diff options
authorAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2024-02-08 11:13:56 +0100
committerAndreas Fankhauser hiddenalpha.ch2024-02-08 11:13:56 +0100
commit936a050d8a1fc0bc2cb3153f4b14e1323c56cd53 (patch)
parent9e085130df0a843166f27a4b0248fb5b3cb34468 (diff)
Fook cmd seems to work this way
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d85f74e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/lua/paisa-fleet/FindFullDisks.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+local SL = require("scriptlee")
+local newHttpClient = SL.newHttpClient
+local newShellcmd = SL.newShellcmd
+--local newSqlite = SL.newSqlite
+local objectSeal = SL.objectSeal
+local parseJSON = SL.parseJSON
+--local sleep = SL.posix.sleep
+local startOrExecute = SL.reactor.startOrExecute
+SL = nil
+local log = io.stdout
+function printHelp()
+ io.write("\n"
+ .." WARN: This is experimental.\n"
+ .." \n"
+ .." Options:\n"
+ .." --backendHost <inaddr> (eg \"localhost\")\n"
+ .." --backendPort <int> (eg 80)\n"
+ .." --sshPort <int> (eg 22)\n"
+ .." --sshUser <str> (eg \"eddieuser\")\n"
+ .." --state <path> (eg \"path/to/state\")\n"
+ .." \n")
+function parseArgs( app )
+ app.backendPort = 80
+ --app.statePath = ":memory:"
+ local iA = 0
+ ::nextArg::
+ iA = iA + 1
+ local arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then
+ goto verifyResult
+ elseif arg == "--help" then
+ app.isHelp = true return 0
+ elseif arg == "--backendHost" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--backendPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --backendPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.backendHost = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshPort" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshPort needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshPort = arg
+ elseif arg == "--sshUser" then
+ iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --sshUser needs value\n")return end
+ app.sshUser = arg
+ --elseif arg == "--state" then
+ -- iA = iA + 1; arg = _ENV.arg[iA]
+ -- if not arg then log:write("EINVAL: --state needs value\n")return end
+ -- app.statePath = arg
+ else
+ log:write("EINVAL: ".. arg .."\n")return
+ end
+ goto nextArg
+ ::verifyResult::
+ if not app.backendHost then log:write("EINVAL: --backendHost missing\n")return end
+ return 0
+function doWhateverWithDevices( app )
+ for k, dev in pairs(app.devices) do
+ if dev.eddieName ~= "eddie00003" or dev.type == "LUNKWILL" then
+ log:write("[DEBUG] Skip '".. dev.eddieName .."'->'".. dev.hostname .."'\n")
+ goto nextDevice
+ end
+ log:write("\n")
+ log:write(" hostname "..tostring(dev.hostname).."\n")
+ log:write("eddieName "..tostring(dev.eddieName).."\n")
+ log:write(" type "..tostring(dev.type).."\n")
+ log:write(" lastSeen "..tostring(dev.lastSeen).."\n")
+ assert(dev.type == "FOOK")
+ local cmd = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ cmdLine = false,
+ }
+ local fookCmd = "echo fook-says-hi && hostname"
+ local eddieCmd = "ssh"
+ .." -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p7022 isa@fook"
+ .." \\\n --"
+ .." sh -c 'true && ".. fookCmd:gsub("'", "'\"'\"'") .."'"
+ local localCmd = assert(os.getenv("SSH_EXE"), "environ.SSH_EXE missing")
+ .." -oRemoteCommand=none -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p7022 isa@eddie00003"
+ .." \\\n --"
+ .." sh -c 'true && ".. eddieCmd:gsub("'", "'\"'\"'") .."'"
+ do
+ -- TODO get rid of use-tmp-file-as-script workaround
+ local tmpPath = assert(os.getenv("TMP")) .."/"
+ log:write("[DEBUG] tmpPath '".. tmpPath .."'\n")
+ local tmpFile = assert(, "wb"), "Failed to open '".. tmpPath .."'")
+ tmpFile:write("#!/bin/sh\n".. localCmd .."\n")
+ tmpFile:close()
+ error("TODO_238hu38h")
+ end
+ cmd.cmdLine = localCmd
+ local okMarker = "OK_".. math.random(1000000,9999999) .."q958zhug3ojhat"
+ --cmd.cmdLine = cmd.cmdLine .." -- true"
+ -- .." && echo hostname=$(hostname|sed s_.pnet.ch__)"
+ -- .." && echo stage=$PAISA_ENV"
+ -- .." && whoami"
+ -- .." && echo ".. assert(okMarker) ..""
