xmlElemStack)
+ assert(elem.tag == tag);
+ end,
+ onChunk = function( buf, pomParser )
+ if pomParser.currentValue then
+ pomParser.currentValue = pomParser.currentValue .. buf
+ else
+ pomParser.currentValue = buf
+ end
+ end,
+ onEnd = function( pomParser )
+ assert(#pomParser.xmlElemStack == 0)
+ local req = pomParser.req
+ local app =
+ local mvnArtifact = pomParser.mvnArtifact
+ pomParser.mvnArtifact = false
+ if not mvnArtifact.groupId then mvnArtifact.groupId = mvnArtifact.parentGroupId end
+ if not mvnArtifact.version then mvnArtifact.version = mvnArtifact.parentVersion end
+ local key = mod.getMvnArtifactKey(mvnArtifact)
+ assert(not app.mvnArtifacts[key])
+ app.mvnArtifacts[key] = mvnArtifact
+ end,
+ }
+function mod.onGetPomRspChunk( buf, req )
+ req.pomParser:write(buf)
+function mod.onGetPomRspEnd( req )
+ req.pomParser:closeSnk()
+function mod.resolveDependencyVersionsFromDepsMgmnt( app )
+ local mvnArtifacts = app.mvnArtifacts
+ local mvnDepsByArtifact = app.mvnDepsByArtifact
+ local mvnMngdDepsByArtifact = app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact
+ local funcs = {}
+ function funcs.resolveForDependency( mvnArtifact, mvnDependency )
+ if mvnDependency.version then return end
+ local mngdDeps = mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if not mngdDeps then return end
+ for _, mngdDep in pairs(mngdDeps) do
+ if mvnDependency.groupId == mngdDep.groupId
+ and mvnDependency.artifactId == mngdDep.artifactId
+ then
+ mvnDependency.version = assert(mngdDep.version);
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local hasParent = (mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId)
+ if not mvnDependency.version and hasParent then
+ -- Cannot resolve. Delegate to parent.
+ local parent = mvnArtifacts[mod.getMvnArtifactKey{
+ groupId = mvnArtifact.parentGroupId,
+ artifactId = mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId,
+ version = mvnArtifact.parentVersion,
+ }];
+ if parent then
+ funcs.resolveForDependency(parent, mvnDependency)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function funcs.resolveForArtifact( mvnArtifact )
+ local mvnDeps = mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if not mvnDeps then return end
+ if not mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact] then return end
+ for _, mvnDependency in pairs(mvnDeps) do
+ funcs.resolveForDependency(mvnArtifact, mvnDependency)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, mvnArtifact in pairs(mvnArtifacts) do
+ funcs.resolveForArtifact(mvnArtifact)
+ end
+function mod.resolveProperties( app )
+ local mvnArtifacts = app.mvnArtifacts
+ local mvnPropsByArtifact = app.mvnPropsByArtifact
+ local mvnDepsByArtifact = app.mvnDepsByArtifact
+ local mvnMngdDepsByArtifact = app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact
+ local getPropKey = function( str )
+ if not str then return nil end
+ return str:match("^%$%{([^}]+)%}$")
+ end
+ for _, mvnArtifact in pairs(mvnArtifacts) do
+ local set = nil
+ local depsToEnrich = {}
+ set = mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if set then for _, d in pairs(set) do
+ table.insert(depsToEnrich, d) end end
+ set = mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ if set then for _, d in pairs(set) do
+ table.insert(depsToEnrich, d) end end
+ for _, mvnDependency in pairs(depsToEnrich) do
+ local propKey = getPropKey(mvnDependency.version)
+ if propKey then
+ local propVal = mod.getPropValThroughParentChain(app, mvnArtifact, propKey)
+ if propVal then
+ mvnDependency.version = propVal
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local mngdDeps = mvnMngdDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ end
+function mod.getPropValThroughParentChain( app, mvnArtifact, propKey, none )
+ assert(app and mvnArtifact and propKey and not none);
+ local mvnArtifacts = app.mvnArtifacts
+ local mvnProps = app.mvnPropsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ local propVal, parent
+ if mvnProps then
+ for _, mvnProp in ipairs(mvnProps) do
+ if propKey == mvnProp.key then
+ return mvnProp.val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if propKey == "project.version" then
+ return mvnArtifact.version
+ end
+ -- no luck in current artifact. Delegate to parent (if any)
+ if mvnArtifact.parentGroupId
+ and mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId
+ and mvnArtifact.parentVersion
+ then
