/* * OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks * over a single UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based * session authentication and key exchange, * packet encryption, packet authentication, and * packet compression. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * Win32-specific OpenVPN code, targetted at the mingw * development environment. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #include "config-msvc.h" #endif #include "syshead.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "buffer.h" #include "error.h" #include "mtu.h" #include "run_command.h" #include "sig.h" #include "win32.h" #include "openvpn-msg.h" #include "memdbg.h" #ifdef HAVE_VERSIONHELPERS_H #include #else #include "compat-versionhelpers.h" #endif #include "block_dns.h" /* * WFP handle */ static HANDLE m_hEngineHandle = NULL; /* GLOBAL */ /* * TAP adapter original metric value */ static int tap_metric_v4 = -1; /* GLOBAL */ static int tap_metric_v6 = -1; /* GLOBAL */ /* * Windows internal socket API state (opaque). */ static struct WSAData wsa_state; /* GLOBAL */ /* * Should we call win32_pause() on program exit? */ static bool pause_exit_enabled = false; /* GLOBAL */ /* * win32_signal is used to get input from the keyboard * if we are running in a console, or get input from an * event object if we are running as a service. */ struct win32_signal win32_signal; /* GLOBAL */ /* * Save our old window title so we can restore * it on exit. */ struct window_title window_title; /* GLOBAL*/ /* * Special global semaphore used to protect network * shell commands from simultaneous instantiation. */ struct semaphore netcmd_semaphore; /* GLOBAL */ /* * Windows system pathname such as c:\windows */ static char *win_sys_path = NULL; /* GLOBAL */ void init_win32(void) { if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa_state)) { msg(M_ERR, "WSAStartup failed"); } window_title_clear(&window_title); win32_signal_clear(&win32_signal); } void uninit_win32(void) { netcmd_semaphore_close(); if (pause_exit_enabled) { if (win32_signal.mode == WSO_MODE_UNDEF) { struct win32_signal w; win32_signal_open(&w, WSO_FORCE_CONSOLE, NULL, false); win32_pause(&w); win32_signal_close(&w); } else { win32_pause(&win32_signal); } } window_title_restore(&window_title); win32_signal_close(&win32_signal); WSACleanup(); free(win_sys_path); } void set_pause_exit_win32(void) { pause_exit_enabled = true; } bool init_security_attributes_allow_all(struct security_attributes *obj) { CLEAR(*obj); obj->sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); obj->sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &obj->sd; obj->sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&obj->sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { return false; } if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&obj->sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE)) { return false; } return true; } void overlapped_io_init(struct overlapped_io *o, const struct frame *frame, BOOL event_state, bool tuntap_buffer) /* if true: tuntap buffer, if false: socket buffer */ { CLEAR(*o); /* manual reset event, initially set according to event_state */ o->overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, event_state, NULL); if (o->overlapped.hEvent == NULL) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: overlapped_io_init: CreateEvent failed"); } /* allocate buffer for overlapped I/O */ alloc_buf_sock_tun(&o->buf_init, frame, tuntap_buffer, 0); } void overlapped_io_close(struct overlapped_io *o) { if (o->overlapped.hEvent) { if (!CloseHandle(o->overlapped.hEvent)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: CloseHandle failed on overlapped I/O event object"); } } free_buf(&o->buf_init); } char * overlapped_io_state_ascii(const struct overlapped_io *o) { switch (o->iostate) { case IOSTATE_INITIAL: return "0"; case IOSTATE_QUEUED: return "Q"; case IOSTATE_IMMEDIATE_RETURN: return "1"; } return "?"; } /* * Event-based notification of network events */ void init_net_event_win32(struct rw_handle *event, long network_events, socket_descriptor_t sd, unsigned int flags) { /* manual reset events, initially set to unsignaled */ /* initialize write event */ if (!