Showcase how to build and install on debian =========================================== Guide how to build on a debian based system. ## Get Source Change into an EMPTY directory and do: ```sh git clone --depth=256 ./. ``` ## Choose a debian 9 system. Take the debian system you want to use to build. A nice way to achieve this is via docker (TIPP: take an older image for better ABI portability): In the command below, make sure WORK points to the dir where you cloned the project to. ```sh true \ && WORK="$PWD" \ && IMG=debian:oldstable-20230208-slim \ && CNTR=DeflateAndInflate-DebianBuild \ && docker pull "${IMG:?}" \ && docker create --name "${CNTR:?}" -v "${WORK:?}:/work" -w /work "${IMG:?}" sh -c "while true;do sleep 1||break;done" \ && docker start "${CNTR:?}" \ && true ``` ## Setup build environment ```sh docker exec -ti -u0:0 "${CNTR:?}" sh -c 'true\ && apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ curl gcc git make libc-dev ca-certificates tar zlib1g-dev \ && true' ``` ## configure & make ```sh docker exec -ti -u$(id -u):$(id -g) "${CNTR:?}" sh -c 'true\ && ./configure \ && make -e clean \ && make -e \ && true' ``` A ready-to-distribute tarball is now ready in `./dist/`. If you'd like to install it somewhere else, all you need is this tarball. If you want to install on same system where you did build you can continue with the *install* step below. ## install BTW: This does nothing else than unpacking the built tar into configured directories. ```sh make -e install ```