+ parent = mvnArtifacts[mod.getMvnArtifactKey{
+ groupId = mvnArtifact.parentGroupId,
+ artifactId = mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId,
+ version = mvnArtifact.parentVersion,
+ }]
+ end
+ if not parent then
+ log:write("[INFO ] Cannot resolve ${"..propKey.."}\n")
+ return nil
+ end
+ return mod.getPropValThroughParentChain(app, parent, propKey)
+function mod.printStuffAtEnd( app )
+ local mvnArtifacts = {}
+ for _, mvnArtifact in pairs(app.mvnArtifacts) do
+ table.insert(mvnArtifacts, mvnArtifact)
+ end
+ table.sort(mvnArtifacts, function( a, b )
+ local na, nb = (a.groupId or""), (b.groupId or"")
+ if na ~= nb then return na < nb end
+ na, nb = (a.artifactId or""), (b.artifactId or"")
+ if na ~= nb then return na < nb end
+ na, nb = (a.version or""), (b.version or"")
+ if na ~= nb then return na < nb end
+ return false
+ end)
+ for _, mvnArtifact in ipairs(mvnArtifacts) do
+ log:write("ARTIFACT "..tostring(mvnArtifact.groupId)
+ .." "..tostring(mvnArtifact.artifactId)
+ .." "..tostring(mvnArtifact.version).."\n")
+ log:write(" PARENT ".. tostring(mvnArtifact.parentGroupId)
+ .." ".. tostring(mvnArtifact.parentArtifactId)
+ .." ".. tostring(mvnArtifact.parentVersion) .."\n")
+ local deps = app.mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ local mvnProps = app.mvnPropsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ --if mvnProps then for _, mvnProp in pairs(mvnProps) do
+ -- log:write(" PROP ".. mvnProp.key .."=".. mvnProp.val .."\n")
+ --end end
+ if deps then for _, mvnDependency in pairs(deps) do
+ log:write(" DEP ".. mvnDependency.artifactId .." "..tostring(mvnDependency.version).."\n")
+ end end
+ end
+function mod.storeAsSqliteFile( app )
+ -- TODO could we cache our prepared queries?
+ local db, stmt
+ if not app.sqliteOutFile then
+ log:write("[INFO ] No sqliteOutFile provided. Skip export.\n")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Query to list Artifacts and their parents:
+ -- SELECT GroupId.str AS 'GID', ArtifactId.str AS 'AID', Version.str AS 'Version', ParentGid.str AS 'ParentGid', ParentAid.str AS 'ParentAid', ParentVersion.str AS 'ParentVersion'
+ -- FROM MvnArtifact AS A
+ -- JOIN String GroupId ON = A.groupId
+ -- JOIN String ArtifactId ON = A.artifactId
+ -- JOIN String Version ON = A.version
+ -- JOIN String ParentGid ON = A.parentGroupId
+ -- JOIN String ParentAid ON = A.parentArtifactId
+ -- JOIN String ParentVersion ON = A.parentVersion
+ --
+ -- Query to list dependencies:
+ -- SELECT GroupId.str AS 'GID', ArtifactId.str AS 'AID', Version.str AS 'Version', DepGid.str AS 'Dependency GID', DepAid.str AS 'Dependnecy AID', DepVersion.str AS 'Dependency Version'
+ -- FROM MvnArtifact AS A
+ -- JOIN MvnDependency AS Dep ON Dep.mvnArtifactId =
+ -- JOIN MvnArtifact AS D ON Dep.needsMvnArtifactId =
+ -- JOIN String GroupId ON = A.groupId
+ -- JOIN String ArtifactId ON = A.artifactId
+ -- JOIN String Version ON = A.version
+ -- JOIN String DepGid ON = D.groupId
+ -- JOIN String DepAid ON = D.artifactId
+ -- JOIN String DepVersion ON = D.version
+ --
+ db = newSqlite{
+ database = app.sqliteOutFile,
+ }
+ db:enhancePerf()
+ db:prepare("CREATE TABLE String ("
+ .." str TEXT UNIQUE)"
+ ):execute()
+ db:prepare("CREATE TABLE MvnArtifact ("
+ .." groupId INT,"
+ .." artifactId INT,"
+ .." version INT,"
+ .." parentGroupId INT,"
+ .." parentArtifactId INT,"
+ .." parentVersion INT)"
+ ):execute()
+ db:prepare("CREATE TABLE MvnDependency ("
+ .." mvnArtifactId INT,"
+ .." needsMvnArtifactId INT)"
+ ):execute()
+ --db:prepare("CREATE TABLE MvnProperty ("
+ -- .." keyStringId INT,"
+ -- .." valStringId INT)"
+ --):execute()
+ local mvnArtifactIds = {}
+ local mvnArtifactIdsByArtif = {}
+ local strings = {}
+ local getStringId = function( str ) -- create/reUse strings on-demand
+ if not str then return nil end
+ local stringId = strings[str]
+ if not stringId then
+ local stmt = db:prepare("INSERT INTO String (str)VALUES(:str)")
+ stmt:reset()
+ stmt:bind(":str", str)
+ stmt:execute()
+ stringId = db:lastInsertRowid()
+ strings[str] = stringId
+ end
+ return stringId
+ end
+ local stmtInsMvnArtifact = db:prepare("INSERT INTO MvnArtifact"
+ .."('groupId', 'artifactId', 'version', 'parentGroupId', 'parentArtifactId', 'parentVersion')"
+ .."VALUES"
+ .."(:groupId , :artifactId , :version , :parentGroupId , :parentArtifactId , :parentVersion )")
+ local insertMvnArtifact = function(a)