(flags & NE32_PERSIST_EVENT) || !event->write) { if (flags & NE32_WRITE_EVENT) { event->write = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (event->write == NULL) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: init_net_event_win32: CreateEvent (write) failed"); } } else { event->write = NULL; } } /* initialize read event */ if (!(flags & NE32_PERSIST_EVENT) || !event->read) { event->read = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (event->read == NULL) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: init_net_event_win32: CreateEvent (read) failed"); } } /* setup network events to change read event state */ if (WSAEventSelect(sd, event->read, network_events) != 0) { msg(M_FATAL | M_ERRNO, "Error: init_net_event_win32: WSAEventSelect call failed"); } } long reset_net_event_win32(struct rw_handle *event, socket_descriptor_t sd) { WSANETWORKEVENTS wne; if (WSAEnumNetworkEvents(sd, event->read, &wne) != 0) { msg(M_FATAL | M_ERRNO, "Error: reset_net_event_win32: WSAEnumNetworkEvents call failed"); return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ } else { return wne.lNetworkEvents; } } void close_net_event_win32(struct rw_handle *event, socket_descriptor_t sd, unsigned int flags) { if (event->read) { if (socket_defined(sd)) { if (WSAEventSelect(sd, event->read, 0) != 0) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: close_net_event_win32: WSAEventSelect call failed"); } } if (!ResetEvent(event->read)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: ResetEvent (read) failed in close_net_event_win32"); } if (!(flags & NE32_PERSIST_EVENT)) { if (!CloseHandle(event->read)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: CloseHandle (read) failed in close_net_event_win32"); } event->read = NULL; } } if (event->write) { if (!ResetEvent(event->write)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: ResetEvent (write) failed in close_net_event_win32"); } if (!(flags & NE32_PERSIST_EVENT)) { if (!CloseHandle(event->write)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: CloseHandle (write) failed in close_net_event_win32"); } event->write = NULL; } } } /* * struct net_event_win32 */ void net_event_win32_init(struct net_event_win32 *ne) { CLEAR(*ne); ne->sd = SOCKET_UNDEFINED; } void net_event_win32_start(struct net_event_win32 *ne, long network_events, socket_descriptor_t sd) { ASSERT(!socket_defined(ne->sd)); ne->sd = sd; ne->event_mask = 0; init_net_event_win32(&ne->handle, network_events, sd, NE32_PERSIST_EVENT|NE32_WRITE_EVENT); } void net_event_win32_reset_write(struct net_event_win32 *ne) { BOOL status; if (ne->event_mask & FD_WRITE) { status = SetEvent(ne->handle.write); } else { status = ResetEvent(ne->handle.write); } if (!status) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "Warning: SetEvent/ResetEvent failed in net_event_win32_reset_write"); } } void net_event_win32_reset(struct net_event_win32 *ne) { ne->event_mask |= reset_net_event_win32(&ne->handle, ne->sd); } void net_event_win32_stop(struct net_event_win32 *ne) { if (net_event_win32_defined(ne)) { close_net_event_win32(&ne->handle, ne->sd, NE32_PERSIST_EVENT); } ne->sd = SOCKET_UNDEFINED; ne->event_mask = 0; } void net_event_win32_close(struct net_event_win32 *ne) { if (net_event_win32_defined(ne)) { close_net_event_win32(&ne->handle, ne->sd, 0); } net_event_win32_init(ne); } /* * Simulate *nix signals on Windows. * * Two modes: * (1) Console mode -- map keyboard function keys to signals * (2) Service mode -- map Windows event object to SIGTERM */ static void win_trigger_event(struct win32_signal *ws) { if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_SERVICE && HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read)) { SetEvent(ws->in.read); } else /* generate a key-press event */ { DWORD tmp; INPUT_RECORD ir; HANDLE stdin_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); CLEAR(ir); ir.EventType = KEY_EVENT; ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = true; if (!stdin_handle || !WriteConsoleInput(stdin_handle, &ir, 1, &tmp)) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "WARN: win_trigger_event: WriteConsoleInput"); } } } /* * Callback to handle console ctrl events */ static bool WINAPI win_ctrl_handler(DWORD signum) { msg(D_LOW, "win_ctrl_handler: signal received (code=%lu)", (unsigned long) signum); if (siginfo_static.signal_received == SIGTERM) { return true; } switch (signum) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: throw_signal(SIGTERM); /* trigget the win32_signal to interrupt the event loop */ win_trigger_event(&win32_signal); return true; break; default: msg(D_LOW, "win_ctrl_handler: signal (code=%lu) not handled", (unsigned long) signum); break; } /* pass all other signals to the next handler */ return false; } void win32_signal_clear(struct win32_signal *ws) { CLEAR(*ws); } void win32_signal_open(struct win32_signal *ws, int force, const char *exit_event_name, bool exit_event_initial_state) { CLEAR(*ws); ws->mode = WSO_MODE_UNDEF; ws->in.read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ws->in.write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ws->console_mode_save = 0; ws->console_mode_save_defined = false; if (force == WSO_NOFORCE || force == WSO_FORCE_CONSOLE) { /* * Try to open console. */ ws->in.read = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (ws->in.read != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetConsoleMode(ws->in.read, &ws->console_mode_save)) { /* running on a console */ const DWORD new_console_mode = ws->console_mode_save & ~(ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT | ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT); if (new_console_mode != ws->console_mode_save) { if (!SetConsoleMode(ws->in.read, new_console_mode)) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: win32_signal_open: SetConsoleMode failed"); } ws->console_mode_save_defined = true; } ws->mode = WSO_MODE_CONSOLE; } else { ws->in.read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* probably running as a service */ } } } /* * If console open failed, assume we are running * as a service. */ if ((force == WSO_NOFORCE || force == WSO_FORCE_SERVICE) && !HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read) && exit_event_name) { struct security_attributes sa; if (!init_security_attributes_allow_all(&sa)) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: win32_signal_open: init SA failed"); } ws->in.read = CreateEvent(&sa.sa, TRUE, exit_event_initial_state ? TRUE : FALSE, exit_event_name); if (ws->in.read == NULL) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "NOTE: CreateEvent '%s' failed", exit_event_name); } else { if (WaitForSingleObject(ws->in.read, 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { msg(M_FATAL, "ERROR: Exit Event ('%s') is signaled", exit_event_name); } else { ws->mode = WSO_MODE_SERVICE; } } } /* set the ctrl handler in both console and service modes */ if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) win_ctrl_handler, true)) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "WARN: SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed"); } } static bool keyboard_input_available(struct win32_signal *ws) { ASSERT(ws->mode == WSO_MODE_CONSOLE); if (HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read)) { DWORD n; if (GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(ws->in.read, &n)) { return n > 0; } } return false; } static unsigned int keyboard_ir_to_key(INPUT_RECORD *ir) { if (ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0) { return ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode; } if ((ir->Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)) && (ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode != 18)) { return ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode * 256; } return ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; } static unsigned int win32_keyboard_get(struct win32_signal *ws) { ASSERT(ws->mode == WSO_MODE_CONSOLE); if (HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read)) { INPUT_RECORD ir; do { DWORD n; if (!keyboard_input_available(ws)) { return 0; } if (!ReadConsoleInput(ws->in.read, &ir, 1, &n)) { return 0; } } while (ir.EventType != KEY_EVENT || ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown != TRUE); return keyboard_ir_to_key(&ir); } else { return 0; } } void win32_signal_close(struct win32_signal *ws) { if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_SERVICE && HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read)) { CloseHandle(ws->in.read); } if (ws->console_mode_save_defined) { if (!SetConsoleMode(ws->in.read, ws->console_mode_save)) { msg(M_ERR, "Error: win32_signal_close: SetConsoleMode failed"); } } CLEAR(*ws); } /* * Return true if interrupt occurs in service mode. */ bool win32_service_interrupt(struct win32_signal *ws) { if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_SERVICE) { if (HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read) && WaitForSingleObject(ws->in.read, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return true; } } return false; } int win32_signal_get(struct win32_signal *ws) { int ret = 0; if (siginfo_static.signal_received) { ret = siginfo_static.signal_received; } else { if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_SERVICE) { if (win32_service_interrupt(ws)) { ret = SIGTERM; } } else if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_CONSOLE) { switch (win32_keyboard_get(ws)) { case 0x3B: /* F1 -> USR1 */ ret = SIGUSR1; break; case 0x3C: /* F2 -> USR2 */ ret = SIGUSR2; break; case 0x3D: /* F3 -> HUP */ ret = SIGHUP; break; case 0x3E: /* F4 -> TERM */ ret = SIGTERM; break; case 0x03: /* CTRL-C -> TERM */ ret = SIGTERM; break; } } if (ret) { siginfo_static.signal_received = ret; siginfo_static.source = SIG_SOURCE_HARD; } } return ret; } void win32_pause(struct win32_signal *ws) { if (ws->mode == WSO_MODE_CONSOLE && HANDLE_DEFINED(ws->in.read)) { int status; msg(M_INFO|M_NOPREFIX, "Press any key to continue..."); do { status = WaitForSingleObject(ws->in.read, INFINITE); } while (!win32_keyboard_get(ws)); } } /* window functions */ void window_title_clear(struct window_title *wt) { CLEAR(*wt); } void window_title_save(struct window_title *wt) { if (!wt->saved) { if (!GetConsoleTitle(wt->old_window_title, sizeof(wt->old_window_title))) { wt->old_window_title[0] = 0; wt->saved = false; } else { wt->saved = true; } } } void window_title_restore(const struct window_title *wt) { if (wt->saved) { SetConsoleTitle(wt->old_window_title); } } void window_title_generate(const char *title) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc(256, &gc); if (!title) { title = ""; } buf_printf(&out, "[%s] " PACKAGE_NAME " " PACKAGE_VERSION " F4:EXIT F1:USR1 F2:USR2 F3:HUP", title); SetConsoleTitle(BSTR(&out)); gc_free(&gc); } /* semaphore functions */ void semaphore_clear(struct semaphore *s) { CLEAR(*s); } void semaphore_open(struct semaphore *s, const char *name) { struct security_attributes sa; s->locked = false; s->name = name; s->hand = NULL; if (init_security_attributes_allow_all(&sa)) { s->hand = CreateSemaphore(&sa.sa, 1, 1, name); } if (s->hand == NULL) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "WARNING: Cannot create Win32 semaphore '%s'", name); } else { dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE, "Created Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); } } bool semaphore_lock(struct semaphore *s, int timeout_milliseconds) { bool ret = true; if (s->hand) { DWORD status; ASSERT(!s->locked); dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE_LOW, "Attempting to lock Win32 semaphore '%s' prior to net shell command (timeout = %d sec)", s->name, timeout_milliseconds / 1000); status = WaitForSingleObject(s->hand, timeout_milliseconds); if (status == WAIT_FAILED) { msg(M_ERR, "Wait failed on Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); } ret = (status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) ? false : true; if (ret) { dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE, "Locked Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); s->locked = true; } else { dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE, "Wait on Win32 semaphore '%s' timed out after %d milliseconds", s->name, timeout_milliseconds); } } return ret; } void semaphore_release(struct semaphore *s) { if (s->hand) { ASSERT(s->locked); dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE, "Releasing Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); if (!ReleaseSemaphore(s->hand, 1, NULL)) { msg(M_WARN | M_ERRNO, "ReleaseSemaphore failed on Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); } s->locked = false; } } void semaphore_close(struct semaphore *s) { if (s->hand) { if (s->locked) { semaphore_release(s); } dmsg(D_SEMAPHORE, "Closing Win32 semaphore '%s'", s->name); CloseHandle(s->hand); s->hand = NULL; } } /* * Special global semaphore used to protect network * shell commands from simultaneous instantiation. */ void netcmd_semaphore_init(void) { semaphore_open(&netcmd_semaphore, PACKAGE "_netcmd"); } void netcmd_semaphore_close(void) { semaphore_close(&netcmd_semaphore); } void netcmd_semaphore_lock(void) { const int timeout_seconds = 600; if (!netcmd_semaphore.hand) { netcmd_semaphore_init(); } if (!semaphore_lock(&netcmd_semaphore, timeout_seconds * 1000)) { msg(M_FATAL, "Cannot lock net command semaphore"); } } void netcmd_semaphore_release(void) { semaphore_release(&netcmd_semaphore); /* netcmd_semaphore has max count of 1 - safe to close after release */ semaphore_close(&netcmd_semaphore); } /* * Return true if filename is safe to be used on Windows, * by avoiding the following reserved names: * * CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, * LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9, and CLOCK$ * * See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247.aspx * and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/86k9f82k(VS.80).aspx */ static bool cmp_prefix(const char *str, const bool n, const char *pre) { size_t i = 0; if (!str) { return false; } while (true) { const int c1 = pre[i]; int c2 = str[i]; ++i; if (c1 == '\0') { if (n) { if (isdigit(c2)) { c2 = str[i]; } else { return false; } } return c2 == '\0' || c2 == '.'; } else if (c2 == '\0') { return false; } if (c1 != tolower(c2)) { return false; } } } bool win_safe_filename(const char *fn) { if (cmp_prefix(fn, false, "con")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, false, "prn")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, false, "aux")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, false, "nul")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, true, "com")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, true, "lpt")) { return false; } if (cmp_prefix(fn, false, "clock$")) { return false; } return true; } /* * Service functions for openvpn_execve */ static char * env_block(const struct env_set *es) { char force_path[256]; char *sysroot = get_win_sys_path(); if (!openvpn_snprintf(force_path, sizeof(force_path), "PATH=%s\\System32;%s;%s\\System32\\Wbem", sysroot, sysroot, sysroot)) { msg(M_WARN, "env_block: default path truncated to %s", force_path); } if (es) { struct env_item *e; char *ret; char *p; size_t nchars = 1; bool path_seen = false; for (e = es->list; e != NULL; e = e->next) { nchars += strlen(e->string) + 1; } nchars += strlen(force_path)+1; ret = (char *) malloc(nchars); check_malloc_return(ret); p = ret; for (e = es->list; e != NULL; e = e->next) { if (env_allowed(e->string)) { strcpy(p, e->string); p += strlen(e->string) + 1; } if (strncmp(e->string, "PATH=", 5 ) == 0) { path_seen = true; } } /* make sure PATH is set */ if (!path_seen) { msg( M_INFO, "env_block: add %s", force_path ); strcpy( p, force_path ); p += strlen(force_path) + 1; } *p = '\0'; return ret; } else { return NULL; } } static WCHAR * wide_cmd_line(const struct argv *a, struct gc_arena *gc) { size_t nchars = 1; size_t maxlen = 0; size_t i; struct buffer buf; char *work = NULL; if (!a) { return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < a->argc; ++i) { const char *arg = a->argv[i]; const size_t len = strlen(arg); nchars += len + 3; if (len > maxlen) { maxlen = len; } } work = gc_malloc(maxlen + 1, false, gc); check_malloc_return(work); buf = alloc_buf_gc(nchars, gc); for (i = 0; i < a->argc; ++i) { const char *arg = a->argv[i]; strcpy(work, arg); string_mod(work, CC_PRINT, CC_DOUBLE_QUOTE|CC_CRLF, '_'); if (i) { buf_printf(&buf, " "); } if (string_class(work, CC_ANY, CC_SPACE)) { buf_printf(&buf, "%s", work); } else { buf_printf(&buf, "\"%s\"", work); } } return wide_string(BSTR(&buf), gc); } /* * Attempt to simulate fork/execve on Windows */ int openvpn_execve(const struct argv *a, const struct env_set *es, const unsigned int flags) { int ret = -1; static bool exec_warn = false; if (a && a->argv[0]) { if (openvpn_execve_allowed(flags)) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); STARTUPINFOW start_info; PROCESS_INFORMATION proc_info; char *env = env_block(es); WCHAR *cl = wide_cmd_line(a, &gc); WCHAR *cmd = wide_string(a->argv[0], &gc); /* this allows console programs to run, and is ignored otherwise */ DWORD proc_flags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW; CLEAR(start_info); CLEAR(proc_info); /* fill in STARTUPINFO struct */ GetStartupInfoW(&start_info); start_info.cb = sizeof(start_info); start_info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; start_info.