+ log:write("[DEBUG] ".. cmd.cmdLine .."\n")
+ cmd.base = newShellcmd{
+ cls = cmd,
+ cmdLine = cmd.cmdLine,
+ onStdout = function( buf, cmd ) io.write(buf or"")end,
+ --onStderr = function( buf, cmd )end,
+ }
+ cmd.base:start()
+ cmd.base:closeSnk()
+ local exit, signal = cmd.base:join(7)
+ if exit ~= 0 or signal ~= nil then
+ error(tostring(exit).." "..tostring(signal))
+ end
+ error("TODO_938thu")
+ ::nextDevice::
+ end
+function sortDevicesMostRecentlySeenFirst( app )
+ table.sort(app.devices, function(a, b) return a.lastSeen > b.lastSeen end)
+function fetchDevices( app )
+ local req = objectSeal{
+ base = false,
+ method = "GET",
+ uri = "/houston/vehicle/inventory/v1/info/devices",
+ rspCode = false,
+ rspBody = false,
+ isDone = false,
+ }
+ req.base = app.http:request{
+ cls = req, connectTimeoutMs = 3000,
+ host = app.backendHost, port = app.backendPort,
+ method = req.method, url = req.uri,
+ onRspHdr = function( rspHdr, req )
+ req.rspCode = rspHdr.status
+ if rspHdr.status ~= 200 then
+ log:write(".-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. req.method .." ".. req.uri .."\n")
+ log:write("| Host: ".. app.backendHost ..":".. app.backendPort .."\n")
+ log:write("+-----------------------------------------\n")
+ log:write("| ".. rspHdr.proto .." ".. rspHdr.status .." ".. rspHdr.phrase .."\n")
+ for i,h in ipairs(rspHdr.headers) do
+ log:write("| ".. h[1] ..": ".. h[2] .."\n")
+ end
+ log:write("| \n")
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspChunk = function( buf, req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("| ".. buf:gsub("\n", "\n| ")) return end
+ if buf then
+ if not req.rspBody then req.rspBody = buf
+ else req.rspBody = req.rspBody .. buf end
+ end
+ end,
+ onRspEnd = function( req )
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("\n'-----------------------------------------\n") end
+ req.isDone = true
+ end,
+ }
+ req.base:closeSnk()
+ assert(req.isDone)
+ if req.rspCode ~= 200 then log:write("ERROR: Couldn't fetch devices\n")return end
+ assert(not app.devices)
+ app.devices = {}
+ --io.write(req.rspBody)io.write("\n")
+ for iD, device in pairs(parseJSON(req.rspBody).devices) do
+ print("Wa", iD, device)
+ --for k,v in pairs(device)do print("W",k,v)end
+ -- TODO how to access 'device.type'?
+ local hostname , eddieName , lastSeen
+ = device.hostname:value(), device.eddieName:value(), device.lastSeen:value()
+ local typ
+ if false then
+ elseif hostname:find("^eddie%d%d%d%d%d$") then
+ typ = "EDDIE"
+ elseif hostname:find("^fook%-[a-z0-9]+$") then
+ typ = "FOOK"
+ elseif hostname:find("^lunkwill%-[a-z0-9]+$") then
+ typ = "LUNKWILL"
+ elseif hostname:find("^fook$") then
+ log:write("[WARN ] WTF?!? '"..hostname.."'\n")
+ typ = false
+ else error("TODO_359zh8i3wjho "..hostname) end
+ table.insert(app.devices, objectSeal{
+ hostname = hostname,
+ eddieName = eddieName,
+ type = typ,
+ lastSeen = lastSeen,
+ })
+ end
+function run( app )
+ fetchDevices(app)
+ sortDevicesMostRecentlySeenFirst(app)
+ doWhateverWithDevices(app)
+ error("TODO_a8uaehjgae9o8it")
+function main()
+ local app = objectSeal{
+ isHelp = false,
+ backendHost = false,
+ backendPort = false,
+ sshPort = false,
+ sshUser = false,
+-- statePath = false,
+-- stateDb = false,
+ http = newHttpClient{},
+ devices = false,
+ }
+ if parseArgs(app) ~= 0 then os.exit(1) end
+ if app.isHelp then printHelp() return end
+ run(app)