+ assert(a.groupId and a.artifactId and a.version)
+ if a.parentGroupId then assert(a.parentArtifactId and a.parentVersion)
+ else assert(not a.parentArtifactId and not a.parentVersion) end
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:reset()
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":groupId", getStringId(a.groupId))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":artifactId", getStringId(a.artifactId))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":version", getStringId(a.version))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":parentGroupId", getStringId(a.parentGroupId))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":parentArtifactId", getStringId(a.parentArtifactId))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:bind(":parentVersion", getStringId(a.parentVersion))
+ stmtInsMvnArtifact:execute()
+ local dbId = db:lastInsertRowid()
+ mvnArtifactIds[a] = dbId -- TODO MUST be byString
+ local bucket = mvnArtifactIdsByArtif[assert(a.artifactId)]
+ if not bucket then bucket = {} mvnArtifactIdsByArtif[a.artifactId] = bucket end
+ table.insert(bucket, { dbId = dbId, mvnArtifact = a, })
+ return dbId
+ end
+ -- Store artifacts
+ for _, mvnArtifact in pairs(app.mvnArtifacts) do
+ insertMvnArtifact(mvnArtifact)
+ local mvnDeps = app.mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact] or {}
+ -- dependencies are nothing else than artifacts
+ for _, mvnDep in pairs(mvnDeps) do
+ end
+ end
+ -- Store dependencies
+ local stmt = db:prepare("INSERT INTO MvnDependency"
+ .."('mvnArtifactId', 'needsMvnArtifactId')"
+ .."VALUES"
+ .."(:mvnArtifactId , :needsMvnArtifactId )")
+ for _, mvnArtifact in pairs(app.mvnArtifacts) do
+ local mvnDeps = app.mvnDepsByArtifact[mvnArtifact]
+ for _, mvnDep in pairs(mvnDeps or {}) do
+ if not mvnDep.version then mvnDep.version = "TODO_5bbc0e87011e24d845136c5406302616" end
+ assert(mvnDep.version, mvnDep.artifactId)
+ assert(mvnDep.groupId and mvnDep.artifactId and mvnDep.version)
+ local bucket = mvnArtifactIdsByArtif[mvnDep.artifactId]
+ local depId = nil
+ for _,a in pairs(bucket or {}) do
+ if mvnDep.groupId == a.mvnArtifact.groupId
+ and mvnDep.artifactId == a.mvnArtifact.artifactId
+ and mvnDep.version == a.mvnArtifact.version then
+ depId = assert(a.dbId)
+ end
+ end
+ if not depId then -- Artifact not stored yet. Do now.
+ depId = insertMvnArtifact({
+ groupId = mvnDep.groupId,
+ artifactId = mvnDep.artifactId,
+ version = mvnDep.version,
+ })
+ end
+ stmt:reset()
+ stmt:bind(":mvnArtifactId", assert(mvnArtifactIds[mvnArtifact]))
+ stmt:bind(":needsMvnArtifactId", assert(depId, mvnDep.artifactId))
+ stmt:execute()
+ end
+ end
+function app )
+ assert(not app.mvnArtifacts) app.mvnArtifacts = {}
+ assert(not app.mvnPropsByArtifact) app.mvnPropsByArtifact = {}
+ assert(not app.mvnDepsByArtifact) app.mvnDepsByArtifact = {}
+ assert(not app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact) app.mvnMngdDepsByArtifact = {}
+ local pomSrc = mod.newPomUrlSrc(app)
+ while true do
+ local pomUrl = pomSrc:nextPomUrl()
+ if not pomUrl then break end
+ local proto = pomUrl:match("^(https?)://")
+ local isTLS = (proto:upper() == "HTTPS")
+ local host = pomUrl:match("^https?://([^:/]+)[:/]")
+ local port = pomUrl:match("^https?://[^:/]+:(%d+)[^%d]")
+ local url = pomUrl:match("^https?://[^/]+(.*)$")
+ if not port then port = (isTLS and 443 or 80) end
+ --log:write("> GET ".. proto .."://".. host ..":".. port .. url .."\n")
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ app = app,
+ base = false,
+ pomParser = false,
+ }
+ req.base = app.http:request{
+ cls = req,
+ host = assert(host), port = assert(port),
+ method = "GET", url = url,
+ --hdrs = ,
+ useTLS = false, --TODO useTLS = isTLS,
+ onRspHdr = mod.onGetPomRspHdr,
+ onRspChunk = mod.onGetPomRspChunk,
+ onRspEnd = mod.onGetPomRspEnd,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+ end
+ log:write("[INFO ] No more pom URLs\n")
+ mod.resolveDependencyVersionsFromDepsMgmnt(app)
+ mod.resolveProperties(app)
+ mod.storeAsSqliteFile(app)
+ --mod.printStuffAtEnd(app)
+function mod.main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ http = newHttpClient{},
+ mvnArtifacts = false,
+ mvnPropsByArtifact = false,
+ mvnDepsByArtifact = false,
+ mvnMngdDepsByArtifact = false,
+ sqliteOutFile = false,
+ }
+ if mod.parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+startOrExecute(nil, mod.main)