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; if (CreateProcessW(cmd, cl, NULL, NULL, FALSE, proc_flags, env, NULL, &start_info, &proc_info)) { DWORD exit_status = 0; CloseHandle(proc_info.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(proc_info.hProcess, INFINITE); if (GetExitCodeProcess(proc_info.hProcess, &exit_status)) { ret = (int)exit_status; } else { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "openvpn_execve: GetExitCodeProcess %S failed", cmd); } CloseHandle(proc_info.hProcess); } else { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "openvpn_execve: CreateProcess %S failed", cmd); } free(env); gc_free(&gc); } else if (!exec_warn && (script_security() < SSEC_SCRIPTS)) { msg(M_WARN, SCRIPT_SECURITY_WARNING); exec_warn = true; } } else { msg(M_WARN, "openvpn_execve: called with empty argv"); } return ret; } WCHAR * wide_string(const char *utf8, struct gc_arena *gc) { int n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0); WCHAR *ucs16 = gc_malloc(n * sizeof(WCHAR), false, gc); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, ucs16, n); return ucs16; } /* * call ourself in another process */ void fork_to_self(const char *cmdline) { STARTUPINFO start_info; PROCESS_INFORMATION proc_info; char self_exe[256]; char *cl = string_alloc(cmdline, NULL); DWORD status; CLEAR(start_info); CLEAR(proc_info); CLEAR(self_exe); status = GetModuleFileName(NULL, self_exe, sizeof(self_exe)); if (status == 0 || status == sizeof(self_exe)) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "fork_to_self: CreateProcess failed: cannot get module name via GetModuleFileName"); goto done; } /* fill in STARTUPINFO struct */ GetStartupInfo(&start_info); start_info.cb = sizeof(start_info); start_info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; start_info.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; if (CreateProcess(self_exe, cl, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &start_info, &proc_info)) { CloseHandle(proc_info.hThread); CloseHandle(proc_info.hProcess); } else { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "fork_to_self: CreateProcess failed: %s", cmdline); } done: free(cl); } char * get_win_sys_path(void) { ASSERT(win_sys_path); return win_sys_path; } void set_win_sys_path(const char *newpath, struct env_set *es) { free(win_sys_path); win_sys_path = string_alloc(newpath, NULL); setenv_str(es, SYS_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME, win_sys_path); /* route.exe needs this */ } void set_win_sys_path_via_env(struct env_set *es) { char buf[256]; DWORD status = GetEnvironmentVariable(SYS_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!status) { msg(M_ERR, "Cannot find environmental variable %s", SYS_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME); } if (status > sizeof(buf) - 1) { msg(M_FATAL, "String overflow attempting to read environmental variable %s", SYS_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME); } set_win_sys_path(buf, es); } const char * win_get_tempdir(void) { static char tmpdir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wtmpdir[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetTempPathW(_countof(wtmpdir), wtmpdir)) { /* Warn if we can't find a valid temporary directory, which should * be unlikely. */ msg(M_WARN, "Could not find a suitable temporary directory." " (GetTempPath() failed). Consider using --tmp-dir"); return NULL; } if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wtmpdir, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) > sizeof(tmpdir)) { msg(M_WARN, "Could not get temporary directory. Path is too long." " Consider using --tmp-dir"); return NULL; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wtmpdir, -1, tmpdir, sizeof(tmpdir), NULL, NULL); return tmpdir; } static bool win_block_dns_service(bool add, int index, const HANDLE pipe) { DWORD len; bool ret = false; ack_message_t ack; struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); block_dns_message_t data = { .header = { (add ? msg_add_block_dns : msg_del_block_dns), sizeof(block_dns_message_t), 0 }, .iface = { .index = index, .name = "" } }; if (!WriteFile(pipe, &data, sizeof(data), &len, NULL) || !ReadFile(pipe, &ack, sizeof(ack), &len, NULL)) { msg(M_WARN, "Block_DNS: could not talk to service: %s [%lu]", strerror_win32(GetLastError(), &gc), GetLastError()); goto out; } if (ack.error_number != NO_ERROR) { msg(M_WARN, "Block_DNS: %s block dns filters using service failed: %s [status=0x%x if_index=%d]", (add ? "adding" : "deleting"), strerror_win32(ack.error_number, &gc), ack.error_number, data.iface.index); goto out; } ret = true; msg(M_INFO, "%s outside dns using service succeeded.", (add ? "Blocking" : "Unblocking")); out: gc_free(&gc); return ret; } static void block_dns_msg_handler(DWORD err, const char *msg) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new(); if (err == 0) { msg(M_INFO, "%s", msg); } else { msg(M_WARN, "Error in add_block_dns_filters(): %s : %s [status=0x%lx]", msg, strerror_win32(err, &gc), err); } gc_free(&gc); } bool win_wfp_block_dns(const NET_IFINDEX index, const HANDLE msg_channel) { WCHAR openvpnpath[MAX_PATH]; bool ret = false; DWORD status; if (msg_channel) { dmsg(D_LOW, "Using service to add block dns filters"); ret = win_block_dns_service(true, index, msg_channel); goto out; } status = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, openvpnpath, _countof(openvpnpath)); if (status == 0 || status == _countof(openvpnpath)) { msg(M_WARN|M_ERRNO, "block_dns: cannot get executable path"); goto out; } status = add_block_dns_filters(&m_hEngineHandle, index, openvpnpath, block_dns_msg_handler); if (status == 0) { int is_auto = 0; tap_metric_v4 = get_interface_metric(index, AF_INET, &is_auto); if (is_auto) { tap_metric_v4 = 0; } tap_metric_v6 = get_interface_metric(index, AF_INET6, &is_auto); if (is_auto) { tap_metric_v6 = 0; } status = set_interface_metric(index, AF_INET, BLOCK_DNS_IFACE_METRIC); if (!status) { set_interface_metric(index, AF_INET6, BLOCK_DNS_IFACE_METRIC); } } ret = (status == 0); out: return ret; } bool win_wfp_uninit(const NET_IFINDEX index, const HANDLE msg_channel) { dmsg(D_LOW, "Uninitializing WFP"); if (msg_channel) { msg(D_LOW, "Using service to delete block dns filters"); win_block_dns_service(false, index, msg_channel); } else { delete_block_dns_filters(m_hEngineHandle); m_hEngineHandle = NULL; if (tap_metric_v4 >= 0) { set_interface_metric(index, AF_INET, tap_metric_v4); } if (tap_metric_v6 >= 0) { set_interface_metric(index, AF_INET6, tap_metric_v6); } } return true; } int win32_version_info(void) { if (!IsWindowsXPOrGreater()) { msg(M_FATAL, "Error: Windows version must be XP or greater."); } if (!IsWindowsVistaOrGreater()) { return WIN_XP; } if (!IsWindows7OrGreater()) { return WIN_VISTA; } if (!IsWindows8OrGreater()) { return WIN_7; } else { return WIN_8; } } bool win32_is_64bit(void) { #if defined(_WIN64) return true; /* 64-bit programs run only on Win64 */ #elif defined(_WIN32) /* 32-bit programs run on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows */ BOOL f64 = FALSE; return IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &f64) && f64; #else /* if defined(_WIN64) */ return false; /* Win64 does not support Win16 */ #endif } const char * win32_version_string(struct gc_arena *gc, bool add_name) { int version = win32_version_info(); struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc(256, gc); switch (version) { case WIN_XP: buf_printf(&out, "5.1%s", add_name ? " (Windows XP)" : ""); break; case WIN_VISTA: buf_printf(&out, "6.0%s", add_name ? " (Windows Vista)" : ""); break; case WIN_7: buf_printf(&out, "6.1%s", add_name ? " (Windows 7)" : ""); break; case WIN_8: buf_printf(&out, "6.2%s", add_name ? " (Windows 8 or greater)" : ""); break; default: msg(M_NONFATAL, "Unknown Windows version: %d", version); buf_printf(&out, "0.0%s", add_name ? " (unknown)" : ""); break; } buf_printf(&out, win32_is_64bit() ? " 64bit" : " 32bit"); return (const char *)out.data; } #endif /* ifdef _WIN32 */